Creem Profiles
(Pronounced “Boy Howdy!”)
The CREEM Archive presents the magazine as originally created. Digital text has been scanned from its original print format and may contain formatting quirks and inconsistencies.
HOME: Time Warp In The Hills.
AGE: Frozen at forty in '66.
PROFESSION: Being one step ahead...or is it behind?
HOBBIES: Turning people on and off like switches, getting tackled by irate fans, providing jobs for unemployed nuclear physicists, sitting pretty, discovering alternate uses for bananas.
LAST BOOK READ: He doesn't need to!
QUOTE: "Come on, Mom!"
PROFILE: A legend in his own mind, renowned and recognized in the annals of musical history for his tremendous output, innovations and other contributions to the music of yesterday, today and tomorrow. But Frank will be remembered for "Brown Shoes Don't Make It."
BEER: Boy Howdy!