BON JOVI: Will They Rule The Universe?

Well, as this issue goes to press, there’s no question that Jon Bon Jovi and his merry gang of Italian/Jersey playboys are the cat’s meow.

June 4, 1987

The CREEM Archive presents the magazine as originally created. Digital text has been scanned from its original print format and may contain formatting quirks and inconsistencies.

Well, as this issue goes to press, there’s no question that Jon Bon Jovi and his merry gang of Italian/Jersey playboys are the cat’s meow—meaning the most popular act in the world when it comes to metal bands. Of course, there are those who argue that the Bon Jovi boys aren’t really metal ’cause they’re much too pop. On the other hand, there are those who feel Bon Jovi is the best thing to happen to heavy metal since spandex and studs.

Whatever the case, all it took was one letter like the first in this section signed by “Hairspray & Makeup” to get the metal crew a’fumin’. Here are some of the responses, mostly from worshippers of Jon and his rockin’ boys...


Who the hell does Jon Bon Jovi think he is? He always says slike “I don’t want to live in L.A., because I don’t want to get caught up in the hairspray and make-up like the people in L.A. do.” Well, let us tell you something, Mr. Bon Jovi. You can stay in that hick town you call home. What is it? New Jersey. L.A. doesn’t need a jerk like you. You’d stink it up. You fit in New Jersey better anyway, because it’s a crock, like you Jon. We think we want no part of your problem. You have a swelled head. Just because you’ve sold a few albums and made a little money, you think you’re better than everyone else. You’re a stuck-up bastard. We hate guys like you. Jon Bon Jovi is no better than street punks on angel dust who rob old ladies. JBJ can go stick his head up his dog’s behind for all we care. And if anyone don’t like it, you bastards do the same!!!

Hairspray And Makeup

Los Angeles, CA

P.S. By the way, we burned every Bon Jovi LP we could find and every J. Bon Jovi picture we saw. So now he should change the name to Burned Jovi.


We think Bon Jovi rules—not just because Jon has a gorgeous body but because he’s a great singer. He has the talent to write songs and sing them. We think all the people who don’t like Bon Jovi suck. They’re the best rock group that ever was. Can you please try to put more posters and articles on Bon Jovi and Motley Crue? Other people say for you to get rid of Jovi and other groups, well if they don’t like those groups then why are they reading this magazine? BON JOVI RULES!

Two Bon Jovi Fans,

Union, NJ


I am writing this letter to say that all the people who badmouth Bon Jovi are a— holes. They think that all heavy metal bands have to be druggies and have to scream. Well, you’ve got another thing coming; all heavy metal bands do not have to be druggies. And for your information, Bon Jovi is not totally heavy metal. He calls himself a cross between heavy metal and pop. So maybe you should think twice before you badmouth Bon Jovi. Also, I am proud to be from New Jersey!!

BON JOVIWill They Rule The Universe?

Danielle Scott

Somerset, NF


I’ve got a few things I want to say about the letter about Bon Jovi in the April ’87 issue. The question is, who the hell do you think you are? First of all, Jon Bon Jovi doesn’t have a "swelled head" but he should. What do you expect with three kick aalbums? Just because he is capable of making music as good as that, you decide to get a rise and write that lowdown, disgusting and—not to mention— immature opinion of yours. Sure, everyone has their own opinion, but you sure as hell could keep it to yourself. So why don’t you just shove it straight up your a-. It just makes you look like the bastard(s). Yeah, I thought about sticking my head up my dog’s behind but I decided I would have been taking your space. Many people (including myself) "hate” people like you who have no idea what in the hell you’re talking about. So what if he doesn’t like L.A.? It’s a matter of opinion. The only difference is that it isn’t directed towards you individually. Personally, I agree with him. There is a bunch of hairspray and makeup. And not to mention fags (are you?). Also, as far as the "street punks on angel dust who rob old ladies,” Jon Bon Jovi is way above that, and he’s obviously way above you, too. So a-hole, as far as I’m concerned, you can stick your head up your dog’s behind” and f—ing leave it there. If, of course, that’s not where it is already!! Next time, a--hole, keep your opinion to yourself.

Julie & Julie

St. Charles, MO


I really enjoyed your article about Bon Jovi, “Enjoying Maximum Success” (March 1987). I always knew they were awesome! Richie is my total favorite, but let’s not forget the awesome others, Jon, Alec, Tico and Dave. I’d love to meet them! Bon Jovi doesn’t have to impress anyone by dealing in death, drugs, and insanity. They are GREAT the way they are. Some jerk who wrote you a letter thinks insanity, drugs and death are what makes a band. Well, he is wrong. It’s pure talent with Bon Jovi! They look like they have fun with what they do. Bon Jovi is awesome and #1 with me since their start! I love Richie!

#1 Bon Jovi Fan Scarlet Carte Alliance, OH


I’ve got to know the truth before I go crazy! I love Bon Jovi! They rule! And Jon Bon Jovi is the sexiest babe, ever! But there’s been rumors going around that he’s a bisexual! It’s bugging the s— out of me, and I don’t know how to find out the truth. That’s why I’m writing to your mag. Oh yeah! I love your mag! I loved that interview ya did with Bon Jovi in the October ’86 METAL issue, and you put in a lot of great pictures, which are now plastered all over my walls and my locker door. But anyways, I went to Bon Jovi’s concert at the Worcester Centrum in Worcester, MA on December 27, 1986. I got the tickets as a Christmas present. And it kicked a-! They were the best. And about three days after the concert, one of my friends called me up and said that she saw Jon Bon Jovi on MTV and that he admitted, to MTV, and to the rest of the country, that he was a bisexual! At first I didn’t believe it, I just thought that my friends were playing a joke on me, because they know that I’ll get pissed off if someone says something about Bon Jovi that I don’t like! But, then when my other friends that I know from different cities started calling me to tell me about it, I wasn’t so sure anymore.

Well, since then, I’ve been staying up all night, crying, just thinking about it! Unbelievable! Well, I’m asking you to please print this letter because I think there’s a lot of people out there who don’t know what to think! Thanks.

I love you Jon, you’ll always be the best, and the sexiest man ever!

#1 Bon Jovi Fan Ever,

Woburn, MA

P.S. Bon Jovi will always kick a--, no matter what!


I think Jon Bon Jovi’s group is great! I know he must work hard but still has fun. Everybody has their own opinion, but I think Bon Jovi is the best group. Working hard and having fun as a group is what I call a team. I would like to meet Jon Bon in person to tell him how he is doing. By the way, I think Jon Bon Jovi is pretty damn cute for a heavy metal singer. I just want to say one more thing to the Bon Jovi group, keep on a ’rockin’, boys.

Sherrie Dearman

Columbus, OH


To “Hairspray & Makeup”: Jon Bon Jovi thinks he’s JBJ to answer your damn question. Well he probably doesn’t want to live in L.A. 'cause he would have to put up with the “street punks on angel dust who rob old ladies" just like you. For all we care you can go stick your head up your aand rotate. It sounds like you’re the one with the swelled head. If you don’t like the music or the magazine, don’t buy it!! BON JOVI RULES!!

G.R. Townsend

Tulsa, OK

P.S. What kind of music do you listen to anyway? Poison? David Lee Roth?


Who the hell do you think you are? Jon Bon Jovi can kick all you monkey a— in music. Just listen to all that s— you people call music! You’re just a bunch of L.A. scumbags who have nothin’ better to do, but stick your heads up your aand write ridiculous s— mail!

And honey, Jersey ain’t no “hick” town! Look at L.A. You’re all just a bunch of fagits tryin' to get it on with the next queer who comes along. JBJ has more talent and potential than any of you a--holes.

Just remember, “Jealousy will get you nowhere!”


Hackensack, NJ

P.S. You’re a pathetic homosexual!


I have a BIG f—ing complaint about one of your letters from “Hairspray And Makeup” from L.A. in your April 1987 issue.

Listen up, “Hairspray And Makeup,” who the hell do you think you are? From what you wrote, I don’t see why anyone would want to go to L.A. I sure the hell don’t want to, not now anyways. Just because he wasn’t born in a big city, doesn’t mean s—. Maybe he likes some peace and quiet. Knowing you, you’re probably on drugs right now!! (I'd believe it!!) No way in hell is Jon Bon Jovi a stuckup bastard. You’re a selfish, jealous, stuck-up, bitchy, bastard or bitch. (Let’s put it this way, you’re an a--hole!) For all I care, you can go suck a monkey d--. Same to your so-called friends. You probably like bands like Duran, Glass Tiger, World Party and other a-hole sissy bands like that. Do you know the meaning of rock ’n’ roll? If you don’t, I’ll tell you. Rock ’n’ roll = Bon Jovi. So go stick it where you love it. By the way, if you don’t like reading the truth, stick-it up your a-!!

Bon Jovi Rules

Detroit, Ml

P.S. I don’t blame Bon Jovi (Jon) for not wanting to live in L.A. L.A. is full of hairspray, makeup and a-holes!!! Have a nice day.


I’m getting tired of this s—I In Feb. ’81 and March '87 issues, there were letters putting Bon Jovi down. I’m tired of hearing how great people think groups like Venom, Slayer, Metallica and Megadeth are. Well, if Bon Jovi really sucks, then his album Slippery When Wet wouldn’t be #1 in the country. None of the other groups I have mentioned made it into the Top 10. They probably didn’t even make it into the Top 100. If they were any good then why don’t they ever play their music (so-called) on the radio? So, why don’t you a-holes open your eyes and clean out your ears and find out who really is the best!! At least Bon Jovi can sing and doesn’t just scream. Please print this letter, I would like people to hear my point of view.

#1 Bon Jovi Fan Pine Hills, NJ


I read your article in the March ’87 issue called ‘‘Why Heavy Metal May Be Banned In Your Town.” I knew I had to tell you a story. Bon Jovi was scheduled to play in Salt Lake City. The band Stryper wanted to play that night so Bon Jovi got cancelled by the Salt Palace (a concert hall). Then Stryper decided not to come to the Salt Palace and told Bon Jovi they could come that night after all. Well, Bon Jovi said never mind! Rightfully so, because they had got such a runaround! Bon Jovi also said that they’d never come to Salt Lake again!

The reason Bon Jovi was cancelled in the first place was because this town would rather have some stupid Christian band like Stryper than someone who would supposedly “corrupt” the kids like Bon Jovi.

I happen to really like Bon Jovi and was very excited to have them come here! Now I have to find some other city to travel to go see them! Please print this so all the Salt Lake City METAL readers that are Bon Jovi fans can write to their fan club and talk them into coming back to Salt Lake! I want to personally apologize to Bon Jovi for how they were treated by Salt Lake and also beg them to reconsider and come here!!

Roni Miller

Salt Lake City, UT


Hey, “Make-up And Hairspray” from California. We think you’re full of s~. Bon Jovi Kicks aand you know it! Just because he’s a hell of a lot better than you, it’s no reason to call him a bastard. Jersey is no hick town. L.A. may be cool, but you don’t rule so don’t speak for everyone else. You know nothing about good music. We suppose you think that Motley Crue and Cinderella suck too? F— you!! It’s stupid to hate someone because they refuse to live in your home town. So what if Bon Jovi doesn’t want to live in L.A. It’s his business, not yours! If you don’t like his music, then damn it, don’t listen to it. You don’t have to burn his records and his pictures. That’s so damn immature! So go to hell, man. You’re the punks on angel dust.

Wild Childs

Walford, MD


I’m writing in response to whoever or whatever “Hairspray And Make-up” is. Who the hell are you to put down Bon Jovi and hicks like that!? Jon has worked long and hard for his success, and myself and a lot of other people are glad to see him making it big. You and your friends should be the ones sticking your face in your own dog’s rears, because you are an afor writing your damn stupid opinions to yourself. He doesn’t need to hear your crap!

I don’t like certain groups either, but you don’t see me and my friends putting them down. Every band works hard in what they do and if you don’t like them, there’s no need to express it in the way you did. I’m a hick and we don’t need people like you bastards, condemning our music. So I have one thing to say to you, go to hell and leave us and our music— especially Jon—alone!

An Angry Hick

Providence, Rl

P.S. By buying his records you helped boost his record sales, even though you immature people burnt them! Hicks and Bon Jovi and metal rule forever!


I am writing this letter that concerns the girl from L.A. who wrote about Hairspray And Makeup.

Bon Jovi is great. He doesn’t need all that hairspray and makeup. His group is the best around in a long time. He belongs in New Jersey, not L.A. I had first row seats for Bon Jovi on New Year’s Eve at the New Jersey Meadowlands. It was the best time of my life. The concert was great. If you don’t like it, you stick your head up a dog’s behind. ‘Cause New Jersey Loves Bon Jovi. I saw Bon four times and he was great. You can burn all his pictures and everything else but New Jersey won’t cause that is where he belongs—right in his home town. And if you don’t like it, sit on a stick and rotate, hunny.

Hairspray And Makeup II

Garfield, NJ


I am not a teeny-bopper, a groupie, nor have I ever desired to have the name of my favorite rock band tattoed on my chest. So, you ask, why then does this 24-year-old administrative assistant in a Manhattan law firm write a letter to a magazine picked up and sometimes paid for (if the cashier is paying attention), browsed through by the young, leatherclad rock ’n’ roll set??

Jon Bon Jovi. Yup. That’s the reason. In one of your most recent issues, Jon had a lot of stills and a feature article. Here’s the problem—kids are stopping me in the streets to catch a second look at me because it seems that I look like him. The pictures you showed of him are a lot “softer-edged” than others taken of him, and ever since my perm, people are convinced he and I are related (or the same person). I’ve got to tell you, he’s great for a guy, but somehow it’s a little disconcerting for a girl to be told she resembles somone who shaves his face instead of his legs! I am enclosing a picture of me “pre-perm.” Note the same lips and nose. My face is also heartshaped and my mouth is wide when I smile and laugh. (No cavities, straight teeth—good lord, a rockert I don’t even own a leather jacket!)

Please, please, print less “specialeffect,” or touch-up photos of Jon. I’ve invested in dark glasses and a shirt that says: “I’m not Jon, just call me Denni.”

Thanks for the time and, by the way, this was my first purchase ever of your magazine, and I must admit it was written and layed-out better than I thought it could be. I didn’t think a “rock” magazine would be that impressive.

Denni Hughes

Weehawken, NJ


Excuse me! I have a few points to make. One of them is Bon Jovi is great even though he is a poseur. We in New Jersey think he is gorgeous and has the cutest little a-.

Some of the heavy metal groups really suck. You can’t even hear the words they are so bad. Get some new groups. And to Blackie “Metal” Lawless in the March 1987 issue, go to hell. Ozzy is great. Better than you black metal groups.

Dina Jovi

North Bergen, NJ


This letter is from a very devoted and pissed-off fan of the #1 band in the world—Bon Jovi. This is aimed at the obnoxious a-hole who wrote all that crap about Jon and New Jersey. Just who the hell do you think you are and where do you get off saying s— like that? You obviously have no class or any taste! Jon Bon Jovi is a sweetheart along with the rest of the band. By the way, have you ever been to New Jersey? I just bet you don’t even know where it is! Get a lifewill you? New Jersey is a fabulous state, and as far as what JBJ said about L.A., I guess he’s entitled to his own opinion just like anyone else! At least he doesn’t go around burning pictures of you or writing 8—y things about you in magazines. You're the stuck-up bastard!

I think you’re just jealous because Bon Jovi is #1! It’s not his fault he’s incredible and not from your hometown. He’s from the better side of the country! You have some nerve! Didn’t your mother teach you any manners or did all that hairspray give you brain damage? You know what? It sounds to me like your head has already been up some dog’s behind and it got stuck there! Why don’t you just leave him the hell alone!? That goes for everyone else who has rude comments about Bon Jovi—keep them to yourself!

Whatever you do, don’t come to New Hampshire and say s— about them because you’ll get chased right back to L.A. They’re #1 around here! BON JOVI RULES (Forever!)

In Jon’s Favor,

Sara L. Stokes

Concord, NH

P.S. Think about this—their six concerts in the New England area sold out in under two hours. We Easterners have class.


To Hairspray and Make-up in L.A. (April issue): Who the hell do you think you are? So what if Jon Bon Jovi doesn’t want to live in L.A. and get caught up in hairspray and make-up? Because if he did live there, that’s exactly what would happen. And furthermore, Jon is not a "stuck up bastard,” as you put it. If anyone is stuck up, it’s all the people living in smoggy L.A. Those idiots showing off their expensive cars and homes are the ones that we don’t need in this world. If you knew Bon Jovi at all, you would know that all they are are five hardworking guys who love to rock ’n’ roll. As for being stuck-up, that is something they definitely are not. Jon Bon Jovi lives in a one room apartment. He can definitely afford something more if he wanted. If he’s happy with it, then nothing else matters. Yeah, sure, Jon and the guys have made a hell of a lot of money, but they don’t go showing off just because it’s cool. And as for being from New Jersey, it happens to be a better place than Los Angeles. I happen to live in California, but let me tell you one thing, Los Angeles SUCKS. I couldn't be far enough from it if I lived in Russia. Why don’t you listen to some of your own advice and stick you head up your dog’s behind.

Mad In Moraga

Moraga, CA

P.S. I’m sure if Jon ever saw a picture of you, he’d burn it too, and I know you don’t have an album so he can’t burn those. Maybe Jon’s too nice to do some of the things above even if he did have a picture of a jerk like you, but I know I’d burn anything that resembled you!


I have to hand it to you guys. You’re doing a great job with your articles. Especially the ones on Bon Jovi. Jon Bon Jovi is the nicest guy I have ever met. I met Jon Valentine’s Day, 1986. He wasn’t the type of guy who would say “leave me alone, and don’t talk to me because success has gone to my head.’’ He isn’t like that. Jon is a down to earth guy and he’s also very, very cute. He is the type of guy you would die for.

I went to Bon Jovi’s 1987 New Year’s Eve Concert at the Meadowlands Arena in New Jersey. It was great! He was always moving around and always kept you in suspense one minute after the other. And to tell all you people out there who think Bon Jovi is a bunch of poseurs well, you’re all a-holes! In plain English.

Keep up the good work and write double the amount of articles on the best band on this planet, Bon Jovi.

Bon Jovi Fan 4ever!


Metuchen, NJ


Jon Bon Jovi has been my idol for a long time! There are rumors going around saying he (Jon) is “biosexual.” I’m hoping you can help me clear this question!? If you’ve heard anything about this—I’m just curious. Bon Jovi is my favorite group! Not that this would ever change the way I feel toward Jon or his group!

Concerned, Curious And Hopelessly

Worried 15-year-old!

Livonia, Ml


This is a letter containing opinions that I’m sure other female teenager metal fans share. I’m sick of the bad rap that greats like Ratt and Bon Jovi are getting. I respected the “other” groups like Metallica and Motorhead, but opposing what was stated by Monty Lollie in the Feb. '87 issue, THEY ARE NOT WIMP POSEUR BANDS!! So what if they don't wear total rags and scream about death as a haven. There’s a special feeling of sincerity in their lyrics and music that girls (as well as guys, I’m sure) love listening to.

Also, who wants to see bands dressed like HIPPIES! I’d much much rather see classy, young, good-looking guys like Jon Bon Jovi, Richie Sambora, Stephen Pearcy, etc. instead of guys who might be talented, but look like they just stepped out of Woodstock, without changing or takin’ a bath since then! And we’re called the naive adolescents?!

Kandie Kava, 17

Chicago, IL


I had to laugh when I saw the article on Bon Jovi. I used to work with Jon at Dodd’s in South Orange, New Jersey. My dad owned the club and I was a bartender. Last week I went to a Bon Jovi concert and was surely amazed to see Jon in the center of attraction. It cracks me up! I always thought he was a talented kid. Believe me, he has definitely earned his stripes. That kid worked awfully hard and started young. I tried to get in touch with him when he was in San Diego, but it was virtually impossible. I guess when you become a star you are well protected. I wish Jon and his band all the luck. It was nice to know Jon from the start.

Chris Ann Ferrara

Encinitas, CA

P.S. New Jersey sure puts out some winners\


I’m writing this letter in hope that Jon Bon Giovi will read this. I have been doing a lot of thinking about what you said about drugs and how you say there are no real winners out there who do them. Well, I think you’re right. I quit doing drugs a little over a month now and I was doing real good until a couple of days ago. I’m trying so hard to stay away from it but it’s easier said than done. I know that dreams and drugs don’t mix. Well, I need some good advice and I’d really like to hear it from you personally. Even though I’m just one person, don’t you think one person’s life is worth it?

This magazine has a way to reach me if you just give them a call. Everyone deserves at least one chance.

L. Santa Cruz

Moreno Valley, CA


I think your interview with Jon Bon Jovi was the best. It was your March ‘87 issue. I thought Jon Bon Giovi was too modest. He’s absolutely the most gorgeous man in the whole world. And if it Is just an accident, I would definitely love to have that kind of accident. In your March ’87 issue, there was a letter that was signed “A Pissed Off Jovi Fan.” Well I agree with that fan 100 percent. Anyone who has anything that they think is wrong with Jon is definitely an a-hole and needs to have their akicked. Jon Bon Jovi: you’re terrific. Just don’t fall too much in love with your 2802. It would be a waste of your gorgeous body, face and attitude.

Jovi’s Biggest Fan,

Shon Petifer

Vancouver, WA

P.S. I love you, Jon Bon Jovi.


I think Bon Jovi has a lot going for them. I appreciate the article in the March edition. Also I have to agree with the letter from “Pissed Off Jovi Fan” that Bon Jovi deserves more credit for writing great music. I have all three albums, and I don’t hate a song on any of them. Bon Jovi has helped me make some very important decisions about my life and the reason is because of their lyrics and music. Just because he is great on the outside we should also look inside where all these appealing songs are coming from.

“Agreed Jovi Fan”

Wadsworth, OH


Hey, Hairspray And Make-up: In regards to your letter in the April '87 issue, who do you think you are? Who nominated you to be LA.’s spokesperson?

People who don’t like Bon Jovi are few and far between. Slippery When Wet is the #1 album. That must mean something. You’re just jealous and pissed off that he’d rather live in New Jersey. I’ve never heard of Jon saying things you said he’s been saying. I’ve heard of him saying he loves New Jersey and wouldn’t want to live anywhere else. He was born and raised there. You were probably born and bred in L.A. and do you want to live anywhere else? More than likely, “no." So give Jon a break. If you did read that he said that somewhere, fine. But do you always believe what you read? Are you that naive?

Where do you get off saying “Bon Jovi is no better than street punks on angel dust who rob old ladies”? What do you think they’re doing? They don’t hurt anyone! They create and fulfill dreams every day. I’d like for you to get out there and accomplish the things that Bon Jovi have in the same short period of time. You say “sold a few albums.” You should check your facts, B.J. has sold millions of copies of Slippery When Wet, and continues to do so daily.

“Living On A Prayer” has been the #1 most requested video on MTV for over 60 days running. Where have you been, under a rock?

You mention “we” over and over again. Who exactly is “we”? You’re definitely not speaking for all of L.A. I’m from L.A. and I’ve loved Bon Jovi and have been a loyal fan since the first time I heard “Runaway” and I know more than a few people who would tell you the same.

You must be a very strange person to imagine someone sticking their head up a “dogs a-.”

By the way, it’s too bad you keep spending your allowance on B.J. albums, just to burn them. Why don’t you use the money to buy hairspray and make-up instead? I’m sure you need a lot of it.


Simi Valley, CA

P.S. Also, L.A. doesn’t need a jerk like you. No wonder Jon doesn’t want to live here, with people like you stinking it up.