Stars Cars


April 1, 1975

The CREEM Archive presents the magazine as originally created. Digital text has been scanned from its original print format and may contain formatting quirks and inconsistencies.

"What the hell can he tell you about me?" Billy Preston's (he's the darker figure pictured here) car told CREEM one morning over a barely palatable breakfast of STP Oil Treatment and high octane. "He don't know shit! Hell, he's washed up, as far as I'm concerned.

But me, I just did me a big TeeVee commercial with Leon Russetl'scar. where we was showing off our Craig Stereo tape decks. Yeah, no jive, and the commercial was shown on thatf/n Concerf thing. The way I figure it I been around long enuff — since 1958 -and I been,with Billy for five years and I just kind of wanna step out front a little.

So, I got me a new Chrysler engine and it kinda makes these po' ol' Bently bones feel like they's got a whole~new fife . Listen, my man, I gof a phone call cornin' in SURE! I got a phone; jiveass honky.-what kinda car you think l am? And I got my own space race to do, dig? Catch yo . act later. Give me treads, bro. Yeah!"