I read the article on the Cure in the December ’86 issue of your druginduced ramblings. NOW HEAR THIS. Suicide and killing people are rotten song subjects and poor inspirations. The Cure have recorded nothing—nothing— that isn’t crap, isn’t self-indulgent or isn’t self-pitying.

May 1, 1987

The CREEM Archive presents the magazine as originally created. Digital text has been scanned from its original print format and may contain formatting quirks and inconsistencies.


Please send your letters to:

Mail Dept., CREEM Magazine, 7715 Sunset Blvd., Los Angeles, CA 90046.


I read the article on the Cure in the December ’86 issue of your druginduced ramblings. NOW HEAR THIS. Suicide and killing people are rotten song subjects and poor inspirations. The Cure have recorded nothing—nothing— that isn’t crap, isn’t self-indulgent or isn’t self-pitying. If Robert Smith, a coward obviously, wants to kill himself, let him— and give a good review to a great band: REO Speedwagon. They are optimistic, catchy as anyone can be and fun. You know? Rock + Roll = fun. Their lyrics don’t stray toward “I must kill or be killed” or “Hey, mama, take-a you pants off!” They are perfect rock ‘n’ roll, complete with Kevin Cronin, a singer far better than any moaner like Robert Smith. (Let’s hear Smith sing “Sweet Time” from Good Trouble.) Songs like ‘Time For Me To Fly” happen every day; “Killing An Arab” doesn’t. You all at CREEM (no sugar, no brains, no musical taste, etc.) better stop calling great music “boring” or, even worse, “formula,” because the Cure is the formula drugaddicted babies like you drink when you lay off the goddamned booze. REO Speedwagon and the great Kevin Cronin rule and you’d better say nice things about them from now on. Oh, and by the way—LAY OFF ROB HALFORD! He’s the greatest and, if you want him to be gay, you obviously have a purpose for gay men.

Joe Salerno

Massapequa, NY

(New York has many fine rehab programs.—Ed.)


A while ago, I wrote you a letter which contained some constructive criticism. (I love big words.) I don’t know the exact issue, but it’s the one that has David Lee Roth on the cover. Before I had a chance to scrounge up the money to buy it, it was lost forever from the magazine shelves, replaced by another issue.

I would like to say that I write letters to magazines just for the glory and fame that comes along with getting them printed. Yes, I had to disconnect my phone and put up a 10 ft. chain-link fence for security reasons as soon as I rocketed to stardom, but am I truly satisfied? I keep trying to think of an appropriate reward for my contribution of fine literature to your magazine. Cash, wine, women, cash, cars, trips to exotic places, stereo equipment, cash, TV, cash, a small country, cash? No, I finally realized that the only thing that could possibly satisfy my tremendous greed would be that lost issue with my fine letter in it.

Please send it quick, I hear it calling my name.


Darin Johnson

Caration, WA


Congratulations! Once again you sucked me into buying your magazine by plastering photos of Prince inside and on the cover of CREEM: Rock ’87. And, once again, you succeeded in offending me with your insulting remarks about him. OK, I expected that from CREEM, as you always make it clear that you think Prince is overrated and a rotten person.

A Prince fan gets accustomed to the press ridiculing and criticizing Prince. However, I think you have stooped to a new low by referring to Prince as a “ ... flaming faggot.” Your publication would improve immensely if you stuck to a discussion of Prince’s music and saved your homophobic fantasies about him for when you guys are jockeying around the coffee machine. Then, I suppose, you call Prince a “little nigger flaming faggot.”

If you are “America’s Only Rock ’n’ Roll Magazine,” then The National Enquirer is “America’s Only News Magazine.”

Jan M. Lozo (Ms.)

Gouverneur, NY

P.S. Why was this called Rock ’87 and not Rock ’86?

(Because your parents are amoral aliens bent on establishing opposums as this world’s dominant race.—Ed.)


What happened? The writing in CREEM used to be original, irreverent and funny. Unfortunately, the magazine is now nothing more than a parody of itself. CREEM’s various writers have all turned into overbearing egotists who have to inject their “style” on every article or interview, whether said “style” is appropriate for the piece or not. The January 1987 issue was a new low point. Particularly embarrassing was Dave DiMartino’s review of the Guitar Men video. All of the freshness of the magazine has disappeared; all that’s left is self-serving drivel. I’ve been a loyal CREEM reader for over 10 years; I remember when the magazine was on the cutting edge. Now it is about as original as the slick, cliche-ridden AOR rock your writers are constantly putting down. CREEM has become the Motley Crue of rock magazines, and that is not a compliment. I’m thinking of subscribing just so I can have the satisfaction of cancelling my subscription in disgust.

Chuck Augello

Oak Ridge, NJ

(Better than in New Jersey.—Ed.)


I was reading your November ’86 issue when I saw something that pissed me off a lot. It was Richard Riegel’s “review” of the Cactus World News album. Now I, for one, am not in favor of these U2 clone bands (all of which seem to “mysteriously” come from Dublin), but I am a very very big fan of U2 and I found the review sickening. The prounuciation of Bono’s name is completely irrelevant to the record, so why include it? And, as for his "lack of affection” for the band, he can shove it up his picky little ass. Anyone who obviously doesn’t know shit about Bono or the band has no business slagging them off. I have a friend who works for the Boston rock station WBCN and he has known the group for years. And I want Riegel to know that Bono happens to be a wonderful person and his "grim” appearance is something only a sensitive person like Bono himself can understand.

Laura V.

North Reading, MA (Do people often tell you your ways are “winning”?—Ed.)


Sorry to hear about the departure of Dave DiMartino. His writing was starting to get really good. Does this mean that Bill Holdship inherits Dave’s smoking jacket?

On a lighter note, I thought I’d send a list of my 10 favorite records, singles included (I’m always late, silly me):

1. The New York Dolls by guess who.

2. “She’d Rather Be With Me” by the Turtles.

3. “I Only Want To Be With You” by Dusty Springfield.

4. Squeezing Out Sparks by Graham Parker.

5. After The Gold Rush by Neil Young.

6. This Year’s Model by Elvis Costello.

7. Anything by the Cars.

8; “War” by Bruce Springsteen.

9. Marquee Moon by Television.

10. Murmur by R.E.M.

And, of course, my favorite song just has to be: “Hope I’m Around” by Runt.

I know—who cares what I think? But just give a listen to my selections, and I’m sure you’ll be warped for life.

One last word—or question, in this case: Does being around fiberglass make your legs itch?

Paul Akstulewicz

Oshkosh, Wl

(Yes, and then they must be amputated.—Ed.)


I know this is a long letter, but I would be very grateful if you printed this letter.

D’Lynn Braddy

Flanders, NJ