Madonna may be Miss Unpredictable in most regards but there’s one thing the Los Angeles Police Department can positively count on her to do. Never one for small change, the supersongstress can’t be bothered with all those silly parking meters that slow down her wild shopping sprees.

June 2, 1986
Michael Logan

The CREEM Archive presents the magazine as originally created. Digital text has been scanned from its original print format and may contain formatting quirks and inconsistencies.


Michael Logan

Madonna may be Miss Unpredictable in most regards but there’s one thing the Los Angeles Police Department can positively count on her to do. Never one for small change, the supersongstress can’t be bothered with all those silly parking meters that slow down her wild shopping sprees. She happily collects all the tickets left on her windshield but does turn Honest Injun at the end of each week when she hands the bundle over to her accountant who promptly writes out a hefty check to the city.

And though the Material Girl is quite used to being number one on the charts, she also wound up in first place on a more unusual poll. L.A. elementary school kids were recently asked the earth-shattering question “If you could call any famous person in the world, who would it be?” Madonna easily squelched all opposition, although Ronald Reagan and Hulk Hogan came in a respectable second and third. Lady Diana, Mr. T and Family Ties heartthrob Michael J. Fox didn’t do too shabbily, either.

Meanwhile Madonna’s best buddy, actress Rosanna Arquette, found herself a little out of her element at a bowlathon fundraiser by supporters

of Connecticut’s Senator

Christopher Dodd for his re-election campaign. While Jane Fonda, Jackson Browne, Kristy McNichol and other rich and famous types were bowling for dollars, an embarrassed Arquette was desperately seeking lessons. The poor dear hadn’t been within a ci| block of a bowling ball her life.

John Taylor of PowJ Station (and, once upoi time, Duran Duran) jui purchased a turn-of-thej century building in London, but he’s havin a heck of a time decorating it in anticipation of his marriage to mega-modj| Rene Simonson. It’s nil that John’s a fumbler

when it comes to hang|al wallpaper—the structu was originally the site a lunatic asylum and taking all those bars o the windows is driving him...well, uh...crazy.

The video event of: lir year has only been seq by a handful of lucky devils—and will proball remain so. Choreogr; m wiz Jeffrey Hornadayjsp (who kept everybody ioc their toes in Flashdo ’er and the movie versiorjbo; A Chorus Line) put gel

Michael Jackson thr his paces for the eagYev awaited 15-minute, o the fantasy Captain Eo. Cyi to be shown exclusivtAn at Disneyland and DiDsl World’s Epcot Centesev Another terminally $rh guy, Bruce Springst&nn recently brought nevFig meaning to the term lee “friendly skies.” On lev flight from New YorTeri LA, the Boss had a lf;E of stewardesses in Pea seventh heaven long the before the plane eveiLon off the ground. Thei/Eas gushed and Bruce Wicl


blushed but the end result was autographs and Polaroids for all. In fact, he enjoyed himself so much that he spent the better part of the trip in the stew’s quarters, chit-chatting to his heart’s content.

■Not so welcome, however, is the ever unusual Boy George. He’s been driving both stewardesses and fellow passengers nuts on several globe-hopping jaunts. To alleviate boredom, Sir George brings along a gigantic makeup case and a collapsible mirror and sets up shop on the plane. First he lays out an endless array of lipsticks, liners, shadows and false

I eyelashes and then proceeds to play dress-up, all the while hogging more than his share of space. On more than one occasion, he’s shocked mu ’em all by getting on board as a man and getting off as a covergirl. The guy does deserve a iagefew brownie points,

, 3-Jhough. Along with ■o, Cyndi Lauper, Adam sivtAnt, Survivor and Ozzy DiOsbourne, he taped everal 30-second drunk riving public service nouncements for TV’s ight Tracks. They’ve een so well received, a ew series focusing on Vor^eries is planned, a i Even though Tears For n Fears, Paul Young and jngthe exotic Sade were in eveipondon and Sheena %#aston, Sheila E. and e Michael McDonald were

in Hollywood, they performed simultaneously in concert. Thanks to the magic of satellite transmission to Japan, the supergroup raised

lots of bucks for a telethon to aid the victims of the Colombia volcano tragedy.

Fashion designer Betsey Johnson, whose Melrose

Avenue store is all the rage, thought she was seeing things when a purple limo repeatedly drove slowly past her shop window. After circling the block four or five times, the car stopped and out popped two burly bodyguards and Prince. They dashed into the boutique, Prince pointed to a long, magenta dress with shoulder pads that was hanging in the window, paid for it and dashed back out before Betsey could ask “Who was that man?”

Cyndi “Never A Dull Moment” Lauper showed up at a Beverly Hills restaurant sporting a tiny live lizard with a little gold doggie collar on her lapel (they’re apparently all the rage in the Orient!). While helping herself to the salad bar, Cyndi went into shock when she discovered her bosom buddy had disappeared. Thinking that the little guy had fallen into the lettuce or—worse yet—the blue cheese dressing, the panic-stricken star informed the maitre d’.

An all-points bulletin was issued and a horde of busboys started to dismantle the salad bar while the roomful of patrons looked aghast.

It wasn’t until things were pretty well torn up that her female companion noticed the lizard clinging for dear life to the back of Cyndi’s knitted skirt.