Stephen Pearcy ambles into the room and sprawls across a less-than-comfy record company chair. Gently stroking the can of his best friend and most frequent conversational reference point, Mr. Bud M. Weiser, he peers out from beneath a pair of Mom-bought-’em-for-me sunglasses and that trademark hair thang, ready for anything.

June 2, 1985
David Keeps

The CREEM Archive presents the magazine as originally created. Digital text has been scanned from its original print format and may contain formatting quirks and inconsistencies.


David Keeps

Stephen Pearcy ambles into the room and sprawls across a less-than-comfy record company chair. Gently stroking the can of his best friend and most frequent conversational reference point, Mr. Bud M. Weiser, he peers out from beneath a pair of Mom-bought-’em-for-me sunglasses and that trademark hair thang, ready for anything. Anything, perhaps, except this:


Stephen, tell me about your childhood.

I was born in Long Beach, California and moved to Los Angeles, then San Diego, then Los Angeles again. But I’m growing up in the world, now. My mom was my mother and father. My father left when I was about 10 or 11. My brother and me were pretty wild. I’d say the longest she ever grounded us for was about one hour. We’d always just sneak out. She did her fair share of whippin’ and kept us in line by screaming a lot. She’s got this great voice when she screams' and she tells me to this day that she thinks I got my voice from her.

And did you participate in the school choir?

I did, that is so funny! I think that’s why singing came so comfortable to me now. My brother and my friends were in it, it was the big thing to do. We had these funky red robes. I think I got thrown out, though.

I see. Then you were a “problem student’’?

Problem student? Moi? I liked to have fun in school. I was the guy throwing shit in people’s hair. All I did in school was draw cartoons. The best things there were sports and art. I played hockey and hookey.

“I gave one a kiss, but I would never stick one in my mouth!” -Stephen Pearcy


What’s the most unusual gift you ever got from a fan?

I should say a doctor’s bill. We get a lot of stuffed rats. Then we also get food rats, you know, cake in the shape of rats, Carvel ice cream rat cakes. People used to bring rats to our shows in L.A. They’d throw rubber rats, which was all fine and dandy, but it’s really confusing when they chuck live ones up there. I mean what in the hell am I gonna do with a live rat? What is the sickest thing you Ve ever done with a rat?

Well, I gave one a kiss, but I would never stick one in my mouth!

I bet you could think of something really gross if you tried. How about a recipe for a sundae you 'd make for an enemy?

Oooh, I’d get that terrible ice cream, pecan almond and put in some prunes and walnuts and raisins. Then add some peanut butter and a lot of pepper—you could do all kinds of good stuff—and you’d have to top it all off with some Bud.

LIFE’S A RATT RACE What is the single biggest misconception people have about Ratt?

That we’re dirty just because we have the name Ratt. Ooooh, Eeeeek! We’re trying to let people know we’re an entity, not a rodent. Of course we could have picked an easier name, like how ’bout Ratt Ratt or Ratt Goes To Hollywood? What’s the stupidest question you’re constantly asked?

“Are you in Ratt?” or “Why is your hair like that?"

What would you do if you didn't have a job in Ratt?

I’d be a pro drag racer. I’ve worked around cars for years. I used to tour with racing cars when I was 11 years old. What if you could be a superhero?

Oh, I’d be James Bond. Ready for anything at any moment, expecting the worst and handling it just fine without messing up my hair.

How would you spend a day as the Invisible Man?

In the Dallas Cheerleaders' dressing room. All day long!

What TV role do you aspire to?

How about a shot on The Munsters? I could be Eddie’s long lost brother!

THE RATT STUFF Why is the world a better place because of Ratt?

Because we’re a fun bunch of guys. I dunno if that makes the world a better place, but surely we can give the world some different music.

Who would you make the sixth member of Ratt?

How about Milton Berle? He could play anything he wants as long as he does it in a dress.

What are the best and worst traits of the other Ratts?

Warren’s most annoying habit is sleepin’ all the time. Juan plays his music 24 hours a day and he’s too quiet. Robin is too tall. Bobby? Bobby’s all right.

I admire his meat and potatoes sense of humor. I admire Juan’s ability to get so involved with things, but to tell you the truth (laughs) I never really notice anything good in the guys.


What are the first three things you throw in your suitcase?

Tapes. Secret document papers and my phone book. Gotta have that phone book!

What about clothes? Can you describe your ugliest shirt and your cheapest pair of shoes?

That would have to be my Iron Maiden T-shirt and these tennis shoes right here. They were 10 bucks and they’ve lasted about a week, but check out this waffle print on the bottom. That’s in case I go to the moon, so I won’t slip on any moon dirt.

What’s the ugliest town you’ve ever played?

We’ve played so many I just can’t remember. But, hey, there’s beauty in everything. Just look at New York. Look at that pigeon relieving himself out that window.

Do you do your U.S. Army calisthenics every morning?

No. The first thing I do when I wake up 0 is call room service and say “Get me a | Bud.” For breakfast I like the standard : Bud, and orange juice sometimes and maybe a soft boiled egg. I don’t eat my first proper meal ’til three or four. I do get serious for a half hour before I go onstage and do stretches and kicks, running in place, jumping jacks and leg exercises. Then (laughs) the whole group gets together and forms a triangle...

Do you ever feel like puking just before you go onstage?

No, I’m more at home on stage than out | walking the street. I’m in control there. | Not that I’m out of control everywhere f else, but it’s the most comfortable posi-1 tion other than entertaining in my f bedroom. I can think of several comfortable positions there, actually.

YOU DIRTY RATT That's certainly subtle. Are you some kind of a sleazeball?

No. A sleazeball is a ball with goop all over it. Now Nikki Sixx is a just plain sleaze. Me? I’m not sleazy. I’m easy. What do you think girls want to know about you?

They might be curious about No, I’ll be rude—my manlihood. I’d be glad to show them!

What’s the worst lie you ever told?

Other than the ones I’m telling right now? I don’t tell lies, actually. I’m like that President. I don’t know who chopped down the tree but I do know what happened to those cherries!

What would you do on a date with the following: Belinda Carlisle, Tina Turner, Cyndi Lauper and Madonna?

I’d take Belinda to the beach and we’d sing a couple of songs, drink some Bud and have some cheese. Tina—OW! I’d take her out dancing in New York. I’d take Cyndi to a wrestling match and after I’d take her to my personal wrestling match. I’d like to say that she probably couldn’t pin me. Madonna would have to go right home. I’d pick her up, drive around the block right to my house. Madonna and me are the perfect sensuous people. We could relate. We could understand each other very, very well. You got that, Madonna?

When was the last time you called your mother?

Three or four days ago. What did I call her? “Hey, you!” We talked about what I did last night. She’s always interested. When was the last time you rode a subway?

I’ve never been on a subway and I haven’t been on a bus in two or three years. But I haven’t lost touch with the common people. I am a common people.

I can get very common.

Do you rat your hair?

I do occasionally, when I go out. I tease it and other people tease it too. I wash it everyday, though, not with anything special—vinegar, an egg, some Bud.


Where is Ratt going?

This year we are continuing our world infestation. We’re finishing another album and going to Japan. I’m looking forward to going to Rome to see all the buildings and Catholics and stuff. I’m not an architecture freak, but it sounds like a good thing to say, huh?



What's the toughest part of success?

Having people understand that you’re just a people. I can be serious and say ‘‘Oh yes, I’m very creative...” but when we’re out there we’re just having fun. Don’t come to see us and expect us to tell you how to solve world problems. We’re not political, we’re not evil, and we’re not devil boys. We’re just down and nice ratty guys.

Would you make a record with ZZ Top, Van Halen, Motley Crue and the Scorpions for Ethiopia?

I believe personally in that. I don’t think that anyone is too heavy that they can’t do something nice. I just did a thing against drunk driving—I suppose that’s political in a way. it would be hard, though, to get all those egos together in one room. But everyone else is doing it,

I guess it won’t be long before rock ’n’ rollers get together and do something too. What is your wildest professional ambition?

I’ve just gotta go to the moon and SCREAM! And then I’ll play ‘‘Round And Round.” I won’t take the band either, I’ll just take my stereo along. And some Bud.