Don’t be insulted if you didn’t get an engraved invitation to Nancy Wilson’s wedding. The Queen of Heart married rock critic Cameron Crowe (author of Fast Times At Ridgemont High) in a ceremony that was soooo Top Secret even her best friends weren’t invited.

December 2, 1986
Michael Logan

The CREEM Archive presents the magazine as originally created. Digital text has been scanned from its original print format and may contain formatting quirks and inconsistencies.


Michael Logan

Don’t be insulted if you didn’t get an engraved invitation to Nancy Wilson’s wedding. The Queen of Heart married rock critic Cameron Crowe (author of Fast Times At Ridgemont High) in a ceremony that was soooo Top Secret even her best friends weren’t invited. No one, repeat no one, even knew about the Hollywood wedding until it was a scrapbook memory.

And while we’re on the subject of surprising news—the Whiskey A Go Go (once the hot spot on the Sunset Strip) is back in action with a brand new gimmick. Seems that a number of big name acts will be appearing on a whim in impromptu, last minute, no-criticsplease mini-concerts. The first guinea pig was Robert Palmer, who jetted into town, was limo’d to the club, and jetted back out within four hours. The quickie gig was such a smashing success that Madonna, George Michael and David Lee Roth are reportedly on the waiting list. So brush up on your word-of-mouth—you won’t be hearing about these concerts anywhere but over the back fence!

Madonna, by the way, once again squelched those Trouble In Paradise rumors by smooching up a storm with hubby Sean Penn at L.A.’s chicest new club, Helena’s. Lady M, who was sporting a tortilla-shaped hat (hopefully, this will be one fashion trend she doesn’t set!) even stepped in as a guest D. J. for the evening.

Starship have become the spokesgroup for The National Network of Runaway Youth Services —and, boy, do they know how to plug a cause! Not only do group members Craig Chaquico and Mickey Thomas blab about the organization during the concert, its telephone hotline number is spray painted, graffitistyle, next to the prop phone booth that adorns their new $25,000 “We Built This City”— themed set.

And, speaking of phone numbers, the American Girls print theirs on the sleeve of their newest single—or do they??? Quidnunc tried to reach out and touch all five of the gals but (well, maybe this was mere coincidence) not one of them was home. Each, however, did have an answering machine, so at least we know the Girls have gone Hollywood. In the meantime, we’re gonna put this item in the Hook, Line and Sinker File.

It was Oldies But Goodies night at the Roxy when ex-Supreme Mary Wilson made her first L.A. appearance in 10 years. Leading the standing ovation was Dionne Warwick (or is it Warwicke? Not even her numerologist knows for sure!), The Fifth Dimension, the Temptations, June Pointer, the Commodores and Smokey Robinson. The after-performance gossip centered around Mary’s about-to-be-published, noholds-barred book about her early days as a Supreme. Advance word is that it’s really going to make Diana cross!

Filming came to a sudden halt on Molly Ringwald’s new flick,

The Pick-Up Artist, on location at the Resorts International Hotel in Atlantic City. The 19year-old star was sent back to her hotel room when authorities decided to enforce their No One

Under 21 Allowed la Producer Warren B did some fast loop-h and discovered that, the casino hired Missi Molly directly—just a would a waitress or a janitor—the age limit not apply. Ringwaldf happy to be back ini of the cameras but reportedly very disappointed with the

El DeBarge wasfl in a swanky Beverlyl eatery when he notic singer/actress Irene l across the room. Th( Flashdance/Fame qui noticed him too and the next hour, couldt keep her eyes to hei As she exited, she point of walking pa table and sighed, God, you’re even i beautiful in person!'

General Hospitals Chance Boyer—the 15-year-old who boy “Jeff Fellows"would be the first! you that show biz what it’s cracked be. Sure, he makes a ell salary—but mom, ress Sharon Farrell, ikes him put every red t into a college fund, Chance went out and himself a part-time Fans of the soap star find him behind the ih register each kend at Surf Beat,


’s biggest and best equipment shop, ocker Rick ingfield is rumored e considering a rn to his popular Dr. Noah Drake” role IGeneral Hospital. He ■ the serial with hopes if a big-time movie cajer but, when his Hard old flick debut was coined “Hard To Watch” by critics and audiences, Rick started thinking twice about his open-door offer on the soap.

Also in the suds department, the prospect of a duet between Aretha Franklin and George Michael may make their fans drool in anticipation, but the Queen of Soul is doing it on one condition. In no uncertain terms, she informed George that she wouldn’t set foot in a recording studio between 11 a.m. and 3 p.m. each weekday. That’s when she tunes in her favorite soaps, The Young And The Restless, As The World Turns, Capitol and Guiding Light.

Aretha won’t answer the phone and she won’t answer the door while glued to the tube. In fact, she once forgot she’d sent out for a pizza—and when the delivery boy rang the buzzer, she refused to let him in!

Jermaine Jackson has been raising a ruckus in his ritzy Brentwood neighborhood ever since he surrounded his 1.9 acre mansion with a 16-foot, gold encrusted Russian gate that looks like a leftover from the set of Dr. Zhivago. His neighbors insist it’s an eyesore but Jermaine claims the security is necessary (L.A. police recently removed an inert hand grenade that was discovered on his property). The zoning people came by and—once they discovered that several of the nosy neighbors were also breaking various rules—decided to compromise. Jackson gets to keep his ostentatious creation—but has to cut it down to eight feet high.

Brother Michael is well known for his incognito visits to Disneyland, but did you know he’s just turned one of the rooms of his Encino palace into a Salute To Bambi—his favorite Disney character? It’s jam packed with every piece of Bambi merchandise Michael can get his hands on—including figurines, stuffed animals, clocks, games, sheets and towels, cups and saucers, posters and lamps. Jackson even had the walls and ceiling of his shrine painted with scenes from the 1942 classic cartoon.

Julian Lennon also made a trek to The Magic Kingdom while in town for a concert. He didn’t have to worry about a disguise, though. With his short-short hair cut, nobody even recognized him!

Cyndi Lauper drove up to the Sunset Strip Tower Records Store, madly dashed in and purchased a copy of Whitney Houston’s chartbusting album. The clerk’s enquiring mind got the best of him and he asked Lauper why she was so frantic to-buy a record that had been out for almost a year. Squealed Cyndi, “Are you kidding??? This is my third copy. I keep wearing them out!”