I am writing in response to Jim Farber’s article on AC/DC in the March issue. First of all, Angus Young’s responses were great, but that was it. Well, the photographs were good too. I claim to be the biggest AC/DC fan in the South Western United States, and at first I wasn’t sure if you were complimenting the band or insulting them.

May 3, 1987

The CREEM Archive presents the magazine as originally created. Digital text has been scanned from its original print format and may contain formatting quirks and inconsistencies.


Impossible as It might seem, people do occasionally write us about bands other than Motley Crue. Usually, when we receive letters of this type, we dance around the office and wear hats ’n ’ stuff in pure, joyous celebration. It's a scene!

Here, then, are some of your insightful observations on a few of the fine, fine bands that haven’t been covered elsewhere In this magazine. As is always the case with our happy-go-lucky correspondents, the letters are actual tributes to the American educational system and the human mind itself! They are definitive proof that we’re the species o’ choice—yip!


I am writing in response to Jim Farber’s article on AC/DC in the March issue. First of all, Angus Young’s responses were great, but that was it. Well, the photographs were good too. I claim to be the biggest AC/DC fan in the South Western United States, and at first I wasn’t sure if you were complimenting the band or insulting them. As I read on, I decided you didn’t really appreciate what you were saying, especially about Brian Johnson. I don’t know what’s wrong with your ears, but I understand him perfectly. Also, (I don’t know whose fault this was) you printed Phil Judd, and his name is Phil Rudd. Another

thing which made me mad is what you said about Ozzy Osbourne, Iron Maiden, Toni Iommi and Def Leppard. That wasn’t very nice, besides they’re making more money than you are, so let’s be cool about that, OK? Nobody asked for your opinion anyway.

Gail Rice

Tucson, AZ

P.S. I want your job, Jim!


I read your article about Rush and their previous album, Power Windows. It seriously sucked and so do you. My friends and I consider you powerless assholes! You have absolutely no taste in music whatsoever. After witnessing the awesome show Rush put on Monday, March 31 and Tuesday, April 1, I came to the conclusion that you do not know what you are talking about. I have been a Rush expert since I was 15 years old. I do not know how long you have been following Rush, but I am convinced it has not been very long. I cannot understand how you can put down an album like Power Windows. It is hard-moving and just an awesome display of the trio’s talent. Geddy’s voice is totally outrageous, Alex’s guitar playing is massive and Neil’s drumming will leave even mere mortals like yourselves speechless. Ever since the Permanent Waves album Rush has seriously destroyed any competition. The Moving Pictures album is simply amazing. Then they released Exit.. .Stage Left, the album and home video. If you could afford it, go out and buy it. It’s worth the $29.95. I doubt if they pay you that much, so I’ll let you borrow mine. Then Rush used more synthesized sound for Signals. The Canadian trio came on strong with Grace Under Pressure and blew the doors wide open with Power Windows. It took big balls to write that article. If you do have big balls, you will read this letter and write back to me. At the end of this letter you will find my address.

Back to the matter at hand. Rush is not only a very talented group, but they are all educated people. Geddy Lee has a degree in music. Alex Lifesen is a talented painter and Neil Peart has a degree in English and Literature. The trio are very educated people, then again compared to you, a handball is more educated. Rush’s music kicks ass over any other group.


Nicholas J. Atlanasio

Lodi, NJ


Why can’t you f-assholes out

there get it into your f.heads

that Iron Maiden rules!?!?!?

Motley Crue, Ratt, and other socalled metal bands suck to hell! They’re all a bunch of god-damned

f-posers! They like to think &

dream that they’re heavy metal bands, but anyone out there with some sense should realize it’s bands like Iron Maiden that rule! So for you a-holes who like Motley Crue and Ratt who claim to be into heavy metal, why don’t you just f— off and go back to your Top 40 bands! As for Motley Crue and Ratt, why don’t you just f— off! You’re putting heavy metal down! We all know that Iron Maiden rules!!!

A Maiden fan,

Palatine, IL


Before I go, are Stephen Tyler & Joe Perry married????

Dannette Jeanne

Mesquite, TX


Does Mr. Osbourne know any other adjectives besides “f.?’’

Also, to Mr./Mrs. Rodent Rocker, you really cannot compare Crue, T. Sister, W.A.S.P. or Ratt to groups like Zeppelin, Sabbath, the Who, or even Alice Cooper. It’s like comparing minor to major league. Just because we do happen to live in the ’80s does not mean it’s impossible to listen to those ancient recordings of the ’60s and ’70s. It’s better than listening to the excretion of today. I really don’t want to be offending anyone but there is just no way today’s groups can match or exceed the classic ones. Do remember that your opinion of what is “out” is just that—your opinion. Led Zeppelin, Black Sabbath and Alice Cooper will never be “out” as long as the world has taste and record players.

Queenie Napoleon

Bloomfield Hills, MI


I need your help. I need to know where I can get a Saxon shirt. I don’t care if it is short-sleeve or long. As long as it says “Saxon” on it. I’m not looking for any specific kind or concert. I’m a big fan of Saxon. I can’t find their shirt in any magazine or in any order forms. When are they gonna tour? Can I have dates? I would also like to have an address where I can reach them. Please inform me. Write me back. Thank you.

P.S. Keep informing us on our metal favorites.

Mike Gray

Lompoe, CA


Hey piggies! I’m back! Didja miss me?!! NO??? Anyways, I been thinking (there’s a first time for everything!) about Eiegel’s hoo-hah regarding the double standard of looks in metal videos (honestly, Rich, 95 percent of the other film wastes are just as bad, but then I think the very idea of videos is strictly a case of counting your chickens on a short pier with one oar in the water) when I suddenly started wondering why my favorite loud-rock mamas—Girlschool, Christina Amphlett, and Chrissie Hynde—are always ignored, while

Lita-f.g-fraud (the Teri Copley of

heavy metal) rates a full-page photo in practically every issue. Guys, of course, can look like total slobs— witness Leslie West and Dee Snider —but women have to be Miss Glamour-Puss EVERY SECOND OF THEIR LIVES, huh schmucks? Oh well, if you change your evil ways and quit treating women like nothing but token cheesecake in your desperate attempts to sell your crummy mag, I might forgive (surrrrre) you for that sneakilyinsulting Girlschool caption you thought you got away with back in yer August ish...

Stevie Stuka (aka Kim McAuliffe’s Black Lace Panties)

Dover Beach, CA

P.S. Wonder if Pres. Marcos has heard the Divinyls’ “Guillotine Day?”

P.P.S. Keep America beautiful! BAG JON BON JOVI’S FACE!

P.P.P.S. The Grammy Awards sucked even worse than usual!!!

P.P.P.P.S. More stuff about MC5, Stooges, Fairies, Punkrock, LSD, etc.!!!



You like comments from all types. Here’s some personal views on some of the letters and articles in the March ’86 issue of METAL. What new British invasions? Deep dish storage. Tasteless for you to even run that letter in its entirety. Shows no class on your part. Also, you tend to have a shouting match between your readers. People have a right to say anything. (Notice the word “anything’’ is underlined.

Look the word up if you think your understanding of the word is somewhat lacking.) For you to depict the difference like the readers have actually written each other letters is poor taste on your part. Uriah Heep will probably never see the fame they once had. Either will Ozzy, Ratt, AC/DC, Kiss. What exactly were the polls G. Reaper were reading? Heavy metal bands do not win popularity contests, and that’s true. There is a market, it’s truly a touchy subject. It can become something more if it had more exposure. I happen to like heavy metal more than easy listening or pop. But popular at times can be good. What’s bad about heavy metal is the one or two songs or maybe three songs on an average album don’t get airplay. The popular music songs do get airplay. Then the rest of the songs are close to being called filler or as a heavy metaller would, trash. Heavy metal to pop is considered to have a bad attitude. Pop music people use words the average person likes to listen to. Heavy metal bands don’t always do that. People actually don’t like to hear words that sound offensive. There’s a lot of people like that. I’ve been hearing a lot about Dokken and W.A.S.P. Under Lock And Key by Dokken was not that good. In my opinion, it did not have one good song on it. But on W.A.S.P.’s The Last Command “Wild Child” was a good song. W.A.S.P. had at least one song. The Shoes had a better hit than these guys. I bought four albums: Ratt, Motley Crue, W.A.S.P. and Dokken. The only reason I bought the albums are because I read so much about the bands. I’d say W.A.S.P. is the best out of the four. But out of W.A.S.P., Loudness, Ratt, Quiet Riot, Kiss, Dokken, Motley Crue and Yngwie Malmsteen, they rank the way they were written down. Malmsteen’s feeling for rock is not good. Loudness has good feeling. Along with the good guitar player, instead of just the good guy than playing like Malmsteen. Loudness has above-average ability on the guitar compared to Ratt, which has good feeling but just average ability. Quiet Riot’s style is average, and the guitar doesn’t seem to have enough pull. Ratt, Quiet Riot, Kiss, Dokken are basically tied for third, but Ratt is definitely ahead of Quiet Riot, Kiss, Dokken and Motley Crue. Quiet Riot is definitely ahead of Kiss, Dokken and Motley Crue. Kiss, Dokken and Motley Crue are on the flatlands of Nebraska and Crue’s in one of the ldw spots you can see in the far away distance. Now, how do the Romantics fit in. Heavy metal is the dark side of the music business, which gave me an idea for a video station. When the video stations are talking, the setting would be dark, and in the background a third of the background would be lit by one of those flashing lights; those really fast ones. The light would look like it’s far away. That would give the show a spooky feeling. You’d have to turn off just about all the lights so the other two thirds of the backround could be dark. Well, I have to go now. Everybody have sweet dreams of sniffing my butt. That’s not how all the DJ’s would talk all the time. Good luck.


Boston, MA


Hey! What’s up? I just want to comment on the way everybody tries to say how this band sucks and that band sucks. Well, it’s all a matter of opinion. In school I’m labeled as a “punk” just because I tease my hair and don’t dress preppy like the majority of people there. It bugs the f-hell out of me because I’m not a punk. I like all music from Motley Crue to Black Sabbath to Black Flag. Most people don’t know I listen to metal; all they think I listen to is “hard-core.” One of my favorite bands is Motley Crue and people criticize them no matter what they do. People call them fags, but they’re doing their thing. They’re being original, which is more than I can say for some people. A lot of you think their new album is soft but songs like “Home Sweet Home” show a side of Nikki Sixx I like. Although I love his wild and sleazy side; it’s great, everyone needs a soft side or they’ll break. Motley Crue has matured with their bad experiences. That makes them that much better. Keep up the good work guys and all the other metal bands. Party hardy, rock ’n’ roll, drink a case, smoke a bowl. We all need sex to survive; let’s all go sick in ’86.

Karen Wood

Lewiston, NY


Although I never thought I’d do so, I must thank you for your September coverage of Yngwie J. Malmsteen. It’s much past time to recognize his incredible talent. He is unlike any other guitarist or songwriter in the world and has very little in common with anyone else your magazine covers. His being in your magazine is the only reason I’d ever buy it. I think your sad attempts at satire are more than annoying! But I was very, very pleased with Sharon Liveten’s article featuring the Swedish maestro. I find it surprising, and almost sad, that she works for you. She seems much more professional and classy than your mag has ever been! Gary Graff’s review of an album that’s been in the states for seven months seems a little more in your tradition. His comments on Icarus make one believe he’s deaf, and I’ve read several reviews that were simply better. I’m sure a lot of people share my opinions about your magazine, which usually features boring bands with a great lack of talent. As long as Yngwie is on the cover, you’ll sell a lot of copies to people who would usually look at METAL with disgust. In closing, I must once again thank Sharon for a job well done and can only hope that you’ll keep up the good work. By the way, Yngwie’s second album, Marching Out, is already in the stores. So why don’t you get someone of Sharon’s stature to review it.

Scott Eemo

Pagosa Springs, CO


I am writing to say a few things about a few people who sent a letter to your magazine which came out in the Aug. ’85 issue. You people are I admire people like you who defend heavy metal...people like Johnny the Wild Child from Centereach, NY. Right on—a cool name for a cool dude. That Mr. Finn (I know it was Mrs. but she’s probably a dyke; why else would she dislike Motley Crue) has a perfect name for a tuna-smelling queer! That’s the kind of people who should be around after you drink a keg of beer. (So you can have something to piss on.) Tell her dyke friend.Shelley Wilson from Joyshatree, CA to take a long walk off a short cliff. Of course the Yardbirds put out some great music, but you can’t compare them, stupid. Two different time eras! That’s like putting Miss America 1956 in the 1985 pageant. So, defenders of the Crue from L.A. and Gail C. (knock ’em dead kid) from Rock City, AZ, more power to you!

Now, for Miss, Ms. or Mrs. (whatever you prefer), I totally agree with your letter too. I know a lot of women who feel the same way*. A quote from one girl says I’d rather

be a beast more than any

other way unquote. In a way I don’t see how a guy couldn’t f— like a beast; f— like a gentleman, excuse me. I forgot to write the name of the sweet lady this is meant for, Leslie R. Martini (may all your men be animals!). Maybe some day we’ll meet, I hope.

Now, concerning a letter by Rose A. Gordon from Falls Church, VA. If I could see you, I would give you a very big kiss. I never knew there was anybody who felt the same way about Dio, as I do! I don’t know him by any other name but Ronnie James Dio, but it doesn’t matter ’cause I know he’s the greatest. I’ve only been able to get my hands on one album, and I can honestly say his music has always been fantastic. I agree when you said you were surprized that no one blew up this magazine’s offices. Any more cracks about Dio, and it will be a real live Rambo from Denver coming to see you. You would think they would show us some respect! No wonder Dee Snider’s pissed off! (Go get ’em Dee!) So to all that I praised, may your metal always be heavy and write back. The others, straighten up, there’s more of us than there are of you! Well, that’s all I got to say. All you metal maniacs write me, OK?

Frank (the heavy metal lover) Segura

354 Quitman

Denver, CO 80219


I read the letter from Audrey Carter in the October issue of METAL where she said Ratt’s Stephen Pearcy has no such secret pockets added to the crotch of his pants. There is nothing inside his pants other than himself. I disagree with Audrey Carter. Stephen Pearcy has a his skin tight leather pants. You also have a black and white picture of Stephen Pearcy in the October issue of METAL Rock ’n’ Roll where he’s dressed in skin tight leather pants and where I can see the outline of Stephen Pearcy’s.through his skin tight leather pants which looks like he has a 9-inch .. I wish Stephen Pearcy was my roommate and a .so I could play with his. through his skin tight leather pants while I’m squeezing Stephen’s. . I’d love to take Stephen in my arms and kiss him on the lips and hug him from behind so that my big .is against Stephen’s..

Gaily yours,

Fred Bargardt Milwaukee, WI


I’m a dedicated reader of your fine magazine, even though I do not have a regular subscription. The articles you write are a real source of information (EVEN THOUGH I NEVER BELIEVE EVERYTHING I READ). I also get a real kick out of the captions you put under the pictures; they are usually quite funny.

I recently read the article you wrote on Aerosmith in the May 1986 magazine, and I was really impressed. Aerosmith is my all-time favorite band, and there is not a better band around. My sister and I recently had the chance to meet the guys in the band when they did an in-store appearance in Mesquite, TX. We waited for two hours, but it was worth it. Steven Tyler is a terrific person, and he is still the sexiest man on earth. All the guys were great, even though you could tell Joe Perry was a little tired. I would love to read an article/interview on Warren DeMartini and Juan Croucier of Ratt. All the (rock rags) write about Stephen and Robbin. Stephen is usually quite funny when he is not trying to be sexy. However, Robbin Crosby is a real bore. He tries to come off as being sexy and macho, but he is not even close. Bobby Blotzer gave the best interview I’ve read in a long time. He is very funny, not to mention handsome.

Some Guy Whose Name You’ll Never Lose Beverly Hills, CA


I’d like it to be known that the real rockers are groups like Slayer, Grim Reaper, Metallica, Iron Maiden, Judas Priest, Exodus, Mercyful Fate, Ozzy Osbourne, Dio and such—to which there is no comparison. These bands don’t go around wearing make-up or glittery fashions, etc. They don’t have to. Well, they may paint dark circles under the eyes for a weird effect, but it’s not same as what the Crue, or Twisted Sister does. I’m not putting these bands down—Twisted Sister is great. I’m just saying the guys in black and thrash metal aren’t image conscience, as in being cute. They concentrate more on their music than on their looks. They have it very together, musicwise. No, Ozzy isn’t what one would call a knockout handsome guy. He is a bit hefty and never was considered physically beautiful, but when it comes to kicking ass rock, few can do it like the Oz. He is fabulous! I can’t wait to get ahold of his new album. I have all the rest since he went solo, and several Black Sabbath albums three with him as vocalist. The Oz will always be a favorite. There is another group that I would like to know more about and see in rock magazines more often. That band is Celtic Frost. They look super cool!

Ann Short

Shreveport, LA