Ted Nugent got the best of a chain saw recently; he was cutting a tree when the saw slipped and cut his leg to the tune of 36 stitches... no problem, though—despite doctor's warnings of "No dancing around, no rock 'n' rolling" Ted was not a jot subdued onstage or off.

August 1, 1977

The CREEM Archive presents the magazine as originally created. Digital text has been scanned from its original print format and may contain formatting quirks and inconsistencies.


Ted Nugent got the best of a chain saw recently; he was cutting a tree when the saw slipped and cut his leg to the tune of 36 stitches... no problem, though—despite doctor's warnings of "No dancing around, no rock 'n' rolling" Ted was not a jot subdued onstage or off. What does he think,of punk bands?''Tfaey're'x young boys doin' what I did as a

Overheard in the London Fiorucci boutique from an outraged shop manager; "That was someone calling for Rod Stewart—they want a discount! Imagine the nerve!" Rock stars will stop at nothing...

Kenny Passarelli, formerly bass man for Joe Walsh, Stephen Stills, and Elton John, among others, has joined Hall & Oates...

What The Funk Is He Up To: Mark Farner has just completed his first soloLP with Dick "I'm A Busy Man" Wagner (Dick's finishing up his own LP as well as touring with Alice). We all here in Detroit remember that Farner used to play in Wagner's Bossmen Before GFR. Said Dick: "Farner is playing better than ever and the album is guaranteed to tum a few heads around."

Now Maybe They'll Let Alice Alone: John Cale surprised his band as well as the audience at a spring British gig when he cut up a chicken and threw parts of it at the audience. Two members of his band promptly quit, but were replaced in the space * of six hours. Need we add that John's new Island album is called Guts...

A Kinks live LP is currently in the mixing stage, and may be out in late summer.

Paul McCartney and the Wings family (Linda's latest papoose is expected in September) have come out with their own fan magazine; called Club Sandwich. Editor is Paul, staff photogMrs. McC. Some of the features in the one we perused: "Meet John Eastman" | (Linda's brother), a picture of a bemused Linda captioned "Cook Of The House," studio snaps by Linda taken while Wings finished up their studio album at Abbey Road, a letter section entitled "Listen To What The Fans Said," and party pix. Kudos to Editor Macca—not a typo spotted by the Boy Howdy! kamikazi proofing squad.

Stevie Winwood's new Island release Steue Win wood (get it?) -. features brother Janies on percussion, Andy Newmark on drums, Junior Marvin on guitar and his old favorite Rebop on congos. After touring Europe for the summer he'll be back in the studio for the month of August. A U.S. tou; is penned in for late fall.

The Sex Pistols signed to Virgin Records in England, and were firming up U.S. distribution as we went to press. Some of our Black Rock (home of CBS) Ears insist that CBS is still in the running; in fact they claim to have a surprise ready for the Pistols when they visit NYC: they're going to take the offensive and have the secretaries beat them up (Rat on). Meanwhile the "Anarchy In The U.K." single isdoing well in Britain, and an album is being readied.

Brian Robertson is alive, well, and back in the studio with Thin Lizzy (Toronto Sound in Toronto, produced by Tony Visconti), but it's not known yet whether he'll tour with the band. All concerned have to make the decision soon (barring any more public house fun 'n' games). The new Thin Lizzy wax is called Bad Reputation, and will be out in September

The Runaways were ejected from Disneyland recently vfor—hmmm— "alleged homosexual behavior." . Seems the girls were getting too chummy with each other for the cameras... Said a Mercury Records source; "Cherie probably grabbed somebody's ass,.."

Cleveland Scene photog Bob Ferrell was leaving Swingo's Celebrity Hotel in that Ohio city, having stopped in to pick up his photo pass for that night's Led Zeppelin concert, when a phantom voice from a window above advised him that if he was going to the Zep concert, he should forget it. "Don't bother going tonight. I've seen them before, they suck!" The-Helpful stranger was Robert Plant.

Lou Reed sez his next album will be called Street Hassle; it will be out* by autumn and one cut will take up an entire side a la "Sister Ray".. .the long-awaited "1 Wanna Be Black" won't be included therein, though — Lou claims it's just a "Polish joke; it might be funny the first time but after that it's just offensive." Lou'scompanion Rachel apparently caused some heads to turn when he/she changed from male to female attire during their flight to London.

Dickey Betts (very much alive, contrary to our report inJast month's record section) up and married girlfriend Paulette Eghiazarian, 26, in Las Vegas. Paulette, you will recall, was formerly Cher's persona] secretary, Armenian soulmate, and all that stuff.

As we hinted last month, John Lennon has firmed his; record deal—but with Columbia. ||| McCartney has signed to do an albumto follow up the release of the flSusie & The Red Stripes" single released by Epic—"Susie" is Linda and Wings.

Eric Clapton had to call off a recent London concert "because of fatigue"—do with that what you will. He's finishing up a new album in England with the usuals, including Marcy Levy and Yvonne EUitnan, which is due for a fall release. When Clapton recovers (his road manager said that he'd been booking him too many gigs) he's due to play behind the iron Curtain.

Z. Z. Top are going bohemian for the summer; they're touring small' halls with no more equipment than drums, guitars and a spare pair of jeanS. Said Billy Gibbons: "We wantto commune with our fans. .."

Nuhammed Alt to join the [ Committee ToReu nite The Beatles. The Champ was moved to action after chatting with John Lennon at the Inaugural festivities in Washington, D.C., according to Zodiac News...

Bod Stewart in Cosmopolitan... but as an eligible bachelor??? (Yeah, if you trip the little blonde he's with.)

Stevie Nicks was so tired at the end of Fleetwood Mac's San Francisco concert that she told promoter BUI Graham she'd only do a third encore if he would carry her but on hisback.. nq,sooner said than done.

Jefferson Starship's Craig Chaquico makes his film debut "portraying himself in Skateboard... Grace SUck has settled into married life but certainly not domesticity: she recently shot off a letter to President Carter requesting an answer to the question she's been asking for a decade: "Who.really runs this country?"

Grade's bio is being penned by the New York Times'Helen Rowes.. .a publisher is forthcoming...

During the Eagles tour of Great Britain, Jos Walsh proved that joining the Eagles does not necessarily destroy one's sense of -humor; in Glasgow he hit the stage in a kilt and played "Flower of Scotland" on the bagpipes, accompanied by his instructor. Joe wouldn't say what he ware under his skirt...

In Washington, D.C. the Kinks erupted into an onstage brawl— only it wasn't the usual Cain and Abel antics from the Davies brothers. This time, Dave Davies and drummer Mick Avery took to spitting at each other when a staredown ended in a draw. Mick must have lost, because he stomped offstage. Ray Davies muttered "I* ve had it with these , boys" as Dave kicked in Mick's drum kit. The group's manager attributed the tussle to road fever.

Southside Johnny confides that he has revised Ns original low opinion of the Beatles after hearing the Live! At the Star Club In Hamburg, Germany LP.

Wipe Those Panties Off Your Face! When Stan and Bob Seger were about to part company after touring together for several months, die roadies decided to give the boys in Starz a treat. On their last night opening for Bob they were thoroughly pummeted with cream pies by the devilish equipment boys. The next night, the last of Ns Current tour, Seger entered his dressing room to find a note attached to his mirror: "Look out sucker, it's your turn tonight". An unimpressed Seger penned in "So who are you going to tour with next year?", but the boys in the band glanced nervously all around throughout . that night*s set, waiting for the inevitable. Suddenly, in the middle of "Night Moves", dozens of silk, panties started drifting idly down onto the band's heads. at first they thought it was from the audience,. ^ but finally their tormentor was "VfjSj spotted from above. And dealt with.

Rumors that Ronnie Wood is dissatisfied with working condifiat$£' with the Stones apparently just so much hoo-ha.. .He is "very much a Rolling Stone" at this writing....

Baby Baby We Like Your Title: Iggy Pop, disgusted with lan Hunter's attempt at a book about rock 'n' roll on the road, is writing his own. it shall be called (what else?) Fun... In the wake of Iggy's recent coast-to-coast tour and appearance on Dinah, the entire Stooges catalog has been re-released. Look for Funhouse, etc., in your local import bin... Friend Bowie is still on his hetero kick, claiming that all that other stuff was "for the music."

If you happen to call up Mick Jaggmr while in NYC for cocktails at Elaine's perhaps, you may be surprised that he's got a ptebian telephone answering machine just like anybody. Mick must figure he won't get more titan 30 calls at a time.. .If you haven't already heard, Jagger announced that the Stones wouid continneG y working without Keith, if our favorite dirty guitarist is put away by the Canadian authorities for very long. If it's only for a few months, they'd wait, butif it's longer, theyMlI have to find a touring replacement...'" And Ke that," sa

Blondie just completed a successful tour of England, ahhogMi the band's relationship with touring partners Television was rocky at best. At one point, Television's Richard Lloyd attacked Blondie 1 keyboard player 1 inuny Deetvi in a club;.. first Lloyd threw a beer, f then a punch. Blondie sources claim their Jimmy was the pugilistic champ. Finally, Blondie took off before the Continental tegof the . tour, leavingTelevision to bring New York new wave to the Old World. Only speculation asThe cause of the hostilities. ..On a lighter note, Debbie Hatty was serenaded by drunken Scotsmen with a rousing version of the Raa*ones'*$heefta!sA Punkrocker".. .the new Blondie

album will be out by Labor Day.,.

David JoHanaon has signed with Blue Sky Records and has an album coming out, produced by the tag team of Jack Douglas (Aerosmith/Patti Smith) and Joe Petty (Aerosmith guitarist).. * solo, that hi.

, Leeter Benge played three nights atCBGB's—said he beforehand: "It's open season. I hope musicians come and review it..." Lon Reed \ perhaps? Lester also appeared on the English TV series All You Need is Love, which is shout the history of popular music. Also on that show: Eric Clapton confessing that he wished he'd stayed with John Mayalfs Blnesbreakers and never formed Cream. Look for the shoWtobepk&edUpjbyPBSon jj these shores...

Led Zeppelin and Bad Company were in the some hotel in Fort Worth, Texas (Mick | Ralphs jammed with his bosses onstage, too)—said a Swan Song spokesperson: "I can't think of anything 1 fear more except possibly a nuclear holocaust..Look closely at the liner notes and you' 11 see that Bad Co. bassist Bos Burrell sings backupvocals on Tad Nugent's

Over26,000bootl^BobDylan albums (tided The Little Wonder) allegedly manufactured in - ttaty,: were seized in an FBI raid on Scorpio Music Distributors in Croydon, Pa.» recently. Also confiscated were counterfeit copies of Todd Rondgran's RuM SS

Something to think about: If Sarah • and Bob D|danreallydo go through with a divorce, poorBob^B will have to tour for the rest of his life to support all those kids.

It's official; Bmce Springataan has settled out of court with his exmanager Mika Appal. He sorted recording on his new album (to be produced by Jon Landau) June 1st