BON JOVI TACTLESS! I really enjoy your magazine, and I was especially looking forward to the Bon Jovi article in the recent issue. I really like the band; I love the new album and the video for “Only Lonely.” Unfortunately, I can’t say the same for this interview.

May 3, 1987

The CREEM Archive presents the magazine as originally created. Digital text has been scanned from its original print format and may contain formatting quirks and inconsistencies.


Was METAL ever embarrassed when two articles appeared in our mag and “sister” mag CREEM, in which we quoted famed rocker Jon Bon Jovi saying that there would “never” be any “ugly women” in his videos anymore! Why were we embarrassed? Because, frankly, an entire wing of our new complex was filled to the brim with mailbags full of complaints! First, Rose Riker wrote in and told us that Mr. Bon Jovi was almost Kevin DuBrow-like. Then more people wrote in telling us that Rose Riker might not be the most beautiful gal in the free world herself. And then...and then... well, you best read on! One thing’s for sure—while there’s no denying Bon Jovi are a great rock ’n’ roll band, in the future Mr. Jon Bon Jovi had better be careful about what he says! Agreed?


I really enjoy your magazine, and I was especially looking forward to the Bon Jovi article in the recent issue. I really like the band; I love the new album and the video for “Only Lonely.” Unfortunately, I can’t say the same for this interview.

Jon Bon Jovi gets my vote for this year’s hands-down winner of the Kevin DuBrow award for tact and sensitivity (i.e. “...There will never, ever, as long as I live, be another ugly girl in my videos...”).

Congratulations, Jon, you really made an ass out of yourself! Grow up before your mouth sinks Bon Jovi the same way Kevin DuBrow’s sank Quiet Riot!

Rose Riker

Sioux City, IA


I’m writing in response to what Rose Riker wrote about Bon Jovi. Who do you think you are, saying that Jon is an ass because of what he said about fat and ugly girls in his videos? He can say what he wants —and why do you care what he says...unless you’re fat and ugly? Bon Jovi is the best group ever and always will be...and Jon is far from winning the Kevin DuBrow Award! Bon Jovi rules\\\ So, bitch, keep your mouth shut.

Donna & Kim

Newtown Sq., PA


First of all, I would like to say that I definitely agree with Donna & Kim from Newtown Sq., PA! Jon Bon Jovi can say whatever he wants about who’s in his videos. He’s not like that though. Last year, when he was a guest on Radio 1990, here’s what he said: “Recently I said something in one of the magazines about certain people in our videos, and it’s a little discriminatory. I’m really sorry, and when I do screw up I want to make sure that I apologize because you’re why I’m here.”

Oh, one more thing—this is to Mr. Richard Riegel—who last month had the nerve to write that stuff about Jon! You probably wish you could look as good as he does and since you probably never will you’re just jealous! He is not “average” either—he is one fine lookin’ dude! So, hopefully, someday you’ll die of a “loathsome disease.” I just hope you die with the knowledge that Bon Jovi is the best and he’ll be around for a long time to come!


Erie, PA


In response to Donna & Kim:

You must be some pair of real bitches. First of all, Bon Jovi won’t always be the best. They never were, and sure as hell don’t have what it takes to get up there. They’re a bunch of sissies who think good looks will get people to love them. Let’s face it now, shall we? They suck.

Get your heads out of your assholes and realize what real metal is. Try listening to Ozzy, Sabbath, Maiden, or Priest. Now, they kick ass. And they always will. They know that what people want is good metal, not good looks. So why don’t you foff!


Downers Grove, IL


We don’t particularly appreciate the way your magazine talked about Bon Jovi and Motley Crue! Assholes like you should be spreading your s— in the fields, instead of in this magazine! In Richard Riegel’s article he said his wife didn’t think much of Bon Jovi. Just because she’s ugly, she doesn’t have to take it out on him, and neither do you! Jon has the right to pick whoever he wants in his videos! If he doesn’t want ugly girls in his videos, he doesn’t have to have them. This is a free country, you know! And some jerk like you can’t cut him down for doing what he wants just because you’re jealous! Now, for Motley Crue—if their remake of Brownsville Station’s “Smokin’ In The Boys Room” is so bad, then why in the hell did they place first with it for Best Single and Best Video in the Circus reader’s poll?! You guys have s— for brains! Maybe we should stick with Circus. They know what’s good—certainly not METAL.

Karen & Kris

Alma, Wl


This is to those two c—head bitches, Donna and Kim, from Newtown, Sq. PA:

You think you’re badasses or somethin’ by telling people what do do? Well, Bon Jovi sucks and I should know because they used to be one of my favorite groups. I loved ’em. But if you think 7800° Fahrenheit is any good, you’ve got pretty s—ty taste in tunes. He puts down his own fans, the ones that aren’t perfect like he thinks he is. What makes you think he wouldn’t say bad s— about you if he saw you? Chances are he would, and you know it. If “Bon Jovi rules!!!” like you say, then why aren’t they selling more albums? I can’t believe how dumb you two are! Face it, Bon Jovi sucks bloody tampons, but maybe that’s why you like them so much—I wouldn’t let him lick me if his life depended on it! All I gotta say is, cool your s— or I’ll take my chucks to your head and beat some sense into it!

Michelle McKean

Roseburg, OR


I would like to comment on something written by Richard Riegel in “Videos Only A Mother Could Love.” It concerned Jon Bon Jovi and his comment about not having fat, ugly girls in his videos. I happen to love Jon and am not about to put up with the s— that you wrote about him. If Jon doesn't want fat, ugly in his videos that’s his decision. What’s so terrible about that? What, do you go for fat, ugly girls or something? Maybe he doesn’t want any fat ugly girls in his videos because he doesn’t want to be embarrassed! But I’m sure with a mind like yours you couldn’t think of something like that! I mean, you’ve got to be stupid to print something saying that Jon is no prize package himself! (And his name is Jon, not li’l Jon-Jon—get it straight!) The man is gorgeous! And I’m sure millions of girls would agree with me.

About his clothing and hat and sunglasses...If you don’t like them, that’s your tough s—! No one is asking you to go out and buy a wardrobe like his or anything! (You should, though, the Salvation Army is probably getting sick of you!)

You also said Jon is a nothing. Are you retarded, or just plain stupid? Wake up, mister! Bon Jovi is a fast-growing group, and Jon is a very popular singer. I don’t go into stores and see posters of you\ (Thank you, God up above!) So you should keep your mouth shut!

Next...Do you call what you printed a “warning"\?}\ Please! Don’t make me laugh! If you even touched him, he’d probably beat you up. And if he didn’t give you the satisfaction, I guarantee you’d have a million fans after your ass!

Also, Jon is not an ego twerp. You can take those words, shove ’em up your ass and rotate!

Now I advise you to keep your f—in’ mouth shut before you get your ass kicked!

Jon’s #1 Fan

Brooklyn, NY


In your May ’86 issue of METAL, you asked if Jon Bon Jovi is being a jerk. Well,

I think the man deserves more than you give him! He cares about his fans, and gives everything he’s got. He’s definitely not a jerk, as you stated! The article on him (“BON JOVI—Man or Band’’) wasn’t good, either. You said rude, probably untrue stuff about Jon and his band. Also, you did the same to Motley Crue! Bon Jovi did a lot of good music, and still has the right stuff. You don’t seem to think so.

I even remember a two-year-old girl liking Bon Jovi (or “Bon Joki,” as she put it) so much that her mom wrote in. Gosh, leave the Bon Jovi interview to me next time. I’ll be glad to do it! All you’ll do is put them down again.

I do want to say I liked the pictures in the article. Motley Crue & Bon Jovi are the best, and they both RULE! They care about their fans, and you should care about the people who read their stories! You made it seem like Jon is taking up all the spotlight—but really, you never gave the other four guys a chance. Also, you sound like a deviant. He is just like any other man! Why pick on him? All guys have a little wild side in them—you just blew it out of proportion with Jon. If I do buy any more METAL magazines, I’ll make sure to just look at the photos— because you are so arrogant toward something that is the best there is (rock ’n’ roll, Bon Jovi and Motley Crue) plus the whole list of metal, like Dio, Ratt, W.A.S.P. & Dokken.


Scranton, PA


I’m writing in response to all the s— being said about wild Jon Bon Jovi. Why are you so pissed about this “ugly girl” s—? Did you know her? If you don’t, then just shut the f— up, OK? I used to like METAL, but now you’re really pissing me off, putting down kickass groups (the Crue, Bon Jovi ...)!

A pissed-off reader

Rochester, N.Y.

MORE “#1 FANS”!!

I’m writing in response to Rose Riker’s letter about Jon Bon Jovi in a past issue. Obviously that one article was probably all you read with JON. But if you had bothered to read at least a few of his other interviews, you’d notice that all Jon ever talks about are his fans and his music. Not how many girls he’s screwed the night before, or how he can out-drink any other person. So just because he made one statement that wasn’t to your approval does not make him an ass. If you were a rock star, I’m pretty sure you wouldn’t put fat and ugly guys in your videos! After all, who wants to see a video if it’s not too pleasant to look at? So to Bon Jovi (the best group ever), keep on rockin’—we’re with you all the way 4-ever.

I would also appreciate it very much if you would print this little poem I wrote for the #1 band...

They say “THE HARDEST PART IS THE NIGHT” that’s when you become “ONLY LONELY” and face many a “SILENT NIGHT” so you “RUNAWAY” to “TOKYO ROAD" because you “DON’T WANNA FALL (TO THE FIRE)” and along the way you fall “IN AND OUT OF LOVE” get “SHOT THROUGH THE HEART” and pay the “PRICE OF LOVE” but what “SHE DON’T KNOW” is you have many “SECRET DREAMS” and will always “BREAKOUT” of the “LOVELIES.”

It’s just one big “ROULETTE,” and when you do “COMEBACK” for more your fans will “ALWAYS RUN TO YOU” ’cause we’re “BURNING FOR LOVE” and BON JOVI will “GET READY” to become “KING OF THE MOUNTAIN.”

Bon Jovi’s #1 Fans

Yezzie and April

Toronto, Ontario, Canada


Thanks for printing my original letter. This is my reply to Donna and Kim’s letter calling me a bitch because I called Jon Bon Jovi an ass due to his tacky remark about the “ugly” girls in his band’s videos.

Had you bothered to read my entire letter, you would have seen that I like Bon Jovi. I’ve liked them from the first time I saw “Runaway” on MTV. I’ve seen them twice in concert, and I don’t want to see a good band go down the toilet because of one person’s mouth! If you think it can’t happen—just remember what happened to Quiet Riot.

One last thought, ladies: if you think what Jon said was so cool, how come he made a public apology for it on the September 13th broadcast of Radio 1990?

Rose Riker

Sioux City, IA


This is to Richard Riegel:

Dear Lowlife,

How DARE you call Jon Bon Jovi a “nothing”!!! Obviously, you’ve got “nothing” for brains! And if anyone is going to die of a “Loathsome Disease” it will be you, brought on by eating all the bulls— you dish out. So face it, whether you like it or not, BON JOVI RULES, and it is YOU who are a worm below zero!


Bon Jovi’s #1 Fan

Miami, FL


I recently picked up a copy of your magazine and was reading about the controversy over Jon Bon Jovi’s “Ugly Girl” comment. Personally, I think Jon Bon Jovi is THE BEST LOOKING GUY I have ever seen. If I had the looks, money, and fame he has, I’d have everything done exactly as / wished, also. All of this over a comment he has made, when in all of the interviews I have read on him, he never makes comments on what types of women he prefers. Everyone has their own opinions, and he certainly is entitled to express his own. Also, I am a 27-year-old, divorced woman with two children (and I’m damn NOT fat and ugly either) very much into rock ’n’ roll, so, Oulette, you are not the only rock ’n’ roll mom around. Just because we are, or have been, married and have children, it doesn’t mean that we are ugly, fat or are “over the hill.” It just means that we are more experienced and (careful).

So tell Mr. Bon Jovi that when (IF) the world forgets him and even New Jersey, he can come see me—because I’ll never forget him! Tell him to answer his mail!

Cindy C. Brooks

Lincolntown, NC


Recently I picked up a May ’86 edition of METAL magazine, and I got really ticked off!

I was reading the article “Videos Only A Mother Could Love” and found out that some pig-headed bitch was putting Jon Bon Jovi down big time! Well, I have a couple of things to say to that pervert!

First of all, you are either obviously jealous of Jon’s looks or your taste sucks royally. Secondly, if anyone is a worm below zero, it’s you, punk!

I would also like to mention one thing, to the author of this asinine article—JUST WHO THE HELL DO YOU THINK YOU ARE, AGREEING WITH THIS JERK-OFF!!?!!

An Ultimate Jon Bon Jovi Lover

Greenville, MS


I am writing in response to what Rose Riker said about Bon Jovi. I agree that he shouldn’t have said that about fat and ugly girls to the press. But he has the right to say whatever he wants, so Jon, I’m behind you 100 percent!! I saw Jon and the rest of Bon Jovi for the first time in my life in concert in Philly, and let me tell you—it was love— first sight for me!! They are all gorgeous!!


Westchester, PA


To Richard Riegel:

You have some nerve talking about JON BON JOVI. I LOVE him more than anyone in the entire world and I would die for him. I can’t believe the things you said about him. You said things about his clothes, his glasses and hat. What do you prefer? A ballet outfit, you QUEER? You’re just jealous because you don’t look that good, ASSHOLE! I think you were also really ignorant saying for him to get “average” girls that are just as average as he is. JON isn't “average,” so why don’t you just face it. You’ll probably be the one to die—of JEALOUSY!!!

Michelle Grant

Intercourse, PA