YOU F.O.’S Motley Crue rules. For all of you who think otherwise, may a thousand Martians vomit turnips in your hair. Smokin’ In The Boy’s Room In Havertown, PA TAKE WHAT PERSONALLY? Don’t take this personally, but Motley Crue sucks! They are the worst band there ever was.

May 3, 1987

The CREEM Archive presents the magazine as originally created. Digital text has been scanned from its original print format and may contain formatting quirks and inconsistencies.


More American than Johnny Rambo? Yep, that amazing quartet known as Motley Crue have done it all: released astonishing albums, played unforgettable concerts, changed the course of mighty rivers and—most importantly—generated an unbelievable amount of mail for us/ Indeed, the latest American pastime seems to be writing METAL about Motley Crue, or writing METAL about somebody who wrote METAL about Motley Crue, or writing METAL about somebody who wrote METAL about somebody else who wrote METAL...oh, hell, you know.

So enjoy this stroll through some of our most interesting, insightful letters—many of them dripping with sheer venom—on the metal band o’ the '80s. Thrill as “Radius & Seedie” proclaim the Crue dopes. Shiver with excitement as thousands of readers proclaim Radius & Seedie dead meat. Gape as the legendary Cyndi Oliver asks us for an introduction to Nikki & Co.! Chuckle as readers assess Ms. Oliver’s I.Q.! Smile with self-satisfaction as readers disembowel METAL’s video columnist, Richard Riegel, for saying bad stuff about “Smokin’ In The Boys Room”!

Then please, please write us. We haven’t read what you think about Motley Crue for microseconds now.


Motley Crue rules. For all of you who think otherwise, may a thousand Martians vomit turnips in your hair.

Smokin’ In The Boy’s Room In

Havertown, PA


Don’t take this personally, but Motley Crue sucks! They are the worst band there ever was. Their music is noise and has no meaning. It’s not even rock. Their music is even worse than disco, punk and new wave (and that’s pretty bad!). Anyone who beats up women and kills people (by driving while drunk) should be locked up in a cage and whipped. (Although they would probably like that.) Tommy Lee is the only nice, decent person in the band. Vince Neil is an ugly, blond s—head.

Radius & Seedie

Coral Springs, FL


We just finished reading the letters in your March '86 issue. We would like to express our feelings on the letter by Radius & Seedie of Coral Springs, FL. First of all, Motley Crue does not suck. We don’t think Vince meant to kill anybody. It was an accident. You may not like it because they do drugs and drink, but that’s tuff s—. Another thing: Vince Neil is not ugly (you’re just jealous). He is gorgeous. His ass would make you a Sunday face. If you don’t understand, it means that his ass is better lookin’ than your face. How do you know they’re all that bad? Do you know them personally? What gives you the right to judge them? You ain’t God. Motley Crue is the best heavy metal group in the world. Our walls are plastered with Motley Crue posters and we think they’re great!

Crue Fans Forever

Fresno, CA


I am responding to the letter printed in your March ’86 issue written by Radius and Seedie. So check this out, f-s!! Who do you think you are? Motley Crue rule this nation no matter what you say, assholes. Nobody really gives a f— what you think anyway. Your opinion means nothing to me. You really are a couple of pansies!! I mean with names like Seedie and Radius, you really sound like headbangers! Sounds more like you are a biologist (referring to Seedie) and a mathematician (Radius). Actually, I wouldn’t be surprised at all if you are a couple of wimps who probably have never even listened to Motley Crue. Actually, I wouldn’t be surprised if you listened to Duran Duran. Now, as for you, you deserve to get your ass kicked, and your gonna. About the woman beating, bulls—. How do you know it’s true anyway? Were you there? Besides, even if they did beat up a girl, she probably deserved it. In case you’re wondering, I am a girl. Believe me, I’ve seen a few girls get their asses kicked by guys, and they usually deserved it!! About the accident: It was an accident, that’s all, a f-—’ accident. You’d better think before you go shooting your mouth off scum. Sure, Vince was under the influence. No one ever proved he was smashed. Razzle was a good friend. Don’t you think he feels s—-y enough as it is? Actually, I think you only want him locked up because you’re jealous, maybe you’re afraid to admit and face that someday. This whole world will be worshipping the Crue like me and you’ll be left in the cold to rot in Boy George’s band. Nikki Sixx, Tommy Lee, Mick Mars and Vince Neil are the greatest gods around. So you’d better face up to it or someday you’ll be strung up by your toes and I’m gonna whip the s— out of your skull until you tell me you’re gonna worship the Crue. By the way, that part of them enjoying the whips, it’s called kinky sex, and it’s cool. Anything with Motley Crue is cool. Would you even know anything about sex? My last comment to you is that you can f— off and die and for you to shut the f— up before I break every bone in your body!!!

Pissed off and devoted Crue fans forever

Blitz Krege & Blackie

By the way, goofs, at least we have the guts to print our real names.

Kathy Turbucz & Carla Boudreau

Wallace, Ontario, Canada


I’ve been reading letters from people that are saying bad things about Motley Crue. Not until I read "Read Next Letter” in the July '86 issue of METAL did I decide to write. Vince Neil killed a man, but not on purpose. I'm sure there are a lot of you out there that have been involved in some sort of drinking and driving. Maybe it was one of your friends, and maybe someone even died. I've seen other rock bands that wear things other than leather. Their hair is just the same as they’ve always had it. No one in Motley Crue tints their hair like Jon Bon Jovi. Anyways, it isn’t the clothes or hair that makes a band. If it was, then Dio would be out of business. Motley Crue only wear make-up when performing. They don’t wear it everywhere, all the time, like Kiss did. Also, I’ve seen Ozzy Osbourne with make-up on. And to Radius & Seedie and Jean Mishler (in the March '86 issue of METAL). F— You!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Another True Crue,

Gloebe, AZ



Hi! My name is Cyndi Oliver and I live in Beverly, Mass. First I would like to say that the Crue is outrageous, awesome. I’m their #1 fan..Vince Neil is my favorite.

I always wished I could meet them in person and I was wondering if you could help me out. If you did, I wouldn’t know how to repay you. I’ve always dreamed, since I was a little kid, that I would be a rock star. I will someday. Right now I’m in high school and I have very good grades. I’m a "B” student and I’m very popular. As soon as I get out of high school, I'm going to college for singing and language. I’m going to go for modeling; my mom is going to help me out. I cry a lot because I don’t like to wait to be a singer and if I could meet the Crue they could give me some experience and get me started. Then I would be the happiest person in the world. And I wouldn’t know how to repay you. I drive my mom and my bus driver crazy because I listen to the Crue every day and first thing in the morning I put on my stereo. And I listen to the Crue and right when I go home, I put on my stereo and stay in my room and listen to them there. The best. Right now, I’m listening to them. I would really appreciate it if you would show them this letter; it would really make me proud. Because they would think about it and then I would have it made. Would you please write back to me so I could know what is going on. I am also writing to the president about this because I want my dream to come “Crue.”

Cyndi Oliver

Beverly, MA


Hello! I’m writing in response to Cindy Oliver. You’re dreaming, little girl; well, maybe it's time you wake up and smell the coffee! Do you know how many people have the same wish as you do? Believe me, if all the Motley fans would write asking the same privilege you are, this magazine would drown with all those letters!! How the f— do you think the Crue would give you singing experience just by seeing them? You have it or you don’t! Well, your mommy is gonna help you out to be a model. Well, little Cindy had better stop crying ’cause her eyes are gonna look like two potatoes on the next Cosmopolitan cover!! Do you remember a thing called reality?! Well, maybe you should try it. It’s not always fun, but it’s less deceiving!

Barbara Dosen

Montreal, Canada


“Crue” Dreamer (Cindy Oliver):

In response to your letter in the May ’86 METAL. You don't ask for much...I mean, you only want METAL magazine and the president to bring the Crue to your doorstep! Who doesn’t?!! Don’t get upset. I’m not bitching. I really thought your letter was “happening” (as Tommy Lee says). First of all if you want to get Vince’s attention, get front row at the concert and throw all your underwear on stage then keep flashing him! I saw it work for this groupie when they played in Augusta, GA. Seriously, if you want to be a singer, start by singing, get lessons, get an SM58, a digital delay, your own board, and your own style. When I was in high school, I too listened to Motley Crue day in and day out. My parents hate guys with long hair (tough s—). If your mom is behind you, though, that helps out a lot with the $ situation. If you can talk her into buying your equipment, I mean. You said you cry a lot because you don’t like to wait to be a singer. What are you waiting on? Find a metal band, tell them you want to try out: if you look good, you’ll always get to try out. If you sound good, you got it made! I know it’s not that easy, but the only problems are all the guys who think you’re available. If you want to meet the Crue, fine, but just think...if you really want to be a singer, start now and then, when the Crue’s next LP comes out, your band might be the opening act!!! Then you get to go everywhere with them! Wouldn’t that make your dream come “Crue?” Oh! Listen to Lita Ford, she’s a happening chick!


Charleston, SC


I am writing in response to a letter from Cyndi Oliver and what she thinks of Motley Crue. You and me have something in common. I can’t go a single day without listening to Crue. I’m listening to them now. My walls are covered with Crue shots. I have every single tape they’ve put out. I am also hoping to become a singer for some rock band. All of my friends say that I shouldn’t only listen to Crue all of the time, but I just can’t help it. I hope that I would also meet them and maybe get a few tips from them. So, you’re not Crue’s only #1 fan. I listen to them anytime I have two seconds to spare. I listen to them even in class on my Walkman. So maybe we both might meet them if we get a little help from these guys. Hint, hint.

#1 Fan (too!), Rod Gundrum

Surrey, British Columbia, Canada


Hey, my name is Kim, and I love the Crue. I’m their #1 fan. They’re great!! I wanna meet them so bad. Someday I wanna be like them, and I will. I’m gonna go to Los Angeles and try to get started when I’m 15; I can’t wait any longer. I need some help though, and I wonder if the Crue would help me. I’m determined to meet them and I will. I always listen to them. In the morning, afternoon, after school and night.

#1 fan of the Crue, Kim

Virginia Beach, VA

P.S. Please give them this letter and my address and tell them to write so I know what’s going on.


I am definitely unimpressed with some of your readers’ taste in music. Take, for instance, Cyndi Oliver’s letter about the Crue. It’s bad enough she had to tell us her life story but, c’mon (the Crue)? Don’t you know why they wear make-up? Think about it for a while! Why do you think Gene Simmons wore make-up? Pity he took it off; BARF!! I’ve met the Crue. They’re not even close to what people may think. They’re pretty damn boring if you want the truth. But what can you do with a person who wears pink spandex and is male? Pretty scary stuff. Oh, and sorry but listen, Sean Adams, I think if you met Ratt, you’d probably die of boredom. Now, I can understand if a band is tired after doing a show, but to put up a front for a false image is definitely unmetal!! I would like to congratulate Randy Glasser, your f—’ cool man. Venom rules, along with Possessed, Exodus, Slayer, S.O.D. and Anthrax—to name a few (let this be a lesson to you pseudo-intelligent herpesscabbed wonkers who worship s— music). You know who you are!!! Thanks for the blurb on Possessed, let’s see some more; they are the best!!

Christine Chesser

Tofino, B.C

P.S. Thrash metal will conquer



This is in regard to what Richard Riegel had to say in the May issue of METAL, which wasn’t much. Who do you think you are?! No one gives a s— what you think. “Smokin’ In The Boys’ Room” is one hell of a radical song. The video got a couple of awards, as I recall, too. You should not put down something or someone you are not even equal to, or as great as. I’ve never heard of or seen any pictures of you on anyone’s walls, and no one pays more than $2.95 to hear (or read) what you have to say. At least those “leather wrapped beef jerkies” of Motley Crue can get it up! You then go on to insult Keel, Twisted Sister and Bon Jovi. So what’s wrong with Jon saying “no fat or ugly girls in my videos”? Hell, I’m a girl and if I were to make a video, I wouldn’t want any fat or ugly guys in it either. Who would? I just have one more thing to say to you, Mr. (superior to all) Riegel; F— You!!!!

Turtle (Gallina)

Upland, CA


I wasn’t gonna do it, but page by page, I become more enraged and determined to give you a piece of my mind. This was the first and last time I’ve read the magazine and I’m just hoping your circulation isn’t big enough to “represent” true metalists and musicians. Your magazine is indeed the perfect example of a “rag.” The first thing I did not like was the other letters printed in it. Obviously by unintelligent juvenile poseurs. The next was how you didn’t want to or couldn’t afford to print an article in full without turning 10 pages to finish it. The article “Videos A Mother Could Love” (May ’86) started out putting down MTV, but ended up putting down some very talented, not to mention gorgeous musicians (i.e., the Crue and Jon Bon Jovi) which I find extremely unprofessional and ignorant. The article on Motley Crue with Nikki Sixx proved the writer to have an I.Q. no larger than a goldfish (if that high), and trying to put Nikki on the spot trying (unsuccessfully, of course) to say something, anything bad about Ratt made me wonder if yer the same people who edit garbage like the Enquirer. Bands putting down other bands, “rag” writers putting down musicians and lobotomized teeny-boppers putting down bands and each other is total bulls—. My anger with the subject goes beyond words. Being an intelligent music lover (and the wife of a musician) I can always find some good in everything including yer “magazine” so I will give you credit for the bands you include in it. Your article on Iron Maiden (also May ’86), yer new music review and yer hard-core, fanzine review.

In conclusion, I’d just like to let all the musicians everywhere know that not all of yer fans are uneducated, unintelligent “teeny-boppers.” The majority of us do know what music is all about, and not only appreciate the music itself but the hard work and talent all of you put into it. To all of the true metallists in the world, never stop defending the faith.

Melinda Harris

Baltimore, MD


Everyone is entitled to their opinion. OK, so Richard Riegel needs a box of Qtips for his ear wax problem. No problem. They’re cheap. I’m sure he can afford seventy-nine cents at the corner drugstore. Motley Crue’s cover of “Smokin’ In The Boys Room” is a killer track. Maybe if he really listened, he wouldn’t need the Q-tips. Motley Crue doesn’t cop out, they move in. They do what comes natural, they play the best damn rock 'n' roll that human ears could perceive (and I don’t need Q-tips to hear that). As far as their image? They don’t have to worry about it. It’s the music that makes Motley Crue stand tall, any true Crue fan will tell you that. Listen to the arrangements, the instruments, and most of all the lyrics...that’s where it’s all at baby. I’m a 22-year-old Crue fan, and I’m not anxious-crotched—as you so call it. These guys got the best thing any fan could give, loyalty and respect. No matter what course they take, I’m behind them all the way. So, Richard Riegel, before you bust their balls and put them down, open your ears and listen. Then thank God that you can.

Beth Greco

Goshen, NY


Hi, I’m Rose. I’m writing for my group, Motley Crue II. We all agree that asshole Richard Riegel is ruining METAL magazine. All he does is run down heavy metal. Why have him in METAL magazine if all he’s going to do is put down Motley Crue and Bon Jovi, etc? Richard Riegel would put down Hearing Aid ’cause it’s made up of heavy metal groups. Motley Crue II says you should get rid of him, ’cause he's a bad influence on heavy metal.

Rose and Motley Crue II

Lockport, Nova Scotia, Canada


Well, jerks, you’ve done it again!! I’m referring to your article in the October issue of your magazine by Rick Johnson, a so-called writer...his dictionary (page 38) definition for SOLO: “Inept or amateurish—Ex: Mick Mars"? No way!! His definition should have read "Ex: Rick Johnson’s writing is SOLO that it should be under, at least six feet under.” Maybe Mick Mars can laugh this off, but me? No sir!! I have a few things to say which I feel need to be said. First off the only redeeming thing about Johnson’s definition for SOLO is that your mag only seems to pick on the GREATS to insult. So that does show Johnson realizes that Mick Mars is the GREATEST!!! Next, listen to Mick’s music, twit!! Hear his genius riffs on “God Bless the Children of the Beast.” To the rockin’ riffs from “Keep Your Eye On The Money” and his special accents on “Home Sweet Home.” If that’s not enough, then take a listen to the rhythmic riffs for “Fight For Your Rights” and few of Mick Mars’s accomplishments. (As if he really needs someone to list them.) I do realize there is no way to insult you brainless twits as METAL, but I sure do feel a lot better getting to say my say and let the world know that I am a #1 fan of Mick Mars. So back it off, jerks,and leave it alone. Mick Mars has made this world a whole lot richer with his music. Which is a lot more than I can say for your writers. Mick Mars and Motley Crue are—and always will be—#1. Marj

Pendleton, OR


TO MOTLEY CRUE Two main rules: I pledge allegiance to

Motley Crue, to always “Shout at the Devil.” I pledge allegiance to Motley Crue, to

always "Stick to My Guns.” Major rules: I pledge allegiance to

Motley Crue, to always be “Too Fast for Love." In my attempt to be “Too Fast for

Love,” I will run through life being “Public Enemy #1I will always remember “On With The Show,” even when my head feels like I’m on the “Merry Go Round & Round." I pledge allegiance to Motley Crue, to

always, “Shout at the Devil.” In my attempt to “Shout at the Devil,” I will remember to be “Too Young to Fall in Love,” and use “Looks That Kill.” I will do my best to help Motley Crue to "Knock ’Em Dead” in the years to come because we think they are “Red Hot.” I pledge allegiance to Motley Crue to

always be a member of the “Theatre of Pain.” In your attempt to be a member, you

will listen to your stereo “Louder than Hell,” and you will “Fight For Your Rights,” and always “Keep Your Eye On The Money,” and never get caught “Smokin’ In The Boys’ Room,” and never forget where your “Home Sweet Home” is. If you can do all of this in one lifetime, you are a true, but Crue fan. Well, join the group, so are we. Sandra Shirley

Barbara Sparks

West Helena, AR


I would like to address this letter to all

the metal-pretender, hyper-crotched puppies who are (still) moaning & whining over the fact that Motley Crue put the (*gasp*) ballad “Home Sweet Home” on Theatre Of Pain. Being past my angstfilled teenage years (and of legal drinking age, which always helps) and a damn fine all-around woman as well, I believe I am qualified to straighten out this whole f—’ mess. Why the hell are you all waiting so long to protest about a Crue ballad? Shout At The Devil had “God Bless The Children Of The Beast” and “Danger” (some people call it a ballad,

I can’t, but there you go). Too Fast For Love had “Merry Go Round” and “On With the Show.” Theatre Of Pain has “Home Sweet Home.” What the hell! Besides, metal babies, a song is a song. Can you grasp the simple, lyrical logic in that or shall I turn it up for you? If it’s a ballad or thrash or hardcore or pop or whatever, a song is a song. A bad song is a bad song, whoever does it. But, by the same logic, no matter what kind of song it is, a good song is a good song, whoever does it. “Home Sweet Home” is a good song. Well, I guess that settles that, huh? Crue rules.


Kingman, AZ

P.S.: Could I just say a couple more words to Cyndi Oliver, who wrote to this column in your May issue? Get a life, babe! Sure, I wish the Crue would just read a letter of mine and go, “Yeah! Yeah! Let’s make her a star right now!” But hell, girl, come on. At least send them a demo or something. Was that a real letter even?



I read the interview “Sixx Things You Must Know About Motley Crue” and it was great. Anyone who goes: “Motley Crue, Smokin' In The Boys Room” is stupid! That song has been completely and thoroughly run into the ground. Sure it sounds good, but compared to all the fantastic Motley originals, “Smokin' In The Boys Room” is nothing! And Nikki, Ratt has the same number of albums as y’all have. Invasion Of Your Privacy, Out Of The Cellar, and Ratt is three, not two. Even I know that.


Villanrica, GA


I am sick of hearing about Motley (Skid) Crue. People think they are so great, but they really suck. They all wear rags, Vince Neil is a fag, Tommy Lee can’t play drums, N. Sixx and M. Mars both suck big d—k. Now! R.J. Dio, Vinny Appice, Jimmy Bain, and Vivian Campbell—now they’re great. R.J. Dio has a great voice. V. Appice is great at drums, J. Bain is an excellent bassist, and V. Campbell is the best guitarist around today. Nobody has a better stage show than they do, but nobody gives them any credit for what they do. People who say they worship the devil can go straight to hell. People who call R.J. Dio a little midget say he is the devil himself can F— off. The true Dio fans know that this isn’t true at all.

Mike Pandovana

Allen Park, Ml


Life can be rather trying at times; we’ve all made our mistakes. The tears we’ve cried for ourselves and others have grown from puddles to lakes. Some people just don't take the time or make the time to see that everyone has got some problems, the same as you and me. And buried deep within your mind, you know you’ve had some, too. But you’re reassured—you were forgiven. Why not Vince of Motley Crue? Some cry the tears they feel for him while others do not care. But he’s alone and hurting bad; the pain’s too great to share. The bastards that think low of him don’t know what he’s been through. They know not of his sleepless nights—the memories that are true.

I’m writing so that those who think Vince meant to cause grief and pain, might see him in a different tears have turned to rain.

Pam Bolduc

Augusta, ME


In your March ’86 issue: the letter about the Crue sucking this and sucking that, well, let me tell you, if you’re a true Crue fan, you will like them no matter what. One letter says Crue is worse than punk. What do you listen to, Mozart and stupid s— like that? The Crue jams, remember that.

The #1 fans of Crue Chris and Mike Glen Burnie, MD


I really liked the interview with Nikki Sixx of Motley Crue in the May issue. To me it had a lot of feeling to it. Most of my friends like the Crue but only a few of us would back the Crue on whatever they do, and what they do best is jam! I wish they would go back to the all leather act, but oh well, ya know. Even my damn cat jams out to Crue and that’s no bulls--either. He likes all of Crue, Hendrix or Aerosmith. The cat may not jam out like humans, but he always comes around and looses his fuckin’ mind when I play the Crue. When I play anyone else besides Crue, Hendrix or Aerosmith, he leaves the room! I hope the next Crue album is better than ever. Phil Lewis & The Jammin’ Cat Erie, PA



We’re writing in regard to the put-down letters of Motley Crue in the March issue. Anyone who puts down Motley Crue can go to hell! How can they call Vince a killer when his best friend was killed? Damn, that makes us pissed! The only reason Vince hit the lady once was because the bitch was shooting off her mouth about them. I’ll admit Motley Crue isn’t my favorite band, but they sure know how to kick some ass. We don’t think anyone should put them down!

Ax & Blade

Norwalk, CA


While reading your March ’86 issue, I came across some idiots who think they’re hot dog doo! They try to tell us that since Motley Crue changed their images; they suck! Well, that is not true (of course) and everyone is due for a little change once in a while. I don’t think their change was so major! Quit criticizing!!

Trikki Sixx

Summerland, B.C., Canada


Sharon “The Bitch” Liveten, I would like to shoot you in the head with a bazooka. Your article on the great Motley Crue in the October issue was the most pathetic piece of s— I’ve ever seen! I didn’t read one good sentence you wrote! You aren’t good enough to write about horse piss! I’ll start from the beginning. What kind of stupid ass title is “Motley Crue: Space Beings Of Inestimable Power?” Inestimable—don’t use words higher than a dollar if you are only worth a penny! Your last name,“Liveten,” stinks. Who in the hell is Vinnie? A lowlife like yourself should address “Vinnie” as Master Vince Neil, Sir Vince Neil, Your Majesty, etc. The Crue are kings to you and you are toilet paper! How the s— could you dare to write or even speak that Vince Neil intentionally killed Razzle, the

great drummer of Hanoi Rocks? You f-

scum bag of s—!!! Burn in hell, bitch!!! You said that Theatre Of Pain is an OK album. It’s Motley Crue! The best, you scag! Future multi-platinum! Mick Mars—not Nikki plays slide guitar. Decadence, debauchery and geriatic— over a dollar, Sharon! You say that Motley Crue has to give away records so that people will listen! Get real, you stupid bitch! You would have to kill millions of people to stop them for listening to Motley Crue! I can write much better than you, and I am not even in high school yet!

T.R. Santiago

Santa Maria, CA


I’m writing in response to your October 1985 issue...the article on Motley Crue. The pictures were great, but the article was a sarcastic piece of crap! I love your magazine and read it each month. Motley Crue is my favorite band and my least favorite person on earth is Sharon Liveten, who wrote the article! Where does she come off saying such sarcastic remarks as Tommy’s “just that kind of guy” for laughing at some dirty graffiti! She makes the band seem like a bunch of illiterates! Where does she come off calling Vince “Vinnie”? She is a real wise ass! You know what really gets me mad is the little comment about Vince’s accident (“kind of a severe way to wipe out the competition, eh, Vinnie?”). Razzle was his friend, Liveten. She comments about their musical abilities. These guys are great and improving their musical abilities even though that’s not necessary. I can’t write everything I disliked about Liveten’s article; there’s a lot more that I didn’t comment on. There’s one word that describes this article by Sharon Liveten and the word is garbage.

Jim Farugia

East Greenwich, Rl