GG Allin
...and Johnny Cash?!?

The CREEM Archive presents the magazine as originally created. Digital text has been scanned from its original print format and may contain formatting quirks and inconsistencies.
Your eyes don’t deceive you— yes, that is GG Allin passing his merch to Johnny Cash at a gig in Branson, Missouri, in 1993. According to his brother and bandmate Merle, it all went down like this: We were on tour and had a day off, so we ended up going to see Johnny Cash at the Wayne Newton Theater. We were fairly close to the stage and surrounded by a sea of bald or grayand white-haired people—we were decked out in our usual attire with GG in his German helmet and leather jacket and shit like that. At the end of the show, GG decided he wanted to give Johnny one of our tour shirts, so he rushed the stage during the encore and that’s how we snapped the pic. Johnny looked quite surprised or bewildered, but he played along.
The next day we found out that one of Johnny’s daughters owned a shop, so we went in. A few minutes later John Carter Cash came in and recognized us from the night before. We ended up getting a pic with Johnny’s daughter Kathy.