Who better to go behind the scenes with than Adam Ant? One of the most exciting per formers of our time (or any time), Adam’s latest record Vive Le Rock, has put chin back in the spotlight in a big way—and his tour of America has been one of the greates shows of 1985.

April 2, 1986

The CREEM Archive presents the magazine as originally created. Digital text has been scanned from its original print format and may contain formatting quirks and inconsistencies.


Who better to go behind the scenes with than Adam Ant? One of the most exciting per formers of our time (or any time), Adam’s latest record Vive Le Rock, has put chin back in the spotlight in a big way—and his tour of America has been one of the greates shows of 1985.

And if you know anything i all about Adam, you know he’ a performer, first and for! most. “I see myself as a entertainer,” he told ROCK SHOTS. “Because I’m not musician; I can’t write music.

As an entertainer, Adam’ one of the most dedicated the business. Often, it take him over an hour just to app his make up before going oi stage! “It’s more or less like ritual,” he explains. “You pi certain things on in order perform.”

In a certain sense, Ada sees himself as an actor. ( course, he is, indeed, a high talented actor, as his recei appearance on The Equaiizi proved... but he also sees pe forming onstage as acting

“Anybody who gets behii a mike and expects people pay money to see him perfor a song that they can go ai listen to on a stereo is an a tor,” he revealed. “For me, i an event. I think good enti tainment is escapist.”

In this feature, you’ll ! behind the scenes with Ad! as he cheerfully mugs ai poses kiddingly for the ROCK-SHOTS camera. Minutes after these shots were taken, Adam would once again be onstage, doing what he does best: entertaining. And lest anyone think he’s putting on “freak show,” a word of caution:

“I hope they’re coming to see me,” Adam says. “Whether or not it’s a freak show is for me to deter during the course of the performance. Let me say, for kids to part with their money these days— and you’ve only got to look at the music business and the sales drops (that can occur)—I think if kids wanted a freak show, they could go out and buy a pulp magazine—it would cost them a lot less. I think that for someone to get out and see a show. I don’t know, it’s quite an effort. Once they’re in that place, it’s all sort of speculation, as far as I’m concerned. I just want them to like what they see onstage.”

And how could they not like it? Adam’s a whirlwind, onstage and off—it’s his habit to arrive at a concert five minutes before he goes on (he does his make-up in his hotel) and leave five minutes after the final thunderous encore. To paraphrase a certain hot-selling album, his fans can say one thing after an Adam Ant concert: Vive Le Adam!