1. How old are you? 2. Are you male or female? M F 3. How long have you been reading CREEM? 4. What other music magazines do you read? 5. How often do you buy CREEM? 6. What attracts you most to CREEM? Rate on a scale of one to three (one - least, 3 = most).

December 1, 1986

The CREEM Archive presents the magazine as originally created. Digital text has been scanned from its original print format and may contain formatting quirks and inconsistencies.


1. How old are you?

2. Are you male or female? M F

3. How long have you been reading CREEM?

4. What other music magazines do you read?

5. How often do you buy CREEM?

6. What attracts you most to CREEM? Rate on a scale of one to three (one - least, 3 = most).

The cover The artists featured The columns & reviews The handsome editors

7. How would you rate the following sections of CREEM, on a scale from one to five (one = worst,

5 = best)?

A) Feature Stories

B) Photos

C) Rock ’n’ Roll News

D) Record Reviews

E) Creemedia

F) Video Video

G) Christgau Consumer Guide

H) 45 Revelations

I) Rock-A-Rama

J) Media Cool

K) Clips

L) Letter Section

M) Showcase

(Musical Instrument coverage)

N) Backstage

O) Eleganza

P) Centerstage

8. What would you like to see more of in CREEM (circle)

A) Feature stories

B) Photos

C) Interviews

D) Concert Coverage

E) New Bands

F) Record Reviews

G) Video Coverage

9. What would you most like to see covered in CREEM?

10.What is the approximate yearly income of your household?

□ $10,000 or less

□ $10,000—$20,000

□ $20,000—$30,000

□ $30,000—$40,000

□ $40,000—$50,000

□ $50,000—$1,000,000

□ That of a handsome CREEM editor

11.How many people besides yourself read your copy of CREEM?

12.Do you play a musical instrument? If so, which one(s)?