Rock 'n' Roll News

Our heartland spies report John Cougar Mellencamp recently got a long-distance ringy-ding from Barbra Streisand Love? Salami? Nah. Hard as this might be to believe, Babs asked him to write and produce her next album. The sequel to...uh-huh, Yentl.

July 1, 1984

The CREEM Archive presents the magazine as originally created. Digital text has been scanned from its original print format and may contain formatting quirks and inconsistencies.

Rock 'n' Roll News

Our heartland spies report John Cougar Mellencamp recently got a long-distance ringy-ding from Barbra Streisand Love? Salami? Nah. Hard as this might be to believe, Babs asked him to write and produce her next album. The sequel to...uh-huh, Yentl. Seems Barb wants some roots V soul this time out.

Nothing whatsoever hew on Michael Jackson this month, which is news in and of itself!

CREEM’s *1. heavy-heavy nattydread rappin’ soulman Afrika Bambaata always wanted to make a single with James Brown. “To bring our two funks together,” or so sez the Bambaata Marahduh. Great idea, said James, but first, my 50.000 pounds production fee. sir. After it was explained to a somewhat disconcerted Mr Bambaata that this was not a remark about his weight, but the way the quainterthan-thou English count their silly money, he decided not to rip Brown's face off For now

Rolling Stones' bassman Bill Wyman spilled all to The Sun. England's highest circulation cat puke catcher. On lippy singer Mick Jagge?. Bill had a lot to spill: “Mick is very difficult to explain," the 47-year-old wouldbe teen idol explained. “He has lost himself in his own image, 1 think. He’s starting to become different people all the time. I see him become the big businessman, the Don Juan, the leader of the band, according to, who he’s with.” As for the Stones, “I’d give this band three years,” Wyman prophesied.

The transatlantic rumor line is hoppin' with news that Eurythmic Annie Lennox has married a West German HareKrishna goon known as Radha Raman. Radha-ha-ha. says Annie, denying the whole thing You know what they say —the last one to know is always the bride.

Judas Priest appear in the July issue of CREEM, which...oh wait, you know that already...

Fans will be delighted to learn that theyil be in full use during the summer months!

Whoa! Rock magazines have been biting the dust like concrete mosquitoes this month. First publisher Ira Robbins announced he was shutting down the Trouser Press, just weeks after celebrating their 10th anniversary. “Rather than muddling on,” Robbins announced, “we want Trouser Press to end with grace and dignity.” What’s next for the boy tycoon? “I’ll just be waiting for somebody to give me a call.” Puh leeze call your son, Mrs. Robbins!

None of that grace nonsense at the closing of the New York Rocker, nosiree! The freshlyexhumed mag went back to sleep with da fishies after but two highly readable issues. Financial doom and managerial inexperience were deemed the main culprits. Hey, wotta idea—let’s get Ira to buy it!

What British group named Queen are dressing up like girls lately for “some video or something?”

Flash! Duran Duran lungprojectionist Simon Le Bon leaped out of an airplane many thousand feet over Los Angeles. L.A Goodbye? No such luck—he had a parachute! Turns out the whole thing was just an advertising stunt for a fashion shoppette. So happy was Simon to arrive at street level in one piece he proceeded to spend 2500 pounds sterling (about $1.79 in U.S. funds) on a couple hundred new jackets; Elton John style. We think this is true,

Gary Glitter is BACK! The highly influential, pudgy Brit ball o’ fun is coming to the U.S. on the heels of The Leader, Epic’s new compilation of G.G.’s big hits, including “Rock And Roll (Pt. 1 & 2),” “Do You Wanna Touch Me,” and.“I Didn’t Know I Loved You (’Til I Saw You Rock And Roll),” among other minimalist classics! As the accompanying photo shows, Gary Glitter is the handsomest human being in the world!

Fans of R.E.M. will be delighted to know that if they search hard enough they’ll find some, single Bsides that aren’t on their latest album, including “Voice Of Harold” (an alternate take of an LP track), Roger Miller’s “King Of The Road” and Lou Reed’s “Pale Blue Eyes.” And considering that Simple Minds cover Lou-Lou’s “Street Hassle” on their latest LP. the Eurythmics have taken to performing “Satellite Of Love” in concert, and Jim Carroll “covers” “Sweet Jane” on his latest nominated-for-a-Pulitzer LP. may we assume that Lou Reed is now a multi-millionaire living in New Jersey? No, we may not!

Irish wise guys U2 have elected Brian Eno to produce their next LP, due in late summer. Eno is 1 slightly famous as a producer for Talking Heads. David Bowie, Devo. U2 are just... slight,

English boogie kings Status Quo currently finishing up a European farewell tour, before they...well, finish up Call it quits The end. Finis city. Well into their second decade as a unit, the Quo still hadn't learned a fourth chord to go with their .other three.

The fur is really starting to fly in the running battle betwixt Culture Club and Steve Severin (of Siouxsie & The Banshees) in the U.K. music press. After Severin penned a vicious rip of the Club's latest recording, Boy George himself felt compelled to write this rebuttal: “Beneath your receding post punk hairdo 1 guess you have brains. And further down your anatomy, you also have a wallet. We won’t go into what you obviously lack.” Oh. c’mon now, Boy! Lots of people don’t have tails!

Meanwhile, the popular Boy’s plans to market his own jine of clothing are now official. His Common Currency threads should be available in the U.S. by time the Christmas season crawls around. “There will be boob tubes for men,” fashion maven O’Dowd told the anxious fashion press,, “but definitely no dresses.”

Wacky.’60s band the Fugs are holding reunion concerts in New York City this month, singing “a combination of Fugs classics and new material’ created for the occasion,” of so says this mysterious note we received in the mail just recently and printed to be nice!

The Blasters’ forthcoming LP will feature backing vocals on several tracks by the

Jordanaires.the gospel quartet that backed Elvis Presley on most of his ’50s and early ’60s hit , recordings. The quartet weren’t slated to sing on the Blasters’ -cover of “It Will Stand”—the classic track by the Showmen (also covered by Jonathan Richman) — but they begged to be part of it when they found the song was being recorded for the LP. You should be able to hear the results any day now.’

Fans of Bob Dylan, a major figure in rock ’n’ roll during the mid-60s, should take note that the upcoming debut LP by the Textones will feature a Dylan tune co-penned with Textone

Carla Olson, titled “Clean Cut Kid ’’ Hope Bob didn't buy the song from some guy in El Salvador who wrote it for a couple of cents or something!

American popsters the dB’s. now sons guitarist Chris Stamey but probably just as neat, are tentatively titling their third LP {first U.S, LP. believe or don’t) True Start, and it should hit the stores momentarily. They’re touring with a hired-help bass player right now, so go see them!

CREEM and Dean Guitars are happy to announce the winner of the Z Baby Guitar Giveaway of a few.issues back—James Baltutis of Wheaton, IL is the proud new daddy of the keeno guitar!

Sandie Shaw, the barefoot babe who socked it to the ’60s (urp) with “Girl Don’t Come” and “Always Something There To Remind Me" is back with a new single, penned by none other than those zany Smiths people. “Hand In Glove” and “1 Don’t Owe You Anything” are the two Smithtracks she sings, with proper Smith accompaniment as well.

Out in the U K. and due here soon, we hope .

Speaking of only-available in-theU.K.. do you realize that both Lou Reed and Van Morrison have live albums out right now? And you can’t get ’em? Unless you pay outrageous import prices? Or else send all your money to the editors at CREEM just for kicks?

Fans of Pink Floyd will be pleased as punch to learn that Head Floydian Roger Waters is on the road to support his new LP. The Pros And Cons Of Hitchhiking. Touring Britain with the “troubled” Waters will be former Creambo Eric Clapton, who'not incidentally also played on the LP. No word on U.S. tour plans, mainly because it’s near deadline and we’re too lazy to find out! Who loves ya?

John Candy joined the fab NRBQ onstage in New York City recently, a bit of a boost for the guys who’ve had Captain Lou Albano all for themselves for years until Cyndi Lauper nabbed him and oodles of publicity simultaneously. NRBQ are currently recording their next LP for Bearsville. but in the meantime can be found on A&M’s tribute to the iate jazz pianist Thelonius Monk, playing Monk’s “Little Rootie Tootie.” Busy boys, no?

Angelyne. profiled in May’s Eleganza by John “What do you mean it’s weird that 1 hate Spinal Tap although every other critic in the country loved it—of course, their wives might not’ve divorced one of the producers, but what the heck?” Mendelssohn, sent us the following missive on the heels of seeing said feature:

“Dear CREEM. I’ve been receiving a jillion calls in regards to the photo of me in the May issue of your darling magazine!

All complaints! They tell me that photo does hot show off my 44”-21”-36” figure. So to remedy this cute situation I am sending you a true likeness of myself.

In picture.form, that is! Love and Kisses, Angelyne.” We just felt you readers would like to know!

Van Halen had the time of their lives in Detroit recently, highlighted by David Lee Roth hurling mashed potatoes at CREEM’sever-lovable J. Kordosh. Father-of-three Kordosh tells this story and more in the current Van Halen CREEM Close-up. on sale in cans and familiar bottles everywhere! Buy it, and make everyone here immensely wealthy!