Ken Barnes’s article on the singles of 1986 (April ’87 issue) excludes four important B-sides: two by Elvis Costello, “Brand New Hairdo” (an energetic song cut off of King Of America) and “Get (Find) Yourself Another Fool” (fabulous rendition by E. C. of old ballad, with great organ by Steve Nieve); and two by John Fogerty, “I Confess” (with Bobby King) and “My Toot Toot” (with Rockin’ Sidney).

July 1, 1987

The CREEM Archive presents the magazine as originally created. Digital text has been scanned from its original print format and may contain formatting quirks and inconsistencies.


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Ken Barnes’s article on the singles of 1986 (April ’87 issue) excludes four important B-sides: two by Elvis Costello, “Brand New Hairdo” (an energetic song cut off of King Of America) and “Get (Find) Yourself Another Fool” (fabulous rendition by E. C. of old ballad, with great organ by Steve Nieve); and two by John Fogerty, “I Confess” (with Bobby King) and “My Toot Toot” (with Rockin’ Sidney). None of these songs is on any album; the two by Fogerty are much better than anything on his latest album.

An A-side that deserves to be mentioned is “For America” by Jackson Browne, a song with terrific lyrics.

Barnes’s 10 Best Albums list last fall wasn’t very good either; but I stjll think he’s one of the best (and most underrated) rock critics.

The results of the 1986 Readers’ Poll were disappointing. In 1986, Elvis Costello released two great albums plus several singles. But he didn’t show up anywhere in the results. He should have won for Top Album (King Of America) and for Best Male Singer; and Steve Nieve should have shown up on the Keyboard Player list.

Also: Ken Barnes, Richard Grabel, Jeffrey Morgan, Jeff Nesin and Roy Trakin should have shown up on the Rock Critic list.

H. Baker

Denver, CO


Please bear with me for a moment because I don’t think I should be writing you about this. I just wanted more people to hear my problem.

I don’t give a damn if musicians, actors, etc., criticize or condemn their peers, but when one person makes a habit of it, I have to complain.

The person I’m referring to is that moronic MTV VJ, Dweezil Zappa. This idiot has made a habit of giving us his negative opinions about everyone from Julian Cope to the Beastie Boys. Especially the Beastie Boys.

He is constantly putting them down. Scolding them like an old woman about their drinking and drug use. Not to mention their hotel trashing.

Since I love the Beastie Boys (especially Mike D.) and their music, none of this settles well with me.

Listen Dweezil, if the Beastie Boys want to get drunk, do drugs, or trash hotels, that’s their business. It’s their lives and they seem to be enjoying themselves, so leave them the hell alone!!

What’s your problem anyway? Why are you always showing hatred for this band? Is it because one of the Boys is dating a former girlfriend of yours and you can’t stand the fact that she’s probably having a better time with him? Huh? Is that it? Or is it because this band you dislike so much had a #1 album and your album couldn’t even get into the Top 20? Come on Dweezil, I’m waiting for an answer.

In the meantime, why don’t you keep your mouth shut unless you’ve got something nice to say. Nobody cares what you think. I mean, I’m really sure the Beastie Boys are just devastated because you don’t approve of them or their lifestyle. Give me a break!!

Bill Holdship, you are so right. He is “incomparable and smart-assed without purpose.”

Barbara Wilson

New Orleans, LA


In my opinion, whoever said that heavy metal—and other forms of rock musicare a bad influence on today’s youth should sit down and listen to a Samantha Fox record!

I would like to know what you are supposed to tell a very young child when they turn on the radio, or television set, and hear a girl moaning: "I’m begging for you!,” as if she hasn’t been with a man in 30 years!!

I do not believe such garbage should be given air time, when there are many talented musicians struggling out there, such as myself, who have songs with real substance and meaning.

I guess it just boils down to the fact that entertainers such as Miss Fox have no morals, no pride, no sense of responsibility and—-above all—no real talent.

I guess I shouldn’t be so mean, right? Maybe the poor girl isn’t qualified to do anything else but moan. I pity her and anyone that buys her records. Why don’t they take the money and buy a Bible instead? Better yet, buy Samantha a Bible. Maybe she’ll learn something... A Concerned Parent and Musician Amenia, NY


You guys have topped yourselves! I thought that the disgusting yellow on your May, ’86 issue (with Bono) was the worst cover I’d ever see! But no! You’ve really taken the cake with this one! I mean, it’s not who you’ve got on there (tho the two Van Halen dorks don’t particularly turn me on), it’s that they’re all there! In yellow! And maroon! Ugh! Listen: I volunteer to direct the next cover, OK? For free! And I won’t make the editors, in all their naked glory, dance on my desk or anything, OK? Affectionately,

C. Davis Rutland, VT


Bless you, bless you, bless you!! I’ve been buying CREEM since 1977 (never missed an issue yet), but the March issue—my God! In living color, on the very cover—the greatest living man on the face of the earth—Robyn Hitchcock!

Knowing the superb taste of CREEM’s handsome editors, I wasn’t too surprised to see the occasional article, review, etc., but I never thought I’d see a cover story... exigencies of the marketplace, you know (we won’t mention the hordes of metal maniacs and those terminal fashion victims who drool over anyone with a gelled-up hairdo and a few trendily-doomy “songs”). I’ve loved Robyn since Black Snake Diamond Role; it’s now my mission to convert every living soul I meet. (Not that it’s difficult once they hear the stuff. Tip: the best albums to convert people with are Black Snake and Fegmanial). Needless to say, the March issue made my month—I nearly collapsed right there in the Min-A-Mart when I saw it. Keep doing these good things and a place in heaven is assuredly yours.

Sandra Fenniak

Toronto, Ontario, Canada

Robyn Hitchcock on the cover? What gives? Most of those featured on your covers play stadiums—in D.C., this guy doesn’t even play theatres—but a club that holds only about 200.

Actually, that’s why I have mixed feelings about your recent articles and reviews promoting the man.. Naturally, I want the word spread, fans won, records bought—but somehow still be able to see him at small, intimate venues. (I’ve seen him twice in the past year or so and he’s only getting better. At the more recent show, the band was tighter than a year earlier, Robyn told more stories and Peter Buck joined them onstage during encores.)

No, you’re right—mustn’t be selfish. So do keep up the good work—I’m proud of you guys.

A Fan

Washington, D.C.


I am a big fan of Bruce Springsteen, and I enjoyed your special edition magazine about him. I was wondering if you could tell me whether or not Bruce is on tour or is going to be on tour soon. If so, could you tell me when he will be coming to Detroit?

Rob Penn

Sterling Heights, Ml


J can J ask a special favour J Please send me to Poland any old. Magazines Cambride, Jam beginner in American Jam interested in your Country Culture Literature Musique Film Mode Mistakes, sorry and technic progress technical American. Jm very sorry Jbeg your pardon for me is impossible send from Poland any money foreigen Bieausse, ours rules forbidden J cant for the Magazines Mistakes Thanks for everything.

Jrenousz Kuziola

Pologe, Poland