Motor Mouth

Springtime In Detroit...And The Shows Keep Coming

Can't believe how much there is to tell you — May was an exceptional music month.

July 1, 1976

The CREEM Archive presents the magazine as originally created. Digital text has been scanned from its original print format and may contain formatting quirks and inconsistencies.

May was an exceptional music month; John Denver came down from his mountain to perform two sold-out concerts at Olympia, and on May 7th and 8th the home of the Detroit Red Wings became the home of Paul McCartney and Wings, who arrived in town with their family-style entourage consisting of the Mac children, technicians, publicists, promoters, and managers, not to mention musicians. And then the sold-out Pontiac Stadium show: Aerosmith, Ted Nugent, Foghat and the Outlaws — congrats to the Glantz people for pulling it off. For some peace and quiet Steven Tyler and ladyfriend Julia stayed at the home of local playpal Rick Smith, who met Steve when he attended Boston University and helped him write "Dream On".

Yes it's true, Peter Wolf of the J. Geils band really did order a Jiffy peanut butter sandwich on white bread in one of Flint's poshest restaurants. Wayne Kramer, former guitarist with the MC5, got sentenced to four years in the state pen for possession of drugs, but we hope Wayne will keep cool and get out early on good behavior.'! .a bum rap...

Also in the news, Cindy Goyette, former Olympic swimming star from Birmingham and girl-about-town on the rock scene, made the front page of the Detroit Free Press in a story reporting that narcotics agents were trying to locate her whereabouts in association with a drug ring.

Feminists should already be aware of the new "City Club" that was taken over at 2110 Park Avenue in Detroit. The once-vogue hangout for socialites has now become a center for health, financial and cultural services as well as a meetingplace for women. Ms.

Gloria Steinem, our Toledo-born sister , was on hand for opening day festivities.

John Travolta, better known as Barbarino from "Welcome Back, Hotter," spent the day in Detroit with RCA record rep Larry Wallingford, appearing on the AM Detroit Show, at a press luncheon, and then visiting Handleman's. It seems that this new sex symbol had to hire security guards to protect him from masses of females in Cleveland and Philadelphia (Fonzie who?), but obviously Detroiters just don't get that desperate for something to maul. Johnny T. told CREEM's new Associate Editor, Air-Wreck Genheimer, that he reads our rag every chance he gets.. .but would like to see more coverage of MOR acts (like himself) . Up his nose with a rubber hose! For our Canadian friends who want complete info on concerts, including procuring tickets and checking out special package deals that whisk you across the Windsor-Detroit border and plop you down at yotir desired concert, contact Blue Horizon at 519-4326749. This London, Ontario-based firm specializes in getting Canadians quickly arid happily across to see their fave rock stars, but does go the other direction (for example, the Dylan concert in Toronto).

Donna Engler has opened a new shop in Birmingham called Scissors, specializing in haircuts.. .notrnecessarily for men. Donna was formerly with Sinbad's and is a close friend of John Fowley (you know, the chic B'ham men's clothier). Lots of heavy dudes get their locks trimmed at Scissors. W and Vogue were in town to photograph some of John's fashions at the Midtown Cafe; included was a suit John made especially to fit Donna. Crepes and Grand Marnier were served; the whole event serving to show that Detroit designers have something to offer, and that the New York establishment is taking notice.

What crossed the mind of a local groupie, having just scored the most adorable member of a famous rock band, when he led her upstairs to his Pontphartrain hotel room, went into the bathroom, locked and chained the door, stuffed it with a towel, and sprayed the room with Right Guard and $20 a bottle French perfume? Seems these heavy popsters don't want to ruin their all-American image by getting popped. To double insure this, the band's managers fine the musicians and crew if they get caught. This is rock 'n' roll? Pete Andrews, former manager of SRC and other various Ann Arbor ventures, has opened a new club called the Roadhouse, which is geared towards fine wines, imported beer and jazz-flavored music for sophisticated night cats.

If you're not registered at the Pontch and you happen to be the guest of a rock group you'd better watch out for a hotel dick named Kennedy. Seems the "classy" Pontch discourages long-hairs and recently threw out a lady rock writer from a suburban daily/accusing her of being a hooker.

What lead singer of a local band slapped his old lady in the face recently at a downtown bar where he was gigging? Only to have the liberated young thing punch him right back? A little too much push led to shove, Mr. Singer pulled out a gun, shot her and is currently released on bail...

Former ABC Records promo man, Detroit's own Jack Ashton, is now heading up promotion for ABC on the West Coast. Jack split for United Artists for a while (in fact, you can see his smiling mug in the May 1st issue of Record World), but is now back at ABC pushing Chaka Khan records. Interesting too that Jack is to be the subject of a New West Magazine feature story by one of our own contributors, Ed Ward. Apparently the piece by Jack in EXTRA CREEM a few months back was a deciding factor in the magazine's decision to profile him. Speaking of Record World (you remember), former CREEM editor Ben Edmonds is giving up his post as "Coast" columnist for that trade paper to work in A & R at the massive Capitol Records Tower.

The I Band, a Detroit-area funk group, have just released their first single, "Jungle Walk", on Philly Groove records, distributed by WEA. Local scenemaker Sterling Silver will be summering on Mackinac Island this year; Sterling's return in September may be marked by joining a Japanese rock group as le^d singer. "Yeah," said Sterling. "They asked me to join — they like people who can sing in English without an accent. They're really good musicians. They can play acoustic Bob Dylan numbers real well; it's when they try to sing in a nasal twang like Bob that they're really funny."

Tippled Jack Daniels at the Journey* Wet Willie-Earl Slick show one of our favorites, Fred "Sonic" Smith, ex-MC5er; Sonic tells us that his group Rendezvous will be entering the studio soon to record. You can catch them at the Chances Are in future weeks...

We weren't too impressed with the Tubes' new show: it was visually exciting but the music just fell apart at the seams. Dined with Rinus Gerritsen of Golden Earring—they were quite good, actually — jolting the Masonic audience (those who weren't scenemaking out in the halls) out of their seats when they capped .the encore with the drummer vaulting over his kit. He does it straight.

'Tyne(Dick) is now mine," says W4. Get ready for some Fresh Air — a new rock group from the Toledo-Detroit area.

Rock's top impresario Mr. Bill Graham paid a visit to Detroit with the group he manages, Santana, and managed to stop in at ABX and visit a few friends before hurrying down to Cobo arena to oversee details for the concert.

Congratulations to Kris and Carole Kelly on the birth of their daughter Maya, born in March in Ann Arbor. Kris was formerly a drummer with Eric Clapton and John Mayall's Bluesbreakers, as well as having done work recently on Speedy Keen's latest Island LP. Currently, Irish-born Kris is forming a band with members from Canada, the U.S. and Europe.

The Rites of Spring: CREEM editor Robert Duncan departs for New York and his freelance career; CREEM welcomes former record'promoter/ program director Larry "LB" Benjamin, who returns to the Detroit area to work as assistant to the publisher of CREEM, and Trans-Love Energetic — A2 Sun Artist Bill Good* son is now Associate Art Director. Also, WABX's loss is Boy Howdy'sgain— Lesley Levin moves over from sales at the "X" to brighten up our offices. Lesley's originally from WMHE in Toledo . Air personality par excellence Jerry Lubin was recently promoted to the position of program director at W4; aficianados of R 'n' R will be pleased to hear the newly-relaxed W4 music-programming policy. Speaking of the Big 4, Karen Spvelly recently turned down a very nice West Coast gig to remain here in Motown... we don't need scares like that, Karen! Karen was named music director of W4 awhile ago.

George Clinton (Parliaments and Funkadelic) stopped by these offices to say hi and steal our frisbees on a short break from a sold-out tour.

P-Funk is happy with their latest almost-gold album, as well as new contracts from the Bugs Bunny folks.

\ Two femme CREEM staffers surprised to discover that the gent sweeping the door open for them at the Midtown Cafe in B'ham was none other than Beautiful Bob Seger, who's been well-trained by somebody, my dears... For your dining pleasure on nights when you feel like leaving your sleazy denims at home (you can wear fancy ones) check out the Banyon Tree restaurant. Disco-maniacs probably already know about the Elephant Disco, which is separated from the dining place by only a moving wall.

Hello baby — Kramer, that is — Barry and Connie Kramer,

CREEM publisher and advertising director respectively, have a little J.J.

Happy hunting! v ,