METAL: The Issues

Over the last couple of years everyone from the PMRC to Jimmy Swaggart to places that sell (some) magazines have been after metal’s scalp. Talk of concert violence, drug abuse and satanic lyrics have fueled their arguments. Our readers, being as great as they are, and not ill-informed as the Washington Wives might want to believe, are mad as hell!

June 4, 1987

The CREEM Archive presents the magazine as originally created. Digital text has been scanned from its original print format and may contain formatting quirks and inconsistencies.

METAL: The Issues

Over the last couple of years everyone from the PMRC to Jimmy Swaggart to places that sell (some) magazines have been after metal’s scalp. Talk of concert violence, drug abuse and satanic lyrics have fueled their arguments.

Our readers, being as great as they are, and not ill-informed as the Washington Wives might want to believe, are mad as hell! They’re not gonna take it anymore! The time is right to unite and fight, get things out of sight and then rock all night!

Or something.



My work as president of the Drug Busters Substance Abuse Prevention Organization puts me in contact with many people who like to blame rock ’n’ roll music for the currently overwhelming drug problem in this country. For years, rock music has been a convenient scapegoat for many of humanity’s unacceptable excesses even though music was not to blame.

Your February 1987 issue of CREEM CLOSE-UP is a breath of fresh air. As any thinking person knows, musicians are not more prone to substance abuse than are members of any other occupation. Bringing this fact to the attention of young people who easily identify with rock musicians who stand up and lend themselves to the cause of abuse prevention. I thank METAL for putting this much needed information in a format that reaches young people. Many committees and well meaning people have tried to shove adult motives down youthful throats and only succeed in choking our children. When “rock stars” and rock music publications openly denounce drug use, the kids are going to begin to pay attention. Thank you again for Rock Against Drugs: this type of drug abuse prevention is prevention that actually works.

Kim Babb

Virginia Beach, VA


It seems everyone is complaining about Jimmy Swaggart, the PMRC and the censorship of rock albums and magazines, but no one is doing anything about it except the rockers. What about us, the fans? We’re the ones who buy the albums, magazines and go to the concerts, why aren’t we doing something? Do you want your rights taken away? Do you want what’s happening in Maryland to happen in your state? The time is now to speak out. Don’t let your rights be taken away.

In For The Fight,


Forever Rockin’

Fans For Rock

Toledo, OH


Recently, I read an article about some of the stuff the PMRC’s up to. They’re endorsing some “de-metaling” centers in California, and they’re trying to shut down indie labels like Megaforce, Metal Blade, and Combat. One of the ladies’ husbands is looking for a constitutional way to make metal and punk illegal! If you care about this music—whether you’re thrash, poseur, punk or old-line, or if you believe in freedom—help us save metal. Let’s set up a correspondence network so we can keep each other informed of any action locally. If we work together we can’t lose! We’re going to try to publish a newsletter as soon as possible.

Randy Spitz

Beverly, MA


I read your article “Concert Warning!” by Toby Goldstein. I don’t know why they call America “Land of the Free” when apparently it is not. If that Jimmy Swagart guy is trying to get rock ’n’ roll banned in towns, then why doesn’t he just try to stop the world from living? I want to tell him rock ’n’ roll, heavy metal and punk rock music is here to stay FOREVER! And he can’t do one damn thing about it. And another thing I want him to hear is that “He knows where he can go and live with the devil forever”! My favorite groups happen to be Judas Priest, Bon Jovi, Metallica, Cinderella, the Misfits and Corrosion Of Conformity. And I also happen to know that the “so-called great” Jimmy Swaggart is rebelling against them, and if I ever got a chance to meet him I would probably kill him. He don’t know one damn thing about rock ’n’ roll, so what the hell is he complaining about? If he or anyone else don’t want to listen to the music then they don’t have to because no one is forcing them to listen to it. Sometimes I wonder about if parents ever stop and think why some of their kids commit suicide, but no! They never do, they blame it on rock ’n’ roll right away, because maybe they don’t find anyone else to blame it on. Well I have a solution, maybe it just happend to be the parents’ fault! I have a good friend who tried to commit suicide, and her parents blamed it on rock ’n’ roll right away, but then she finally told them that it was their fault. Jimmy Swaggart! Remember—rock ’n’ roll is here to stay and you can’t do anything about it, so BUTT OUT. And also remember, us kids will do everything in our power to keep rock ’n’ roll here, and we can rebel against you anytime. You started this and we’ll finish it.

Rock ’n’ Roll Is Here To Stay

Tangee VanHoogstraat


As for your article about why heavy metal might be banned: I totally agree with you about tearing up the seats, shooting fire works, injuring other people, and so on and so on. And as for some of you people that go off and do this s— during a concert, f— off. Now don’t get me wrong, I’ve trashed quite a few things, too. But personally, I need these guys who are singing their hearts out for us. Their music helps me through all the s— that goes on in life. Without their music some of those nights.. .you know, the nights when you feel like your life is torn apart, when you feel like everyone is against you, even your friends, when you feel like just ending it all. Now what kept you going? What made you give life another chance? For me it was the songs. They say a lot more to me than what my parents can. They help me out more than what my f—in’ shrink can. They’re saying they understand, they care, and they are out there for us. Now of course we’re going to go out there, party our a-off before, during and after the concert. But don’t ruin it. Cause we need them just as much as they need us. And without them, some of us wouldn’t be here today. Now if we want to trash something we can figure out something better to trash than a concert hall. So please! Let’s not f— it up for everyone.

Someone Who Gives A S—!

Littleton, OH


In regards to your recent articles on banning heavy metal.. .they’re pure bulls’--. The answer to the problem is not to ban heavy metal. The answer to the seat cushion thing is, just put in wooden seats, and the answer to the beer bottles thing is, just to serve beer in plastic cups. I mean really, Jesus Christ, if you ban heavy metal, you are gonna be banning the good along with the bad. They will ban Ratt, Bon Jovi, Stryper and Cinderella. If all these religious groups want to do some good, why don’t they try ending world hunger or banning nuclear weapons. Oh and for all the dips—s out there throwing beer bottles at the stage: F— you! You guys just don’t understand what happens if heavy metal does get banned, then what are you gonna do? Go throw beer bottles at Bruce Springsteen. I mean, please, use your brains, motherf— (if you’ve got any).

Sincerely Pissed Off Heavy Metal Fan

Syracuse, NY

P.S. Send a copy of this letter to places like the Ritz and or Madison Square Garden. And I like Rob Halford’s idea ’bout handing out those pamphlets to the fans to report any destructive behavior.


I am glad that you printed an article on the event of concert violence. What I am not glad about is the fact that it is taking place and stopping future concerts. I am fortunate that my favorite group is not one of those who suffers frequent cancellations. It disturbs me that concert issues somehow get connected with the act of removing rock magazines off the newsstands. This isn’t Russia and I feel this violates the First Amendment. I read these magazines and keep the pics of my favorite group, Stryper. I’d hate to have to go to Better Homes And Gardens or Woman’s Day to look for Stryper. It’s no fun, on the same idea, to look forward to and anticipate a concert—and then it’d be cancelled. It would be the pits to get injured because of violence, seriously enough to go to the hospital and miss the show. People in the rock music business become affected. Some companies are suffering enough financially without rock magazines joining the ranks. I’m not an economic indicator, I’m just saying that these people—writers, editors, photographers, you name it—all have to make a living. The cancellation of rock concerts greatly affects the lifestyle of the performers. Rock concerts are fond memories for the fans. To all of those who create violence: don’t stop the music and the memories. Also, stay at home if you don't know how to behave or control yourself.

Also, a response to one of your letters. Some of your readers wrote to not print Stryper. I’ve never seen Stryper in your magazines. They’re far too underrated for their talent and their looks.

Stryper Fan

Miss Jane Ann Evans

Henrietta, TX

P.S. I encourage more rock fans to write on these issues.



First of all, let me commend you on such a fine magazine. I’ve been a headbangin’ metal maniac since the day my mother introduced me to the Alice Cooper Goes To Hell LP. Whenever I wake up daily, I don’t wake up with a cup of coffee, I just wake up with some Slayer, Metallica, Venom or whichever LP happens to be nearest my reach.

Second of all, as I was recently exiting a Cinderella concert, outside the stadium was a bunch of religious a-holes wailing about on a megaphone on the sins of metal music and how it is corrupting our minds. Man, what the hell is it with this conspiracy against metal? It seems to me that the moral majority will not rest easy until they’ve got us all listening to bullslike Pat Boone or other schmucks like him. Hey Exodus, Blessed Death, AC/DC etc., then all I have to say is ”F— Religion.” I worship metal and It’s culture and I’d rather listen to, let’s say, the wisdom of Iggy Pop rather than listen to jerk-offs like the PMRC, the Pope, Mother Theresa, and that other a-hole Oral Roberts! We headbangers don’t need nobody to tell us what to listen to or how to act)

How come no one ever criticizes Prince, Boy George, Wham! or that neurotic mama’s boy, Michael Jackson? These people act so damn feminine, yet apparently the moral majority must think that this is perfectly normal to see. Heavy metal is an art form and anybody who don’t like it is just too stupid to understand its meaning. Please print this f—’ letter!! heavy metal maniacs unite!I F— the

world! Joey WE Camacho ARE THE REAL WORL^DI! Levitton, Puerto Rico P.S. We ought to send “King Diamond” out to lynch the Pope!


All this talk of white metal and black metal, true metal and false metal won’t mean a thing when there’s no metal. The Inquisition isn’t going to make a distinction between devil worship and white magic and just plain social protest any more now than it did in the Dark Ages. Reread Toby Goldstein’s article—Stryper typifies that holier-than-thou attitude in a nutshell.

And what I want to know is where are all you rock ’n’ roll wives and girlfriends while the Washington Wives (PMRC) are out there trying to put your men out of business? Wake up, metalheads! Censorship won’t stop with music. And bitchingwon’t make it go away. Use your rights to keep your rights. Just say, “NO!” to censorship and write: P.O. Box 133, Myrtle Beach, SC 29578-0133. Let freedom ROCK!

Linda L. Kellar

Myrtle Beach, SC

P.S. Permission is given to print my P.O. Box address as I am committed to the issues of preventing censorship and maintaining freedom of choice in this country.