Creem Profiles
(Pronounced “Boy Howdy!”)
The CREEM Archive presents the magazine as originally created. Digital text has been scanned from its original print format and may contain formatting quirks and inconsistencies.
NAMES: Cole Haden, Jack Wetmore,
Aaron Shapiro, Ruben Radlauer.
AGES: Jaded.
FROM: New York City.
OCCUPATION: Crop farmers.
HOBBIES: Sharpening the scythe, moaning.
LAST ACCOMPLISHMENT: A particularly arresting floral arrangement.
QUOTE: “Please leave your name and number after the tone and I’ll be sure to return your call.”
PROFILE: Is it possible to look sexy in the bathroom? Ask the Strokes and you’ll get one (white powdered) answer, but ask Model/ Actriz while they’re standing in an actively visited porta-potty in a Brooklyn park and they probably won’t agree. Still, fans and critics the world over are united in their response to Model/Actriz, a furious, noiseinflected, and slithering take on dance-punk, using words like “tense,” “powerful,” “chaotic,” and “sexual” to describe the band’s debut, Dogsbody. And after some light polling of the quartet, all but one of those descriptors work for their time in the porta-potty. Can you guess which doesn't?