"DONT TREAD ON ME" Update: Following Glenn Freys comment that "What this country needs in the White House is a good guitar player," fellow Eagle Joe Walsh, believing he fits the bill (ignorance is bliss), promised a Cleveland audience that if he is elected, he will make the Mistake-By-The-Lake capitol of the Universe.

February 1, 1980

The CREEM Archive presents the magazine as originally created. Digital text has been scanned from its original print format and may contain formatting quirks and inconsistencies.



"DONT TREAD ON ME" Update: Following Glenn Freys comment that "What this country needs in the White House is a good guitar player," fellow Eagle Joe Walsh, believing he fits the bill (ignorance is bliss), promised a Cleveland audience that if he is elected, he will make the Mistake-By-The-Lake capitol of the Universe. Theyd probably settle for one of your bank accounts, Joe..

Loud enough to wake the dead—-and thats just what the Rubinoos did for a Halloween gig at Sa n Franciscos X club. Royse Ader appeared as Dnane Allman onstage, sportinga pair of handlebars for authenticity; Jon Rubin slicked back his locks and drew on a moustache to sing "La Bamba" as Richie Valens; last but not least, DonnSplndt played S&M drums like Keith Moon. But that wasnt all—other friends joined the band to ressurrect such late greats as dim! Hendrix playing "Foxy Lady", Brian donee appeared for "Mothers Little Helper" (with the chorus revised to "What a drag it is to be dead"), Jim Morrison was there for "Light My Fire," Ronnie Van Zantshowed up for "Sweet Home Alabama, " Mama Cass rolled onstage for "CaliforniaDreamin andPaul McCartney was roused from the grave for Tm Down."

Garland Jeffreys was surprised recently when fellow Univeristy of Syracuse colleague Lem Reed .turned up for Jeffreys New York 1 show. Also along for the ride were Mick dagger, Ian Hunter and Bruce Springsteen (wheres Lynn???!!!} *

That old black magic called Zep: Even though Led Zeppelin has resumed concert appearances, theyre still hedging on finalizing a U.S. tour.ltappearsthat Robert Plant thinks his American appearances are jinxed since some disaster hasbefeHe n him or his family the last few times hes been over here. Call the exorcist!!!

Gregg Allman, take note: Finally, someone has come up with the perfect device for those backwoods gigs drat draw more flies than fans. Rob Roselle, anL.A. studio -'Ito^ntner, has Invented“The Clapper," a handy number that simulates applause. According to ?odiacNews,the big clap can be operated with one hand (the sound • of one hand clappmg!!!), andthe young entrepreneur goes on to say that "with enough Clappers, a crowd of 20 can sound like a full house."

One less Heart-beat: Hearts lead guitarist Roger Fisher has parted ways with the Wilson Sisters to try his hand at a solo stint, j\!

Tod Nugent's been following the progress of goodpal and fe How teetotaler Ronnie Montrose and his band Gammaasthey tour the country. Ronnie reports: "Ted sent/.me a magnum—no, not a pistol. A magnum of champagne. Hes a wise guy—he knows! dont drink.! gave it to my band,"Ronnfe also wanted e veryone to know "about all the greatsexfve been getting oh the road* l ha ve a poster of Cheryl Ladd taped on my guitar rack on stage to look at when 1 play. It gives - me a lot of inspiration, especially since she and David just broke up. Make sure you put that in. Maybe shell come to one of my shows. Whoknows, she could be my future ex»wife. " Youve been warned, CheryL,*;^

The "Rise" and*Fair of the Holiday Season: Were sure Herb Alpert was mildly upset when he was upstaged in the Macys Thanksgiving Day Parade by none other than the jolly old elf himself, Santa Claus, who stole the show by losing his pants when he stood up to wave atthe kiddies...

It helps to know your audience: In 'keeping with the "Message In A • Bottle" theme, the Police sent press conference in vitahons toL.A. media folk in—what else—Perrier bottles... A nd fellow A&M stable-mate Joe Jackson rushed stra ighi over to theWhiskey aftef his 1 show in Santa Monica to join the Yachtefor a version of "24 Hours From Tulsa"

THE BLOODY END OF THE STICK DEP^^ene Simmons and Baba Buell made a bet*' ■ | recently on the success of the * Boom town Rata single,"l Dont Like Mondays." The tongue lasher figgers the song wiB stiff because the tides too long and Bebe believes itll bea hit. But no matter who wins or loses, the folks in New York vyillbe the ultimate winners due to the nature of tire wager. Should Gene lose, he will walk down 5th Avenue atneion without his makeup on (so who would recognize him* anyway?), but if Bebe loses, she has promised to walk down 5th Avenue at noon with no clothes on (so what else is new?). What a fun gal...

Talk about a stinker, Jeff "Skunk" Baxter, former Steely Dan and Doobie Bros, guitarist, hooked his fluffy tail onto tire Nazareth bandwagon long enough to produce their nextLP, which should be out as you read this...

In The Studio

London —Eden Studios: The Sports with Peter Solley; Melbourne, Australia—Armstrong Studios: Split Enz; L.A. — Kendun: Brothers Johnson (Quincy Jones producing); L.A. —Sierra: Delaney Bramlett; Seattle—Kay e-Smith: Heart; Oxfordshire, England—Manor Studios: The Motors (Jimmy lovine producing); L.A. -~iWestlake: Chuck Mangione; SausaHto, CA—Record Plant: The Rockets; Miami—Criteria: The Outlaws, Black Sabbath; L.A. — Capitol Studios: BobSeger&the Silver Bullet Band; San Francisco.—Record Plant: Journey; Orla ndo—Bay shore: Marshall Tucker Band; Hollywood—Wally Heider: Jerry Lee Lewis; N. Y. — ElectricLady: Rolling Stones, Lonnie Liston Smith, Ronnie Spector, Ric Ocasek and the PMtf&v&f—Westlake: Sparks; Record Plant: Cretones, Bernadette PeterS; Paramount: Johnny. "Guitar" Watson; Total Experience: Don Cornelius; Larrabee Sound: John Stewart; Filmways/Heider: GregKihn Band, Jim Carroll; Parliament/Funkadefics; Hollywood—Producers Workshop: BozScaggs, Pink Floyd; Van Nuys—Salty Dog: Dolly Parton, Marc Tanner Band.

No more tears: EMI in Britain has refused to distribute Marianae Faithfulls latest waxaig, Broken English, because of die' "objectionable language" on the "Why DYa Do It" track. The LP is, now being distributed by Several independent labels, The tune in question, described as "a song of sexual jealousy", is sung by a victim of green-eyed monsterto h^W infidel lover, and includessuch'■„ i jemsas"Every time I see your dick/1 see her cunt on my bed." And thats orieof die milder lines! ¶| : Faithfuffs voice on the cut can only be described asAngloid Bette Davis. Hubba, hubba! *•

Big rumor of the month is that John Lennon is about to book time in a recording studio and will soon join forces with pianist Nicky Hopkins to begin work dn a new album. The factlitethe has no recordcontract to help him supposedly hasnt fazed John, since hes reportedly planning to record, press, distribute and promote the disc himself. If you want-it done right, do it yourself...

Van Morrison is currently recording his next LP with die help of Brian Anger Kill all hippies in 1980.,■

We can work it out,as long as you GET out!!! Janies Taylor and Carly Simon are still insisting theyre a hot number although theyre occupying separate spaces now.

More political updates: Boh Soger has just announced his candidacy as vice-presidential running mate to Joe Walsh on die "Have A Party" ticket.. .Meanwhile, in die Big Mango, Clarence Clemmons announced Ns plans to run fear Mayor of Seabright, New Jersey, in 1984. His only dilemma now isto figure out how to keep thetown on the up-and-up while hes out touring^ with Bruce Springsteen. Why ~ not employ them all as roadftes?

ie dole, part former bassist for Jinti Hendrix, is now said to be Hying on die brink of poverty in Ireland (so who isnt?) with his lady s of many years. Redding claims, 1 however, that hes owed nearly 1.5 million pounds from his stint with the Experience, and wants it NOW, . since hes already gone through what moolah he had accumulated to iry to get legal action started. Anotherinteresdng point—Noefs girlfriend has taken to sleeping with a shotgun (kink-y!) as a result of the many death threats Redding has received since he began pursuing his back pay. Interesting, innit?

Upon finishing their next studio LP {which will include the dubious g tale nts of Jean*Michel Jarre), the Rolling Stones are planning to visit China this coming sprihg. Shanghai girls just wantto recite Mao all night.,

Wotta guy—Bebe Buell {twice in one column???) and a rather hefty Anita Pallenberg were seen fighting for cuddling room on S«hr Bators e maciated bones during the recent Dead Boys reunion concert at Trax in New York. Talk about sRmptekins. .life

If Alice Cooper has his way, his RichardNlxonMemorabilia collection will continue to grow—on its own. Themadman of rock is hoping to obtain two palm trees from Trick yDicks Casa Pacifica | estate in San Clemente Reportedly, the government wants Nixon to . repay the treasury for the two trees, which were planted at government expense. Nix cm, however, says Unde Sam can have the trees back instead. Cooper wants to buy the frees and plant them near the deep end ofhts pool, saying thatsuch a * location "makes a symbolic gesture to NiXorisfermln office."

And speak ingot pnd#Sapf * anotherUnde, Jam, wants | George Clinton P-Funks outrageous leader has gone into semi-retirement in order to devote more to Ms newly-formed label {yrxtigt^; Unde Jam. Former Spinners vocalist PbUlippe Wynne took over singing choresf or Clinton on the last leg of the recent P-Funitfod^ but no one Is certain whether Wynne will be called on to do lead vocals permanently for the group.

Bind him, tie him, chain him to a treezfa extremely rabid Boomto wn Rats fan created 5 the perfect rat trap at a Rainbow gig in Lpridon recently. The zealous youth jumped onstage as the show: was just about over and snapped a pair of handcuffs on himself and guitarist Pete Briquette. After being dragged off stage with the axe whiz, the lad refused to uncuff Pete. So when they went back for their encore, Briquette had no choice but to do his part with the fan still in tow No word on what the sleeping arrangements were that night...

An autopsy performed cm the body of ex-Wings axe man Jimmy McCulloch revealed that his death on Sept. 17 was caused bymorphine poisoning. Although McCulloch Was reportedly not an addict, the coroner suggested that he couldve been slipped the lethal does.

Why didnt we think of that? K2s# is being hauled into a German court by the GermanSoeialDemocratic party for willfully promoting the much hated "SS" insignia in their logo...

On Tour

Kiss; The Rockets; Molly Hatchet; The Who; Rory Gallagher; ZZ Top; The Ramones; Fleetwood Mac; Srianne Faithfull; Tom Petty & tee artereakers; Bruce Springsteen; Fabulous Poodles; Pink Floyd; Santana; Paul McCartney & Wings; • JLC/DC; Queen; Rolling Stones; The Police; Iggy Pop; Jefferson Starship; Hat&Oates;-Sincer©s; Garnm~; Ted Nu~ent; Talkiny Heads; the B-52s; Lene Lovich; B Wreckless Eric; Pat Benatar; Styx; Foreigner; Ritchie Black mores Rainbow;Steve Forbert; Sammy Hagar; April Wine; Rick Derringer; Earth, Wind & Fire; Billy joel; Snail; John Cougar; Point BlankjTodd Rundgrens Utopia; The Beat; Outlaws; Grateful Dead.