I must first congratulate you on your METAL Close-Up magazine. As Hard Rock Coordinator for the CMJ New Music Report—a radio tipsheet/trade publication—I find the articles very interesting and entertaining. However, the UFO feature (July, ’86) contained a flaw very important to the band’s history.

September 2, 1986

The CREEM Archive presents the magazine as originally created. Digital text has been scanned from its original print format and may contain formatting quirks and inconsistencies.


CHAINMAIL is your forum...if you have any opinions, observations, secret knowledge or simply a godlike insight into metal, we'd love to hear from you. So, to become a force to be reckoned with in metal circles everywhere, send your letters to:

CHAINMAIL, CREEM Close-Ups, P.O. Box P-1064, Birmingham, Ml 48012


I must first congratulate you on your METAL Close-Up magazine. As Hard Rock Coordinator for the CMJ New Music Report—a radio tipsheet/trade publication—I find the articles very interesting and entertaining. However, the UFO feature (July, ’86) contained a flaw very important to the band’s history.

According to Andy Hughes’s article, Mechanix was the last UFO album before they broke up and released the “best of” package, Headstone. Actually, they recorded another studio album the followling year titled Making Contact. It featured the same line-up, sans bassist Pete Way, who had left after the Mechanix tour. They didn’t replace him until they started touring; all the bass parts were handled by guitarists Paul Chapman and Neil Carter. The tour kicked off in Europe with bassist Billy Sheehan in tow; unfortunately it was cut short and they decided to disband. Seems the constant album/tour/album/ tour lifestyle had taken its toll on them, especially vocalist Phil Mogg. They ended it all with a U.K. tour with Paul Grey replacing Sheehan.

Now, if you want to get technical, Paul Chapman joined the band not twice—as your article claims—but three times! The first time was way back in May of 1974 just after the release of Phenomena. At this time UFO had two guitarists, Chapman and Michael Schenker. He stayed until they started to work on the next album, Force It. And yes, he filled in for Schenker when he disappeared in ’77 and finally replaced him in ’79 when the German left for good.

I’m happy to see METAL is giving UFO some exposure, but as a longtime fan of the band, I feel it necessary to set the record straight!

Gail Flug

Hard Rock Coordinator

CMJ New Music Report

Albertson, NY


Richard Riegel: who do you think you are? In my opinion, you’re scum. The way you talked about Jon Bon Jovi, you ought to be shot. The man is excellent in every way: his music, his looks. He’s got what you don’t have going for you; same with Motley Crue. You just wish you were in that position. Instead, you’re doing the only thing you can do: write. But if you were such a good writer, you’d be writing their songs instead of putting them down. They’ve got it way over you and always will.

Caryn Berry

West Town, NY

P.S.: I’d love it if you published this letter, but you probably won’t because it’s putting you down. If you do, let me know which month it’s in.

(It’s in this month’s.—Ed.)


Thank you, Richard Riegel, for telling Jon “Bone Jockey” Bon Jovi off (“Videos Only A Mother Could Love”—May, ’86)! Doesn’t he know that ugly and fat girls buy records and concert tickets, too? If he doesn’t shut his face, they won’t be buying his for long. He must think he is God’s gift to women. If he is, I’ll bet there’s a long line in Heaven’s complaint department. Who has he been taking lessons in tact from, anyway? Kevin DuBrow, probably. If the fluffy fairy expects to stay in the biz much longer, he’d better realize that average girls have feelings, too! Thanks again, Richard!


Baldwin Park, CA


I am seeking two albums which are unavailable in my area and I am willing to make a trade with anybody who has (or knows somebody who has) the albums King Of The Dead and Frost And Fire by Cirith Ungol. Even if you have only one of the two, I would still like to make a trade. All I’m asking is for you to make a copy of the LP on cassette and, in return, you may choose any two heavy metal albums or specials which I’ll put on cassette for you. Get back to me soon and I’ll send you a complete list of what I have available for you in return. Thanks, guys—and any of you other metal maniacs who might be interested in a trade of any other kind (or if you just feel like writing), drop me a line.

Philip Cerreta, Jr.

RD #9, Fair Street

Carmel, NY 10512


I have but one honest request to make to Jimmy Page: quit while you’re ahead! Now—so you know—I am sick of hearing about Motley Crue and, because I am so much more significant than anyone else,

I can say that Motley Crue are a bunch of sterile, worthless, talentless, grotesque scum and, furthermore, are not fit to drink from my toilet. Meanwhile, I think the members of Ratt have no {Deleted—Ed.) and that Dee Snider thinks he’s God— when everyone knows he’s not fit to wipe the nose of anyone from Belfegore, Deep Purple, Alcatrazz or AC/DC. And to the fans (he'p, these people have fans), I call upon you to listen to their music (Motley Crue’s, Ratt’s and Sister’s) and admit it’s just hyped-up commercial rock. Crank up some Belfegore and realize the error of your ways. OK, and so you know, Dio is not a dwarf, but a talented, hard-working vocalist who I’m sure has spit, pissed and then laughed at every Ratt album made. (I know I have!) Heavy metal is headed in a bad direction if Ratt, Sister and the Crue are going to lead the pack. Finally, who does Ozzy Osbourne think he is?

Dean Kim

Riverside, CT


I have never been a fan of Motley Crue’s, but there was something in your May ’86 issue that caught my eye.

Where does Nikki Sixx have the balls to criticize the greatest bass guitarist, Geddy Lee, by saying, "I’m from a different school of rock ’n’ roll than thinking Geddy Lee is the best bass player on earth”? Well, Nikki, let me tell you this: Geddy Lee is 100 percent more talented than you are, plus he’s better-looking. He doesn’t have to look like a fag in woman’s make-up (like you do) to get his message across. You’re just jealous of him and Rush because you and your other fags have never reached the height of popularity that they have and never will. I have been a loyal Rush fan ever since I was 12, when their Signals album came out, back in ’82, and let me tell you: if I ever see another little {Deleted—Ed.) criticizing him or the group, I will take your head and smash it into the floor.


Long Island, NY


I am in the U.S. Army, proudly serving my country here in Germany, and I am getting sick and tired of Motley Crue getting more publicity than the greatest band in the land, Kiss. The Crue are good, but Kiss is great, and it is that fine line that will always separate Kiss from the rest of the metal heap. Not only have they come back with Asylum, their best album since when they still wore make-up, but their live show is still worth watching and they have proven to the world that there is more to Kiss than make-up and a great stage show, because Asylum ranks up there with the best metal albums of all time. So keep on rockin’, boys!

Pvt. Ruben Rodriguez, Jr.

Kirchgoens, West Germany


Hey! You dudes run a cool mag, but some of these Motley Crud fans take their {Deleted—Ed.) a little too far. I was reading a letter in your May ’86 issue and I couldn’t believe some of the {Deleted— Ed.) that Crud fan said. Let me tell you something: groups like Lynyrd Skynyrd and ZZ Top were kickin’ ass before Vince & Nikki got outta diapers. For all I care, you can take Motley Crue and blow ’em out your ass—and you better hope to God you don’f ever catch me unless you want a cowboy boot rammed down your throat.

Tim Prock

Cleveland, TN


It cannot be put into words how I feel about my favorite band, Y&T. How can this jerk be serious, you ask? Well, Y&T’s music does something to me I can’t explain. All I know is when I bought their album, Blacktiger, back in 1978 and played it, I was a different person. These guys play with so much intensity and feeling that one iisten and you’re hooked! I won’t even go into detail to talk about Dave Meniketti, their guitarist. All I can say te he’s a force to be reckoned with. Any Y&T fan knows what I mean.

Anyway, when I found out they were playing L’Amour in New York, I bought a ticket and hopped on a bus to N.Y.C. Even though I was nine hours early for the show, I was determined to meet them and tell them what their music meant to me. After the show—which was even better than I imagined—I was armed with my camera and my trusty Y&T shirt. Getting backstage is no easy task! But I was determined. Finally, I talked one of the roadies into letting me fulfill my dream of meeting Y&T. He agreed. You can’t imagine how I felt before walking through that door and meeting them. I have to honestly say Y&T is great. They were more than happy to pose with their biggest fan and to talk to me about their upcoming tour plans, album, Vince Neil’s accident and anything else you can think of. I told them how I rode a bus from Allentown to New York to see them. They told me to be careful on the way home because I had so far to go.



Enclosed is one of the many photos they took with me. Dave Meniketti is on the left. Phil Kennemore is on the right. In closing, I just want to say I’m still on a Y&T high after meeting them. A day I shall never forget.

Bill Childs

Allentown, PA


I am writing in reference to Cyndi Oliver (from Beverly, Massachusetts, in your May, ’86 Chainmail). I just want to say that you’re living in a dream world, little girl! You sound like a 13 or 14-year-old immature girl who likes Motley Crue because Vince Neil is cute. I don’t know how good your voice is or what you look like, but I do know that if you ever meet Motley Crue, don’t expect them to help you out with your dream. I met them and they were really cool, but they didn’t want to hang around and have a conversation with me all night. Don’t push your fantasy to be a rock star. Just keep on practicing with your voice. If you get really good, maybe your chance will come. Remember, there’s no such thing as a 14-year-old girl rock star! Also, don’t waste your time writing to the president, because Ronald Reagan couldn’t care about some immature 14-year-old’s rock ’n’ roll fantasy. Besides, do you really think he’ll help you out?! Be realistic!

Laura Haar

Bayville, NY


I just got the new Ozzy album, The Ultimate Sin. I hate to say this, but the record, well, it sucks. I’ve been a fan of Ozzy's for at least six years, but the songs on this record just don’t cut it for me. OK, the album cover is great, but Oz, you could’ve done a better job with the music. And have you heard the new Sabbath tunes? “No Stranger To Love”?! Ca-mon, gimme a break! I just hope the Sabs don’t do “Smoke On The Water” this year.

Damien S.

Los Angeles, CA


I would just like to say that I love your mag!! It is great!! Also, I love Bobby Blotzer of Ratt!! Nobody will ever know how much that man means to me!! He is my life!! I would do anything just to touch him!! I would even kill myself or jump off the Empire State Building for him!! I think about him 24 hours a day, seven days a week!! I would pay any price to meet Bobby!! But, for now, I guess I will keep dreaming until this miracle comes true, if it ever does!! Well, I hope he reads this and tries to help me with my miracle!!

Mandy Hesler

Ruston, LA


I would like to start by saying that Kiss is the best heavy metal band on the face of this earth. They blow away bands like AC/DC, Iron Maiden, and Judas Priest. They even blow away Motley Crue: Kiss has always been and will continue to be the best heavy metal band around.

I would also like to mention the fact that groups nowadays are trying to be like Kiss. Groups like Twisted Sister and W.A.S.P., who have added the make-up, are almost mirror images. Of course, they are not as good as Kiss and they never will be; it is still very low of these groups to copy others.

Then there is this controversy of devil worship in heavy metal music. Whoever said that Kiss stood for “Kings In Satan’s Service” are full of crap. There are no indications in their music that they worship the devil. Kiss is just a heavy metal band that has fun giving the audience what they want. Kiss definitely puts on the “Greatest Show On Earth.”

Greg Watts

Humble, TX

(Actually, that was “Knights In Satan’s Service,’’ Greg, but hooey, nonetheless. -Ed.)


Thanx for the Lee Aaron article. I think she’s the best female singer around (and she’s damn good looking). I admire the hell out of her, posing for those pictures (I’ve never seen them). It took a lot of guts to do it, and I still think she’s great.

Those assholes who used to play for her need to deflate those (Deleted—Ed.) male egos and notice she’s talented and a good singer and a woman!

Oh, yeah, I think Ron Keel blows away all these guys that win these rock polls.

Keep up the metal!

Randy Hikkey

Eldon, MO