September 1, 2022

The CREEM Archive presents the magazine as originally created. Digital text has been scanned from its original print format and may contain formatting quirks and inconsistencies.


A music journalist who writes mostly about all things ’80s-centric—except that cheesy stuff...well, sometimes that, too. Even though she’s the author of Some Wear Leather, Some Wear Lace, a book about the 1980s post-punk and goth subculture, she tries not to take herself too seriously (also a lie, because being goth is very serious). Between her record collection and her affinity for those really clunky vintage synth machines that sound cool, she has little space left in her Brooklyn apartment for anything else, but that’s okay.


A regional potato chip expert from NYC— like for real FROM NYC, not in that bullshit “I’ve been here 10 years, so that counts, right?” kind of way. She currently fronts the blackened punk band Melissa and the borderline riot grrrl band Safe Word. She has been photographing and writing about the underground noise, punk, and freak electronics scenes for well over a decade at Check it out, but no more lukewarm memes of her photo of the homie playing a guitar with a vibrator. Please and thank you.


A middle-aged man who doesn’t realize that hip-hop died more than 15 years ago. Covering music with a focus on rap and R&B since 1998, he has managed to cobble together a sometimes hopeful, occasionally dispiriting middle-class existence. He has been insulted by Lil Wayne, got barked at by A$AP Rocky, spent an afternoon at Janelle Monae’s house, chatted backstage with Kendrick Lamar, and stood a few yards away from Jay-Z in a crowded Miami nightclub. He has written for far too many outlets to name-check in under 100 words.


A photo powerhouse who has shot a zillion subjects that have landed in the pages of tons of magazines and on billboards all over the world. When she’s not dropping jaws with her photos, you can find this not-Texas stereotype on a horse (smh) or fighting the patriarchy. She spends her free time tending to her fur baby Edie, obsessing over music/art, and cringing at the term “soft opening.”


A Brooklyn-based artist and illustrator, best known for his photorealistic/half-caricature portraits, sick taste in riffs, and mouthwatering ramp pesto. Born in Texas, he has produced work for CREEM and Major League Baseball, on clothing, and many, many other places. Before his time creating, Herrera was known as one of the smallest professional screwballers in major-league history, packing a serious punch as a relief pitcher for the Cincinnati Reds, Milwaukee Brewers, and New York Mets. In his free time he enjoys being upstate, pairing a well tequila with beer, and roaming the streets with his maniac dog Dusty.


Matt Schoen is an Austin-based fine artist, designer, and close friend of many of the CREEM staff. A New Orleans native who graduated from the Cooper Union in NYC, his work consists of spray paint, gold leaf, and wild augmented-reality stuff that we’re too dumb to even comprehend, and was recently exhibited in a gallery show at the opening of the Art House in Lockhart, Tex. When we asked him to take some time off from his art to help with our redesign, he knew we’d be a nightmare to work with but ultimately agreed. Thanks, buddy, we love ya.