MTV IS BAD... I’d like to thank Richard Riegel for pointing out that heavy metal has become extinct on MTV. While MTV used to have a pretty wellrounded approach to rock video, that was in the past. I’d like to urge readers to write to MTV demanding either more heavy metal programming or an entirely separate channel dedicated to heavy metal.

September 2, 1985

The CREEM Archive presents the magazine as originally created. Digital text has been scanned from its original print format and may contain formatting quirks and inconsistencies.


Hey, we sure appreciate all those letters you’ve been sending us! We appreciate 'em so much, in fact, that we’re gonna print ’em so that everybody can share in your ofttimes poignant observations, interesting opinions and astonishing statements of fact. Send your letters to:

CHAINMAIL, CREEM’s Close-Ups P.O. Box P-1064 Birmingham, Ml 48012


I’d like to thank Richard Riegel for pointing out that heavy metal has become extinct on MTV. While MTV used to have a pretty wellrounded approach to rock video, that was in the past. I’d like to urge readers to write to MTV demanding either more heavy metal programming or an entirely separate channel dedicated to heavy metal. I’m convinced there really is a large heavy metal audience out there and if everyone who enjoys heavy metal would send a letter to MTV I’m sure they would have something to contend with.

Anita Carswell

Huntington Beach, CA


First I’d like to say that even though you are constantly putting down Ratt, you do have some killer photos of the guys in action in your mag. Second, if you guys are so one-sided about Ratt being copycats of Aerosmith (which I think is total bull!!), why don't you do a Ratt vs. Aerosmith, just like you did with Motley Crue vs. Ratt [see our best-selling issue of CREEM. Feb. '85—Ed.]. If you do decide to create such a comparison with these two awesome bands, don’t make any winner in each category [Talk about it!—Ed.]. Let the people decide!! I guarantee you’ll be surprised by how different these two bands are!!


Summit, NJ


I thought your interview with Metallica’s Lars Ulrich was [Extremely rude word stricken, not arbitrarily— Ed.] bad. Their concert in Seattle was the most radical and best I have been to. To all you posers of metal: Metallica is the best. Could you please print some articles and pictures of Anvil, Raven and especially Venom?


Seattle, WA

(Raven's in this issue...just for you, Un.—Ed.)


This letter is to the Black Metal fan whose letter appeared in your June '85 issue: [Insensitive adjective deleted—Ed.] Black Metal! You’re such a [Second insensitive adjective deleted—Ed.] brain. I had a Slayer album, I listened to it once, I used it for a frisbee to throw against the side of my house. It even [Word meaning “to inhale continuously”—Ed.] as a frisbee.

A True Metal Fan

San Bernadino, CA


I have just read your article on Dio in the June edition of METAL ROCK ’N’ ROLL. The article was pretty damn good. It’s about time CREEM did some articles on Dio. All your magazine has in it are groups like Crue, Twisted Sister, W.A.S.P., Kiss and Van Halen. Start putting in true metal groups like Dio, Iron Maiden, Judas Priest, Ozzy, Whitesnake and Accept. And one more thing. Those stupid little captions on the pictures are stupid as hell. ’Specially the ones on Dio. [And, of course, in Ronnie’s case, those little captions are little, indeed.—Ed.] And another thing: I didn’t buy the magazine .. I stole it, fool.

Neal Helson Flatwoods, KY P.S.: Dio is God.

(No wonder he can see over the curb.—Ed.)


I’ve been reading metal magazines for a long time and I have recently been hearing that Rob Halford is a homosexual. Is this true? Please say no; he’s my #1!!

#1 Judas Priest Fan Ramona, CA

(See the next letter's salutation.—Ed.)

I would do anything—and I mean anything—for my god Rob Halford. I know Rob personally and I still can’t get enough of him. He has made me what I am today—a kickass heavy metal vocalist. No other vocalist has influenced me as much as Rob has.

Rob—I love you! And your cat!

Crazy Mark Silverz

Rolling Meadows, IL


In June’s issue you had the pro’s and con’s of rock attire. Leather, studs and long hair are a rocker’s desire! Who wears more leather, bigger studs and longer manes than Motley Crue? I think November 4, 1980 was a great day in history and should be a world holiday! Motley Crue are big enough and bad enough to [You fill it in—Ed.] on all their metallic opponents. They are so great that I would be honored to wash their feet and down a few beers with them! All hail Motley Crue!

Mr. Jamaica

North Suburban, IL


The only reason I’m writing you is because you’re the only rock magazine worth a flying [Explicit word deleted—Ed.]. And because your caption writers are funny as hell, even when they’re insulting a group I like—because in this world, if you can’t laugh at yourself, who can you laugh at... besides Def Leppard? I’ve noticed, though, that you tend to lean towards older groups. Now, even though I’m a metal freak, I cut my teeth on groups like Cream, Deep Purple, Sabbath and Zeppelin. I’m willing to accept their contribution to rock, so why can't you accept what groups like Ratt, Motley Crue, Iron Maiden and, of course—the kings of rock— Van Halen, contribute? Each one of those bands has good things to offer to this era of rock ’n’ roll history that the older school of rock didn’t have.

I know you guys are mature enough to look at them with an open mind. So I’m sure I’m not the only one who would say, try not to present such a biased opinion of these groups.

Jeff S.

Miami, FL

P.S.: Is Freddie Mercury gay or what? (He’s very happy, by all accounts.—Ed.)


Ratt makes the greatest videos! I just saw “You Think You’re Tough” on Radio 1990 and it’s their best video yet! They so tastefully blended in shots of my favorite rockers: Ozzy, the Crue, Hendrix and Lennon... Ratt videos are always exciting and sexy. Keep rockin’, boys— you’re hot!!

Julie Nine

New Orleans, LA


I am one of the many die-hard Aerosmith fans who would love to see more Aerosmith in your magazine! Aerosmith rules and should have just as much—if not more—space as Van Halen, Judas Priest or any other band! Not to pick on Van Halen, but COME ON! Stop putting so much of them in your magazine. Now, if you put more Aerosmith in your magazine you’d probably get back a lot of those readers that you lost.

One Totally Dedicated Aerosmith Fan

Rivervale, NJ


I’d just like to say that, besides Iron Maiden, Metallica is the hottest new group today. Their instrumental skills are very tight and controlled. They should be given more recognition. I try to get every METAL ROCK ’N’ ROLL magazine I can. I really like your magazine... it’s fun to read, except for some of the old fogie burnouts who shoot off their mouths putting heavy metal down. Heavy metal’s the best form of music around today. I’m a singer in an unknown (as of now) band. Yes, we’re metal and damn proud of it. If all you people want to listen to your boring, whoop-de-do Julian Lennon and crap like that, you go right ahead—but keep your opinions (unless they’re good) to yourselves. Also try to print more about Metallica; they’re happenin’!

A Proud Metalist!

Lake Tahoe, CA



I just bought this old album by a group called Tin House and the thing is great. If you haven’t heard it, the leadoff song is a Mountain-esque rocker called “I Want Your Body.” There’s another called “Silver Star” that sounds like a meeting of Grand Funk’s “Can’t Be Too Long” with Jimi Hendrix’s "Hey Joe” and Cream’s “White Room.” Whew!

I know Tin House’s lead guitarist, Floyd Redford, went on to play in Johnny Winter's band, but I would like to see something on this band. The only power trio I’ve heard that could have held their own with Tin House is another forgotten band, Paris.

Pete Egley

Keokuk, IA


I’m writing in response to the article in the June issue on Boy Howdy’s Heavy 100 or 87... 56... 9... whatever it is! Rick Johnson—or should I say [Word that rhymes with Rick—Ed.] Johnson—is one of the biggest [Word that rhymes with Rick’s—Ed.] of the decade. Where does that lame [Swear word.—Ed.] get off writing stuff like “still looks like three dummies carrying skulls around on broomsticks” about Venom? [We give up...Macomb?—Ed.] And “most idiotic name” for Mercyful Fate! You never even listened to either group, wuss!

Dark Angel

San Leandro, CA


Jeeeezus Keeeeryst!! I gotta tell ya man, I gotta tell ya today’s rock scene leaves a lot to be desired. I mean it’s just full of creampuffs like Motley Crue, Ratt, Twisted Sister and W.A.S.P. Ya know, Blackie Brainless is such a preppie it’s unbelievable.

But there is one man who understands what rock ’n’ roll is all about. And that man is the master of grotesque theatrics; the one and only Alice Cooper. Don’cha remember how he used to chop up baby dolls and torture chickens? I can still remember those wonderful stage props like the guillotines, electric chairs, the gallows, and of course the boa constrictor. Plus dig the tunes man (you’ve heard ’em), you know what I’m talkin’ about. I salute that dude cuz he showed us what heavy metal is.

Rev. Rhythm

Nowheresville, OH



I’m sick and tired of people cheap-shotting Blue Oyster Cult. I’m referring to Jeb Branin’s letter in the June METAL. Judging from his comments, it seems that his knowledge of music is the real joke! I’ve been playing guitar for 10 years, and I know that the Cult writes some of the most challenging music around. Their music is integrity-oriented, and they don’t rely on gimmicks like Satan, make-up, flipping people off, chains and so on to get their point across. According to Mr. Branin, Motley Crue is one of Heavy Metal’s best bands. What a joke! Their “music” is unbelievably simplistic with about two chords and rhythmic progressions that a child could play. Of course, what can one expect from a group whose lead songwriter consumes two bottles of Jack Daniels daily? I think Mr. Branin and a lot of others should wake up and realize what music really is. Blue Oyster Cult set the trend for Heavy Metal with 12 incredible albums. (I doubt Crue will make #3.) If you still don’t believe me, stop and ask yourself what group Rob Halford copied when he started riding a motorcycle on stage? I believe the answer lies with B.O.C.!! Sincerely,

Eric McCormick Port Allegany, PA


On reviewing the CREEM Close-Up Metal Rock ’n’ Roll: What is really funny—the Vince Neil caption under the Yardbirds picture; the ’80s equivalent listed for Ted Nugent; Dr. Sex (concerning sex symbols and sex appeal particularly); Rick Johnson’s book of HM lists— comebacks, examples of stating the obvious, Kurk, Kuiz, famous last words, lousy song lyrics, statements that shouldn’t have been made, Kevin DuBrow comments (with suitable snappy responses always in mind), candid admissions, stupid-looking haircuts, and great unused band names (Scooby-Doo’s Over So Why Go On Living).


Walters, OK


I think J.M.C. of Saginaw should learn to keep his mouth shut. If you don’t like Motley Crue, don’t listen to them. Don’t talk about them. If you think they are punks and undisciplined little brats and need to be beaten— maybe that’s what you need.


Mira Loma, CA

This is in reply to "Please Don’t Read This Letter” in METAL ROCK ’N’ ROLL, June, ’85 issue.

I’d just like to say: "Right on, buddy!” Rock ’n’ roll will last forever and so will the Yardbirds...who, incidentally, went on to become Led Zeppelin.

Those of you who want to hear about Venom, the MC5 and other acid idiots oughta quit looking in METAL and look in the trash! Mutley Screww can’t be compared to the Yardbirds because Crue is senseless noise while the Yardbirds are true rock ’n’ roll—music with meaning.

"A True Rock ’n’ Roll Fan Who Knows Music”


Chula Vista, CA

I’m writing this letter to tell the two concerned people that care about Motley Crue that I agree with them completely! The Yardbirds suck! Motley Crue rules! And, Anastasia Finn, why don’t you keep your comments to yourself?

Gypsy Nicks

Columbus, OH

(This Motley Crue problem is, indeed, considerable food for thought.—Ed.)



I just read your July issue and was disappointed to find it stained with more David Lee idiocy on the cover. That David Lee—he’s just a Giggle—oh! Funny though, how I remember hearing him slag the Clash for pretending to affect cultural change. What is so new and innovative about vinyl slopped over with cover versions? Hey, he’s got as much culture as his moldy repertoire. Hell, if ya want rehash, listen to Linda Ronstadt. This guy and his band o’ wimps are just one more reason to hate California. Everybody that’s tired of hearing about ’em raise your hands.

Now in regard to your June issue: Apparently believing that there could never be too many stupid rock writers, Anastasia Finn is allowed to breathe. Everybody that’s tired of that line raze her head.

One last thing: How about some real articles about real guitar players like Uli Roth, the Schenker Boys, Glenn and K.K., Dave Murray and Adrian Smith,

David Persails

Flint, Ml (OK.—Ed.)