Confessions of a FILM FOX

It was only a matter of time... The notorious Sex Pistols are busy starring in a film based on—what else?—their humble upbringing. The movie (yet untitled) will be in the can by Xmas, and released next spring. Ol'Warren Beatty just keeps comin' back for more...from Julie Christie, that is.

December 1, 1977

The CREEM Archive presents the magazine as originally created. Digital text has been scanned from its original print format and may contain formatting quirks and inconsistencies.

Confessions of a FILM FOX

It was only a matter of time... The notorious Sex Pistols are busy starring in a film based on—what else?—their humble upbringing. The movie (yet untitled) will be in the can by Xmas, and released next spring.

Ol'Warren Beatty just keeps comin' back for more...from Julie Christie, that is. The on-againoff-again romance thait spans mucho years might well be on again (and where is Michelle Phillips these days?), since Julie's co-starring with the little lady kjller in his remake of Here Comets Mr. Jordan, titled Heaven Can Wait. Now that she's left the Runaways, Cherie Currie is threatening to go into movies. (Whqt rating she's heading for, no one knows.)

The real story of Freddie Prinze's death is said to be revealed in Maria Pruetzel's (Freddie's mom) upcoming book. And who can blame her? If the present ruling that his death was suicidal stands, momma will lose a cool $500,000.

Barry Manilow's been approached by one of the big movie studios to do a musical. (Let's hope they throw in wardrobe and hair style consultants while they're at it!)

Look for a lot of the Chevy Chase face to pop up on the tube this next season. The ex-host of Saturday Night Live was recently inked by NBC guaranteeing his own specials for the next three years.

Wonder warbling is coming your way via the Paul Anka -produced LP (now in the works) featuring TV's Wonder Woman, Lynda Carter.

Still holding out from Gene Roddenberry's new TV Star Trek is the mad Vulcan himself, Leonard Nimoy. Zodiac News reports that most of the old crew (including William Shatner as Captain You-Know-Who) have already given their consent to take another ride on the U.S.S. Enterprise. Golleee, Scarlett, what would Clark say if he knew that old wart face himself, Robert Redfford, was first in

line to play the part of Rhett Butler in Universal's sequel to Gone With The Wind? (Frankly, we don't give a damn, either.) (ZNS)

Don't say we didn't warn you: With Elvis Presley's passing, be prepared for the onslaught of re-releases of the King's not-so-outstanding films.

Pearl, a film based on the life story of Janis Joplin (from 20th Century), starts production in January, despite the fact that the leading lady has yet to be selected.

Squeaky-clean Marie Osmond reportedly declared that because she grew up with eight brothers, she has "clear insights" on the opposite sex.

(Oh, really? How clear?)

Sometime actor sometime singer David Soul reportedly was quite upset when he was ordered to cut his hair for the upcoming Mud flick (that's not the review, that's the title). And who can blame him? Receding hairlines are bad enough, eh, Davey?

A rock opera based on the life of Adolph Hitler? E-M-I Electrola Co. of Hamburg has released a double-album set entitled Rock Opera: Der Fuehrer, but you have to go to West Germany to pick yourself up a copy. The company insists the opera does not glorify old Adolph (or his lady friend Eva Braun), but rather depicts him as a "talented demagogue."

Bats in 'er belfry? Hairdresser George Masters threw up his hands in disgust recently, announcing his refusal to do any more jobs on animal luster Doris Day. Said the do-erof Dodo: "I never saw anyone so bull-headedly bent on being happy all the time... always singing and humming to herself. It drove me bats. " (NME) Horrors abound! Alice Cooper is negotiating for the film rights to the life of actor Bela Lugosi, filmdom's most famous vampire. Meanwhile, in Romania (birthplace of the real blood sucker), interest in Dracula has caused such a boom in their tourist industry that they've even gone so far as to restore his tomb. (ZNS)