The latest (and last, we promise) word on Lou Reed's Metal Machine Music is neither an apology from Lou nor a defense of the recced. Mr. Reed states simply, according to close sources: "I put it out to break a contract with [manager] Dennis Katz."

April 1, 1976

The CREEM Archive presents the magazine as originally created. Digital text has been scanned from its original print format and may contain formatting quirks and inconsistencies.


The latest (and last, we promise) word on Lou Reed's Metal Machine Music is neither an apology from Lou nor a defense of the recced. Mr. Reed states simply, according to close sources: "I put it out to break a contract with [manager] Dennis Katz." Lou and Katz are Involved in litigation currently and neither really has kind Words for the other.

Earth News tells us that Bette Midler had some trouble with the law recently , too. Upon arriving in Denver for a recent concert, she was greeted by a Colorado tax collector who presented her with a warrant to collect $1,000from a concert in that state during 1974. Seems that the new Colorado tax law which demands taxes in advance instead of at the end of the year, has caught several performers by surprise.

Apparently the still-limping Robert Plant was not on his best behavior at David Essex's recent show at Hollywood's Roxy; some audience members claim that it became very difficult to ignore him as he insisted on shouting obscenities at Essex in. J an attempttobe "funny."

One of his record company's representatives has informed us that the split in Todd Rundgren's Utopia was not due, as we reported, to "irreconcilable musical differences"

.. .And we thought that that was putting it nicely. Todd does have a new | solo album on the way shortly which should feature some of his new songs and his covers of old Yard* birds, Hendrix, Dylan, Beach Boys, and Beatles material. At the same time, work is in progress in the studio on another Utopia effort which can probably be expected by early summer.

In the light ofour Beatles' special in this issue. it's interesting to pote 1 the frenzied hoopla currently emanating from Los Angeles about a possible reunion for the group. So far the stories seem to be the most serious we've heard since the breakup. It seems an L;A. promoter named Bill Sergent is spearheading a drive to reunite them in "the biggest concertin entertainment his. tory." You've heard this one before, right? Well, the Hollywood Reporter in a recent edition gave front page play to a story of John Lennon's announcement in Miami that he would like to get back together with his ex-mates for at least a one-shot album or concert deal. Speculation by some is that he is attracted by promoter Sergent's deal, which proposes a concert that would be viewed via closed circuit {probably at large halls across the country) by three million Americans paying 50 bucks per ticket. With album and film deals from the show thrown in, H's possible that such a package could net up to 150 million for the Beatles. In any case Sergentis guaranteeing them a $30 million take. It's possible that the reunion might exclude McCertney whose management reportedly opposes the idea. In that case, it is likely that longtime Beatle playmate Hairy Nilsson would take up the bass and singing chores for Paul. Speaking of whom.. .Remember those vicious rumors about Elton getting a hair transplant fron a noted specialist in Toronto? Well it seems McCartney was digging around there recently (Did you ever wonder how he maintained that mop of black hair?), but spokesmen claim he was only checking out. -recording facilities.

And in further Beatle news: John was in court again recently in con' flection with a suit against him by Big Seven Musk: Company who claimed that he had reneged on_a deal with them toreleaseaset of his songs. But, as witnessed by our most intrepid photographer who managed to smuggle his cameras in and snap some pfx (which, due to legalities, we can't show you), the case Was thrown out when one of Big Seven's lawyers casually picked up a copy of the nude Two Virgins album cover and made sure that the jury saw it; the judge immediately called a mistrial citing this action as an attempt to "prejudice the jury."

Odd couple, indeed: Seems that not Only are Russell Maeland Marianne Faithfull collaborating musically, but perhaps otherwise as well... And for the record: Russ and J Ron ha ve disbanded Sparks to pursue stardom as simply the Mael Brothers.

Rolling Thunder doesn't gather much Of anything either! It seems that the Houston Astrodomebenefit for Hurricane Carter put on by Dylan and crew which reportedly grossed $500,000 will probably net ftsiptended beneficiary only about a fifth of that, due to the cost of the * Astrodome and what a New Orleans prompter told Earth News was the , expenses for talent, travel, and accomodations. Some more cynical musk: Hz insiders are saying that this might be a familiar old trick,whereby an artist puts on a so-called "benefit" show and then takes outthe lion's share of the receipts in his own fees, j which he chalks up to expenses... Maybe that is too cynical. ?

Meanwhile, during rehearsalsfri for the Astrodome extravaganza the entire Revue with Dylan made a surprise guest ap, pearance at the end of Roger Miller's second set at the Troubador and got only "a warm, but not ecstatic" reception, according to the L. A. Times, from the older aud-

Kiss Alive! achieved platinum status recently and CREEM wets presented with one of the awards in honor of what some have labeled our "culpability'' in the event. Kiss' next album which should be out any ; mome nt, produced by Bob Ezrin, includes — as hard as it may be to believe — a ballad entitled "Beth" written and sung by drummer Peter Cries for his wife. But make no mistake: no,run-of-the-mill ballad from these boys — the band does not play any instruments on the song, accompaniment isa 26piece orchestra and a 30 voice boys' choir iSiV:

In other.erstwhile reunion news: it is expected that that Small Faces homecotriing will be a temporary affair at best —• meaning that the twoconcerts reportedly scheduled: for this summer in England will be if. No album, unless, of course, some smart guy thinks of recording the dates for a live LF. Ronnie Lane, who maintains hisdedication to his present group Slim Chancefrad this to say about the' reunion: "It's like going back to your old school — you don't mind visiting, but who'd go back permanent-

As to the just-plain-Feces, whose recent breakup was said tohaw been a somewhat inimical affair — with Rod stating that he "could no longer work in a situation where Ron Wood seems to be on permanent loan to the Rolling Stones"— things may not be so bad after all Reliable sources say that Woody will be* playing guitar ip j Rod's pickup band for that massive Stewart solo date at London's Wembley Stadium on dune 26. But, no, this does not hearken a reformation of the band

The ever-jolly Keith Moon was laid low recently. After complaining ofsevere stqrriach pafris,5report& ENS, Moon was raced to a London hospital where it turned out he bed suffered a rather mild case of food poisoning and was released within

Perhaps more serious is the case of Blood, Sweat and Tears' lead singer David CIajrt«m»Tb®m«ejj who, Earth News tel! us, caused the cancellation of that band's upcoming Ger man tour because he seems to have undergone a nervousbreakdowni

A new Tubes album has just gone , into the works with former Beaties engineer and Bowie producer Ren Scott assuming production


Jackson Browne just entered the studio in L. A to record his fourth album for Asylum, with whom he rece ntly renewed his contract for I B-e years. ■

Next month should see a new len Hunter solo LP, which will feature the assistance of Herbie Han-cock, David Sanborn, Aynsley Dunbarf and the 1 Brecker Brothers on Some -tracks Chris Stainton is coproducing with Hunter.

The Starship are back in the studio after being forced to take time out from the sessions for their new LP due to drummer Johnny Bari Rate's emergency appendectomy several weeks back.

A Star-Studded Event! It was when Ritchie Blackmores divorce proceedings got underway in .England. Blackmore, says the L.A. Free Press, named Jeff Beck, Tommy Bolin (who took over his J slot in Deep Purple as well),

Keith Moon and 12 roadies as corespondents in his wife's disfavor, j

Elton's next effort should be a live selt from his Rock of the Westies . tour. •' .

Word's out that Gregg and Cher may be expecting twins.

Wondering why you haven't seen that hot shot guitarist from the latest | Bowie album on David's current. tour?It seems that Earl Stick — yyhpdid go along on the Diamond Dogs tour — is fed up. He told Cashbox that Bowie has "kept out of touch, getting so much into himself that he would treat us [the band] like a radio. He'd plug us in when he needed us and turn us off when he didn't. " Stick, whose own solo album is due this month, blames the j aloof attitude on several of Bowie's advisors who have been "polluting David's mind."

ENS reports that Pink Floyd has i been signed to do the musk: for Alexandr o "El Topo " Jodor* owskys new movie entitled Dune,

New group Paste, featuring exFleetwood Mac Bob Welch, has changed drummers, with Hunt Sales (ex of Todd Rundgren's band and son of Soap) taking on the chores. Hunt and brother Tony have also been in the studio helping with Iggy's and dames Williamson s new demo tapes which have got more than one label interested.

The Rolling Stones are planning a summer tour of the States — if you can call itthat. They're playing a wild weekend on the West coast (duly 4, 1976L. A. Coliseum) and an even wilder one on the East. More venues to be announced later 8§

A radio station in Spokane, Washington reports that the man who waved a gun at Ted Nugent onstage there in January and who was subsequently arrested on a charge of "intimidation with a weapon," has bee n charged with the first degree murder of his mother, sister and two nephews; the charge indicates that this would have happened some time before the Nugent incident.

Reports of Patti Smith's competitiveness with and jealousy of fellow Jerseyite Bruce Springsteen may have been confirmed by a Hollywood gossip who reports that Patti tbld her: "Bruce came from North Jersey and 1 came from the ghetto part (South Jersey) and we were a lot tougher than Bruce. I had my own gang of guys and we used tp eat guys like him for breakfast." In the meantime, we are told that after the last of her recent knockout Cleveland shows Patti collapsed from exhaustion. However, the tour continues apace.