Please give your readers some information on Queensryche. They have been out of the spotlight for a long time. Are they still together? Please give their fans some information on what’s happening. Terry Coble Wilmington, NC (No problem. What’s Happening, one of-the finest blaxploitation sitcoms, ran for three years on ABC-TV. A recent syndicated update; What’s Happening Now did not, unfortunately, use Queensryche’s original theme song—Ed.)

September 1, 1988

The CREEM Archive presents the magazine as originally created. Digital text has been scanned from its original print format and may contain formatting quirks and inconsistencies.


Mail Dept., CREEM Magazine, P.O. Box 931869, Los Angeles, CA 90093


Please give your readers some information on Queensryche. They have been out of the spotlight for a long time. Are they still together? Please give their fans some information on what’s happening.

Terry Coble

Wilmington, NC

(No problem. What’s Happening, one ofthe finest blaxploitation sitcoms, ran for three years on ABC-TV. A recent syndicated update; What’s Happening Now did not, unfortunately, use Queensryche’s original theme song—Ed.)


Do you think you can db me a favor? The next time you do an article on Starship, ask Grace Slick to pose for a picture in her underwear smoking a joint.

Hey, don’t think I’m weird, I bet over the last 20 years, a lot of people have wanted to see that. Really ask her! She’s a wild woman. Even at 48, she will probably do it.

None Of Your Business Who I Am

Pittsburgh, PA


Handsome and Wise CREEM Ed.,

Thanks very much for printing my firstever letter to any publication, let alone America’s ONLY rock ’n’ roll magazine. It was an honor. I love to go through old issues of CREEM many many times for the hilarious, sometimes really cruel but always great putdowns. It’s really great to see how accurate you all are.

After getting over the immediate physical shock I received after viewing my title in big bold print, I began to wonder if, maybe, my letter somehow cast a negative light (or is that shadow) on the Cure. That was never my intention, believe me! I was so happy that you had such a great interview and cover of the Cure that I was in, for me, an unusual state. No, not Idaho. I was extremely happy, whiph caused my long-windedness. I did not think the title would be harmful to the Cure. It was meant to be a funny little distraction, not to depict Robert Smith as a psychotic, homosexual, suicidal, atheist drug addict comfortable with self-image.

I did not write the letter so that people would say “Oh, sniff, sniff, everyone who likes the Cure is a psychotic, homosexual, suicidal, atheist drug addict comfortable with self image.” My “senseless” letter was meant to say thanks for your coverage of the Cure. It now seems as though you all at CREEM don’t like the Cure any longer. Maybe it’s just an ordinary lull between albums, but I’ve heard of a solo album for Robert Smith next year. Can this be the end of the Cure?

Hope you print this, and if not, rip it into a billion pieces and give it to someone you hate.

Richard Smith Levitt

Belleville, Ml


Here are three reasons to hate U2:

1. Bono

2. The Edge

3. Those other two jerks

Russ Stedman

Mitchell, SD


Hey, have you ever noticed that in the “We Are The World” video, Dylan and Springsteep don’t sing during the inspiring chorus. In fact, they both look positively gloomy. I figure Springsteen must’ve looked over his shoulder (his left), saw Dyjan not singing and said to himself, “Gee, if Bob’s not singing, I’d better not either.”

It’s a definite possibility.

Jeff ’n’ Steff

Big Alma, Ml


To Bryan Ferry:

On March 6, in Evanston, III., I saw the Screaming Blue Messiahs and Echo & The Bunnymen’s “Now Do You Believe It” concert. Whoo! Whoo! You leave me speechless. I’ve been trying to keep myself busy—going to the Museum Of Contemporary Art, the Art Institute, and playing tennis on weekends. The Illustrated Voices are religiously due to expire on my flight to the East Coast. I will arrive at the offices of Richard Avedon on May 24,1988 between 10 a.m. and noon. I would like to meet a real rock star.


Jessica Bracy

Chicago, IL


I’ve never bought CREEM before, but when I saw that Depeche Mode was in the April issue, I immediately bought it. To my extreme disappointment, what I found was a piece of garbage. Who is Jon Young to insult my fave group in such a heartless way? And what kind of publication is CREEM to print such crap? I personally don’t think their music is depressing, but even if it is, so what? I also think that Martin Gore is a sane person; I mean, look at Michael Jackson. I also happen to like Martin’s hair. If I said U2 sucked or something, at least a billion people would be out to get me. I personally dislike U2, but I don’t go around insulting them. It is people like Jon Young who give journalism a bad name.


A Very Angry Fan of Depeche Mode

New York, NY

(.Journalism ?—Ed.)


The reason for this letter is to see if in your company is the Iggy Pop’s Raw Power. If not, please send me the address of the company who has it or the Iggy Pop’s address because I really want to hear that record. If you have it, how much must I send to get it? Jesse Grace: record me of Raw Power of Iggy and MC5’s Kick Out The Jams. And Martin: Please help me! The Dictators Go Girl Crazy! Belfegore! Belfegore! I’m sendin’ tapes! Thanx and please help meeee!


San Nicolas, Mexico


Got this maniac on the phone the other day. I was plugging subscriptions for TV Guide, and I said “Your sub to TV Guide ran out.” And this maniac in Florida says, in the most chilling Other Side voice, “Everything’s run out. The flowers didn’t come up. The vegetables didn’t grow. My wife died. She died last October. They cut her leg off. They were gonna cut her other leg off. But she died. She just died. And then the flowers didn’t grow. The vegetables didn’t grow. And how the TV Guide’s run out, everything’s run out. My wife died...” I said as politely as possible, “Uh, thank you sir, goodbye,” but I have a feeling he’s still doing it. Shudder.

Kathy Miller

Long Island City, NY

PLEASED TO MEAT ME As a writer who is concerned daily with news of interest to men, we feel certain you are aware of the enormous amount of time a man will disburse in a day thinking how to control his woman.

Although this enigma has followed man from his cave into the silicon age, deliverance is at hand.

Now for the first time Mechler Enterprise is proud to offer our new publication “WOMAN TRAINING. . .made easy!” A book so revolutionary it is destined to alter the entire edification process as we know it! For it presents the “proper technique” of training the modern woman in a step by step fashion.

Although not enjoyable, the training process has long been considered a necessary fact of life, an obligation all men have both to themselves and humanity.

Since every man alive has endured duress, or knows someone who has in this area, we believe this new book will be of great interest to your readers.

Any editorial mention you can give would be greatly appreciated.


Martin J. Mechler


Mechler Enterprises

Houston, TX