Once upon a time, it seemed that heavy metal was a genre all its own. When you spoke of metal, you were speaking of one similar type of music. That was before punk and hardcore. With the advent of these two musical forms, the whole thing got twisted.

June 4, 1987

The CREEM Archive presents the magazine as originally created. Digital text has been scanned from its original print format and may contain formatting quirks and inconsistencies.


Once upon a time, it seemed that heavy metal was a genre all its own. When you spoke of metal, you were speaking of one similar type of music. That was before punk and hardcore. With the advent of these two musical forms, the whole thing got twisted. And when they decided to merge with metal—creating that mutant offspring called thrash—well, it was mighty hard to ever speak of metal the same again.

So within the current ranks of heavy metal, you have a bunch of different subgroups—and it often seems that no one can get together. Oh, there are those heavy metal heads who like all types— but there’s also a lot of arguments over what really constitutes TRUE metal today. Some of these debates have taken place right in the very pages of METAL’s “Letters” section... I


Poseurs will die! Long live thrash! Motley Crue suck and Vince Neil is gay. Jon Bon Jovi is a stuck-up son-of-a-bitch that gets a hard-on from looking at himself in the mirror. At least Danny Spitz from Anthrax doesn’t stuff socks down his drawers (Stephen)! If it ain’t real, it ain’t there. Slayer rule the world. Poseurs must “Die By The Sword.*’ As for the the real men, look at Tom Araya, Kerry King, Jeff Hannemen and Dave “Babe” Lombardo. Do you see them wearing their girlfriends’ lingerie or singing about the sluts in their dressing rooms? No way! Any of you p— whipped little poseurs want to know who the real metal men are? Check out Slayer, Possessed, Overkill, Manowar, Anthrax, Metallica, Megadeth, S.O.D., Celtic Frost, King Diamond and Flotsam & Jetsam. Now those guys have it where nature intended it to be (and it’s real). The sexiest guys are: Danny “Legs” Spitz, Frankie Bello, Dave Lombardo, Mike “Oo-baby” Sus, Kirk Hammett, Tommy Araya and last but definitely not least, Bobby “Blitz” Ellsworth. No, not Jon “Stuck-up” Bon Jovi or not even Stephen “Socks-Crotch” Pearcy. Thrash is where the real men are and don’t you forget it.

Thrashing Rage

Brooklyn, NY

P.S. I don’t expect this mag to have enough guts to print this, but at least the editors will hear me. F.O.A.D. to all poseurs.



bands like Metallica, but have never taken the time to listen to how great they really are. I know it has been said before, but it’s about time someone really listened. I love Metallica; they must be the best metal band around right now. Bands like Megadeth, Anthrax, etc. are right up there, too. There’s one band that should get more recognition, that’s for sure, and they are Killer Dwarfs. I saw them playing in a bar one night and I was so impressed I went back the next night (their last night) and ended up in their hotel room partying with them. They are great. They should be one of the bands in your magazine. There are great bands coming out of Winnipeg like Nuthin’ Pritty and Labyrinth. You should get to bands like that. Come on, give those underground metal bands a chance—that’s where Metallica comes from! Thanks for listening!

Keep up the great metal news and pictures!

Irene Keszler

Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada


After I read an article on so-called “black metal” bands, I was compelled to write this. First off “false metal” is bands like Bon Jovi and Cinderella who hog up radio/MTV airplay (which appeal to the preps of America). “Hard rock” is Queensryche, Black ’n’ Blue and bands like that who classify as metal, but aren’t quite as hard. “Middle metal” is bands like Kiss, Scorpions and Rising Force, who are not so hard nor so soft. “Hard metal” is AC/DC, Maiden and Dio who play at high volume and high speed. Finally, “black metal” is bands like Venom, Slayer and Exodus who worship

the devil and write about the devil. My point is that Metallica, Anthrax, Motorhead and Megadeth are not “black metal.” Get your metal straight!

Samjay Lai

Columbus, GA


Back in your April issue of '87, Thrasher of Brentwood, MD wrote to you about how he likes to see devilworshipping bands in your mag. Here’s our opinion of him. First, he is a phycg. He thinks he’s a speed metal head, but really is a f—in’ lowlife devil worshipper. These old, out-dated bands that he insults are coming back strong. At least they have one good album after another, not like Slayer and your Megadeth who have one good album and then die out. Those old groups are in there because they have good albums. They might be new blood in the rag, but let’s face it, their albums are better than your groups’. I’m so sorry “Dick,” but Metallica is the best heavy metal hardcore band around. Megadeth can’t play half as good as Metallica can. We’re from the East Coast too, and we like to bang our heads ’til they bounce off the floor, but not to groups like Slayer, Exodus and Megadeth. Corrosion Of Conformity, Slayer and Exodus don't smile for the camera because they don’t have anything to smile about. Their music sucks.

Dark Deception (band)

Haverhill, MA

P.S. Hey Thrasher—you would try to f— guys who would like girls because you can’t get any real girls. You’re a fag.


Where did metal go in the last few years? I’ll tell you all: UNDERGROUND. Slayer, Anthrax, Celtic Frost, etc. The line goes on and on. Luckily, in Rochester we got a metal show on WGMC Friday and Saturday nights. But if it weren’t for this God-almighty station, I wouldn’t have the foggiest on what’s out there. Why don’t they get the real publicity like other commercial bands get? This pisses me off! Underground (black death trash speed) metal has so much talent that finally it can’t be denied that this is where it’s at. And to all those poseur bands such as— hell, you all know them. Oh yeah, please take it easy on the Ratt, Bon Jovi, Iron Maiden, Ozzy, etc. articles. They’ve got enough. Spread the wealth to the underground.

Mike Anthony

Rochester, NY