Never Say Never: They swore from here to Blenheim they would never play together again as Led Zeppelin after John Bonham's untimely death, but a few miles on the outskirts of London in a tiny club, Robert Plant and Jimmy Page have been performing together.

October 1, 1984
Jaan Uhelszki

The CREEM Archive presents the magazine as originally created. Digital text has been scanned from its original print format and may contain formatting quirks and inconsistencies.


Jaan Uhelszki


Never Say Never: They swore from here to Blenheim they would never play together again as Led Zeppelin after John Bonham's untimely death, but a few miles on the outskirts of London in a tiny club, Robert Plant and Jimmy Page have been performing together. As of this writing, they haven't made any firm decisions as to whether they will reconstitute the legendary Led Zep, but Robert Plant has told one of his mates that he was really pleased with the results, and thought something would come out of it. Diamonds Are Forever: You might say Alana Stewart has gone to pot since she and Rod the Nod have split up—well, at least her jewelry has. The estranged Mrs. Stewart accidentally flushed her $100,000 diamond bracelet down the toilet during a soiree at a Los Angeles recording studio. Fortunately for Alana, a maintenance man was able to recover the expensive bauble—too bad we can't say the same about Rod, whose infatuation with his current companion, and Vogue girl, Kelly Emberg, has fanned into something a little more, uh, serious. So serious, in fact that Rod is reportedly helping the exotic Ms. Emberg put together her own rock band, (is that like having His and Her bath towels?) with Kelly at the helm as lead vocalist...Maybe Kelly should give fellow clothes horse, Janine Andrews a call for some tips. You remember Janine, on the arm of Duran Duran's bassist John Taylor—well, Janine has managed not only to become engaged to one of Blighty's most eligible millionaires, but also to solicit hjs help to further her singing career. The enterprising Ms. Andrews has just cut her debut single, imaginatively titled 'Diamond Eyes.' While we're on the subject of diamonds, did you hear that Julie Anne Friedman has returned her rock to former fiance Nick Rhodes? You might say, this diamond ring doesn't shine for her anymore, if the current reading of the romantic waters is accurate. Yes, that does mean that the colossal three-ring wedding bash in Spain is off. Nick and the statuesque (statuesque by four more inches than Rhodes) American have been battling on two continents, so it's no surprise to Kiss & Tell that they've called it a day. They were last spotted in Montreux, Switzerland having quite a row, after Julie had insulted a hotel waiter for not bringing her the potatoes she ordered. Kiss & Tell thinks Nick is lucky to be rid of her, now if he would only get rid of the war paint that he insists on wearing round-the-clock. I know the world is supposed to be a stage, but Lancome Eye Pencils and Clinique's Continuous Coverage at 11:00 a.m. are a bit much. No, he doesn't think he's a member of Motley Crue...And no, fellow Duran, Andy Taylor doesn't think he's David Crosby, but he has tarnished the spit and polished image of the band when he recently had a run in with the law over his reported possession of the evil white powder. Fast Car, Cold Sweat: It seems Andy Taylor isn't the only one whose nose is out of joint, so to speak. Guitar desperado Neil Schon of Journey was exiting Uncle Charlies, a Marin County club, late one night at a bit of a brisk clip in his black Ferrari when two assiduous cops decided to cool 'Rock Dog's' heels, and pulled him over for speeding. One thing led to another (no, they didn't ask for his autograph) and the men in blue not only nabbed him for speeding, but for, well.. .speeding. They found a few white paper bindles in his jacket pocket, containing about three grams of cocaine and they took him down to the pokey and booked him for possession. The quick thinking Schon claimed that he had merely picked up the wrong jacket at the club and he was innocent. They might have believed him if the garment wasn't such a perfect fit. As if Schon didn't have problems enough with his band; Steve Perry's continual crowing about the success of his solo 1 some hard core whether he will return to his slot j as Journey's lead singer...Prince of rhe City: It looks jike the royal one is all a 8 flutter, and it's, not ■on account of his cryi Nicks's white-winged ones, either)*; but instead a raven-haired percussionist who ,pfajjjjf& a very , ' sexy fcorig®( named Sheila ^ Escovedo. Sheila, if you'll excuse the expression,. rqonag^d':1 ' to snare ffl| at Steve Fargnoli their mutual suspected a thing, but after quite a number of excursions to marvelous Minnesota, it was obvious Sheila wasn't going only for Bruskies and wild rice—I'd say it was more like sowing wild oats. When finally cornered, Sheila finally admitted that there was more to their relationship than just mere business (although he is producing her next album, and has reportedly asked her to join his band). When pressed about Prince's notorious reputation for frolicking on both sides of the bed, Sheila revealed that 'He's not bi when he's wjth me.' This could be the last peek we have into Prince's private life, since he has retained a PR firm to keep his name and antics out of the public eye. You may know Prince's new princess under another slightly different moniker than Escovedo, she's also Sheila E., of Glamorous Life fame...The Harder They Fall: Dave Stewart, the other half of Eurythmics, and as you know, former lover of Annie Lennox, wasn't crying in his beer over Annie's marriage last spring—in fact he's been on a virtual social whirl. Dave's been recently ljnked with Kim Wilde and Nona Hendryx, and went so far as to j.-|bng to a f$ss & Tell plant about weekend : IIKP a(f«jP|tj||f|kind?l with V:.wtijivi^ii Nicks. He added quite Ijfhlflg lorUeflialie sts ■/* ,.;Do. ■ Terri i Nunn. Martha Davis fahil Siouxsie?...X Doesn't Mark The toilll^j^fflllllpillpi'yli^jhllgaring that John Kloe'ajti^' Exene of X ia), ■:; band will rprbaih intact?-..Heavy Metal: The Deep Purple MHHI meaning to the ■111119"^ metal.' It seems that jlHpy*lad to send two of their " members off to a health dinic before their upcoming tour because they were so grossly overweight. A life of leisure will get you every time—just ask Ann Wilson...If you ask me, I only have one thing left to say, if you're going to Kiss & Tell, Kiss & Tell me!!!!