BRITMETAL:Noose& Gossip

ELP’s life made EL drama! The Deep Purple reunion has, as you know, inspired each one of us in our own, personal way; so no great surprise when Emerson, Lake & Palmer, last heard of over five years ago, decided to make a comeback. But the fly in the ointment, smoke on the water, etc., was drummer Carl Palmer, quite cozy thank you in Asia (of course the same can’t be said for Steve Howe, who's upped and left and formed a band with Steve Hackett—but I digress).

June 2, 1985
Sylvie Simmons

The CREEM Archive presents the magazine as originally created. Digital text has been scanned from its original print format and may contain formatting quirks and inconsistencies.

BRITMETAL:Noose& Gossip

Sylvie Simmons

ELP’s life made EL drama! The Deep Purple reunion has, as you know, inspired each one of us in our own, personal way; so no great surprise when Emerson, Lake & Palmer, last heard of over five years ago, decided to make a comeback. But the fly in the ointment, smoke on the water, etc., was drummer Carl Palmer, quite cozy thank you in Asia (of course the same can’t be said for Steve Howe, who's upped and left and formed a band with Steve Hackett—but I digress). Which left E & L going door-to-door like Michael Jackson on his Jehovah's Witness drive, looking for a P. Now there's not that many drummers with that initial fronting their surname. I can only think of four, and they didn't do half so well, tossing up between session-man Simon Phillips and the best, if most promiscuous drummer around (he's left MSG, Rainbow and Whitesnake in the time it takes most drummers to get through a solo), Cozy Powell. Naturally E&L deny absolutely that they wouldn’t have settled for another letter; if they’d have come out as ELO or ELF they’d have handled it, they swear, jt ELP they are, and they’re rehearsing idon, about to record in spring.

Which is more than can be said for Whitesnake, now reduced to a three-piece. Surly adorable David Coverdale can't have personal problems? Surely it's cruel rate merely that has snatched three members out from under him in the past 12 months? Jon Lord, Mel Galley and now Cozy. Must be wishing right now he'd been asked to join Deep Purple. No? "I wouldn't have joined them anyway," he told Sounds. More to the point, he also told Sounds that the new album—should he keep a band long enough to make another one-might be called: Whip it Out, Wipe It And Slide It Back In Again.

Did somebody say Deep Purpie? Did somebody say Whitesnake? Former Purpleperson Glenn Hughes, who was going to from a group with former Whitesnakeperson Mel Galley, has decided to say in Gary Moore's band.

I could've sworn I heard somebodysay Purple. But it's not very nice things they're saying.Tales have wafted over from the land of Band Aid II that DP3Ttar T§s they Title Angels back at home, is re-releasing fsics as picture discs. It to start work on his new "already got a producer, MarFch, and a title, The Ultimate Sin, hasn’t got keyboardsman Don drey. He quit the band after Rock In Rio and he’s talking of working with (I swear, there are only four bands in existence in metal!) Whitesnake. Ozzy’s guitar player is doing some work on the side too, putting together a group called the Jake E. Lee Band

Gary Barden, the vocalist who dumped Michael Schenker for being “too straight” (!!!) has formed a new band, Statetrooper. Waysted has replaced their guitar player and drummer with Paul Chapman (like leader Pete Way, ex-UFO) and Jerry Shirley (also like leader Pete Way, ex-Fastway). They’re just finishing an album produced (contrary to a recent CREEM report) by the glorious, the inimitable, the husband—Liam Sternberg There’s a new album being recorded in London on the way from Rush.

Which reminds me, Meatloaf spontaneously combusted onstage in the north of England and was rushed to hospital. Docs suspected heart trouble, but the cause of collapse was finally diagnosed as food poisoning. Glad to S£ he’s back on his feet.

Rick Allen of Def Leppard released from the hospital Meat’s, and he’s back r^ parents’ home in things are in onstage; Pre a special him ad

be fo much fo get quite leone’s danglunder your nose) Tock. And since Bill let him play with his comfcKl to hire a team of researlate all those wonderj[s past. No such ^[y for Jerry tfi spread jnday life, at her ing lack of George in anJ difference betwee? Jerry? Not everyone" Tower.

To think JH has managed with all this, and poor Freddu cury's smarting just because he wo? pair of plastic breasts onstage. The poo^ boy got stoned by the Brazilians for wiggling his falsies during an encore. But it could have been worse. Yes almost started a war again, what with deciding to be the first British band to play Argentina since the Falklands fiasco. A Peronist supporter in the Argie parliament went so far as to try and ban the show as being ‘‘against the national interest” (the national interest, of course, being to export beef and invade islands). And we musn’t forget the threats from ‘‘extremist groups,” oh no, who said they’d riot and throw bombs.

So it must be time for a Hanoi Rocks mention, right? A spokesman just told Melody Maker of new drummer Terry Chimes; ‘‘He’s a vegetarian, he doesn’t smoke, drink or take drugs, so he fits in perfectly.” Eh??? ‘‘Also having a member of the Clast the Hea\ have and fe...Beki ¶£ that bound Ts making solo left John Waite’s Tal reasons” and it looks irmine Rojas is following. s like the person he’s followilian Lennon, who’ll never get 5wn soap opera...Big Country are forking on the soundtrack to a movie Restless Natives, supposedly a romantic comedy about a couple of unemployed boys who turn to mugging...And finally, new hope for old roadies who normally wind up with only their memories and a young blonde in the Rainbow Bar. Bob Young, one-time Status Quo tour manager, has launched his own rock ’n’ roll comic book—called Comic Rock—all about The Business.