Keeoers Of The Flame!

It’s been said before that there’d be no Ratt had there not been an Aerosmith. No Motley Crue had there not been a Kiss! No anything had there not been a Led Zeppelin—and no you had there not been a mom and dad! Yowza! Anyway, many people feel irate when their faves of the past are attacked—and many more feel that there are certain bands that keep this older spirit of metal rock alive!

June 4, 1987

The CREEM Archive presents the magazine as originally created. Digital text has been scanned from its original print format and may contain formatting quirks and inconsistencies.

Keeoers Of The Flame!

It’s been said before that there’d be no Ratt had there not been an Aerosmith. No Motley Crue had there not been a Kiss! No anything had there not been a Led Zeppelin—and no you had there not been a mom and dad! Yowza!

Anyway, many people feel irate when their faves of the past are attacked—and many more feel that there are certain bands that keep this older spirit of metal rock alive! Once again, the readers speak on this subject of great importance and great matter of concern to those in this revolving world of metaltivity!


I’m writing this letter to you concerning Led Zeppelin. I think you should print more articles on Jimmy Page, Robert Plant and John Paul Jones. I’m a 15-yearold drummer in a rock ’n’ roll band called Achilles. We refuse to play bulls--like Bon Jovi, Dokken, Cinderella or Queensryche. We prefer to play something that is musical which involves dynamics and not a lot of repetition. As far as heavy metal is concerned, some of it is OK. I’m not one to pressure what I like on someone else, but the next time you listen to heavy metal, look at it from a musical perspective. To the Mystery Rocker: Queensryche will never be #1 over Led Zeppelin anywhere. In popularity maybe, but musically, never. Anyone can get on stage or in a studio and look like fags and beat on guitars or scream like a f—in’ ahole! Remember, it takes time, training and the yearning to be a musician—and hair and fashion to be a star.


Chris Fletcher Pasadena, MD


I don’t see why David Lee Roth and Van Halen keep up their disagreements with each other. Dave can do his own thing, and Van Halen theirs. You all decided the leaving of Dave and the gaining of Sammy Hagar was the right thing to do. So after your decision, why keep in competition with each other? Both musicians (Dave and Sammy) are talented and what is done is done. So mind your own business and do what you do best: make music and leave each other alone.


Sioux Falls, SD


Where are the articles on Aerosmith? Where are the photos of Aerosmith? Don’t you people know who the Kings Of Rock are? Aerosmith is the only band in existence today worth listening to. Aerosmith has etched out a legacy that remains unmatched.

Joe Perry and Brad Whitford have more talent in their pinky fingers than Eddie Van Halen and Yngwie Malmsteen put together. Who cares about speed? Thats bull—. Who cares about boring, hour-long guitar solos. Let’s see some style. Unfortunately for Eddie and Co., Joe Perry and Brad Whitford are the only guitarists who possess it.

Aerosmith are true artists and they don’t have to rely on gimmicks like Stryper to prove how great they are. They certainly don’t use extravagant special effects on stage like Maiden, Dio and Ozzy. Aerosmith are pure, raw talent. Aerosmith is the best. All you people should throw away all your albums and listen to nothing but Aerosmith. Especially you picklebutts who listen to thrash metal and all that other noise. Rap even beats that horses---. Listen to some real music—Aerosmith!!! Aerosmith has staying power, unlike Def Leppard, etc.

Nikki Sixx can’t even compete with Tom Hamilton, nor can anyone else; this includes that ugly dude in Rush. Tom Hamilton is the most talented bass player to ever walk the face of the earth! Ratt sucks! How can these poseur bands say they were influenced by Aerosmith? What a serious insult. Ratt and Motley Crue are not even fit to kiss the ground Aerosmith walks on. That is an insult to say they were influeneced by Aerosmith; Aerosmith should be offended.

Obviously Cinderella’s lead singer Tom Kieffer wishes he was Steven Tyler. He must’ve videotaped their concerts or something because he sure can imitate the hell out of Tyler. But he is a bigtime poseur. No matter how many Tyler movements he possesses, Steven Tyler is the one and only. Steven is the best male vocalist in the world. No one else stands a chance with him around. And Bon

Jovi—what a dick head. He and his s-

band isn’t good enough to be in a fiftymile radius of Aerosmith—dare I say the Bon Jovi name in the same sentence as Aerosmtih.

Aerosmith should be nomitated for a star on Hollywood Boulevard. Joey Kramer is so great it can’t even be put into words. He still does the best drum solos around. Aerosmith are without a doubt the most talented band of musicians in the world. Aerosmith even kicks Led Zeppelin’s dead a-. Not to mention the Who, the Beatles and the Stones, Aerosmith blows them all away. Anyone who doesn’t listen to Aerosmith is sacreligious. Steven Tyler is the second coming. Listen to Aerosmith or listen to nothing at all. I personally wasn’t aware there was anything else to listen too.

Steven, Joe, Brad, Tom and Joey are musical geniuses. They can not be imitated. They can not be competed with.

Aerosmith is king.

Forget the rest.

Insure your place in heaven, heed Steven Tyler’s calling.

After all, he is God!!

Aerosmith are truly a phenomenom. They definitely have more talent than any other band could even imagine possessing. Aerosmith has been truly blessed. Maybe they are saints! Steven Tyler must be an angel from heaven. Done With Mirrors was the best production of ’86 and their tour with Ted Nugent was the concert event of the year—if Aerosmith not only proved that they still have it, they continued to captivate, enchant and enthrall audiences, and Aerosmith will never be outdone...

Lady “T”

Miami, FL


I’d like to know why it’s becoming more and more difficult for people to recognize the rare talent of Billy Squier. This exceptional artist deserves so much more than he is getting.

Different bands talk about working their aoff to get where they are now. Granted, a lot of them deserve the fame they’ve received (even though this claim to fame seems to be taking a shorter and shorter amount of time). But it seems to me Mr. Squier has put in a lot more years of hard work, dedication and ambition than they have, yet receives half the recognition. His new album Enough Is Enough proves he can still rock with the best. Why then, is Billy still getting put on the back burner? He is still the same rocker who stroked the nation with his powerful music. You would think his new and creative work would have brought him to greater horizons which he more than deserves.

Well, I’ve said what I think needed to be said. The rest is up to the VIPs in the business to do something about it.

A Little Knight Soldier

Littleton, CO


When I came to this country from my homeland, Iran, I was nine years old. We moved to Colorado Springs, Colorado. My sister, who is eight years older than I, had been in the U.S. years before we moved, so she moved in with us. My sister’s room was right next to mine and any time she would leave the house I would sneak in her room and look at her records over and over again. The albums fascinated me, especially bands like AC/DC, Black Sabbath and Led Zeppelin. Finally, one day I built up enough courage to try to operate her stereo so I could hear her records. Wow, I loved it! Ever since then I’ve been a loyal headbanger!

Life changed, my sister moved out, and my dad got a temporary job in Michigan. My mother and I moved to Denver. Every Friday night I’d watch a music video show called FM-TV. Then one night I saw them... this band totally.took me in. They were powerful, real, themselves and very dramatic. “Run To The Hills” hypnotized me, “Number Of The Beast” made me feel like I’ve never felt before. It was instant love! It’s been a long time since that moment. Throughout those years I’ve lived in many different places, many states, plus two foreign countries. But one thing has not changed—I am still an Iron Maiden maniac! They still have the same effect on me.

I have all their albums, plus their newest one, Somewhere In Time. But with this one there is an obsession. I can’t listen to anything else. Other bands that I’ve been able to get into don’t sound good anymore. I sometimes purposely deprive myself of their music, telling myself “no more Maiden ’til next week!” It doesn’t work, I find myself reaching for Maiden all the time. These five Britons’ music leaves me with a lump in my throat and a tear in my eye, but mostly it leaves me feeling ten feet tall.

I’ve seen them in concert twice, but the third time was the best, at the Summit in Houston, Texas. I had first row for the Somewhere On Tour show. It was fantastic, but at the same time, it was depressing. I envied the fans with backstage passes. Some succeeded, but I told myself "no way.” I wasn’t about to beg for anything, ever. So I left feeling great!

Because I know the members of Maiden are not gods, but are normal people like you and me, they just happen to be damn good, talented musicians. And as human beings, I don’t know what they’re like. I’d like to know but I may never find out.

I don’t care though, as long as they keep on. And I don’t know what the future holds. Maybe I’ll get out of their music but I really doubt it (at least not for a long time!) So hear me out, Maiden, keep up the super work, because I know many people that feel like I do. So keep on rockin’!!

Katriyn Kagherpoor

Houston, TX


In the March issue of this magazine, G. Laskin of Richmond, VA said “Judas Priest.. .sucks.” Well, G. Laskin, you’re a dick! You obviously do not have enough brains to know who is great. Judas Priest is great! They’ll rock your little faggy nuts off any day. If you are not going to talk about the Priest nicely, it would be in your best interest to keep your loud mouth shut.

#1 Judas Priest Fan

Urbana, OH


I would like to congratulate you on your successful magazine. It’s alright. A lot of people buy it, yes, but also a lot of people are very disappointed. Don’t get me wrong, but there are a lot of major bands that have been around for a very long time, and you really don’t hear much about them unless they are touring or getting a new album out. So what’s the deal?

I’m a real Scorpions fan, and I happen to think they are very good. To tell ya the truth, they are about the only decent band around. I also think a lot of people reading this would agree with me. But if you have noticed, they are not talked bad about. If people would listen real closely to the music that these guys put out or even listen to one of their first albums you would see how clean they are. They’re not “dirt,” they don’t wear makeup and if you listen carefully, they rarely use profanity in their lyrics. But of course that is everybody’s opinion. And everybody has one.

Now I’m not cutting down any bands because I like all bands who try to make their success in the music business. And I know they feel very fortunate to have gotten that far in life.

There is another thing that kinda gets me a little upset. It is that we read two to four pages of stuff we have already heard about the band. If you will notice, in your next edition tell me if you haven’t heard something about that band before.

One more thing, I really wish your reports would go out of the way to give us what we want and a little more. Like the Scorpions—they go out of their way to do what we want. They don’t have to, but just remember, when they first started out they needed the money, now they are doing if for us (the fans). They are set for life. I don’t really mean to put you down, but Hit Parader goes out of their way. And when they get a story, they write at least a page. But you, put a picture on a page and something that says “Scorpions are in the studio and are expecting and album out in March” that’s not a story, that’s a bulletin. Thanks for your time.

Scorpions Are The Best!!

Vickie Gregory

Richmond, VA


I am 22 years old and listen to Motorhead, Malmsteen, Twisted Sister, Tygers Of Pan Tang, W.A.S.P. and Metallica, but also listen to Marillion, Pink Floyd, R.E.M., Dire Straits, Blue Oyster Cult and Status Quo.

I enjoyed your articles on B.O.C., Motorhead and Saxon, but couldn’t believe the letters in that issue. So what if B.O.C. is in and they are good rock ’n’ roll. I’ll take Marillon or R.E.M. over Iron Maiden any day.

When I was 16,1 had the opinion that metal ruled the world until I started listening to music. There’s more to music than loud drums, fast guitars and lyrics of death. Listen to Marillion’s “Real To Reel,” Frank Marino’s “What’s Next” or Status Quo’s “Twelve Gold Bars.” Just because so and so listens to thrash or black metal, you don’t have to. Be diverse in your music for a change.

FN M. Cunningham

USS Vulcan (AR-5)


Why you f—ing jerk! Iron Maiden is old and outdated! F— no, they’re not, man! You’re outdated, man. S—! I’ll never ever get sick and tired of hearing about Maiden, Ozzy, Metallica or Kiss either!! If you ever came up to me and said anything about Maiden to my face, honey, I’d knock you into next week. Iron Maiden kicks a-. I’m damn proud to be an Iron Maiden fan. So f— you!!!

Brenda Newman

Anaheim, CA


Who in the f— are you to say that about Klaus Meine? The Scorpions kick a-, and you know it, buddy. Who do you think you are? I have quite a few Scorpions albums, and I say he’s one great kick-asinger.

You said it in one of your issues of 1985, so you don’t know. I’d like to see you say it to him in person because I’m in their fan club.

White Lightning

Raymondville, NY

P.S. I’ve seen them in concert, and they put on one hell of a show—and he can sing!


Well, I’ve got a few things to say! Steven Speed, U have no damn right whatsoever to say Gene Simmons can do anything better than Stephen Pearcy! I’ll tell U what I think of Gene Simmons! He is a fat ugly slob who runs around all over the place sticking his tongue out like a f—ing aardvark!! If that ain’t dip s— then you tell me what it is, a-holef Also, wimps are guys who can’t bag a babe and I know for a fact that Stephen Pearcy can bag a whole lot more babes than Gene Simmons will ever see in his life! In fact, Gene S. can’t even get a slut! Now, as for U Blackie “Metal” Lawless, one question. If Blackie Lawless is in W.A.S.P. and U don’t like W.A.S.P. then what have you adopted his name for, b/cuz like U said, U listen to kickagroups and W.A.S.P. sure doesn’t kick a-. As a matter of fact, neither does Bathory, Venom, Slayer, Celtic Frost, Possessed or Metallica either! All those suck!

And you have no right to tell them to get Bon Jovi, Dio, Ratt, Stryper, Van Halen and Ozzy out of this mag b/cuz they’re what metal is made of, bitch! And as for you, slut, well, U and Blackie can burn in heir.

Well, now to David and Dickhead Waaktaar! Wham is outl Prince is the gaywad! And if you want someone who gets on stage and makes jerks of themselves it’s Culture Club! For your information, most groups don’t sing about the devil! And if you want gay, well look in the mirror, bastards! Who says we’re creeps who cause trouble everywhere we go? At least we know how to have a damn good f—in’ time! Not like you little wimps who sit at home and be quiet and do your homework like mommy says! Well, I hope you Boy George home boys can make it in this world!

And as for Sharon Blass, well your son is the one with the problems! U don’t even know how to raise a kid! Who lets their 13-year-old run around until 4:00 am? And who is the one who let him listen to the music in the first place? U, U, U! So who’s to blame? Not Motley Crue, not your 13-year-old, but it’s U, U, U! So take that and next time you have a kid, you slut, learn how to raise it before you let if grow! Well, that’s all!

Oh! Keep up all the articles on Bon Jovi, Van Halen and Ratt! And, try to get more in there about Stryper and put out those s—y bands!!

Very Pissed, Metal Maniac

G.G. Jovi

Monticello, AR