Creem Profiles

The CREEM Archive presents the magazine as originally created. Digital text has been scanned from its original print format and may contain formatting quirks and inconsistencies.
NAMES: (L to R) Matt Arrebollo, Alex Brown, Chase H. Mason, Israel Garza, Eric Wagner.
AGES: Unknown, and commonly referred to as “The Great Old Ones.”
FROM: Actually from Phoenix, but functionally from Tombstone.
OCCUPATIONS: Back-patch enthusiasts, freelance dungeon masters, scene enforcers at the Linda Ronstadt Music Hall.
HOBBIES: Schooling mids, shaming those who pose.
LAST BOOK YOU READ: How to Raise Your I.Q. by Eating Gifted Children by Lewis Frumkes.
LAST ACCOMPLISHMENT: Some bustas were standin’ on the corner, sipping on some Alizd. That’s when I got the TEK, threw in the clip, and then commenced to spray.
QUOTE: “You want to hear about Arizona? Well, I just found out when I was in my hotel room that oral sex was illegal. And that fuckin’ bummed me out." —Nadir D’Priest of London, The Decline of Western Civilization Part II: The Metal Years
PROFILE: When Gatecreeper first burst onto the scene, the classic death metal band leaned into their love of punk and hardcore in addition to metal, playing anything, anywhere, and with anyone they could. Skip ahead to now, where half the hardcore scene has death metal riffs, punks are skipping over Hellbastard and heading straight for Bolt Thrower, and metalheads are rejoicing that Dismember are back in biz. So maybe, just maybe, Gatecreeper were and are onto something? Judge for yourself at one of their zillion tour dates around the world—just follow the trail of destmction and dudes in black long-sleeves.