Motor Mouth

Waiter, There’s A Dog In My Coffee

The Elton John Pontiac Stadium show was a pleasant surprise in many ways, and a predictable let-down in others.

October 1, 1976

The CREEM Archive presents the magazine as originally created. Digital text has been scanned from its original print format and may contain formatting quirks and inconsistencies.

The Elton John Pontiac Stadium show was a pleasant surprise in many ways, and a predictable let-down in others. After a competent opening by John Miles, Elton hit the stage to do what he's really good at; entertaining audiences by making fun of himself, presenting a visually arresting show and keeping the music driving fast enough to keep everybody on the edge of their seats. Elton was supported by three uninhibited, sassy soccef-gear-clad dancer/singers; two boys and a girl named Tex who seemed to have no end of energy. The combination of them and this short, balding man screaming like a silly girl, -dressed in a green glitter coat, with

guitarist Davey Johnstone appearing like a tall blond Cossack, in boots and long coat, was enough to keep all eyes glued to the stage. As if that wasn't enough, Elton came on in Statue of Liberty drag for one of the encores, danced on his piano, punched Davey, "played guitar," did a "strip." dedicated "Bennie and the J ets" to the Pistons, and performed for more than two hours with just a short "tea" break for, the first 40 seconds of "Funeral For A Friend." There were no lags in the show, except for "Love Song," for this reporter; the type of song that deserves to be done by Cleveland hotel lounge groups and nobody else. Also entertaining the press box was Mark "The Bird" Fidrych, who gamely signed autographs, did an impression of himself drunk, and refused to sign a girls arm. "Why not?" she,pleaded. "Because youll get blood poisoning and sue me," he explained. Elton had requested to meet the Bird, so stadium officials contacted Jackie Kallen, sometime writer for the Oakland Press, (who did the Bird feature in this issue) and J ackie brought the Bird along. The letdown part of the show was, of course, the stadium itself, it couldnt have been very comfortable down in the cattle stalls on the floor, and way up in the stands fans probably could only see a little green blur singing "Rocket Man" . . . who do these extravaganzas benefit?

New Rock Steady talent Starz were in town recently; this time they didnt stay for two weeks like last November when they holed up in the Tiger Stadium Holiday Inn and wrote "Detrdit Girls" .

. . . "Well, youre in town for that long, you get to know the local girls . it just came out of that..." Barging into our horrendous lair, they matched wits with us. and almost (well, wed been practicing) came out on top. "We take interviewing tips from wrestling magazines," said the one who looked like Hardy Kruger. "BLOOD WILL FLOW!" Hey, this place looks like a juvenile hall." Someone yelled, "Were going to make stew out of the Cult,— there's no amity between US!" and then "Doo-bee, " the one with the waxed mustachios, revealed that a man was shot through the head at an Ohio Ted Nugent/Starz concert. "But he didnt die . . .!" Then we kicked them out. . .

Sonic Smith's set at the Chances/ S.econd Chance was marred somewhat when an amp blew. You may notice Sonic describing his axe in our annual Musical Instrument supplement this month . . .

Bob Zachary, late of the Mutants and now managing Milk “n Cookies, another NYC nouveau punk band, reports happily that the band has been making demo tapes for Warner Brothers, and that Kim Fowley is interested (is that a good sign???).

Pool party at the Sun! David Sinclair spotted wearing an overcoat over his bathing suit. . . The Suns done a little editorial reshuffling; now David is co-publisher, Barbara Weinberg is publisher, John Sinclair is editorNadine Brow n is city editor, Frank Bach is Kulchur editor and Jan Prezzato is managing editor. Good luck J ohn, youll need it!

Qne of the hot new groups in New York is a Detroit band, the Motor City Rockers, who played CBGBs recently (the Bowery dump that the Ramones, Television, etc , frequent). All we could find out was that their guitarist Peter learned everything he knows from "Sonic" Smith, and that the band decided it was easier to make it in the big cruel city. Sad to say, it probably is . . . More on them in an upcoming issue .. .

Try to catch Pete Zangaris, a fine Detroit jazz musician, at the Delta Lady some nights.

Bulletin: Pasquale of Projections hair studio in Birmingham has gone on to hit the big time, laying Paul Ankas "do" for the entirety of his eastern states tour. What happened is that Pasquales uncle, Ankas regular hairdresser, couldn't make the trip this time, so he . called Pasquale, who was only too eager to oblige . . .

Gail Parenteau vacationing in California, and getting the grand tour of L.A. andS.F! . .

Guess Who Came To Dinner? At the Sheraton Southfield, it was Dion . . . party favors were old 45s, and the old greaser roused himself to say "Im the guy who taught Fonzie everything he knew...

After the J uly 27 beer match between the Sugar-Shur-Shots and Harmony House (who lost 7-4), Carl Thom and company bought drinks for all at the Shanty on John R near 8 Mile. Gloria, Bobby and Gena not only served up the drinks to perfection, but even put up with the antics of the ABX softballers. who also celebrated their Tuesday night game by losing again, the 9th out of 10 games, at press time. MM predictsthat by seasons end, they won t win no more . . .

The Tull/Trower/Derringer show seemed to come off all right,except that the Tull band was up to its old tricks, not giving opener Derringer enough time to sound check. Said a fuming Rick Derringer after the show: "They dont know shit, making me play when nothing was working right. . .!" Also after the show, Ian Anderson showed what a good memory he had (he still holds a grudge that Lester Bangs showed up at his interview with another CREEM editor last winter). Unwittingly speaking to one of the co-writers of "Jethro Tull Returns From Vietnam," Ian blathered: "Hpw is Lester anyway? Is he dead yet?" Ian had threatened to throw Lester out of a window the next time he saw him , but the threat was somewhat weakened when a London Chrysalis rep confided that hes said that to almost every reporter in England, without any action so far.

Another Pontiac band: Tantrum, ' playing "original heavy metal type of music" have lucked out in that Atlantic Records is sending a rep outto see them, with their demo tapes in hand. Tantrum opened the Seger show in Traverse City and appear at the Second Chance frequently.

Cliff Richard turned up in Detroit for a Rocket Records/CREEM dinner at Piper's Alley in J uly . . . Cliffs kind of testing out the alien waters before he plunges in and does any touring to support his I'm Nearly Famous album. Having been brought up on Cliff Richard stories/quips/whatever heard from British rock stars, we were shocked to behold a youthful, freshfaced. milk-fed type guy who shrugged his shoulders and said "My mother looks incredibly young; I guess its genes . " Cliff was recently signed to the Rocket label, Elton Johns little company which also boasts Neil Sedaka (the new Neil, that is), andKiki Dee, so you can bet that Elton was probably a fan. Cliff wouldnt tell us what his "bag".of music is, preferring to escape uncategorized. But a listen to the new album reveals a lot of melodic songs, one with Cliff singing falsetto (!), and an uncharacteristically torchy "Devil Woman."

The Eagles hit town, and true textheir incredibly short-sighted management, were very rude to certain segments of the press . . . our photographer was allowed in to their dinner, but only to do his job and split; he wasnt allowed to sit down and eat. Treat them like dogs and they'll bite like dogs ...

Not wanting to keep us in suspense any longer. Bryan "Tornado" Blatt revealed that he is indeed now working for Island Records, but not on the Coast; he's now Midwestern rep for Island. working out of Detroit. Now for our next BB rumor: who was he with at the Midtown Cafe on the night of July 22. and caj we blackmail him about it? Ta-ra £ • .