Hey! Look who’s steppin' out of the tube! It's Boy Howdy, the lovable mascot of VIDIOT's sister magazine, CREEM. Boy's steppin’ out to find out what you—the reader—think of VIDIOT! Is there something you'd especially like to see in the magazine?

September 2, 1983

The CREEM Archive presents the magazine as originally created. Digital text has been scanned from its original print format and may contain formatting quirks and inconsistencies.


Hey! Look who’s steppin' out of the tube! It's Boy Howdy, the lovable mascot of VIDIOT's sister magazine, CREEM. Boy's steppin’ out to find out what you—the reader—think of VIDIOT! Is there something you'd especially like to see in the magazine? Something you enjoyed or didn't enjoy? Something we left out? Let us know by filling in the survey below! Keep VIDIOT your magazine by filling out the questions and mailing today! I!

1. How often do you go to video arcades? □More than once a day

□ Once o day □3 times a week

□ Twice o week

□ Once o week

□ Once every 2 weeks

□ Once a month

□ Less than once a month

□ Never

2. Do you play at more than one arcode?

□ Yes £ No

3. How long do you spend at one orcade. on the overage, eoch time you go?

□More than 4 hours □'/) to 1 hour

□ 3-4 hours Cless than V» hour

□ 2-3 hours DDon't go

□ 1-2 hours

4. On the average how much money do you spend o week on videogames?

5. How many different videogames do you usually play eoch time you go to on arcade?

□ I only D5 or 6

□ lor 2 D7 or more

□ 3or 4

6. What is your favorite videogame?

7. Whot do you especially like about them? (Check as mony as apply)

□ Killing aliens □Cute video characters

□ Team sport similarity

□ Adventure story format □Calculating strategies □Electronic sounds □Outer space simulation

8. How do you find out about new videogames? (Check as many as opply)

□ Newspaper ads or reviews □Magazine ods or reviews

□ Hearing about them from friends

□ Seeing them In an arcade

9. Do you have a Home Videogame system?

□Yes DNo

10. Do you ownD or plan to ownQ (Check if applicable) one of the following systems:

□ Atari VCS nColecoVision i J Other

□ Mattel Intellivision □ Atari 5200

11. Do you have MTV cabled in to your home?

□Yes DNo

Endoso in envelope and mail to' VIDIOT Readers Survey, P.O. Box P-1064. Birmingham, Ml 45012





12. If not, do you want it? OYes CNo

13. Is rock music played at your arcade?

□ Yes JNo

14. In order to ploy videogames, do you spend less of your entertainment dollars on other items/events? DYes DNo

15. If yes, please indicate those items/events which receive less of your dollars (mark o, b. c, in order of those receiving less of your $$)

□ Records/pre-recorded tapes

□ Magazines □Concerts

□ Movies

□ Sport Events

16. Do you have either of the following items in your household? (Check if applicable)

□Video cassette recorder

□ Video cassette player

17. What was your favorite feature in this issue of VIDIOT?

18.Whot wos your least favorite feature?

19.If you have o home computer, whot model is it?

20.Why haven’t you bought a home computer?

21.What would you like to see in future issues of VIDIOT?