Being as impartial as we are, we at METAL cover Stryper, the Rez Band and other Christian rock groups regularly. And we’ve found that few issues raise the ire of you readers more than this one. In this happenin’ section of METAL LETTERS, you’ll read some pretty strong words, which is kind of surprising considering the topic.

June 4, 1987

The CREEM Archive presents the magazine as originally created. Digital text has been scanned from its original print format and may contain formatting quirks and inconsistencies.


Being as impartial as we are, we at METAL cover Stryper, the Rez Band and other Christian rock groups regularly. And we’ve found that few issues raise the ire of you readers more than this one.

In this happenin’ section of METAL LETTERS, you’ll read some pretty strong words, which is kind of surprising considering the topic. But, as you’ll see, many love Christian metal—and many think it should be sent to Mars on a rocket ship! (By the way, you’ll read some replies to a dude who called himself “Thrasher”— we haven’t bothered to reprint it, but basically he said Stryper weren’t. .. uh, heterosexual.)

Naturally, as dedicated journalists, we at METAL can’t take sides on this most heated of issues. As always, the debate must be yours.

Have fun!


Thank you for your layout on Stryper (April issue). While the write-ups were favorable, I did note a chord of defensiveness and even antagonism. Sadly due, of course, to misunderstanding and gross misinterpretation of Christianity throughout history. Stryper reveals the true spirit of Christianity by openly expressing the fact that its very foundation is resting on the great gifts of God; 1) love 2) freedom of choice. This is also the very foundation of America.

While Wal-Mart censored 20 rock magazines from their shelves, Stryper did not. Censorship is a great evil and not in any way Christian! God gave us all freedom of choice. Anti-abortion laws, forced prayer in schools, censorship, outlawed prayer in schools, etc., is nothing less than evil and should be fought against by all who love God and country. These laws, should they be enforced, would make us no better than communists!

While the churches of the world forced religion on the unwilling (the Inquisition), forced the closing of whorehouses and forced America to stop drinking (prohibition), Jesus did not do anything like this. He wanted men to follow Him willingly. The choice was left open to all and is open to all.

Therein lies the difference between Stryper and Jimmy Swaggart. Therein lies the difference between America and Russia. Therein lies the difference between Jesus and Satan. Do not be fooled.


Norwood, OH


I would like to say something to all you so-called metal “fags” fans. Where do you get off knocking Stryper’s music and message? They are the best band yet whether Christian or whatever they may be!! All you guys look for is fast music that you can’t even understand the lyrics to, when you don’t even give Stryper a chance. I don’t know why you speed metal fans do drugs either. All they do is mess you up and you think it’s fun. Come on guys, give me a break. Since when is looking like an idiot fun?

Also, all your stupid groups are worshiping the devil!!! Now I cannot even begin to think why you would want that. You may not believe in “Hell,” but if you don’t straighten up you just might find out the truth about it. So give the number one band a chance and bring Stryper into your hearts!!!

Stryper Rules

Coconut Creek, FL


So Stryper like to listen to other heavy metal bands. I’m not surprised, they steal all their riffs from them!!!! And they get all their lyrics from the bible. And they call themselves musicians?! Geez o’peets!! I used to think they were really sincere, but the last few articles I’ve read about them—I really don’t know. Besides, half their songs are ballads. Yuck, yuck, yuck!! I hate ballads. But, gosh, lay off Robert Sweet. You jump all over him for wearing tight jeans (I guess lots of people don’t do that!), but let Mr. Bigmouth himself, Mr. Dave Mustaine, ramble on about Chris Poland screwing his roommate. We all really care, Mr. Mustaine. While we're on that subject, I am really, really, really sick of hearing stupid bands (Ratt in particular) mouthing off about their so-called manlihood!! Thank goodness there’s great bands like Metallica around. (There’s other great bands too, but I can’t think of them right now).

A Former Stryper Almost-Fan

Ann Arbor, Ml


I am writing in response to the April 1987 issue of METAL which featured a story of Stryper by Toby Goldstein. In it she mentions Robert Sweet’s jeans as “showing his manlihood by their tightness.” Just because they sing God’s word doesn’t mean they are or have to dress like priests. Besides, if Toby G. was doing what she was supposed to be doing (interviewing) she shouldn’t have : been looking at “that part” of Robert’s pants anyway!

“I Rock For Christ”

Jamaica, NY


First: Please publish my letter. Thanks!! Second: This letter goes to that screwed up a--hole, Thrasher of Brentwood, MD.

I read your stupid letter about callin’ Stryper “fags.” Stryper is the ultimate. See, you like your f—ed up bands like Slayer, D.R.I. and Exodus. Those a— have stuff that have to do with satanic s—. Stryper is here to tell the v|prld of Jesus Christ. They’re on a mission from God. They have nothing to do with Hell or Satan. So here’s my two points; 1) Stryper rules, and 2) you can take your bands and shove them up your a--.

Isaiah 53:5

Bethlehem, PA

P.S. And as the rest of you fags who hate Stryper: go to Hell with the Devil. I love METAL magazine.


It’s about time!

I’m a Christian head-banger and until recently I have always considered METAL to be one of the most biased rags. METAL, like so many other HM magazines, never gave Christian rockers a fair shake. Sure, there were your Stryper write-ups (like so many other mags) but that was all. Then that all changed when you ran a cut on the Rez Band in your April ’87 issue.

Rez is one of my favorite bands and your article on them was fair and just. They deserve that much. Now all you need is to start giving credit to some oldstanding (older than Stryper) Christian metai bands such as Daniel Band or Barnabas. The last few years have also given us other Christian metal bands like Bloodgood, Barren Cross, Trouble, Leviticus, Messiah Prophet, White Cross, Saint and the list goes on. Give them the credit they deserve in your rag and you’ll have one more buyer. Again; great Rez piece.

Christian Rocker Matt Clegg Toms River, NJ P.S. Jesus Rocks!


Well, now that you geeks have had your fun cutting down Stryper in the April ’87 METAL issue, let me introduce you to the rest of the Christian heavy metal world.

If you boys get nervous or wet your pants when you hear Stryper sing about Jesus, then you would probably go insane if you ever heard Saint, Bloodgood, Barren Cross, Messiah Prophet and Daniel Band (to name a few). These guys make Stryper sound like pop music! So why don’t you wimps ever put some of them in your magazine? I think it’s because most of you are scared to find out about these bands. If you had any guts you would put them in your magazine. I’m not asking for the front page, but maybe just a little section in each issue on Christian heavy metal. Give people the chance to know that they don’t have to be losers like the rest of you. It’s like, why follow Satan if you know he’s gonna burn! Just find out about these bands, they’re not gonna bite your head off. Only Satan does that when he’s done using you!

Well, I hope to see something pretty soon, then the magazine would be worth $3. Have a good one and don’t forget: Christ is the lover of your soul and he wants to give you all you need.

One Crazy Rowdy,

In Christ Heavenly Metalist,

Sean Cavell Potomac, MD


Give Stryper a break! My God! When are people going to realize that there is more to heavy metal than sex, drugs and pizza? Well, Stryper’s here to prove it. And so far they’re doing just fine.

And for Thrasher in Brentwood, MD— talk about fags, you would screw Stryper if they came into your so-called "hood.” Now who’s the fag? Stryper’s doing a great job in standing up for what they sing about. Keep it up, Stryper!

Some Devoted Fans

Springfield, MO



I was reading your May 1987 issue and I disagree with what a reader sent in about Stryper! Stryper sucks!! You don’t—repeat—don’t mix religion and rock ’n’ roll! Rock is about the Devil and darkness, while God is good and light. Right or wrong??

I like bands like AC/DC, Cinderella, Bon Jovi, Night Ranger, Motley Crue and Georgia Satellites. Stryper and rock don’t mix I! Please keep Stryper out of your mags!!! They’re not heavy metal! They’re wimps!

A Stryper Hater

Concord, NH


Why on Earth is everyone giving Stryper so much heat!? These guys have great talents. Being a Christian, I have to say that by no means are their clothes or sound in any way sinful. Their songs are great. It’s so easy for everyone to accept devil worship but so hard for people to accept what is truly right! It’s OK if you don’t like Stryper, but don’t put them down because of what they stand for! Everyone is waiting for the chance to condemn them for everything they do. Hey, no one said they were priests, but Stryper still shows everyone that they don’t need to be like a bunch of animals. I really hope you print this letter.

True Follower

Jamaica, NY

P.S. Jesus RULES!!!


I’m writing this letter because bands like Stryper make me wanna ralph, as in puke! Michael "Sweet” sure as hell lives up to his name. Face it: religion and metal just don’t mix! Never have and never will!

#1 Iron Maiden Fan!


Jensen Beach, FL

P.S. Please print this letter. Yngwie Malmsteen rules tool!


This letter deals solely with the behavior of the members of Stryper. I did not think I would ever write about this group, but I find myself in a situation similar to those faced by several other readers. I, too, have had the opportunity to meet Stryper. I cannot say how big of a disappointment it was because I have never seen such inconsiderate and rude behavior displayed upon a group’s fans. After making us wait in line for several hours, Stryper “graciously” decided to sign only the first 100 items and meet only the first 100 people in line. These actions show not only their true feelings about doing in-store appearances, but also how they feel about their fans. Anyone who treats their fans as Stryper did that day does not deserve to have the respect or loyalty of their fans.

Stryper, you have only shown me how uncaring, inconsiderate, rude and arrogant you really are. Maybe you should take pointers from Bon Jovi, King Kobra, Queensryche and Deep Purple the next time you decide to “force” yourselves to meet your fans. At least the aforementioned bands have that genuine respect and care for their fans and take the time out of their busy careers to spend a couple of minutes of their precious time to say hello and acknowledge our existence. To the members of Stryper, straighten up or get lost.

Carrie Miller Pasadena, TX


Your article on Stryper proved once and for all that these guys must be the nicest of all the metal guys. Not only did they put up with your interviewer’s selfadmitted provocations without argument but, also, will most likely forego any type of civil procedure for defamation of character.

Rowland Williams Texas A&M University Bryant, TX


First of all, Metallica kicks all out a-of any metal band ever! Secondly, I’d like to say to Stryper that they suck so bad that they make grown men weep. When I played their new album, my dog ran wimpering into the street. Where do these self-proclaimed evangelists get off throwing Bibles into the audience at their concerts? If I was a “gung-ho” Christian—which I am not!—I would feel sick to my stomach watching Stryper make a mockery of my religion. They are a total and absolute joke! To hell with Stryper— and soon!!

A. Moya Simi Valley, CA



Methinks someone should tell all you God-loving, Christian-loving metalheads: the livery of the Devil is black and yellow, black indicating death, yellow implying quarantine (Treasury of Witchcraft, Harry E. Wedeck, 1961, Citadel Press, pg. 111—and other sources.) So if they know what livery means or if they can read, they may really have a black and yellow or yellow and black attack. ”

In any case, maybe Stryper is the most Satanic band ever—fooling all the fools. But only a fool would call such limpy lame soggy bulls— metal anyway! So f— off. Thank you. Bye.

Little Ted Oakton, VA

P.S. Oh yeah—you’ve got a pretty good magazine.

P.S.S. I ain’t no satanic sap—I just love good music!


First, I’d like to say that Stryper are not fags! They are a great band! Recently I experienced a terrible tragedy. I was lost and confused. I had read articles, heard interviews and saw their videos. I needed help, so I turned to them. I really listened at a time when I needed it the most They don’t know it, but they helped me.

One band has to be different and Stryper’s the band. All they want to do is tell us about Christ. I’m no religious person, but I believe in Christ. I always have and I always will. I’m trying to be close to Him. Their message is making me see that He is there if I need him. All I have to do is ask. I’m still no religious person, but like I said, I believe in Christ. Does that make me a fag?

What I’m trying to say is that to you they are fags and to me they’re wonderful! So it’s only opinion. Everybody has one. In my opinion, whether it be Slayer, Venom or Stryper, we should be thankful for the music that all bands give us!

Second, METAL is a great mag! Keep up the good work! And finally, thanks to everyone for listening to me and please pass the word to Stryper that I’m proud of them and they’ve helped another person understand a terrible experience through their music and lyrics, and by the word of Christ. I believe their success will grow. Thanks again!

A Stryper Fan Forever Dundee, NY