Rock 'n' Roll News

Bruce Springsteen and the E Street Band dropped in for an unannounced concert at the Stone Pony in Asbury Park along with new guitarist, Nils Lofgren. Bruce opened the show with the classic “Thunder Road” and performed four cuts from his new album, including the title track, “Dancing In The Dark,” “My Hometown” and “Glory Days.”

September 1, 1984

The CREEM Archive presents the magazine as originally created. Digital text has been scanned from its original print format and may contain formatting quirks and inconsistencies.

Rock 'n' Roll News

Bruce Springsteen and the E Street Band dropped in for an unannounced concert at the Stone Pony in Asbury Park along with new guitarist, Nils Lofgren. Bruce opened the show with the classic “Thunder Road” and performed four cuts from his new album, including the title track, “Dancing In The Dark,” “My Hometown” and “Glory Days.” The final encore was “Born To Run.”

A Little Off The Top: Billy Gibbons recently revealed that Gillette offered ZZ Top some tall dollars to do a commercial demonstrating how sharp their blades are. “They’d have to be prit-tee sharp,” sez Billy. “But I’m afraid to do it. I’m convinced we’re too ugly.” Certain sources indicated it might have more to do with weak chins.

Our good buds Motley Crue would like you to know they’re getting a little bit sick of the constant comparisons to Kiss. “I don’t think there’s any real comparison,” quoth Nikki the Sixx. “When Kiss got offstage, they were completely separate from the image.” Added badder than bad Vince N., “We feel more awkward when we’re not dressed up. As soon as we get in our costumes, we take on that image.” You mean they always look that way? ’Fraid so! And we’ve been hearing tons of late about the many satyrical nights spent by the boys (minus married monster Mr. Mars) up at a Very Eminent Record Producer’s Hollywood manse. Hint: said producer is best known for his royal treatment of rock ’n’ roll “vehicles.”

Duran Duran sex ob Nick Rhodes is the leading contender to produce Britain’s latest hotte flash, the Roaring Boys. Martin Rushent’s name has also been mentioned in the sweepstakes. The Roaring Boys?

Police sex god and bass player Sting is planning to produce a single for Brit pub-rockers A Bigger Splash. What kind of name is Sting, anyway?

Cyndi Lauper to become authorette? That's what she says. Projected title is The Indigestion Cookbook, “aimed at people like me who have to eat a four-course meal in seven minutes.” Would you buy a new or used cookbook by someone with hair the color of VD fright films?

The neighbors of uptown squirrel Billy Joel are trying to have him expelled from their N.Y.C. luxury apartment building. “He’s one of the worst tenants we’ve ever had,” one disgruntled resident told a U.K. reporter. “When he was practicing for his tour, you could hear the sound of his electric piano and the drums through the elevator shaft. Dreadful!” Yeah, well that’s nuttin’ compared to his actual concerts.

Feet beater Michael Jackson has offered his services as a character witness for film director John Landis at his manslaughter trial. Landis, you may recall, was filming a battle scene for Twilight Zone: The Movie when a disabled chopper gave actor Vic Morrow and two young cohorts involuntary mohawks. What’s Michael gonna say, John didn’t mean it?

Badass rocker Joan Jett and manager pal Kenny Laguna narrowly avoided the Jayne Mansfield treatment when Joan’s ’83 Jag was totalled in New York state. The Queen of Sneers is now considering adding the accordian-like vehicle to her band before Ted Nugent thinks of it first!

Ozzy Osbourne has finally gone and got himself banned from an entire American city! When an Ozzy-O concert was scheduled for Jacksonville, Florida, crazed lovers of flying rodents amassed a 10,000 signature petition demanding it be canceled post haste. The show went on anyhoo, with the wackybut-lovable moon worshipper appearing onstage in glorious drag! This so grossed-out the Powers That Be, J-ville’s mayor got on television and said, “No mo’/” Commented the saddened screamer, “Boy George gets a Grammy and I get banned from Florida!”

Style Council jammer Paul Weller took a spill and busted his left arm in West Berlin. After it was set, Weller went right on with the tour, stashing the broken wing under his jacket. Our hee-rol

Siouxsie and the Banshees guitarist Robert Smith has left the group, to be replaced by John Carruthers of Clock DVA. Smith was having a problem dealing with the production and mixing of the Banshee’s new LP, Hyaena, and Suffering from the ever-popular “nervous strain and exhaustion.” Smith plans to continue his work with the Ct^re, however.

The Detroit Metro Times, Motown’s weekly publication of the news and the arts, recently presented its 1984 Music Awards to the critically-chosen, “unsigned” best in rock, new wave, reggae, jazz, R&B, folk, country and “da blooze.” Among the presenters at the gala black-tie ceremony were Was (Not Was)er Don Fagenson, Martha Reeves, Mitch Ryder, John Sinclair, exRockets/Detroit Wheels Johnny Bee and Jim McCarty, ex-Silver Bullet Chris Campbell and our own Connie Kramer. Some of the award recipients included the Buzztones (responsible for “Bow Wow Wow” on the new Was (Not Was) LP), blues legend Sipple Wallace, Figures On A Beach, our senior editor’s baby brother, Barry Holdship, What Jane Shared, Black Market and Trial’s Kory Klark (see item elsewhere), who spent the entire evening smooching with his main squeeze, Angie Bowie (yes, David’s ex). The evening was videotaped, and will be available to cable TV throughout the U S: and England later this summer.

Mitch Ryder will be re-teaming with Johnny Bee and Jim McCartney for a tour, the first in many years, this summer. The tour will take them through the U.S. and Europe, and will include classics from the Detroit Wheels days, as well as songs by the Rockets and from Mitch’s own solo career.

Owner and founder of The Beatles Museum, Jeff Walker, has purchased the oeeanview hotel suite where John Lennon slept during the Beatles’ 1964 American tour. Jeff plans to redecorate the suite with Beatles memorabilia, including towels, soap and linen bearing pix of the madcap moptops. “This floor has a lot of vibes. I get a lot of energy from this room and this hotel,” said the 33-year-old Canadian. Oh, now we get it.

Ex-Yazoo babaloo Alison Moyet is working on her first solo LP for CBS. “Alf”, as she’s “affectionately” known describes her new material as a cross between the Velvet Underground and Shalamar.

Chris White is out of the Pretenders producer’s chair, to be replaced by Steve Lillywhite. Knob Jobber Steve, incidentally, produced the latest Simple Minds LP, leading to speculation that newlyweds Chrissie Hynde and Jim Kerr are doing some heavy duty pillow talk.

Just in: An order for CREEM back issues from a young Dixie student by the name of Amy Carter. We can’t be absolutely sure it’s from ex-Prez Jimmy Carter’s daughter, but it is from a small private school in Georgia. The issues? Our sensational June ’80 number featuring the Clash and the infamous “Johnny Rotten Spits Up” cover story from April ’78.

Melody Maker reports that exThin Lizzy dizzy Phil Lynott is still searching for a record deal, having been turned down by just about every major label in the land.

The Trouble With Hari: Onetime Beatle tweedler George Harrison told ABC News he’s been “terrified” ever since John Lennon was murdered. Rock ’n’ Roll News has been “terrified” ever since George released his first solo album!

Tube talk: lead screamer Fee Waybill is recording a solo LP with producer David Foster. Does this mean fte’H finally record the Monkees’ unforgettable smash, “I Wanna Be Fee”?

Lemmy of Motorhead, never one to be left without a bite, finally bought himself an all-new set of choppers. He told those sterling purveyors of British dirt, No. 1: “I’m really pleased with my new gnashers. But, for a grand', I bloody well should be.” The tenacious tyke continued, “If I hadn’t liked them, I’d have broken the dentist’s legs!” Better than licking him to death!

Boy George musta said something cool this month, Jet’s see...ah yes, The Misconception Behind The Image Rap. “A lot of people say, ‘Oh, Boy George is very clever, he got into a good look and made a lot of money.’ But I was dressing up for years before Culture Club,” he impressed upon an NBC-W microphone wielder. "I was making a career of Boy George Jong before I had a career of Culture Club. I’ve always dressed up, regardless of my financial situation or my social position.”

The last Kevin Cronin press release? No such luck. Our good buddy from REO Speedwagon narrowly escaped...hey, let’s just run it as is—‘‘...Cronin narrowly escaped death when his car was totaled in an accident near his L.A. home. Cronin had pulled out of his driveway on his way to the studio where (Sorry, REO plug removed!—Ed.] when an out-of-control auto came hurtling down the street and smashed into the door on Kevin’s side of the car. The vocalist’s auto was thrown across the street, where it hit a parked car. ” Pretty exciting stuff, huh? Wait! There’s more! “Says Cronin, ‘My car completely caved in on both sides. The people who pulled me out said they were afraid to look inside...they were sure I’d look like a plate of spaghetti.’ ’’ Don’t you mean hoped, Kev? “Cronin’s only injury was a bump he sustained when his head hit the windshield. ‘Luckily, I didn’t feel a thing, ’ he told the passersby who hauled him out of the wreckage, ‘the tape deck was on so loud that my head was numb:”’ Sheesh! Now we gotta go buy a new out-of-control auto!

Eurogoon Michael Schenker has publicly stated again and again that he has given up demon rum, but it seems that sobriety hasn’t improved the krazy Kraut’s disposition. When he and band were in Albuquerque, New Mexico, he smashed his guitar after just three songs and stormed off the stage, refusing to finish the set. No reason, but we’re waiting, Michael...

Detroit’s own Trial are recording their debut album with legendary producer Kim Fowley . "Trial offer metal marble madness,” said the gent who “brought” uS the Runaways, for which he was never properly thanked. Yes, Kim, you can stop by and pick up your inverted snow-cone anytime.