Ronnie James Dio Looks That Kill!

“NOW WITH HIS OWN BAND!??” Since I find it unnecessary to begin this letter with “Dear” (that is far too polite for you people), I’ll get to the point. First of all, I rarely ever purchase your magazine and the two times that I have it’s been for the photographs ONLY!!!!!

May 3, 1987

The CREEM Archive presents the magazine as originally created. Digital text has been scanned from its original print format and may contain formatting quirks and inconsistencies.

Ronnie James Dio Looks That Kill!

If Rose A. Gordon from Falls Church, VA, is any indication, Ronnie James Dio has some of the most devout and rabid fans in all of metaldom! Rose was a little upset at the way some writers poke fun at Ronnie's physical stature, and she’s let METAL know about it in no uncertain terms—and in a series of letters that have appeared in the magazine during the last year. Laura Morgan, another reader, responded to one of Rose’s letters, questioning Ronnie James’s physical attributes —and the controversy went into full gear! Just goes to show that a lot of people take their Dio very, very seriously!


Since I find it unnecessary to begin this letter with “Dear” (that is far too polite for you people), I’ll get to the point.

First of all, I rarely ever purchase your magazine and the two times that I have it’s been for the photographs ONLY!!!!! I must honestly ask, what ARE you trying so damn hard to prove and are there ANY MATURE PEOPLE on your writing staff at all???????

The captions with your photos ARE NOT FUNNY, but they are disgusting and degrading to the artists they represent. I find it hard to believe that someone hasn’t blown your offices sky high yet!!!!!!

The two issues I shall refer to are January 1985 and June 1985 METAL (these two I have actually purchased but I have glanced at other issues only to throw them down in rage)!!!!!!

Of course, it is your style to put down EVERY HEAVY METAL ARTIST IN EXISTENCE but the one who seems to get it from both barrels just happens to be my all-time favorite heavy metal vocalist (now with his own band)—Ronnie James Dio. Is someone there JEALOUS of this man’s impassive vocal talents????? Who IS this JERK named Martin Dio (C’mon, THAT’S A BIT MUCH!!!!!), who calls himself an album reviewer????? There is surely NO ONE PERSON AT YOUR OFFICE WHO COULD BE FIT TO BEAR SUCH AN HONORABLE NAME AS DIO!!!!!!

As for Ronnie James Dio’s height, it DOES NOT MATTER IF HE IS 5'4" OR 7'4"—he presents himself well in any given situation (interview, stage, etc.) He’s a very open, frank person who is not hesitant to speak his mind (SOME OF YOU GUYS THERE PROBABLY -RESENT HIS HONESTY). Sure, he may be strong and aggressive, but that’s what has gotten him this far., SUCCESS AT THE TOP!!!!! You’ve got to have plenty of these assets to make it in the heavy metal business of ANY OTHER BUSINESS FOR THAT MATTER!!!!! IT’S NOT HOW TALL A PERSON MAY STAND—IT’S THE WAY HE STANDS TALL!!!!! Ugly hair?????? PEOPLE, PLEASE GROW UP!!!!! I know men of Mr. Dio’s age (35) who would give ANYTHING to possess those long, dark locks of hair!!!! Hideous Dwarf???? NOT HARDLY!!!!! YOU PEOPLE MUST BE ON DRUGS!!!!!!!!!!!!!! All of the female headbangers that I know find Ronnie a VERY handsome man (myself included).

I can’t BELIEVE that you compared Klaus Meine of the Scorpions to Ronnie James Dio!!!! THERE IS NO COMPARISON HERE WHATSOEVER!!!!!! Mr. Dio’s distinctive vocal expertise has been and ALWAYS WILL BE A CUT ABOVE THE REST!!!!!!! He DOES NOT scream and shriek like the average heavy metal vocalist. His lyrics are constantly imaginative and meaningful (I’M SURE THAT NO ONE AT YOUR OFFICE HAS EVEN BOTHERED TO LISTEN TO THE WORDS!!!!!)

As for his being a “Devil Worshiper,” well, I certainly do not expect anyone at METAL to be well-versed in the occult anyway, but there are facts to be revealed here. Ronnie James Dio is someone who DOES KNOW a lot about the occult—THIS DOESN’T MEAN THAT HE IS SATAN’S ADVOCATE!!!!!! The symbolism he uses in his songs and on stage is historical and contains occult and medieval knowledge found throughout the ages. There is a BIG DIFFERENCE between blatant Satanism, obvious Black Magic and Positive or White Magic. The “Devil’s Horns” salute (as you IDIOTS phrased it), IS NOT THAT AT ALL!!!!!! It has several meanings: Magic, a symbol of the Horned God Pan (NO, NOT LUCIFER!!!!!!) and it is a protection as well. Why don’t you go after some people such as Motley Crue or Ozzy Osbourne? Crue uses an inverted pentagram all over themselves and their stage set and Ozzy uses an inverted cross among other pepular Satanic symbols. PLEASE NOTE, I DO NOT HAVE ANYTHING AGAINST the Crue or Ozzy. As a matter of fact, I DO like both artists very much. It is always possible that either they are ignorant of what these symbols mean, or they do this for shock value ONLY.


Dio presents a CLASS ACT!!! It isn’t obscene, degrading VERBALLY OFFENSIVE. Jimmy Bain is without a doubt the best bass player I’ve heard (although he never gets the recognition that is owed him). Vinnie Appice comes by his unique talent naturally through his brother Carmine. His thundrous beat provides a background sound that shakes the very rafters in any concert hall. Not to forget Claude Schnell, who is an excellent keyboard man. Ronnie, Vinnie, Jimmy, Vivian and Claude blend together in perfect harmony to create the ULTIMATE Heavy Metal sound. They do one thing whether performing on record or onstage —DIO EXPLODES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Now that I’ve aired all of this—WISE UP, PEOPLE!!!!!! Print a magazine that honors heavy metal for the Art form that it is and STOP ACTING LIKE A BUNCH OF MORONS!!!!!!!! I’m just thankful that I don’t have a teen-aged son or daughter who would see this magazine on the stand and think that it was the greatest thing since apple pie. YOU CAN FOOL SOME OF THE HEADBANGERS SOME OF THE TIME BUT YOU CAN’T FOOL ALL OF THE HEADBANGERS ALL OF THE TIME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Rose A. Gordon (Age 31)

Falls Church, VA


You never promised us a Rose Gordon.

Mike Hunt

Essex, Ontario



I would just like to say that Rose A. Gordon of Arlington, VA, deserves a sacred Purple Heart. Her letter in the July ’86 issue of METAL gave me a warm feeling in the deepest part of my soul.

I thought I was the only person I know of who thinks of DIO in the same terms as she does. Ronnie Dio Rules, as any true Rock ’n’ Roll child can tell you.

Anyone who thinks he’s a Satanist is either blind, stupid, crazy, or all three! He is a man of God and a great man at that! He is the most energetic singer around today, yesterday, and tomorrow! He saved me from death, depression, and anything else you care to name! He is now and always will be the King of Heavy Metal! Rose, I’m happy that there is someone out there who loves Dio as much as I love him. May the spirit of Ronnie James walk by your side wherever you go, and may the Rainbow of Power shine in the sky above your head. And may you find the Sacred Heart.

God Bless all the Rock ’n’ Roll Children of Dio!


Cape Coral, FL


I’ve just finished reading your August ’85 issue of METAL. Thanks soooo much for the article on Carmine Appice’s new band, King Kobra. Every heavy metal/ hard rock fan out there should go pick up on King Kobra’s debut album, Ready To Strike. It’s up to us to put them on top where they belong. I recently saw them live at a local bar and they put on ONE HELL OF A SHOW!! Van Halen, eat your hearts out! Not only are they all excellent musicians, but all five guys are first-rate showmen. They give it their all even at a small bar when they should be headlining places like Madison Square Garden. Keep the King Kobra articles coming!

Also, I happen to find the captions on your, photos rather amusing, not ‘‘disgusting and degrading,” as Rose A. Gordon chose to refer to them. C’mon— rock ’n’ roll is supposed to have a sense of humor. Obviously, certain so-called rock ’n’ rollers don’t.

Oh, I almost forgot, Rose. Ronnie James Dio—a very handsome man? Uh, excuse me! I’m not going to insult his musical talents, but you would have to agree that a good 99.9 percent of the female population would find his physical appearance more similiar to that of a hideous dwarf! (It’s not your fault though you could have serious cataract trouble.

I mean it!!)

I will only leave your marvelous magazine with one minor criticism. Spare me the Krokus articles! Their lead singer (you can fill in his name, it’s too trivial for me to remember—Marc something, maybe?) looks like he should be working in a pizza parlor. Also, he sounds as if he has a serious phlegm build-up in his throat. He’s not only going to croak us. he's going to choke us!

Laura Morgan

Great River. NY


I’m sick and tired of this s—. What are you guys. a--holes? Obviously, and you also have your heads up your ass. All the time I’m reading, people are saying they hate this group and they hate that group. Who cares! The world does not revolve on your opinion. No matter what group or person you dislike, there's always someone out there who does like them. When you’re putting someone down, you’re only putting yourself down. If you don’t have something nice to say about someone then don’t even bother saying it. Those who make judgement on others are only choosing their enemies, as said by Ronnie Dio. So why don’t we stop putting down others and worry about our own faults. Every time you can say something bad about someone else. I bet you could name at least ten things that you don't like about yourself. I like everyone, because I have faults, too.

Regena Miles »

Phoenix. AZ


I had the thrill of a lifetime reading your July METAL issue. It seems I’ve got a few people pretty upset. What a shame. Well, before I decide which of the losers is first on my hit list, I have a couple of things to clear up, since it seems some people can neither read or think.

This is to the infamous and, more importantly, brainless, Rose A. Gordon. What the hell is wrong with you, anyway? Yeah, I said Dio was a hideous dwarf (METAL’s choice of words), but that is all I said. I never have, never did, and never will insult his music or band. I too saw Dio live, and he presented an amazing show. Ronnie James Dio is one of the most talented vocalists around. Just because I think he is a bow-wow doesn’t mean I think his band’s music sucks. But really, Rose, this is reality. If, by your standards, Dio is good-looking, fine. But seriously, how many other women do you know that walk around raving about Dio’s dashing features? I suppose they are dashing in a way—if you mean that when people see him, they immediately “dash” to the other side of the earth. I realize music is more important than looks. I am a Dio fan, but your infatuation or obsession with Dio had blinded you, literally. Who cares how you spell Padavona? Are you a Wheel Of Fortune contestant or something? After all, you never know when a guy as stunningly handsome as R.J.D. might pop up in the people category.

Secondly, unsigned from Albany, NY is a total coward. At least Rose A. Gordon has the nerve to sign her name to letters (as absurd as they may be). I hope you feel the wrath of King Kobra fans everywhere. It is a wrath to be feared. It takes a real hypocrite to say that real talent is all that matters and then rank on a bands appearance, not music. Looks were the only thing you could find to criticize King Kobra—why? Because they do have a real talent. Anyone that thinks King Kobra are nothing but a bunch of pretty boys with no talent leads a very sheltered life. Anyone who think that they don’t look like guys should be trampled by a head of cows with dysentery (to put it politely). Give Carmine Appice some respect, he deserves it. After being in rock ’n’ roll for so many years and playing with some of the greatest (Ozzy. Jeff Beck, etc.), it is totally preposterous to even suggest that he would allow a bunch of brain-dead blonds to play alongside him. The man is one of the best drummers ever. Of course, when choosing a band, he would value capability over appearance. If anyone doubts this, all you have to do is pick up King Kobra’s Ready To Strike or Thrill Of A Lifetime to know that the insinuation that King Kobra are simply a bunch of posers is a bunch of crap. They are the best new band around! God help the person who dares challenge their masculinity or say they look like girls. That is the ultimate sin.

No, I will not spare Brian St. James because he is the epitome of stupidity, and the biggest wimp of all. The reason I want no more (please) Krokus features is not because Marc “extra cheese or pepperoni?” Storace looks like he belongs in a pizza parlor, which he does. It’s because Krokus is a totally talentless band that copies every other successful bands style because they can t seem to come up with their own. In fact, while I was listening to Krokus on Metal Shop,

I did discover a stunning quality in the Pizza King’s voice. My dog, Rover, started whining along in exactly the same key and pitch. When poor Rover dies, I’ll give the Pizza King a call, so I can reminisce about the good old days when Rover was alive.

I have also came to the conclusion that the real reason Brian St. James is so sick of the photos of Vince Neil grabbing his crotch is because he is jealous. He must have nothing to grab! I am sick of people insulting Motley Crue—but to attack Ratt, Kiss, Bon Jovi and yes, Dio, in the same breath takes a lot of gall. Krokus will never achieve the status these bands have, because they haven’t done anything to earn it! You must be a schizo too, Brian. Sorry to bring you the bad news, but do you realize how insane it is to suggest that bands like Motley Crue and Ratt are sleazy and classless while you uphold W.A.S.P.? (Before all you W.A.S.P. fans write in asking for my head, I like the band, OK?) It makes no sense whatsoever to dislike the sleaziness and stupidity (as you see it) of Motley Crue and Ratt while defending W.A.S.P., a band that seem to favor posing with blood and skulls and putting women on the rack. That takes the prize for stupidity! And we should all take into account that Nikki Sixx is God. Let’s just pray that the Pizza King Storace has enough sense to keep his mouth shut about Motley Crue and their music. He has enough enemies already. Dio, Crue, Ratt, Kiss, Bon Jovi, Dokken, Ozzy, Iron Maiden, and the Monkees can outplay Krokus anytime. While King Kobra would blow them off the

face of this earth, they certainly aren’t very “hot stuff.” Krokus will never become more than a speck of dirt in metal history. I’ll be looking forward to more hate mail in future editions. Rose? Brian? Kobrally yours,

Laura Morgan Great River, NY


I can’t believe it! What the hell is happening to heavy metal and its fans? Theatre Of Pain, Invasion Of Your Privacy, Asylum, Metal Health, Sacred Heart, 7800° Fahrenheit...they all suck!!! Popularity is going to these band’s heads. You can see it in Vince Neil’s eyes as he grabs his crotch for another sleazy picture; you can see it in Stephen Pearcy as he hangs his mouth open for another picture (I hope to hell his breath is better than his singing)!

Now for the fans. I pick up METAL (March ’86) and see that some stupid broad by the name of Laura Morgan wants no more Krokus features because Marc Storace looks like he belongs in a pizza parlor! I agree with her that King Kobra is a really cool band, but Marc Storace can out-sing damn near everyone, including what’s-his-name from King Kobra. I’d like to see some so-called great singers try to sing a song like Krokus’ “Hot Stuff” without breaking their voice. The only singers in the world that equal Marc Storace are TNT’s Tony Harnell and French-Canadian rocker Aldo Nova.

Long live Krokus, TNT, Quiet Riot, Def Leppard, W.A.S.P., Black ’N’ Blue, Twisted Sister and King Kobra. These are • the bands you can trust. Amen.

Brian St. James Vancouver, B.C., Canada