Marc Price is probably best known as “Skippy,” Michael J. Fox’s neighbor on the popular NBC-TV program, Family Ties. But like his famous co-star, Marc is beginning to branch out into the world of the silver screen. As a matter of fact, you’ll be able to catch Marc in your local theater right around Halloween time when Dino DeLaurentiis releases his new “heavy metal horror film,” Trick Or Treat.

December 2, 1986

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Marc Price is probably best known as “Skippy,” Michael J.

Fox’s neighbor on the popular NBC-TV program, Family Ties. But like his famous co-star, Marc is beginning to branch out into the world of the silver screen. As a matter of fact, you’ll be able to catch Marc in your local theater right around Halloween time when Dino DeLaurentiis releases his new “heavy metal horror film,” Trick Or Treat.

jMarc has the lead role in Trick Or Treat as 16-year-old Eddie Weinbauer, a heavy metal music fan and the most unpopular kid in his high school. Eddie idolizes fictional metal star Sammi Curr (portrayed by Tony Fields, who some of you may remember from last year’s A Chorus Line film). Sammi Curr is into Satanic messages and all the evil stuff that informed people sometimes think metal is really all about— and, after the rock star mysteriously dies in a hotel fire, he comes back to take control of Eddie and wreak havoc on those Iround him. The very satirical film being directed by Charles Martin Smith (who, as an actor, has appeared in American Graffiti, tarman, Never Cry Wolf and The Budy Holly Story), and features ieo appearances by real-life al stars, including Kiss bassist rje Simmons as a rock deejay Ozzy Osbourne as an antiminister (?!).

ok Or Treat isn’t 18-year-old ft’s first film, as he also coed with actor Ben Vereen in |her film, although that movie et to be released commercially. , who began his career as a | comedian (his dad is dian Al Bernie), is also leting a TV movie for Disney jos before he resumes work e fall 86 Family Ties season, (the Prince & The Pauper story ted Disney style with me ’9 both roles,” says Marc. “I 3 teenage rock ’n’ roll star,

b it’s not like you’d like to He’s more the Scott Baio type of rock star, with all the girls going wild over him and the whole thing. And then I also play the regular kid who wins a lookalike contest, and the two switch roles.”

These film appearances may give Marc’s career a big thrust, since he’s famous, but hardly as big as Family Ties co-star Michael J. Fox, who’s become a virtual superstar. “Most of Michael Fox’s fans are girls,” he says. “I get letters mainly from people who identify with Skippy. And it scares me because there are a lot of people out there who identify with Skippy. It’s kind of the awkward but charming type of thing, I guess.”

Still, Marc says there is no jealousy or animosity among the Family Ties cast. “We're all good friends. The atmosphere on the sell is rather loving. I know a lot of people say that, and it isn’t alwaysl true, but it is in our case. Everybody! gets along with everybody.” 1

Marc is looking forward to returning to the Family Ties set, even| though he feels that making Trick Or Treat has been a rewarding experience, even turning him onto| the heavy metal rock scene.

“The main thrust of my experience here making this moviel is how different it is from doing a" TV show. I’m really not having a lot of fun. Actually, I’m workingmyl rear off. I’ve been to the beach twice since we started shooting the film. But I think I’m going to be a lot more satisfied with this in| the end.

“I’m not really a Method actor,| but since I’ve been here, Judas Priest has been on my tape recorder. They’re the best of heavy metal so far as what I've heard up to now. And prior to I I’ve always really liked ’60s music! which may seem odd, as youngf I am. Everybody loves the Beatlesl and I’m no exception to that. Lei Zeppelin. Donovan. I don’t know| what happened, but I was borniij '68, so I guess I’m a ’60s child.E heavy metal is what Eddie—the I character I’m playing—uses asa| release. And it gives me the sairf feeling, which is what it’s for. Il'i great way to just space-out.”

Although it may appear that Family Ties made Marc an overnight star, the actor has beej working at it for a long time. Am it’s his independent nature that I has been one of his biggest ace! in the hole. “I’ve been living on my own since I was 14,” says Marc, “and I just turned 18 not long ago. My father travels a lot a performer, and I’d been living) with him in Los Angeles since I was 12 or 13. He needed to continue traveling, and I was beginning to work as an actor, had the option of living with my mother in New York or staying L.A. alone. I chose the latter. If very independent anyway.”

So even though Marc PricevB probably always be rememberej “Skippy” on Family Ties, the young actor is starting to brand! revealing his versatility, andwol his way to genuine movie start!