MORE MEANING OF LIFE! To all people who can really appreciate music, then you can directly understand what we’re about to say. And for those of you who wouldn’t know metal if it hit you in the face... I suggest you read this letter and take it to heart!

June 4, 1987

The CREEM Archive presents the magazine as originally created. Digital text has been scanned from its original print format and may contain formatting quirks and inconsistencies.



To all people who can really appreciate music, then you can directly understand what we’re about to say. And for those of you who wouldn’t know metal if it hit you in the face... I suggest you read this letter and take it to heart! First of all, what is metal? Motley Crue, Ratt, Ozzy, Maiden and Judas. If you think metal is Metallica, Megadeth, S.O.D., Slayer or Celtic Frost, then you’re gravely mistaken! The common name for that is thrash. Not that we have anything against thrash, but let’s face facts—it doesn’t take much talent or intelligence to write songs such as “Speak English Or Die” or “Jewel Thrown.”

We have come to the conclusion that most of the kids who look up to these artists are not musicians. As for Kyle Compton, I get the impression from your letter that you play bass but if you were really into your instrument, you would look up to Nikki Sixx as a bassist whether he is as good as Billy Sheehan or not. To all people who think Motley Crue suck: Unless you can play any of their music keep your opinions to yourself because they mean nothing to those of us who are musicians and respect the Crue. To all people who call Crue and Ratt poseurs: real intelligent statement...Crue and Ratt are not trying to act like anyone but themselves, so how could they possibly be called poseurs? We'll never understand that one!

Lastly—to Kyle about her comments on Vince Neil—if you can sing as well as Vince then voice your opinions. If not, keep quiet 'cause nobody wants to hear it. As for the accident, he is not a murderer and he paid his dues. He felt bad enough without ignorant people like you bringing it up two years later. It’s over—let it rest! Grow up and stop putting down other people’s music and concentrate on the music that you like! Just wanted to straighten out a few people, so please print this.

Frika, Kara & Desiree

Farmingville, NY


I’m writing on behalf of speed metalers everywhere. I fully enjoyed your articles on Slayer, Venom and C.O.C. but the reason I’m writing is to ask you to do some articles on some other thrash metal bands so we can find out more about them.

Some of the bands I would like you to do some articles on are Destruction, Sodom, Cryptic Slaughter, D.R.I., Possessed, Celtic Frost, Voi Vod, Bathory, Whiplash and Amebix.

Please fulfill my request and do some articles on these bands. Thank you.

Darren Silverman

Torrance, CA

P.S. Please print some early Mercyful Fate pictures.


Hey dudes, let’s get right to the f—in’ point, OK? Stop printing those p— articles on Stryper, Bon Jovi and Loudness and start printing more thrash bands such as Metallica, Megadeth, Slayer and definitely Metal Church. So get your s— together now, OK? We want thrash, not trash.

Troy Ferraro

Carpentersville, IL


For all of you people out there who like to listen to Metallica, Motorhead, Iron Maiden and all those crazy bands, they suck out my coco-a-nuts. Van Halen rules and kicks aforever! Eddie Van Halen is the best guitarist in the whole world! And if you don’t like it, “You can kiss my gator’s a-hole.’’ His name’s “Elmo.”

Sammy Lee

Batavia, OH

P.S. If you don’t want to kiss him, you can kiss my little toe.


First, I’d like to thank METAL for introducing me to Chastain, CJSS and for the mention of the Rez Band—Christian metal long before Stryper started shaving.

The rest of this is addressed to Ken Johnson... infamous by now. With peopie like you as fans of metal—is it any wonder the rest of us are almost embarrassed to admit sharing that love? You mention being a fan of Maiden, Dio and Sabbath. That’s admirable. None of the members of those groups appear to be idiots, however, maybe opposites do attract.

I doubt that any of the readers or critics who refer to a band, or the members thereof, as “queer,” “gay” or “they suck,” actually believe them to be. It’s only an unimaginative way to insult a form of music that relies on and prizes its masculinity. From your outrage, it seems to be effective. But if you were so comfortable with your own sexuality, none of this would disturb you. Be sure you write in and tell everyone—particularly me— what a stud you are. Hate appears to be your biggest problem, and I hope you’re not unknowingly destroying someone with it.

If you were aware at all, you’d know that AIDS is not a gay disease. And as to what gays have given us— Michelangelo, DaVinci, Tchaikovsky Stephen Crane, Socrates, Melville Mishima, Hockney and W.H. Auden (but a few) have been substantial contributors to our culture. All for the good. Wake up.

Since METAL has never printed any of my letters, you'll probably remain closeminded and this letter may be a waste of time. But I love lost causes.

Robin McElfresh

Houston, TX

P.S. It’s amazing how much sublimated homosexuality there is in heavy metal.


Look, you guys! You bunch of "idiots” that want to see more “black metal” have a lot of growing up to do. This temporary “kick” that you guys are on is just your way of saying that you’re ugly and can’t find any dates! Seriously, you’re probably the kind of guys that never get “laid” and have a grand total of about two friends, who will eventually grow out of the same “trip” that you're on! Look, METAL is doing a great job with this magazine! I really appreciate the “Ratt ’n’ roll.” Thanks!!! Face it, they (Ratt) rock America! Look at it this way, you guys are only in the minority! There’s only a few of you around. Don’t make it (black metal) bigger than it really is! Some advice: “Be a rodent” or get laid!

Eddie “Ratt Rules” Perruso

Brandon, FL


I am writing from Fork Union Military Academy, which is like a secluded prison. There aren’t any book stores around so I have to go to the drug store up the road, and yours is the only metal mag up there.

I think you have a great mag, but you should cut down on the glam-rock pictures like Motley Crue, Ratt and Bon Jovi and start putting in more groups like Celtic Frost, Cryptic Slaughter, and thrash metal. But mainly, I think you should do more articles on the great group Hellion, and Ann Boleyn, who has got a great voice. You should put in a review on their album Screams In The Night.

Mark Newpherz

Fork Union, VA


You’ve got a pretty cool rag. However, you should cover more hardcore stuff, speed metal, thrash and all that. How about a huge poster of Megadeth?

Speaking of “the ’Deth” thanks for a great article on them. Megadeth rule. Also, thanks for making it more than a page long. Rags like S— Parader think metal-heads don’t read. Well, surprise! With your rag, at least I know the articles will be interesting and long, unlike S— Parader. Plus, you guys print real pictures.

I have a subscription to Circus. It’s cool, but they don’t cover any underground stuff, and they do too much Crue and Jovi. Motley Crue are so pathetically overrated and so’s Jovi. I like both bands, but I don’t want to read about them at all. Barf!

A really cool new metal mag is RIP. I rate your rag right alongside theirs and Metal Mania, which is quite a compliment. The thing I like about them is their humor. You guys are funny too, but they don’t put people down in their letters section the way you do.

I bet you think I’m an a-for saying things about other rags and comparing them to yours, huh? I don’t care.. .just doing my job!

David “Rapunzell” Barr

Farmington, ME


In the April ’87 issue of METAL, Megadeth’s Dave Mustaine was quoted as saying about Motorhead: “We blew them away, so they turned the power off on us."

Well, have I got a few harsh words for you, Mustaine! You may THINK that you’re so great, and that your band Megadeth is the best, but I won’t criticize you for that. It’s just that when you put down a veteran speed metal band like Motorhead, I (who happens to be a very avid, not to mention loyal, MH fan) tend to become infuriated.

Though I don’t have any animosity against you, Mustaine, think of this: Motorhead have been doing what you’re trying to achieve far longer. Lemmy can “smoke” (as you say it) your David Ellefson on bass. Since I have your Peace Sells...LP, Ellefson’s bass-lines are neither substantial nor impressive. Whereas Lemmy’s basslines, on the other hand, are raucous but exciting. As Kris Needs states it, “He also plays a Rickenbacker bass like no one else on earth.” You’ll have to admit (yes, even you, Mustaine) that Lemmy is the most original and innovative bass player in the whole, brief period of thrash metal’s proud history.

Also, think of this Mustaine: If Motorhead hadn’t come along thrashing when they did, there would exist no Megadeth. Just think! Your band wouldn’t have existed without Metallica either. Meditate on those ideas for a while Mustaine, and maybe next time you won’t cut either of them down.

Rob Jensen

Rice Lake, Wl


Satanism! What a subject! No one knows it better than Venom. In my own opinion, I think Venom is one of the (excuse me) THE greatest metal band ever! Anyone who thinks different, I’ll see you in Hell, and we’ll discuss it there!

Satan And Venom Rules Hell And Earth!

Mt. Lookout, WV

P.S. A Venom article & poster would be greatly appreciated.