August 1, 1978

The CREEM Archive presents the magazine as originally created. Digital text has been scanned from its original print format and may contain formatting quirks and inconsistencies.

Iggy "You Know Your Girlfriends Want Me" Pop is wrapping up his European tour as an almost-Stooge (his band lineup, if you forget: Fred "Sonic" Smith, ex of the MC5, Scott Asheton, ex of the Stooges on drums, Gary Rasmussen, from Sonic's band and formerly with the UP on bass, and ex-Stooge Scott Thurston on keyboards and guitar). From the first reports we got at presstime, the tour Seemed a success; enough to ensure the band touring the States in the fall in its current incarnation.

The big Zim strikes a blow for international relations: Yes, that's v right, Bob Dylans has a romance brewing with a real princess, Ra Aranga of the Maori Tuhoe tribe in New Zealand. How many times has she seen Renaldo&Clam?

Billy Idol of Generation X set us straight on why we have been so, suddenly blessed with "power pop": "Record company presidents tried to create power pop because they coufdn't look like punks, " he explained. "They couldn't change their haircuts, because they don't have any hair,"

it's herparty: Since Patti SmMh was die guest of honor at a soiree given at La Dome in El Lay, she decided that the man spinning the wax that night needed a little musical direction, due to his penchant for disco. After dragging him off his stool and threatening to break his face should he play anything but the Rolling Stones, hecomplied. Later in the evening, la Smith was spied sitting at a table including Shaun Cassidy and Alice Cooper, and was heard to mumble, "There are two people at this table who don't belong in rock V roll. " Is that why her repertoire indudes a straight rendition of "You Light Dp My Life"? No wonder some of Detroit's favorite sons, the Seat Bslte, have a new pogo tune entitled, "l Wanna Marry Patti Smith." ,

David Bowie, in Detroit for a series of concerts, parked himself outside of Bookies', the city's number one new wave nightclub, and salt an emissary inside to find out who was playing. "I want to see some live Detroit bands," said Bow fervently. When he heardthat it was reco^^jjht, and that no live band was playing, he declined to enter. He also declined to leave, though, and Just squatted in his limo, watching the boys and go by.

An astonished crowd of Detroiters | who'd turned out to see Lon Reed | on April 25th were given an 5 unexpected treat: Mitch Ryder jumped onstage with Lou to sing "Rock V RoB,''■(which he and his band Detroit had parlayed into a sizable hit in the dawn of the 70'$). How was Lou able to succeed, where such persuasive crooners as Bruce Springsteen had failed (to get Mitch onstage)? Nobody's really sure. But Mitch did say he was abashed to discover that the guitar player to whom he made vigorous hand sign als behind Itis band to "pipe down" turned out to be oki Lou himself. MOREON LOU: In Chicago recently, he mysteriously cut his concert short'to run offstage, leaving the band still playing, ft was discovered that a young cretin in the front row, wearing mirror shades, was waving a hypodermic needle at Lou, which caused him to spook and split. Lou insisted that his bodyguards look for thesunglassed youth, and they combed the audience for mirror shades, but to no a vail. Lou resumed the show.

Another quotable quote comes from A«MAN*de Lear (leer?): "1 hate to spread rumors, darling, but what else do you do with them?" Why not leave them in your tool box, darling?

Aren't several members of Detective looking for work elsewhere?

Bowling for broken bones: When % Graham Nash and David Casaidy hit the alleys recently, Graham accidentally (oh yeah?) dropped a bowling ball on Davey's foot and broke it. We're glad to hear Graham isn't ipto pumping iron.

We hopeifsjusta rumor, buta number of sources are all a-buzz about a split between Mick dagger and the rest of the Rolling Stone*. Some say the Glimmer Twins have been bickering over Keef s impending drug trial in Toronto, while others insist Mick wants to pursue an acting career. Meanwhile, Lips has denied it alias a large bag of rubbish: "I thought the '69 tour was our farewell tour," he i sneered.

Nolo Contendre indeed: It couldn't have pleased his fans to hear ERon John testify in a corruption investigation that his own record company, Rocket, was guilty of fixing Britain's pop charts in favor of his stable of warblers. Where does the buck stop, Reg?

Why did Pan! Weller of The Jam depart one of Nico's London gigs in a huff, spouting a vast array of naughty words?

He was a punk before you were a punk: Alice Cooper gave his endorsement of new wave music to ^Direct News recently: "It'sbettCf than turning on the radio and* hearing somebody tinging about saving trees. I mean, who cares. t.\ about that?" I

Couid Manfred Mann's last album truly be their last? Could we be so lucky? Mebbe, since guitarist Dave Fleet, drummer Cturi* Slade and bassist Pat Kins have left the ensemble, causing Manny to cancel all tour plans.

Looks like Johnny Rotten is making good his plans for a totally non-musical band. They're called the Camivarkme Buttockflys and include Jim Walker on dru ms, bassist Jab Wobble and guitarist Keith Levine. What does Warner Brothers think?

ThesearchforaRwoonodoneis on following the departure of Tenuny, who has left toj| concentrate on some freelance production chores«.|Jl

The best part of breaking up: the Kinke have added some new faces to their lineup, bassist Jim Rodf ord and keyboardist Gordon Edward*, just in time for their short Yew Ess Ay tour this summer... And RotyGnttnsbor decided to make some changes in. his touring band after completing a short British tour in May. The band, which has been withhimfearfive J years (is that some sort of record?)* bid a fond farewell to drummer Rod D'Athand keyboardist Lon Martin. So far , the question replacements has been greeted with a deafening silencefibtothe^ ; Chrysalis office.

Shoot the piano player: Van Morrl.on's next aihurn has been delayel because he wasn't happy with the vocals, Check your tonsils lately, Van?

Dennis Wllsonshould've ■ Jumped^ps little deuce coupe and headed for some waves before thej boys in blue paid a visitto his , Tucson, Arizona hotel room. The long arm of toe law found Denny with a 16-year-oldgirland enough booze to put Brooke Shields' mama opt of commission for a night or two. Luckily, the little lady's jjparents dropped charges,

Ambulance Report: Mr. Loot (Meat, to his friends) f ell oft the stage at a recent gig and injured his ieg.He'snowina (very large) cast.,. Warren "T rooper" Zevon also missed the stage during IlllPhicago show, spraining both ankles. His nextfewshows were donefromasHgtogpostiton... Foe Waybill misjudged a stage during ope of their soid-outUJK. concerts and fell into the orchestra pit, breaking his ankle. The Tube* prompdy cancelled toe rest of their tour and hobbled back home... Finally (whew!), there.must've been 4ap over-abundanceof critics in the crowd at a Be Bop Deluxe gig in Minneapolis as the band was pelted with tear gas, which sent bassist Charlie Tumahal and 300fans to a nearby hospital.!!

The axe finally fell pn the Mick & Bia«tc*marriage when Mrs. dagger filed for divorce in London recently. Mick was too busy breaking bread With Jeri"Bigfoot" Half s folks in Texas and leasing a Greenwich Village townhouse for his lad y love to notice. Meanwhile, Bianca decided to console hersetf with a trip to CBGB's with David Bowie and : Eno. Unfortunately, after an evening of fun, the trio returned to their limo only to find all four tires slashed. They ended up taking a cab, just like rea/pepple do.

In The Studio

Rod Stewart; Bee Gees (MiamiCriteria); Yes; The Babys; Stephen Stills (Miami—Criteria); Led Zeppelin; Eric Clapton; Fleetwood Mad (L. A, —Filmways/Heider); TedNugent (Miami—Criteria); Robin Trower (Detroit—United Sound); Nico (London); Gene Simmons; Elton John; Burton Cummings (L,A.—Cherokee); Rick Nelson; Eagles (L.A.—One Stop Up); Chicago (Miami—Criteria); Stephen Bishop (L. A.—Cherokee) m

On Tour

Bcb Welch; Electric Light Orchestra; Carly Simon; Alice Cooper; Jefferson Starship; Rolling Stones; Beach Boys; Foreigner; Jeff Bede Bmce I Springsteen; PatttSmith; Iggjy; Rare Earth; Blade Oak; TedNugenaM Atlanta Rhythm Section; Andy Gibb; Dolly Parton; Doobie I Brothers; B02Scaqos: Jackson : Browne; Crosby, Stills& Nash; B Heart. 1