ALICE COOPER, BELLBOTTOM JEANS, MORE! I just finished reading the letters in your Sept. ’85 issue. I’d like to express my opinion on two specific letters. First, the one by Jeff S. of Miami. I don’t listen to groups like Cream, Sabbath, or Zeppelin (even though I’m sure they’re pretty good), but I do listen to groups like Motley Crue and (in my opinion) the king of rock—Ratt.

May 3, 1987

The CREEM Archive presents the magazine as originally created. Digital text has been scanned from its original print format and may contain formatting quirks and inconsistencies.


There’s no denying that that lovable hard-rockin’ quintet from California, Ratt, has got more fans than we do! Heck, you should’ve seen the pile of mail we got when one of our always-completelyaccurate-by-law writers mentioned a sneakin’ suspicion that lead cheeseboy Steve Pearcy had a bit less in his pants than he was letting on! We, frankly, were stumped/ We Ve looked at many pictures of Mr. Pearcy and, for the life of us, don’t see any pictures of him with a wallet in his pocket! Then there was the time it was being discussed whether wonderful Ratt drummer Bobby Blotzer was a really big, fat tub of lard or not! Many readers thought not/ You can just bet, when a band as great as Ratt is being discussed, controersy will always raise its occasionally ugly head!


I just finished reading the letters in your Sept. ’85 issue. I’d like to express my opinion on two specific letters. First, the one by Jeff S. of Miami. I don’t listen to groups like Cream, Sabbath, or Zeppelin (even though I’m sure they’re pretty good), but I do listen to groups like Motley Crue and (in my opinion) the king of rock—Ratt. Anyway, I’m glad you’re giving some of the new groups a chance (which is more than I can say for the next person, whose letter I’m about to opinionize). Now for Rev. Rhythm (this is going to be fun):

First of all, those so-called creampuffs —Motley Crue, Ratt, Twisted Sister and W.A.S.P. being (sort of) new bands, have a lot of guts to get out onstage in front of thousands of people (which I’m sure is more than I can say for you, then again,

I don’t think there is anything I can say for you) and play their music (which, by the way, happens to be some of the best kick-ass music around). Be for real—Alice Cooper went out with bell-bottom jeans, besides, he doesn’t even make records anymore. Let me give you some advice. Before you start putting down some of the best bands the music world has to offer, I suggest you start living in the ’80s.

Rodent Rocker

Colorado Springs, CO


You stupid imbeciles! You guys make me sick! Man, you guys have done it this time. How dare you say that Stephen Pearcy’s pants are specially made so he can stuff socks down them? LIAR, LIAR PANTS ON FIRE! (No pun intended.) Do you jerks believe everything you hear?! I mean, just because you teeny weenies are JEALOUS, is still no reason to put down Mr. Pearcy. Besides, how can you say that unless you really & truly know it, huh? Face it guys—Stephen Pearcy is BLESSED.

Sylvie Simmons should learn to keep her nose out of other people’s business (or in Steve’s case, his pants). Just because you have never really seen it and probably never will, is still no f—ing excuse for printing LIES like that. Hey, take it from someone who knows—Steve DOES NOT stuff socks down his pants, simply because he does not have to. Believe me, “It’s the REAL thing!’’ And I know you idiots will find this a little hard to swallow, but it’s true. And Sylvie Simmons can take and shove her socks where the moon don’t shine.

The Cheese

Rhodesdale, MD


As milkman for the Pearcy family, I would like to state that your comments toward Stephen—of the band Ratt—are totally uncalled for. I can remember more than one crisp winter morning when the young lad has invited me in for breakfast and a Bud. (Winters in San Diego can be pretty cold!) Never once has he pranced about brandishing his much-talked-about bulge as your magazine leads people to believe he does. Perhaps you’re less fortunate physically—but you needn’t cut the lad apart for being masculine. Bravo Audrey Carter, for speaking up. If we all band together, ADSPAM (the Alliance in Defense of Stephen Pearcy Against METAL), can beat these rodent haters known as METAL!

Theo Trippindor

San Diego, CA

P.S. The Pearcys are a lovely family, and are deeply hurt by the comments made in your magazine.


I decided to write this letter after I just got done listening to my Ratt Out Of The Cellar tape and my Invasion Of Your Privacy tape. I heard a whole different sound from Ratt! I mean on the Out Of The Cellar album, Ratt had its own unique sound! Now, Ratt sounds like Dokken or Bon Jovi. Don’t get me wrong, Ratt is a very outstanding and powerful group, but they just aren’t their same old selves!

I own a poster of them in ’83 and another poster of them in ’85; success definitely went to their heads!

Dangerous But Worth The Risk

Long Island, NY


I’m responding to some of the letters in the March 1986 issue. I think that Stephen Pearcy has some of the best pants and also what fills them. Anybody who disagrees obviously doesn’t know a “good one” when they see one. Even though I can’t say this from experience (which I wish I could), anybody who’s a Ratt fan knows that he’s got a ‘‘good one.”

I’m sure that he’s taken enough— about stuffing his pants. I know if he could prove to everyone that he doesn’t, he would!! Believe me, I’d be the first to see!!

Ratt-n-Roll Lover

Stacy, MN


I’m writing in because I am a METAL reader, and I was pissed to see the lousy review on Ratt’s new LP, Invasion Of Your Privacy. If anything, the guitar work is better and further establishes DeMartini and Crosby as a team to be reckoned with. Just give a listen to ‘‘Between The Eyes.” Also, if anything, Steven is one of the few hard rock singers that doesn’t scream. Invasion Of Your Privacy is definitely a progression. I’m not putting down your magazine, but another listen is just what the doctor ordered for the reviewer. Sorry about saying “pissed,” just put in a deleted, Ed.

A Loyal Ratt-Keteer Redding, CT


If you have something to say about Ratt next time, just keep it to yourself, OK? We don’t like to hear bad things about Ratt, because it’s the greatest band. Don’t say you want to put Ratt back in the cellar because we’ll put you back in the cellar! If you think Stephen Pearcy sounds like he screams his songs, you better clean your ears, bozo. If you think their new album sucks, then you suck! If you don’t like their boy and girl songs, just don’t listen to them. Anyway, who asked your opinion? What the hell do you think you’re saying, that Invasion Of Your Privacy failed, when it’s selling good, bozo? Kids across the nation like them, so don’t say they failed—because you failed. Are you saying this bulls— about Ratt because you’re jealous of them? If you think they imagined their new album, then you imagined your phony column! If you think they are weak rock, than you’re out of style. How many kids do you see wearing Ratt t-shirts? Too many to count, huh? We think your column sucks!


Leti & Mercy Oakland, CA


This letter is in response to Gary Graff’s comments on Ratt’s recent album. What kind of fag are you, man? Ratt is one the best groups around! I put Ratt right up there with Motley Crue and the Scorpions. Do you listen to HM on a regular basis? If you did, you would be able to appreciate this totally righteous group! I bet you wouldn’t know what heavy metal was if Robbin Crosby and Warren DeMartini wacked you with their guitars!

First of all, Stephen Pearcy does not scream or shout more than a heavy metal singer should. Actually, for singing HM, he has the most excellent voice around.

Second of all, let’s put you into the cellar and let you starve! Just keep your poison pen away from bad-assed groups like Ratt and devoted fans like me won’t breathe down your hairy neck. You, dude, have no taste in HM. Gary Graff, go home you faggot wimp!

Elko, NY


METAL’s October ’85 issue had one of the best articles I’ve ever read about Ratt! I think Annene Kaye did a totally cool interview with Bobby Blotzer! It is usually goofy s— I see in METAL, but this time you guys were cool! Keep up the good work, Annene! Hey, Bobby, I know how troublesome having a band can be; I have one (lead guitar in Rated-X). You guys are my favorite band! By the way, if you write to all of your regular fans, than why don’t you write to me?


Troy Sedlacek

Redmond, OR


I just read your most recent issue (October 1985) and as one of Ratt’s biggest fans, I found it appalling. In the interview by Annene Kaye, she deliberately tried to set up Bobby (The Blotz) Blotzer. Ratt is the greatest new heavy metal band that ever came out of L.A.

Also, in response to the article about Ratt’s new album, Invasion Of Your Privacy—it may not be better than Out Of The Cellar. It's hard to follow an album that did as well as Out Of The Cellar. Although the album is not spectacular, I think it will do awfully well. The captions that were put on the pictures were horrible! Ratt should sue for libel! Next time you write about Ratt, I think you should do a better job of reporting the truth. I sincerely hope you’ll be at the concert in Detroit. Look me up; I'll be there!

Sincerely yours,

Brian Roodbeen

“A True Ratt Fan”

Warren, Ml


I am writing this letter to tell you I think that the Bobby Blotzer interview was great! Good job, Annene Kaye! Being a drummer myself, I think it is great to see a drummer’s point of view on things. I also think that Blotzer is a great drummer.

Second, I think that your article on glitter rock was also great. Can we hear more about Sweet—possibly what they are doing today? Keep up the good work, METAL!

Kenny G.

Bay City, Ml


For the past two years, I have watched your “rag of a mag” go from bad to worse. Annene Kaye’s interview of Bobby Blotzer only confirms it! Who is this syphilitic hag, anyway? Do all your writers go to the Cal Worthington School of Journalism, or what? Now I know why people buy METAL only for the pictures (although some use it as toilet paper). Your magazine rates a -4 on the scale of 1-10. Face up to the facts: you f—’ suck!! You’re about as pathetic as Rolling Stone.

I have one thing to say to your readers: “forget METAL and buy Faces, it’s a much better magazine.”

A metalhead somewhere in So. Cal.

Irvine, LA


This is for Bobby Blotzer:

Bobby, I don’t see where that girl got off calling you “fat”! Bob, personally, if someone has such a rude comment, I think that bitch should just keep them to herself! I have some comments for other bands, but I just keep them to myself. No one but no one talks ’bout you, Steve, Warren, Robb, or Juan. That’s totally rude. Well, remember Bob & Ratt, I’m your #1 fan. I’m behind you 100 percent! Thanks for reading my letter, I really appreciate it. Thanx!

Tiffany Smith

Brawley, CA


I’m writing to comment on the article about Ratt that Gary Graff wrote (in your October issue 1985). As I read and understand, he was telling the readers how Ratt’s new album Invasion Of Your Privacy was a total flop. At least it sounded like it. My opinion is, don’t judge the album by what he thinks. I say get the fans opinion before saying it isn’t any good. If you ask me, I say that every album Ratt made “jams out.” So, Gary, don’t say it isn’t any good until proven not any good! I believe most, if not all, Ratt fans will agree with me.

Ed Antoniewicz

Elyria, OH


This letter is for Gary Graff. I know I will never see it in print, but writing it will make me feel better. You are an a-hole. Your review of Ratt’s Invasion Of Your Privacy was pure bulls—! Invasion is a great album! Ratt is a great band!

Again, you are an a-hole. Your little theory that Ratt hurried off the road and into the studio is also pure bulls—. What the hell is your problem, anyway? Lack of imagination? Ratt lacks nothing.

You are an a-hole. What in the hell is so wrong with the words to “Never Use Love”? Nothing. You obviously don’t like Ratt. As musicians or as a group. Well, then get the f— out of the rock business!

Ratt happen to be five of the nicest guys I’ve ever met, and their music is great. Why don’t you check the charts or go to a Ratt show and see how many people obviously disagree with your “unimaginative” theory? They’re doing something right. And who the f— asked your opinion anyway?

You are an a-hole! I have bad news for you. Ratt is here, here to stay. You’d better get used to it. Ratt rules!

Anne Mahoney

Cornwall, NY

P.S. Another thing: Ratt (among a few other groups) sells your magazine. They’re probably responsible for half your f—ing paycheck. A--!


For 20 years now, I have been the physician for Stephen Pearcy of Ratt, as well as his family. I will tell you, he does not put socks, armadilloes, or anything else in his pants. He has always had large reproductive organs, which he and his parents have always been proud of. He is a lovely boy—and does not deserve such libelous comments. Let the boy be. You are killing his mother.

Dr. Sal DiMartino

San Diego, CA

P.S ADSPAM lives in S.D.!