Mail Dept., CREEM Magazine, P.O. Box 931869, Los Angeles, CA 90093 REVISIONARY REQUEST I can’t believe that you’d go ahead and publish Lou Reed’s comments about me without checking your facts to see if they’re true or not. As it turns out, they are not.

February 1, 1988

The CREEM Archive presents the magazine as originally created. Digital text has been scanned from its original print format and may contain formatting quirks and inconsistencies.


Mail Dept., CREEM Magazine, P.O. Box 931869, Los Angeles, CA 90093


I can’t believe that you’d go ahead and publish Lou Reed’s comments about me without checking your facts to see if they’re true or not. As it turns out, they are not.

I have no problem with his claim that I wrote “vile shit” about him, as that’s a matter of opinion. On the other hand, his claim that I am “the guy that was behind a lot of those bootlegs” is a statement of fact—incorrect fact, however. I am not responsible for any Velvet Underground bootlegs, have never received any tapes from Steve Sesnick, and have never even met the man.

My attorney informs me that Reed’s incorrect statements constitute defamation of character. I suggest you publish a retraction, lest you be held liable for libel.

Sincerely yours,

Philip Milstein

Cambridge, MA

(On the liner notes of The Velvet Underground [And So On] bootleg album, the last paragraph begins: “Once again, we have raided the too-long-closed vaults of Vetvetdom. ”

Those liner notes were signed by Philip Milstein.—Ed.)


I am outraged by John Mendelssohn’s September Eleganzal John, how the hell can you compare making music with a computer to music made by a band using amps, customized pick-ups, etc.? These two things have a major difference; the bands using the latter have the distinction of using these tools to enhance instruments that they are playing “with their own hands,” so to speak. Playing with a computer takes that away from you; it does it all, and you basically don’t do a thing except program it and maybe play a few notes on the keyboard. I have more respect for a band who can keep in synch than I do for one person who makes completely computerized sounds and calls it true blue music. That’s why I listen to Dave Edmunds with his old Gibson and not Howard Jones or Stevie Wonder with their gadgetry. Huey Lewis is right: playing heartfelt music with a band and with some technology is really the only way to do it, instead of doing completely computerized “music” and letting the computer take over your heart’s job. Elizabeth Miller Pontiac, Ml


After pondering the caption on page 47 in the September 1986 issue for months, I finally figured it out. It’s from “Light My Fire.”

You guys are wonderful.

A Loyal Reader

Clarksville. PA


I am getting so sick and tired of hearing about Roger Waters trying to force his views on the other Floyds that I had to write. I disagree with Mr. Farber’s statement that the reformed band is “roughly the equivalent of Andrew Ridgeley touring under the name Wham!” Obviously he has not heard A Momentary Lapse Of Reason, which contains some of the best music ever recorded by Pink Floyd. Any homo sapiens with ears can tell that this fine record is a hell of a lot more than “a money-making lure just to get people in.” Lapse Of Reason is a great album, destined to go to #1. Waters is just bittpr since Radio K.A.O.S. peaked at #50. Pink Floyd’s tour will sell out all over the world. Waters is just bitter since he had to forget about touring Japan and Australia due to (in his own words) “no demand whatsoever.” Is Waters so egotistical as to think that Pink Floyd can’t possibly live without him? If it sounds like I don’t respect Roger Waters, I do. The man is obviously a genius. But he continues to behave like a screaming child, relentlessly forcing his wishes on David Gilmour, Nick Mason and (unmentioned in your article) Rick Wright. Waters gave up all control and influence over the Pink Floyd name when he left the band. On Lapse, David Gilmour shows that not only is he a competent songwriter, but that he is also a damned good one. If you can’t beat them, Roger... by the way, isn’t it remarkable how Pink Floyd’s mysterious new vocalist sounds exactly like Roger Waters? Hmmm...

Craig Holler Atlanta, GA

A +

What has happened to Robert Christgau? He’s the reason I subscribed to this magazine.

Ira Callier Victoria, TX


I read the letters in your October issue; Someone by the name of J. Gaudy said that Roger Waters should be banned from rock ’n’ roll and also called Roger Waters a turkey. I don’t think that’s right at all. There wouldn’t be a Pink Floyd without Roger Waters. He did most of the songwriting, and, without him, there wouldn’t be a Wall concert or movie. Some people say Roger Waters is trying to act like Pink Floyd with the background sounds. Who do you think made all those noises in Pink Floyd? Roger Waters! I’m just getting sick of hearing how great David Gilmour is and putting down Roger Waters. If you put yourself in Roger Waters’s shoes, how would you feel? With the band and your exfans, the same way Roger Waters feels! So I feel nobody should criticize Roger Waters and his music. If David Gilmour says Nick Mason, Richard Wright and himself are Pink Floyd, then why isn’t Richard Wright in the picture with Gilmour and Mason? He says because Wright didn’t produce or record on the songs or something like that. I don’t think that’s fair. So you see, nobody knows what Pink Floyd were like as a band, because they didn’t like communicating. Maybe it’s better that way. After all, these days all a reporter wants is a good story with lots of publicity and money. So whatever Roger Waters does, I wish him the best of luck.

Colleen Biczis Perth Amboy, NJ

A FRIENDLY INQUIRY I’m writing to ask your help in a question I have. MTV is refusing to play “Heart & Soul,” the new video by the Monkees! Do you know the reason for this?

An Unhappy Monkees Fan Iron Mountain, Ml {Yes.—Ed.)