Post Script

ROCK-SHOTS continues to get loads of letters from Bon Jovi fans! The gorgeous hunk from New Jersey is creating quite a stir with ROCK-SHOTS readers! They love him! This month we’ve rounded up the best metal and you can enjoy exclusive interviews with: Poison, Cinderella, Motley Crue and Ozzy Osbourne.

October 3, 1987

The CREEM Archive presents the magazine as originally created. Digital text has been scanned from its original print format and may contain formatting quirks and inconsistencies.

Post Script


ROCK-SHOTS continues to get loads of letters from Bon Jovi fans! The gorgeous hunk from New Jersey is creating quite a stir with ROCK-SHOTS readers! They love him! This month we’ve rounded up the best metal and you can enjoy exclusive interviews with: Poison, Cinderella, Motley Crue and Ozzy Osbourne. You’ll also enjoy interviews with Bryan Adams and Kirk Cameron! And.. .we’ve got Madonna! Billy Idol! The Cult! The Monkees! The Beastie Boys! David Bowie! And more! And one more thing, readers.. .don’t forget to keep writing to Post Scriptl We need to know what you like and what you don’t like! In other words.. .we love to hear from you!

Hi! This is so exciting. I have never won anything in my whole life.

I enjoy reading ROCKSHOTS. The interviews with the stars are my favorite parts. I like to read how they got their starts and good stuff like that. Another thing I like about your magazine is the variety of stars. I mean, you don’t have only hard rock or soft rock. You mix it up.

A friend of mine just took my picture last night, so I hope you put it in the magazine.

Thanks a lot! I am looking forward to my free issues of ROCK-SHOTS.

Tina Chittim

Eugene, OR

I can’t believe I’ve actually won a year’s subscription free!! This is great! ROCKSHOTS is the best magazine you can buy to receive all the latest news on your favorite singers! I like everything about ROCK-SHOTS, especially info on Jon Bon Jovi, Madonna, Corey Hart and Cinderella. I also love the Crue’s Vince Neil, so if you could print a poster of him, I’d really appreciate It!! Keep up the good work and thanks for providing me with a great year to be filled with ROCK-SHOTS!!!

Dee Bassett

Columbus, GA (Dee, we’re glad to accommodate you with a poster of Vince Neil—take a peek on page 57!)

As you well know, Bon Jovi is one of the hottest groups today. We have compiled a letter to them that will, hopefully, gain some response from the band as well as other fans.

Dear Jon, Richie, David, Alec and Tico:

Your new album was about to be released and we were more

WET WITH ANTICIPATION THAN SLIPPERY. Then you released your first single and we knew YOU’D NEVER GIVE LOVE A BAD NAME.

Even though we were LIVIN’ ON A PRAYER, we tried to get tickets to your concert. The tickets were so scarce that people who had obtained a pair were WANTED DEAD OR ALIVE. People were in line so long and close, that they could have easily contracted some kind of SOCIAL DISEASE. The crowd was like a bunch of animals WILD IN THE STREETS, pushing and shoving but, needless to say, we survived.

We just wanted you to know that you’re not WITHOUT LOVE and that we know at your concert you LET IT ROCK. We were so upset to miss the concert and the one in a million chance of meeting you, but the way the band is going, you guys will be around for a lot of years to come.

So we RAISE OUR HANDS to you and would NEVER SAY GOODBYE. In fact, WE’D DIE FOR YOU, as well as to meet you. We really hope to hear from you directly.

Liz Paterson and Darlene Billows Shirley, NY

I just bought my first issue of ROCK-SHOTS and I LOVE it! Thanks a million for putting out such a great magazine! The May issue had the best pictures of Jon Bon Jovi I've ever seen! Could I ask you a favor? On the contents page of the May issue was a pic of Jon in a hot tub. That one is really hot! That one is really hot! Could you perhaps print a larger version of that pic in a future issue? I would love to put it up on my wall! Your fabulous pictures of Jon fuel my fantasies, and a lot of other girls' too, I'm sure!

Keep up the good work! Amy Stevens Arlington, VA

You probably won’t get many letters like this—if you get any at all—from the last few remaining Duranies. I’m writing this to tell you that there are some loyal Duranies left, and also because—unlike most Duranies—I can’t stand Bon Jovi. I used to like A-ha, sort of: I went to one of their concerts and bought their album, and so on. I’ll always stay loyal to Duran Duran, though.

I’m not saying that it was easy for fans who weren’t as devoted as me to stay loyal to Duran. They did their splinter projects, left fans waiting for two years for a new album, lost two members and changed their sound when they got two new members. These aren’t minor changes. Even some (seemingly) loyal fans I know dropped them. I’m not saying that anyone who stopped liking them should go back, although I wish some people would. I’ve lost a lot of pen-pals and friends. Some people call me loyal. Others say I’m stupid. I don’t care what they think—I love the group I’ve loved for years and that’s all there is to it. Nothing will change my mind—not even death threats from Bon Jovi fans!

Sure, A-ha had a few hits, were cute and all, but to me, Duran Duran was—and always will be—the best ever! Please keep on printing your great Duran Duran pin-ups and articles. In fact, I wish you’d put in more stuff on them! At least your magazine knows they’re still around. Thanks for letting me tell you how / feel.

Marla Jacobson

Atlanta, GA

We’re having a Canadian invasion and you haven’t noticed it yet!! There are a lot of great singers coming out of Canada and I don’t think they get enough credit, so can you please put some great singers and groups such as Platinum Blonde, Honeymoon Suite, Haywire, Spoons, Loverboy, Glass Tiger, Triumph, Cats Can Fly, Corey Hart and Bryan Adams in your magazine?

Bridgett Fielder

Rossford, OH

(Well, Bridgett, you can enjoy this month’s feature on Canada ’s very own Bryan Adams for starters. Look for more Canadian rock in the future!)

Thank you so very much for printing the color photo of Phil Collins in your May ’87 issue. Also, thank you for ail the photos you have printed in ROCK-SHOTS of Phil Collins and Genesis far. I would like to thank Phil Collins and Genesis, Peter Gabriel, Steve Hackett, and Anthony Phillips for the great music they have given us fans. Duran Duran, A-ha and the Police are also good groups. You nasty people out there shouldn’t fight over what group is better. Appreciate them for their talents; they are for entertainment, not our insults. So what if you don’t like certain groups other people do and it hurts them with stupid, childish remarks?

Lastly, to Madonna, even if no one else likes your movie Shanghai Surprise, I loved it. In fact, I have a copy of it on videotape. ROCK-SHOTS, could you please print a color or black and white photo of Madonna, Sean Penn and Paul Freeman of Shanghai Surprise?

Maria Schatz Watertown, NY

I love your magazine! It has plenty of great pictures and wonderful stories and interviews. Do you know of any concerts that wiii be going on across the U.S.A.? The Shots In The Dark in the Bon Jovi issue were funny and I enjoyed them.

I love reading the letters people write in to your magazine! Keep putting in those marvelous posters!

Nikki Myers

Taneytown, MD

(Nikki, there’s loads of concerts going on this summer: U2, Madonna, Prince, Bon Jovi, Peter Gabriel, David Bowie and Billy Idol, just to name a few! We’re glad you enjoy reading ROCK-SHOTS’ Shots In The Dark! John Kordosh, our witty editorial person/janitor, will be pleased as punch! Keep reading!)

I’m 11 years old and I’m writing to ask you some questions. Why weren’t there any shows on Mickey and Peter’s family? I’m wondering if the Monkees going to come to Cincinnati again? If so, when can I get tickets? Also, is “Listen To The Band” a new or old song (either way I like it) and I would like to know who wrote it. I’m a girl in my school band and I understand why it’s hard to play because I play the drums myself and I agree with Micky—they’re hard to take to parties!

Amy Koenigsknecht

Cincinnati, OH

(Amy, the Monkees are planning to tour this summer again in several major cities, hopefully including Cincinnati! Look for details in our new section, Keep In Touch/ And.. . "Listen To The Band" is an old song written by Mike Nesmith.)