The Bird's Still The Word: Strangely enough Steve Severin of Siouxsie & The Banshees suffers from some kind of an ornithological obsession—which is manifested into an unnatural fear of birds. Steve admitted to London's No. 1. mag that his phobia is so intense it makes him nervous just walking down the street.

December 1, 1984
Jaan Uhelszki

The CREEM Archive presents the magazine as originally created. Digital text has been scanned from its original print format and may contain formatting quirks and inconsistencies.



by Jaan Uhelszki

The Bird's Still The Word: Strangely enough Steve Severin of Siouxsie & The Banshees suffers from some kind of an ornithological obsession—which is manifested into an unnatural fear of birds. Steve admitted to London's No. 1. mag that his phobia is so intense it makes him nervous just walking down the street. 'I always think that pigeons are going to peck out my eyes.''...Had enough? No? I'll continue. Jason & The Scorchers recently debuted their punkabilly show in London and received something of a mixed reaction. The highspirited Southern boys thought they were going over in a big way until about the middle of 'Pray For Me Mama' when someone from the audience took aim and lobbed a dead sparrow at Jason. I guess that charming American custom of giving the bird got lost in the translation...What Are Friends For? David Bowie and Mick Jagger have kissed and made up after their little tiff over a contraband copy of David's latest album. It seems Mick convinced his sometimes runningbuddy, Peter Wolf (and EMI stablemate of Bowie's) to smuggle an advance tape copy for him. Mick gave it a thorough listen, and then immediately phoned David and needled him about his atavistic version of the Beach Boys' 'God Only Knows.' Embarrassed by the sneak attack, David worked himself into a real snit, and immediately rang up the EMI execs and demanded the head of the mole in his record company. The execs weren't about to expose one of their own, so no one put the finger on Peter—who actually was pretty pleased with himself for shaking up the Great White Duke.

Anyway, all of that behind them,

Mick and David were spotted a deux, having a couple of rounds about town, and supposedly firming up plans to co-star in a remake of Billy Wilder's Some Like It Hot (dubbed, by the irreverent among you, Some Like It Old), with Susan Sarandon in the Monroe role. It seems Tina Turner was busy...Reunion Of The Snake: Simon Le Bon may have called off the wedding but it doesn't look like he's given Canadian cutie Clare Stansfield the boot. The two have been seen together

looking oh-so-friendly—although Simon pooh-poohs any plans to become the fourth Duran to take a walk down the aisle. 'I'm too immature to get married,' he asserts—and you've got to believe that of any guy who still lives with Mother...No Show: Speaking of wedding bells, wasn't it rather odd that Kevin DuBrow didn't attend Randy Sarzo's recent wedding? With all the rest of the Riots in attendance, DuBrow was conspicuous by his absence.

Maybe he couldn't find a hat large enough to fit his head (or cover his bald spot). DuBrow is certainly living the life. I mean this is a man who just bought a solid gold mike stand with a genuine diamond in the mike. And if that's not enough, just listen to this: 'When I have spare time I like to drive. I own a vintage 1979 red Corvette and it's fast. In fact, it's my most prized possession. If I'm not in the mood to drive I settle for relaxing in the sun all day with a cold herb tea.' Cold herb tea, could you just puke?...Living In The Material World: Never to be outdone by Quiet Riot, Motley Crue's Nikki Sixx went out and bought himself a brand new black (ah, you guessed it) Corvette. No vintage stuff for this guy. The trouble is, Sixx doesn't have a driver's license. (Hell, he doesn't even have a dog license to go out looking like that, and did that stop him?) But he's been burning rubber from North Hollywood to hell and back. They haven't nabbed him yet, although he did get to spend some time 'inside' on account of some illegal fireworks. That's what he gets for boasting that he gets away with everything. 'If I were a regular guy I'd be in jail for sure.' Just j goes to show...He Aia'AJHeavuumB He's My Brother: Buy George . was getting so rorund fie was in danger of b-c oming twins. (Get Laurie Anderson and they could form $ Sp it WHiS time to count calories. The Boy who would hi Qiueu hi quote Melody Maker, has deSttftely made Bpab. He's dropped 21 jbs.'-in only font /X/eeks front a diet of liquids and broiled haddock twice -a What's he in %n -aquarium' Mavbc the perennially svelt Scotv'Rod Stewart, could give George moment of uncharacteristic candor, Stewart revealed, 'I run every other day—it's boring but I sing at the same time.' I would think that would make it worse...Born To Run: Bruce Springsteen also is a jogging enthusiast—he gets in shape for his marathon concerts by running six miles a day (and admits that he loses between three to five pounds during every performance.)...The Name Game: If you really need to get a hold of Jeff Beck and you just know that he's staying at the ParkMeridien, but they claim they have no record of a Mr. Beck.

Try asking for Mr. Deuce. Billy Idol likes to register under the moniker of William of Alucard— which is Dracula spelled backwards. Is he trying to tell us something? Good... Dubious Awards Department: The aforementioned William was quoted in the pages of NME, flaunting the fact that the dealers in New York are naming their wares after Idol's songs—like 'White Wedding' coke and 'Rebel Yell' hash—Now you know why they call it dope...Never Can Say Goodbye: By now everyone knows that Deep Purple has reformed—but quite the way that 11 Lord sees it.

K^HpPQBjHBwigr actually broke up,' he exty^^g^/e've all kept in touch regularly, and as far as 1 was concerned it was just a matter of time before we got back together." Oh I yet it those I 1 ||J§fs wergjust a figment of our imagination. Maybe he's got something there, becab^ It^lot of people who ought to know say that Peter RfodfM exj^from the J. Geils Band was just a clever .manipdi^tfpVi .by Wolf to create a dramatic tension; and that he ^H^^^^^Misemble the two ^B^^later this year. That may me so, but the title of the new Geils album, We're Getting Older, While You're Getting Even doesn't seem to back that theory up. What do you mean it's all part of the plan?...That's too deep for me. So, while I figure it out, just remember—if you have to Kiss & Tell, Kiss & Tell me...