MOTELY CRUE A Threat... Or Rockin' Mofos?

Next to the surge of letters sent to METAL protesting the anti-metal sentiments of Dick & David Waaktaar (see “Heavy Metal Will Never Die!” elsewhere in this issue), no issue has elicited more mail than a series of letters that appeared condemning both the music and the antics of Motley Crue.

June 4, 1987

The CREEM Archive presents the magazine as originally created. Digital text has been scanned from its original print format and may contain formatting quirks and inconsistencies.

MOTELY CRUE A Threat... Or Rockin' Mofos?

Next to the surge of letters sent to METAL protesting the anti-metal sentiments of Dick & David Waaktaar (see “Heavy Metal Will Never Die!” elsewhere in this issue), no issue has elicited more mail than a series of letters that appeared condemning both the music and the antics of Motley Crue.

Most metal fans cannot deal with those gods of super metalocity being put down, and—-though the letters dealt with different subjects (Sharon Blass felt her young son was being morally destroyed by the Crue; Kyle Compton felt that Vince Neil is guilty of “murdering’’ Razzle from Hanoi Rocks)—the ire was raised throughout the mighty kingdom o’ metaldom! And when someone dared to sign a letter “Death To The Crue’’. . . well, Katie, bar the door!!

if this section proves anything, it proves that when it comes to Vince, Nikki, Mick and Tommy, these guys may rule the rockin’ world of metal!


For the absolute last time, these are the bands which truly rule: Iron Maiden, Metallica, Manowar, Motorhead, Yngwie Malmsteen's Rising Force, Loudness, W.A.S.P., Dio, Accept, Raven, Lita Ford, Dokken, Malice, Kiss, Grim Reaper, Twisted Sister, Anthrax, Lizzy Borden, Armored Saint, Black Lace, Black Sabbath, Scorpions and Piledriver. You will at once notice, dear readers of METAL, that Motley Crue have been omitted, repeat, omitted, from this list of metal gods (plus a few goddesses as well). This is because they suck raw juice. There is not one thing you brown-nosers of the Crue can do or say to disprove this indisputable fact. They are poseurs, their music is of poor quality (especially “Smokin’ In The Boys’ Room”—lamest cover I’ve ever heard— and “Home Sweet Home,” the most diabetes-inducing tune since “You Light Up My Life”), they wear faggish clothes, and, frankly, they are not at all studly, girls, which is the only excuse you would have had for liking them anyway. AC/DC is far superior to Das Crue, and I don’t even like AC/DC! Miss Kim Boucher, you asked this question, and I quote: “If their music sucks so bad, why do they have number one singles?!” They’re trying to get played on radio, slut, which is a medium most metallists will not lower themselves to do. It’s called selling out, bitch! Look at Metallica and Iron Maiden: they don’t need freaky clothes or radio airplay, yet Maiden have sold millions of LPs and Metallica’s Master Of Puppets LP has cracked the Top 20, simply because they are blessed with the gift of metal, not like your beloved Crue, who are blessed with the gift of Blatant Commercialism (are these words too long for you?)!! And Tonya Stevens, who said, and I quote, that Motley Crue are “what heavy metal is all about”—learn to grow up. Please reread the preceding sentences, use a dictionary if you have to, then pick up a Maiden or Metallica album and find out where you went wrong, you poor deprived bimbo! There are a precious few musicians more skilled than Maiden and Metallica, and they can kick aall over Snotley Scrue any day of the week and twice on Sunday. In a year or two, Metallica could be numero uno in the world, and all this Crue nonsense will blow over, and Vince, Nikki, Mick and Tommy will be left twisting in the dust. I hope I have driven my point home and I hope you Tonya Stevens, Kim Boucher, Angel and Anonymous (from Oakland), Sluts O’ The World, will rot and fester in the deepest bowels of hell for your heinous sin against the sacred institution of metal. The gods have spoken.

“Death To The Crue”

Canton, OH


Being one of the more liberal-minded rock magazines around—who don’t go by the five-lines-or-less letters column format favored by other magazines—I hope you will consider printing this.

As you will see by looking at any rock magazine on your newsstand, Motley Crue has a monopoly on every front page and worthless readers poll in the country. How they conned the world into regarding them as superstars is beyond me. The truth is they are talentless, trendfollowing poseurs (plus one murderer).

Motley Crue’s music is so simplistic that any amateur garage band could master it in two hours max. Those who think Nikki Sixx is the best bass player obviously only listen to lyrics. If you bothered to sit down and listen to the bass lines you would discover that Nikki can't play his way out of a wet paper bag. If you want the best bass player around, I suggest you check out Billy Sheehan’s bass solo on Talas’ Live Speed On Ice LP. The speed and complexity would disintegrate Nikki Sixx and most of his fans.

I used to laugh when people said Mick Mars was the best guitarist. If it weren’t for Eddie Ojeda, Mick would be the worst guitarist in professional music. No lie. I think people who send in responses to readers polls must pick up their copies of Theatre Of Pain and write every name they see on their poll questionnaires. (Tom Werman: Best Producer? Give it up.) Now, off the top of my head, I can name an easy five guitarists in whose presence Mick Mars would wither and die. In fact, I will. Yngwie Malmsteen— the divine master of all guitarists. The late, very great Randy Rhoads. James Hetfield—the best thrash metal artist. Vinnie Vincent—laugh now, but check out his new Invasion LP and then try laughing. Gary Moore—underrated and ugly, but still better than Mick, who is very overrated and very ugly.

As for Tommy Lee, I have no complaints. He can hold his own as a drummer (although I still don’t consider him the world’s greatest) and he is the only one in the band with any class.

Before I go on to criticize Vince Neil, I’d like to point out that—aside from I Ratt—Motley Crue’s lyrics are the worst I and most meaningless around. The words “Merry-go-round-and-round” repeated 40 or 50 times just doesn’t do much for me.

Now, as for Vince Neil, the fact that he can’t sing is only the tip of the iceberg. He made his big mistake when he killed Razzle, the drummer for Hanoi Rocks. If I could, I would destroy Vince for this one. He took Razzle’s life and, for it, he lost a few million and spent 20 days in jail.

I’m sure this letter won’t change any opinions for Motley Crue’s fans, but that doesn’t change the truth—that Motley Crue sucks. The facts just needed to be put in order. In closing, I’d just like to say that I hope Razzle will always live on in the memory of some of the few Hanoi Rocks fans left. To the other members of Hanoi Rocks—God bless you.

Kyle Compton

Richmond, VA


I am 37 years old. I have a 13-year-old son, Jeff, who has to do everything Motley Crue does. I am very disgusted with it. They have a terrible influence over Jeff. Jeff comes home at 4:00 a.m., drunk as can be. I ask him why he does this, he yells back and says, ‘‘because Motley Crue get drunk and laid at three in the morning.” He wants to quit school because Motley Crue never finished school. I was also called down to Jeff’s school because a teacher flunked him and he told him “Kiss my a-and go to hell. One of these days I’m going to be playing in a heavy metal band, playing my drums just like Tommy Lee. I don’t need school.” I don’t like what Motley Crue has turned my son into. Jeff has been caught in sexual acts by his father. He says “If Nikki Sixx can have sex, why can’t I?” because Jeff is a 13-year-old boy and Nikki Sixx is a 27-year-old man. [Heee— Ed.) I’m not asking Motley Crue or any other heavy metal band to stop making records (even though I hate it), just that Motley Crue stop telling kids that rebelling against everyone, sex, drugs and getting drunk is cool for a 13-year-old, because it isn’t.

Sharon Blass

Riverdale, CA


To Death To The Crue: OK hon, now, I have a point to drive home. Do you actually think anyone gives a s— about your childish opinions concerning the Crue? Could you be more petty? So what if people enjoy their music. Does that justify you calling them, and I quote, “Sluts O’ The World”? Oh, and that charming comment “Snotly Scrue!” Well, that’s just too mature. I quit doing that with names, oh, around second grade, along with everyone else I know. And, that sentence about blatant commercialism—no, no, don’t impress me. I think you're the one who used a dictionary. Oh, and then there’s that classic bit about “festering in the deepest bowels of hell for their heinous sin against the sacred institution of metal.” Oh please! That’s too cliche. Maybe you’re the one who needs to “learn to grow up.” By the way, just how do you learn to grow up? Are they offering a course at your local college or something? I think you really need to understand something here. In case you didn’t notice, there are many different people on this earth with many different tastes. Therefore we have different music to cater to these people.

Just because you don’t like one group or another doesn’t give you the right to say it’s so wrong. Motley Crue have made it big. If they feel that they are gonna try to get their music played on the radio, and make money doing it, then who died and told you to go on a personal crusade to stop them? Hey, what a novel idea. Oh yeah, one more thing, when was the last time someone contracted diabetes from listening to a song? That was a real interesting fact. God, are you an a—hole!!

Sarah Dunlop

Pittsburgh, PA

P.S. I have the guts to sign my real name unlike some people!!


Our letter is to Kyle Compton in the Feb. ’87 and “Death To The Crue” in the Mar. ’87 issue. Kyle, first of all the Crue didn’t f—in’ con themselves onto every front page of magazines. They are where they are now because they play akickin’ music and lots of girls want their a—. But does that matter if girls want them? It doesn’t make them any worse. Nikki Sixx can kick Billy Sheehan’s butt to hell. Motley’s lyrics are far better than any lyrics I’ve heard before. Who cares if they repeat “Merry-go-round-and-round” 50 or 40 times? If you listen to the background music it would melt your ears as well as Billy Sheehan’s rubbers.

As for Mick Mars, who gives a damn if he’s ugly, which he isn’t. It doesn’t matter if you are ugly—that doesn’t mean you can’t play akickin’ music. Why don’t you pick up a Crue album and listen, or are your ears too strained from trying to listen to s—? Kyle, if you tried to kill Vince Neil, for one thing he’d beat the s~ out of you and another thing, you probably don’t even know or care where he is so just stick to your own f—in’ music and don’t criticize other musicians just because you don’t like them.

And what’s wrong with Ratt’s lyrics? They write about sex, any problem? Ratt kicks aalong with the Crue! You are right, your letter wouldn’t change anyone’s opinions about the Crue because it’s bulls—! Thanks Kyle for your great advice about he Crue.” Nice name. Did you get that from your mother? I really liked your list of “ruling” groups but you forgot that Motley Crue and Ratt are at the top of the list. Didn’t you know that? Well, I guess not, you motherf—er. The Crue can’t suck raw juice because what in the hell is raw juice? The Crue can’t be poseurs because they are #1 and can’t pose because that’s what they are forever. And as for “Smokin’ In The Boys’ Room,” that song kicks a-. I bet you have never skipped school to do anything except counting your rubbers, maybe. “Home Sweet Home” is a great song but you know that because you probably have the tape and you are jealous of all the girls who want them like maybe a person you like likes the Crue and you’re jealous? Could I be on the right track or do you just suck s— and you want to take it out on guys who kick your a-off! How do you know they’re trying to be played on the radio? How would you know, you probably don’t keep up with the Crue anyways! I don’t think the Crue albums cracked the Top 20! Oh, I forgot, how would you know? What’s the matter with their clothes? You described them as faggish clothes. Now look at a picture of Motley. Now you have four cool guys wearing tit topplin’ clothes, then look at a picture of Metallica, any resemblance to the fag in the mirror? Oh, you wish! Why don’t you put a pancake around your condom (which you don’t need), it might make you feel better about the ruling of Ratt and the Crue! If you guys or anyone have comments to make about the Crue, I’d love to hear it. If my letter bugs the hell out of you un-Crue fans, why don’t you write me. I like to read s—.

I just want to make it clear that the Crue probably have the most fans among killer groups. Ratt and Kiss like everyone who goes to J’s Bar and there are three Metallica fans there; Ygnacio High probably has more fans than anywhere; all the bars in San Francisco are filled with Crue fans, but where are the Metallica fans? Well they are stoned out of their minds in the gutters!

Oh yeah, the goddesses havespoken! Great line. Please print this letter. I really ant true Crue fans and the less civilized people to hear this. Remember Ratt, the Crue and Kiss rule! FOREVER! Metallica, nice try, but no cigar. By the way, I am only 13 and I’ve been feeding on metal since I was four and I love all metal but I don’t criticize other groups for what they are like, like other people writing to this magazine. And to Jeff Blass whose mother wrote to this magazine in March, ’87, I’m glad someone’s mother cares about them, but Jeff, you’re a cool guy! Keep it up!

Nikki Collins & Jennifer Ramsey

Pleasant Hill, CA


This is in response to Sharon Blass’s letter. I am 13 years old and have already, for the first time, mind you, gotten high, drunk and laid\ Yes, you read right, laid\ Why can’t you wake up? A kid has to get drunk, high and laid once or twice in their lives. Even if it is one night, like mine was! Your kid is right: Motley Crue is God. Along with Metallica, Slayer and others. I think Jeff and I would make a super couple. Except I am already going with a 17-year-old guy and we might be getting engaged! You ask Motley Crue to stop telling kids that rebelling against everyone and everything is cool? Well, stop. Because if you’re doing that you are asking them to stop writing and singing music. So SHUT YOUR F---IN’ MOUTH! BITCH! Oh, and Jeff, do all us metal lovers a favor, kill your mother.


Auburn, WA

P.S. I had my friend write this ’cause I’m so f—ing blitzed right now I can’t see straight!


Most of us metal heads love to cause trouble wherever we go, so Dick and David Waaktaar, take another look at us. Let me ask you a question. Who the HELL is A-ha, and etc...? Huh? I don’t have an IQ of zero either. My IQ is somewhere around 97.1 also used to be in a gifted kid’s program but they kicked me out because I got too rowdy and damn near killed a kid that called me a NERD. What do ya think of that! A slap in the balls, maybe? I love heavy metal and I ain’t worthless, a slime ball, gross, scum, and I don’t eat dinner with cows at a dinner table. One thing you all said metal lovers were was sleaze, and I can tell you one thing, I AM THAT. One more thing, I happen to love upside-down (burning or not) crosses!

Kiss My A--,


Auburn, WA


We need to say that we are totally obsessed with anger because of a letter from Sharon Blass who is from Riverdale, CA. First of all Sharon, you’re a mother! And we don’t feel you understand us teens at all) Second of all ‘‘Miss Protective,” you say the music is stupid, but we’re sure in your teenage days, your parents were saying the same thing about your favorites, such as the Beatles, the Bee Gees and the Beach Boys. So we feel you’re not being fair, and you’re only looking at your point of view.

Third of all, we feel your son must of had a problem long before the dumb kid started listening to metal! Especially if he’s dumb enough to get loaded and laid, and not come home 'til 4 in the morning at age 13!

Next, you blame your son’s stupidity on the music. You say that it has an effect on your son’s behavior. Well, our brothers are in clubs against drugs and they are both in S.A.D.D., and they listen to this music all the time! They’re both clean as a whistle! So we both believe you’re talking a bunch of bull!

So what it all boils down to, is that you’re very, and we mean very, incapable of handling your own son! If you can’t stop your own 13-year-old son from having sex and drinking, you’ve got more of a problem than your son! You just need someone else to blame, so you blame the metal! We think all and all that you aren’t all there, if you know what I mean! I guess we’ll go now, but think about it, and tell yourself if we aren’t speaking the truth!

Krys and Kym

Waynesville, MO

P.S. Try to understand the teen’s point of view, then you might be able to handle your son a little better.


I am sick and tired of hearing about how bad Motley Crue is. It is only their opinion. What about the people who like bands like Motley Crue? They have to read all this s-~ that people write. I don’t put down their bands just because I don’t like them. So if people don’t like them just ignore them, just like I do with the groups I don’t like. So keep your opinions to yourself and remember: "Opinions are like a-holes: Everyone has one.”

K. Jones

Hicksville, NY


I am 15 years old and I have something to say to Sharon Blass! I read your article in METAL about your 13-year-old son having to do everything Motley Crue has to do. I agree with what you’re saying because anybody that has to do everything a certain group they like has to do. And like some groups say it’s alright to go out and party and take drugs and have sex is the right thing to do. That group’s got a problem and I mean a serious problem. I think drinking, drugs and sex is absolute bulls—. I am not trying to say your son has a problem. Maybe he does but it’s not his fault. I used to go out and party and do drugs and come home about 3:00 or 5:00 in the morning all wasted. When I went to parties I drank all I could until I could hardly walk. I finally got tired of it. I don’t even want to touch another beer ever again. Motley Crue’s got things to think about when they say it’s right to get wasted. They’re wrong.

Well I thought I would express my opinion about your article.

Gabriel Lopez

McAllen, TX


We are writing in response to Kyle Compton’s letter (Feb. 1987) which put down Motley Crue. Please print this letter ’cause we want Kyle to read our opinions. He’d be better off to read Dick and Jane because he obviously isn’t intelligent enough to read something as AWESOME as METAL!

We want this to change this dick's mind and make him give some good music a chance. As our friend Kyle said, you see a Motley Crue monopoly on a lot of covers on magazines; that’s because they’re worth it. Then he called a reader’s poll worthless—he just said that you, the reader, had a worthless opinion.

Are you going to let a stupid bastard like this put down Motley Crue, when they sold more copies of records than pieces of toilet paper? Buddy Kyle used to wipe his fat a-, especially since a Neanderthal like this probably uses the back of his hand! Kyle suggested we check out Billy Sheehan’s bass playing. Why would we have to since Nikki Sixx is so damn good? So take our suggestions—and many others—to keep your half-a-ed suggestions and shove them sideways up your c— (sorry, I forgot you probably don’t have one)!

If you think your opinion is so important, why don’t you keep your f—in’ mouth shut, because you seem to think that the readers’ opinions don't matter. And Nikki Sixx is a great bass player and always will be. Who the hell cares what you think anyway, since you and your opinion is countless. I agree Mick is not the best guitarist, but he’s pretty damn good, and he beats the crap out of you since your brain is so f—in' small that you can only keep one group stored in your little masturbating mind. Tommy Lee is the best drummer and always will be ’til the day he dies! And Vince is sexier than anything you could dream up, fag boy! He’s also the best singer around besides being sexy.

Well, motherf—er, you were right when you said your letter wouldn’t change any opinions of Motley Crue’s fans and facts do need to be put in order. Razzle is only a memory, and not a very good one, so let heavy metal live on rock with Motley Crue, METAL, and the readers who aren’t deranged a-holes like Kyle.

Crucial Crue Women

From All Over America


This letter is to Sharon Blass whose 13-year-old son is obsessed with Motley Crue.

I’ve been listening to the Crue for fiveand-one-half years now, and I don’t act the way Jeff does. Obviously your son needs of lot of growing up to do! Sure, I go out and party, but I don't run my life by what Motley Crue say or do. Yeah, I’m older than your son, but I started listening to the Crue when I was nine. Motley Crue isn’t a way of life, but a bunch of guys doing what they do best. I don’t blame Motley Crue for my actions which is more than I can say for your son. Your son should get a life of his own and not follow in Nikki, Mick, Vince and Tommy’s footsteps. Their shoes are a lot bigger than his.

It’s obvious from your letter you know nothing about Motley Crue. Some of them did finish high school. I don’t know everything about Motley Crue, but I do know that they don’t tell 13-year-olds— or anyone for that matter—to rebel against everyone, have sex, or get stoned and drunk. Please print this letter. Ms. Blass needs itl!

Chrissy Rhoads

Watertown, MA


I’m replying to the Sharon Blass letter in the January '87 edition. Sharon, if you think Motley Crue is that bad for your son Jeff, force him to sit and watch MTV. Although I don’t think he’ll object. There is a commercial on there for R.A.D. (Rock Against Drugs). One of the commercials is done by Vince Neil from Motley Crue. I’m not saying it will help, but it might give him something to think about considering alcohol is a drug.

Now a word to Jeff! Hey! Sure, you like M.C. So do I! I’m not a virgin and I drink, too. These things I’ve done are not because of what my fave rock group did. Be yourselfll Don’t try to be someone you’re not! You’ll probably end up hurting yourself. Grow up your seif and not someone else!

Rikki Lee Edmonds

Los Angeles, CA



You’ve really made me mad! What is this? Open season on Motley Crue? The dumb son-of-a-bitch from Canton, OH in the March edition can eat s— and die for all I care. Hey, dick, if Motley Crue’s such a bunch of fags, why (oh, please tell me) do they get laid all the time? And another thing, if you write like you’re so big and tough why didn't you put your name down? No, the words aren’t too big for me.

Blackie “Maggot” Lawless; those pretty boys that make up Motley Crue would knock Venom’s dick in the dirt. Also while I’m pissed; Ozzy, Grim Reaper and Metallica have more right to be in METAL than any of the fags you love. (I do agree about Bon Jovi.)

Mrs. Sharon Blass from Riverdale, CA: I’m terribly sorry Motley Crue offends you. But what the hell do you want the readers of METAL to do about it? If you can’t control your own son, maybe you should find someone who can.

"Long Live Motley Crue"

Scott Lyon Garner, NC


I am sick of hearing how Motley Crue sucks because it doesn’t. Some dick wrote in and really put Motley Crue down. Along with that he called two girls sluts. He didn’t sign his name because he knew I would kick his aup and down the road. Hey, what is this about Motley Crue? If they did suck I would not like them (f— head). These bands truly rule: Motley Crue, Cinderella, Bon Jovi, Iron Maiden, AC/DC, David Lee Roth, Ozzy, Ratt, Van Halen and Dokken. And if you don’t think so, so f—ing what? I don’t give a f— what you think about any band except for Motley Crue.

Sam MacNeil Camas, WA P.S. Priest sucks!


This is in reply to Kyle Compton’s letter (February, 1987) which so cruelly called Vince Neil a murderer. Unfortunately, like so many others, Vince and Razzle Dingley took the risk of driving drunk or allowing a friend to do so. They both took their own lives, and the lives of others, in their hands. As a result, Razzle paid with his life. Two innocent people in another car were seriously injured. Vince, besides the jail sentence and money involved, must live with the guilt and sorrow of losing a friend who he never would have hurt deliberately.

Like many other people reading this, Vince made a serious mistake by driving drunk. He was unlucky because the results were tragic. I hope everyone reading this will learn from Vince’s experience, and then many other lives can be saved.

Kristen Thompson

Yonkers, NY


I am writing about the letter printed in the March ‘87 issue of METAL entitled "Future President Described By Mom.” I got very offended when I read that letter. I am a 15-year-old female and I idolize Motley Crue, but I don’t go around trying to be like them. Don’t you get it? They don’t want you to try and act like them. And they don’t tell kids "that rebelling against everyone, sex, drugs and getting drunk is cool.” Jeff, I hope that you are reading this. I think you’re giving Motley Crue a bad name. And where you get off doing all this s—, I don’t know, but it’s stupid! So for your sake, Motley Crue’s and us: real fans stop it!

Devoted Crue Fan

Montebello, CA


Attention: Sharon Blass. I don’t believe a damn word of your story. But, it was very creative. 1) No kid would do that because Motley Crue does it. 2) The people in Motley Crue did finish school. 3) No kid would ever say "kiss my aand go to hell” to a teacher. 4) Crue never said: If you’re 13 go out and have sex, do drugs and get drunk. 5) Crue rules and don’t forget it, so f— it, baby.


Palatine, IL


In response to "Death To The Crue”: Whoever wrote this must be a spaced out acid-riding moron!! But, they must have some sense of taste since they’ve listed such bands as Maiden, Metallica, Rising Force, Loudness, W.A.S.P., Dio, Lita Ford, Dokken, Kiss, Grim Reaper, Anthrax, Scorpions & Black Sabbath. But as far as saying that Motley Crue sucks raw juice, then that just must taste pretty damn good cuz people worldwide are licking it up!!! Crue has been named #1 metal act more times than I can remember! I won’t cut down any of the bands you mentioned (unlike yourself), but I would take great pleasure in ripping you to shreds!! What are you? Some kind of satanic rise of the dead zombie? Heil Kim Boucher, Tonya Stevens and Angel and Anonymous!!

If the Crue isn’t as studly as you claim, then why do millions of sex-worshipping girls try to rape them? Can’t answer that one, can you? Snotley Scrue? Real funny. Now let’s see what else your chauvinistic, pig-smelling, pea-sized, overmolded, slime-warped brain can exhume.

Crue nonsense? Selling out huge stadiums and going platinum is your idea of nonsense? I’d like to know what a success is to you. Wake up you dumb s— faced excuse for a headbangerl! As far as the sacred institution of metal goes, you don’t even know where to begin.

OK? The gods have spoken?? What are you trying to prove? Just what an a--hole you really are??

“Long Live Metal”

Catoosa, OK


To “Death To The Crue”: I am very well aware of the fact that you do not know what the hell you are talking about!!! How can you say that the Crue suck! You’ve got to have brain damage! I will give you some figures to prove you wrong and burn your a~!

1) In another magazine’s readers poll the Crue were voted best artist;

2) Best live act (or band);

3) Vince Neil best lead vocalist;

4) Tommy Lee best drummer;

5) Nikki Sixx best bassist and song writer;

6) Mick Mars best lead guitarist; and last, but not least, in the Hit Parader poll, Theater of Pain had 74,622 votes for number one album of ’86! (Did I prove my point?!) Maybe the Crue did tone down a bit, but it doesn’t mean they’re gay or as you say, “faggish.” You say Kiss and Black Sabbath rule, maybe the old stuff, but not the new stuff. Asylum and the Seventh Star (featuring Tony lommi), ha! Theatre Of Pain makes both of them sound like John Denver or Kenny Rogers!

I saw Sabbath live with W.A.S.P. and Blackie and the gang blew them off the stage! Oh, by the way, “Tears Are Falling,” now that’s faggish. “Home Sweet Home” blows it away! All in all, Motley Crue, Dio, Metallica, Anthrax and Overkill rule. So to the dude who wrote “Death To The Crue,” get it together.

J. Spano

Garden City, NY


How the hell many times does it have to be said? Motley Crue are a bunch of wimpy a--holes!! And for the last time Ratt, Kiss, Bon Jovi, Ozzy, Quiet Riot and Accept all SUCK!! Why can’t you get it through your thick skulls that bands like Slayer, Destruction, Iron Maiden, Pit, Venom, Exciter, Exodus, Anthrax, Stormtroopers Of Death, Metallica, Megadeth, Saxon, Vinnie Vincent, Celtic Frost, Bathory, Raven, Possessed, Black Sabbath, Piledriver and Armored Saint all kick a-!! POSEURS MUST DIE!!

I think your mag is great but you need more Slayer and Raven articles and posters.

Cliff Burton was the best bassist to ever walk the face of this earth. He’ll never be forgotten. To Cliff: We all love you. R.I.P.—Metallica Fans A True Metal Fan Dawn Dalby Edison, NJ

P.S. David and Dick Waaktaar can go screw each other for all I care. Keep listening to Prince and Culture Club. See if you get anywhere in your life listening to s—. But I don’t care.

“KILL YOUR. . .”?

I am writing to tell “Death To The Crue” in your March ’87 issue of METAL to kiss my a-. And another thing, you (Death To The Crue) had better watch who you are calling a slut. Listen up, a-wipe, I read what you wrote about Motley Crue and Lord help you. Motley Crue has more pride and respect for people and their fans than you do in your little toe. I resent what you wrote about them. They are one of the hottest & sexiest groups in metal today. They are definitely not girls. If they were, they wouldn’t have balls & dicks which is something you don’t have!! I am usually not this violent unless someone says something bad about the Crue. And another thing, I doubt you would go up to the Crue and say the stuff you wrote to their faces without getting the s— beat out of you. Also, if I ever find out your true name, I’ll find you and f—ing kill your a--!! I hope you enjoy this letter ’cause we sure do. Merisha & Carrie Duty Vernon, FL


This is concerning your Feb. ’87 issue. Some dude in Denver wrote in saying that Black Flag could kick Motley Crue’s a--. I’ve never heard of them! What are they, faggots or something? Motley Crue can kick aanytime. As far as we’re concerned, Black Flag sucks!!!

Joey “The Kid” Horta Jason “Cyclops” Dunavond Parts Unknown, TN


I love Motley Crue so much and I have written a poem for all who love the Crue.


“In The Beginning” the rockers were born and were "Louder Than Hell.” We were “Public Enemy #1” and "Too Young to Fall In Love” (for now). But, we’d “Knock ’Em Dead” and “Save Our Souls” from the “Bastard.” This world is “Merry-Go-Round” but we must go “On With The Show.” “Shout At The Devil” cuz all he wants is for you to have the “City Boy Blues” and go “Smokin’ In The Boys’ Room.” He’s “Red Hot” and has “Looks That Kill.” He’s a “Helter Skelter” with “Starry Eyes” and has an electric “Livewire.” He wants a “Piece Of Your Action” and bring you into “Danger," but “Stick To Your Guns,” and “Raise Your Hands To Rock.” He wants you to “Come On And Dance” with him and be “Too Young To Fall In Love.” “Ten Seconds To Love,” “Use It Or Lose It” bud, cuz “Tonight We Need A Lover,” he said. He said “Keep Your Eye On The Money” and “Take Me To The Top”; but some Rockers came shouting out, “God Bless Children Of The Beast” and we’ll take you “Home Sweet Home.” So Rockers, remember, when you’re down and out for all the wrong reasons, just shout for the Crue, they’ll “Fight For Your Rights!”

And no matter if you’re a Crue fan or not, metal is here and here to stay, for us (the rockers & metalheads) until we’re old and grey!!


Des Plaines, IL


I’m a very large Crue fan. I would like to see more centerfolds of these guys! Some group and some individual. Don’t forget about Mick and Tommy! Thanks a lot!


Orlando, FL