
Please send your letters to: Mail Dept., CREEM Magazine P.O. Box P-1064 Birmingham, MI 48012. “TIMBO, YOU’RE ON THE CASE” Sorry that Bill Holdship didn’t like my Rock Stars book, which he included in the Rock Chronicles 1985 (CREEM, Feb. ’86).

April 1, 1986

The CREEM Archive presents the magazine as originally created. Digital text has been scanned from its original print format and may contain formatting quirks and inconsistencies.


Please send your letters to: Mail Dept., CREEM Magazine P.O. Box P-1064 Birmingham, MI 48012.


Sorry that Bill Holdship didn’t like my Rock Stars book, which he included in the Rock Chronicles 1985 (CREEM, Feb. ’86). Aside from the fact that the book was published in 1984,1 wonder why he called it “probably the first book to accept a corporate sponsored ‘rock ’n’ roll’ road show (Pepsi’s Walk Thru Rock) as part of its advertising campaign.” Setting aside the fact that Budweiser, Jovan, et. al., have been sponsoring actual rock tours by top acts like the Stones for years, ALL advertising campaigns for books (whether by Dave Marsh or, perhaps, Bill Holdship) are sponsored by corporations (such as CREEM’s Cambray Publishing, Inc.). As for Fred Schruers and myself acting as historians for Walk Thru Rock, we were consultants to the production company that assembled the footage—Reel Productions. Budweiser, Jovan, CBS Records, Reel Productions, Cambray Publishing, Pepsi—all are part of the corporate side of rock ’n’ roll.

As for the charge that Rock Stars is “self-glorifying,” I refer to comments made to Lee Ballinger of Rock & Roll Confidential and myself by your February cover subject, John Cougar Mellencamp, after John read Confidential’s critique of Rock Stars (in which Mellencamp does not happen to appear): “What the hell have Marsh and Marcus got against Tim White’s book? I read the thing and it looked just great to me. Doesn’t seem like nothing but stupid fuckin’ jealousy from them. What’s with these critics, anyhow?”

Lastly, congratulations on the resurrection of CREEM. It looks pretty good. And in the interests of journalistic fair play, I request that you run this letter in its entirety. Thanks.

Timothy White

New York, NY

(You’re welcome, Tim. Just for fun, though, we changed your letter to make it appear that you actually disagreed with Holdship.—Ed.)


I just picked up your latest issue (Feb., ’86) and, as usual, there is a nasty remark about Howard Jones. Why do you do that? I went to two—count ’em, two, if you can count that high—HJ concerts and he did not yell “Stay positive,” but even if he did, why does it matter? That doesn’t effect the rest of the concert. Besides, I’m sure you would never be caught dead at a HoJo concert. Obviously, you need to take some of his advice because your remarks are not positive. I don’t think I’ll buy your mag anymore. And I personally know at least 30 others who despise your stupid magazine!!!

HoJo’s #1 Fans

Orange, CA

P.S.: Why didn’t you print our last letter?

(Because you’re freaks?—Ed.)


OK. Bob Christgau has been getting increasingly opaque over the years. Maybe he would do better with a feature. You write about too many bands you don’t like or respect. The Rory Gallagher interview was a pleasant surprise! (Yeah, two years ago it was.—Ed.) Nice man. Reprint Lester Bangs’s stuff. Expand book section. Review as many records (which you feel have merit) as possible, even if they are not brand new. How ’bout retrospectives on bands? Yea, Ken Barnes! John Mendelssohn doesn’t need to be so defensive—you’re cool, John, real cool. Joe Fernbacher is real creative. I like interviews on bands who aren’t up-and-coming and may never be. February issue best in years.

Jim Elgin

Boise, ID


A Smiths article in CREEM magazine??!!? There are miracles in this world..

Shakespeare’s Sister

Kilmer Facility, NJ


I really enjoyed your Ann Wilson interview. It was great! But, on the flipside of the good, there’s some bad—and here it is. I realize that, up until recently, Foreigner has been pretty much a faceless rock band to you people. I’ve been with them since the beginning and I’ve loved Lou Gramm for eight years. For once in those eight years I’d just like you to do a good interview with him. You never have any really good coverage on Lou or Foreigner, period. Maybe you can tell me if his fame and fortune have gone to his head. For a few years I’ve been writing him letters and the last one I put right in his hand. It had my work and home phone numbers and my address. I never heard a word from him.

I know he was a very beautiful man, but the question is: “Is he still the same?” I’ve still loved him through all the years and all the tears. I’d just like to know if I’m in love with a man who doesn’t exist anymore. The last time I saw them was at Rosemont Horizon, September 6,1985. If and when you get to talk to him, please tell him that Michelle Cowing is still waiting for him to get in touch with her. I’ve been reading your magazine for years, Please don’t let me down. I’m already 25 years old. I’m getting a little old to be doing this.

Michelle Cowing

Skokie, IL


I was at first excited, then upset at your February issue. Nice new look. But what’s gotten into your critics? This month it seems they’re on a Prefab Sprout/John Cougar Mellencamp kick. How many times do we need to hear endless hype of one album?

Joe Fernbacher’s review of Husker Du’s excellent Flip Your Wig was ignorant. It had nothing to do with the album and only tried to classify them.

And how could DiMartino put down R.E.M.’s Fables? Everyone I know loves the album. How could you berate this plbum in an article that praises trash like Big Audio Dynamite?

Please, try to print a competent review of Husker Du’s new album. Better yet, do an article about them. Or how about on UB40, Los Lobos or the Replacements?

Ending on a positive note, I like your new look.

Dan Fox Ft. Wayne, IN


How can a critic who “hates dopes like Starship” be qualified in all fairness to review a Starship album??? Come on, six sentences cutting down the lyrics of “Sara,” including remarks like “I hope the slut gets pregnant during this song”! I thought this was supposed to be an album review!

Commenting further on your inept remarks would be devoid of effectiveness. So let’s let Starship sum up your so-called “review” of their album with a line from “Sara”: “Why did it all fall apart?”

Next time, J. Kordosh, pass the review job to someone qualified! Bless your pointed little brain!

Tina Kowalczyk

Pittsburgh, PA

(Did you realize that, in your letter, you missed a period?—Ed.)

You’re back! Oh, do you promise to beat us over the head with lots of wacky captions?

I don’t like your new and improved format; it’s too bland, too spacious—did you think that with all your crowdedtogether silly pages of before we would miss any of it? The new cover is painfully devoid of teasers. The calendar of Jim Kerr is a dream come troooooo. Are you trying to appear more respectable? Look what happened to Record magazine this summer. Gawd, what about Rock Video turning itself into Hard Rock and thereby shocking the pants off this former subscriber? What is it that you didn’t think was working? That you had to fix? Actually, the cover says to me that you’re trying for the mainstream or not wanting to come off so blatant on first impression.

I could get used to this, but don’t forget to kick ass, OK? I looked and you all appear to be here/there, you nuts—you know who you are. Thanks for the tickles.

Karen Goldsmith

Salinas, CA

The good news is that CREEM is back with all departments and desks intact (hi, Heee; hello, He’p) and no articles on bands that wear more make-up than Olivia Newton-John and more leather than Elsie the Cow.

The bad news is that I can no longer read Rolling Stone or Spin without thinking “What a bunch of pretentious mopes.” Welcome back.

Art Wholeflaffer

Chicago, IL


Come on, guys! Your article, “The Wasteland Cometh” (Video Video, Feb., ’86) was uncalled for. The comments about James Young’s hair and Tommy Shaw falling off the Statue of Liberty have no taste. What I would rather see is you getting thrown off the Empire State Building! The talent and success of Styx have long been dismissed by this magazine. Instead of quick sarcasm, why not do some quick research and come up with a good, positive, informative article?

New Jersey’s Eternal Styx Fan,

Paterson, NJ


I hope you can answer this question. All I want to know is this: where can I send a letter addressed to the music group Asia? In other words, what is the mail address for the group of Asia? If you know, could you please write back to me? Some of my friends say music magazines never read letters from Canada. I hope you guys will read my letter. Please write back to me. And another thing, please do not publish this in your magazine.

Binu Oonnunny

Burlington, Ont., Canada