SACRE ROUGE! We recently noted that the October 1986 issue of CREEM magazine included a Red Border Design on its cover. Time Incorporated is the owner of a federal trademark registration for the Red Border Design [Reg. No. 1,106,087 (copy enclosed)] and has used this distinctive Design on the cover of Time magazine for almost 60 years.

February 1, 1987

The CREEM Archive presents the magazine as originally created. Digital text has been scanned from its original print format and may contain formatting quirks and inconsistencies.


Please send your letters to: Mail Dept., CREEM Magazine, P.O. Box P-1064, Birmingham, Ml 48012.


We recently noted that the October 1986 issue of CREEM magazine included a Red Border Design on its cover.

Time Incorporated is the owner of a federal trademark registration for the Red Border Design [Reg. No. 1,106,087 (copy enclosed)] and has used this distinctive Design on the cover of Time magazine for almost 60 years. As a result of our long and continuous use and promotion of the Red Border Design, said mark has come to be associated with Time magazine and use by others will dilute the distinctiveness of our wellknown Design mark.

While we realize that your use of the Red Border Design may have been innocent, we must request that you immediately discontinue such use.

We trust that you will understand our concern and we appreciate your anticipated cooperation.

Robert T. Scherer


New York, NY

(What a coincidence!—Ed.)


Reading about Wal-Mart pulling 32 rock and teen magazines from their shelves and Jimmy Swaggart’s "Big Lie” (aptly named, isn’t it?) in November’s issue prompts me to suggest that you set up a Watch-Our-CivilLiberties-Slowly-Get-Sucked-Through-AStraw-Like-Jello Desk. This Desk will need plenty of drawers and floor space, and it should be placed to the far right of the Heee Desk. Won’t it be fun having to walk into a separate room to buy magazines like CREEM, Spin and Tiger Beat? Yowl

Ron Lalonde

Inlivik, NWT, Canada


When I become a huge national star I’m going to live in Amerika’s richest city, Bloomfield Hills, right next to Bob Seger. I’ll saunter out from time to time to the nearby, chic Midtown Cafe and— over drinks and gourmet burgs—-I’ll conclude, without reservation, that "there aren’t any straight-ahead Detroit rock ’n’ roll bands that are any good.”

I’ll know this is true because my manager, Spank, has discovered that all of our favorite boogeyin’ local bands have dropped "Katmandu” from thejr song lists.

On my way home, I’ll stop at 7-11 for a big package of donuts.

Five kids that resemble Bob Seger in his early 30s will be fingerpoppin’ to the tune of "Maini Street” in the parking lot.

I’ll call Van—I mean Bob—and tell him the future of Detroit rock is indeed bright and meet me by the pool when I get home.

There, we’ll contemplate and ponder our next moves, listen to my multiplatinum album, Like A Boot, and get down on those donuts.

Bootsey X

Detroit, Ml


Q: What’s the difference between Phil Collins and Genesis?

A: There are two more geeks to look at in the Genesis videos.

Maximilian Hummingbird

Columbia, SC


I am writing to say that I am truly bewildered by a Peter Buck comment in J. Kordosh’s article in the Nov. ’86 issue. Buck claims that Iron Maiden are the worst act in "metaldom.” He states that doing “15 minute version of The Rime Of The Ancient Mariner’ is an idea whose time has come and gone and come and gone once again.” What surprises me is that Maiden are a band who refuse to conform to the strict confines of the Top 40/MTV establishment. They write music for themselves, regardless of what heppens to be “in vogue.” To me, that compares very favorably with R.E.M.’s approach. They claim to hate videos and mindless criticism in mags like People. Sound fafniliar?

The principle difference that I see between Iron Maiden and R.E.M. is at-, titude. Maiden just want to rock, screw radio, MTV and pseudo-intellectuals who believe that their way is the only way. Sound like Tipper Gore?

Clint Ervin

Nashville, TN


What’s the problem? One issue he is worthy of your most generous accolades, the next month, Alpo. I’m talking about a veritable icon of metal music and rock hero of our time, David Lee Roth. OK, so Christgau gave him a B + . Altman’s impertinent commentary on the “Yankee Rose” video—wardrobe stolen from Stryper? Please! Gene Simmons might note the influence, but I say it’s just coincidence. C’mon Billy, the guy has 400 pairs of tights. Quit nit-picking.

And what is Rick Johnson’s problem? I’m all for employing the brain-damaged, but let them do something harmlesslike host Wheel Of Fortune. The lousiest album he’s heard in years? And he backs up this grandiose allegation by grumbling about lawn chairs and commemorative spoons. Just who pays this guy anyway? The album is great and the musicians are the best and Rick-John sucks! And, not to change the subject, but what happened to Def Leppard? I don’t want to be unsympathetic, but I think they’ve gotten enough mileage out of the ol’ Rick Allen’s arm excuse. They should call their next album Who? or, better yet, Who Cares? I’m sick of waiting for this mythical album. Entire civilations have been known to rise, fall and disintegrate into dozens of solo projects in the time it’s taking those bozos with their crummy record.

Wilder Lange

Agoura, CA


All right now!! Finally!!! After 15 years (on and off) of reading rock music journalism, I’ve finally found something I just had to write about. In the November issue, on Page 8 in the R.E.M. story, Peter Buck says he “hasn’t a clue” as to who the Clique were. When I was about 13 or 14, way back in 1969, I vaguely remember the Clique being on the charts with one song that was probably Top 40, though probably briefly. The song was their cover of “Sugar On Sunday,” a song from the Crimson And Clover LP by Tommy James & The Shondells.

A few months to a year ago, I was looking through the albums in a shop here specializing in oldies, and saw a copy of what was probably the Clique’s only album. I’m sure that I saw the song “Superman” listed on the back cover, too.

While we’re at it, has anybody heard of a band from the same yearNcalled the Underground Sunshine? Back then I heard they got sued for their cover (which I remember even more vaguely) of the Beatles’ “Birthday” soon after the White Album was released. Also, I seem to remember a cover of “Ob-La-Di, ObLa-Da” by Arthur (“Sweet Soul Music”) Conley.

In closing, I would have to disagree with Shawn Florez about John Mendelssohn. I rather enjoyed the twopart fantasy story about Mrs. Springsteen, Michael Jackson, et. ai, as well as his chapters in the Rolling Stone Illustrated History Of Rock And Roll and stories in the same magazine.

Well, I’d just like to say keep up the good work. CREEM truly is one of the few magazines for the “Thinking Rock Fan.”

Bill Gallespie

Fort Wayne, IN