At a recent Southside Johnny concert In Cleveland Ronnie Spector was everything the males in the audience could have hoped... she was poured into a black leather jumpsuit, unzipped to the navel, which offered excited music fans a panoramic view of her chest.

July 1, 1977

The CREEM Archive presents the magazine as originally created. Digital text has been scanned from its original print format and may contain formatting quirks and inconsistencies.

ROCKY'n' ROLL news

At a recent Southside Johnny concert In Cleveland Ronnie Spector was everything the males in the audience could have hoped... she was poured into a black leather jumpsuit, unzipped to the navel, which offered excited music fans a panoramic view of her chest. After the last encore she yelled at the

audience: “Thank you. I wish I could ball every boy in the audience.”

Rumors that Black Sabbath are splitting most untrue: a Sab spokesperson said: “If one member of the group left, it really would be the end of Black Sabbath. But individual members could undertake solo projects, however.” [ Their next album will be a live one.

Hot rumors that Peter Frampton will sign to Portrait, or possibly John Lennon. At any rate, they have a “hot one” they’re negotiating right now... Frampers to play Las Vegas in July (What’s left?

If you can guess how many times “banana” is mentioned in this issue, yob win a dream date with Milos Rackov. Milos was the fellow yelling “I want factory music” at a recent Babys gig here:. .they’re never content in Detroit. Send entries c/o this office

This Is A True Itedi: Richard Robinson (Mr. Rewire Yourself) is producing the upcoming Lou Reed Due, which is being mixed in London and Munich.

Bruce Springsteen has finally entered the recording studios to put f down tracks for his new album, as his legal problems are just about cleared up—ifs been two years Since Born To Run\ Spruce was named one of the sexiest men in America by Cosmopolitan. (And he don’t eventry!)

Those funny boys The Damned were out and about in L.A. recently at the same time Iggy Pop was, and apparently drummer Rat Scabies met Iggy at Television’s gig at the Whiskey. Rat called Iggy “a dog on a leash” (referring, we presume to Iggy’s close ties with Bowie); Iggy turned afound to hit him but was deterred by one of Bowie’s bodyguards. Doesn’t Rat respect his Roots!!?! When The Damned played the Starwood in LA.. bass player Captain Sensible came out (literally) wearing an emerald green dress and pantyhose... he got so involved in his act that he shed everything but the pantyhose, which fell around t his ankles. Roadies tried to put his shoes back on him bqPhe crowd started throwing money and beer bottles (?). Rat jumped out from behind his drumkitandstarted flogging the beer bottle throwers with his drumsticks. Hi boys, when are you coming to our town? an |9H| -

This Item Is True: There’s a new girl group from San Francisco calledThe Nuns, and yes, they wear long black things.. dbe keyboard player also sports peroxide white hair, red lips and a confident air. . .

. Patti Smith on Southside Johnny: “They just play spagjh etti blues.” So says Jimmy lovine, who’s producing her new album. Jimmy also confessed that he goes out at four in the morning to buy Vogue for Patti when she gets bored.

By the time this reaches your hands the new Small Facea will have signed with Atlantic... their reunion album is called Playmates, with most of the songs comingfrbm die writing team of Marriott / MacLaglan.

Lad Zappclintook a welldeserved rest after their firstfew months of harassing the nation’s innkeepers (and playing concerts— why not?}; Jimmy Page was off to Cairo for inspiration while the rest of the band went home to England to rest up with their families. Stories of tour fun ‘n’ games are sdU coming in; while in Chicago Bonzo not only bashed out all of the windows of ail of their I iitnos (a fleet of about six); but he took one for a solitary spin one night and returned it much die worse for wear. Is Lowell George doing Brian § Wilson imitations? After Little Peaf s Milwaukee show he ; requested a cold shower. Told there were no shower facilities backstage, Lowell walked over to the food table and dumped a large green saktd 1 over his head. “Oooh, that’s real cold,”said he. And nodoubt excellent for his complexion.,. '

Borneo Polanski popped up at theTangerine Dream concert in L. A., and was seen chatting with the 1 band backstage. if?r>;

Who says Brits have, more taste? BBC Records have released an album of violent sound effects fitted Death And Horror, witbsuchfunH cuts as“Strangu!ation,” “Head Chopped Oft,” “Red HotPcifcer Into Eye,” etc. Yuid

Mick Jagger spotted at a Michelle Phillips recording session.. .Mr. Mick stayed at Bonnie Wood’s Malibu house and: was not a conspicuous man about 1 town for sure, . .Meanwhile Maggie Trudeau was in France with the kiddies shooting ads for the Perrier water people...

The Stonee mixing live album things at Electric Lady land. .0|§

IAN HUNTER DEPARTMENT: We sneaked a look at Debbie Harry’s passport (Blondie to you lascivious males) and (shock, horror) she’s 31.. .That didn’t deter. Jimmy Page, though (34), who ' asked to be introduced. Unfortunately, Blondie’d left for ;'

Gregg Allman cancelled his tour because Uncle Phil Walden said if d be better to wait until the albu m was released in May...speaking of went to the Bahamas in May, and returned with his “wife**?.. • he says he was married -down Caribbean way...: :

Rick Derringer’s band broke up ^ just as our feature hit the stands last month (oops) . Seems Denny Johnson was into bei ng Jimmy Page, white Rick’s strictly your all-American boy, On the road or off. Rick’s got a new band together, though • (Details later.)

A new Bowie-produced artist-—. Dorian—has a cut on his debut album, “Men’s Room” about— yeah, you guessed it, a choir master 1 who performs services upon consenting young males. Howard Bloom told us this so we know#*?

Since Louise Lesser quit Mary Hartman, where does that leave “Garth Gimble,” rock ‘n’ roll’s Martin MnO? Well, Martin will be revived as “Barth Gimble,” the host of Fern wood Tonight, the Norman Lear spoof on late night talk shows that wiU replaceMaty Hartman.

Bay Davies got drunk with pal John Miles at the Hyatt House bar while last in L. A.; not unusual,but their female drinking companion came unglued and bit a London Records promo man . The only course of action in that situation, we say!

Hollywood now has a shop devoted exclusively to punk rock, called interestingly enough “The Punk Shop. ” It features Sex Pistols singles . posters of nasties like Bet Scabies plus punk paraphernalia to wear jn your cheek or;whatever..,

One spring night at the Red Carpet on Detroit’s East Side, we saw Bob Tyner put his new MC5 through the motions. The Sockets made room for Rob and his band after their last set, and although Tyner insisted it was a spur of the moment decision, word had spread across Eight Mile Rd. and up Woodward like wildfire. The Carpet was packed, and sometime after midnight one of the Rockets yelled ‘“And next you’ll hear the MC5.” Then they bit the floor with “ 19th Nervous Breakdown”,; Bill Wembley on lead guitar, Bobert Gillespie on guitar, Balph the Bruiser Serafino on drums, Mike Marshall on bass and raucous Rob Tyner handling the microphone stand. The set ended only30 minuteslater with (oh, the joy) “KickOut.The Jams ” Said Rob Tyner afterwards: "dust seeing those people excited was worth it. Better , than being paid!”

The Dictators took San Francisco by storm; at a gaia party after the show threeroadies got drunk and smashed a thousand dollars’ worth of antique china; in retaliation Mark “The Animal” Mendoza, Dictators bass player, and Chief of the Dictators Roadies, The E Factor (well known as the toughest roadie in rock ‘n’ roll from his days with Black Oak and Blue Oyster Cult) managed to beat up all three and chased them down the street. Paul Kantner of the Starship showed up for the‘Tators’ show; Paul apparently is a real punk rock fan and frequents the Mabuhay Gardens in Frisco, where the piunk bands all play (How about the Jefferson Punkship?). ..Of the ‘Tators, Kantner said he liked them a lot—they could carry a tune; more s than you could say f of the Starship sometimes...