When Kiss, the heroes of flaming youth and small house pets, met up with those everlovable, vet brutal blimns Flo & Eddie, at a recent tag-team concert in LA.

December 1, 1976

The CREEM Archive presents the magazine as originally created. Digital text has been scanned from its original print format and may contain formatting quirks and inconsistencies.

When Kiss, the heroes of flaming youth and small house pets, met up with those everlovable, vet brutal blimns Flo & Eddie, at a recent tag-team concert in LA, backstage tempers boiled Hotter Than Hell! Apparently that well intentioned pair ot pudgy pranksters belly flopped their way past Kiss's momentarily delinquent security force in a frenzied effort to have their pictures taken with real rock stars. Ultimatums were issued to the effect that if Kiss didn't allow Flo & Eddie to join them on stage, (a la Jaan Uhelszki in CREEM, August 1975), then two Goodyear blimps, both with legs, one with a beard and one with glasses, would bounce blubber on the head of a certain bat-lizard until he would no longer have to chew up packets of Hunt's Ketchup to look like he's spitting blood. Detente agreements were reached after a suggesion by a KISSingerian Kitty-Kat that a publicity release featuring these pesky bulbous bimbos in Kiss make-up would probably aid tremendously in recruiting FAT PEOPLE into the evergrowing Kiss Army. All parties were most pleased with the result of this unlikely transformation and have since become and remain the very best of friends. Minister of Propaganda, Kiss Army HQ, signing off. Air-Wreck Genheimer

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