Rock 'n' Roll News

Those touchy French immigration officials are at it again! Not satisfied with allowing Jerry Lewis into their country repeatedly, the Customs drudges tried to keep the dapper Boy George out! The trouble started when the willowy singer, clad tastefully in a full-length blue and silver kimono with a big kamikaze-ochre bow and delicate oriental eye makeup, presented his passport to the humorless frogs.

May 1, 1984

The CREEM Archive presents the magazine as originally created. Digital text has been scanned from its original print format and may contain formatting quirks and inconsistencies.

Rock 'n' Roll News

Those touchy French immigration officials are at it again! Not satisfied with allowing Jerry Lewis into their country repeatedly, the Customs drudges tried to keep the dapper Boy George out! The trouble started when the willowy singer, clad tastefully in a full-length blue and silver kimono with a big kamikaze-ochre bow and delicate oriental eye makeup, presented his passport to the humorless frogs. After conferring briefly, the authorities came to the conclusion that the passport in question was for a man named George O’Dowd, but the Boy’s actual gender was in doubt. Our favorite karma crawly was eventually forced to contact the British Embassy, who finally convinced the morons to let him in after a three hour wait.

Those arf-a-minute dog boys of Bow Wow Wow have gone and changed their name to the Chiefs Of Relief to commemorate the departure of that troublesome tot, singer Annabella. Meanwhile, Baldy herself is working on a solo LP. Aren’t we all?

Didja ever hear the one about the fat lady who swooshed down the swimming pool slide only to land on a skinny English lad and rupture his spleen? Yes guitarist Trevor Rabin heard it too...about three seconds before she landed on him, sending the musician to the hospital for an emergency spleen yank. Postponements, cancellations, etc.

Disney World’s dee-luxe Hotel Royal Plaza has come up with a Michael Jackson suite for Michael himself when he’s in town and the rest of the peon rabble when he ain’t. Highlights of the Art Deco style suite include the Gumby-hipped singer’s autograph etched in gold on the door; electronic window curtains of Tivoli lights; a built-in entertainment center with laser disk stereo TV; and a replica of one of Jackson’s fave awards—a five-foot tall wall display unit containing 37 platinum and gold records naming him Numero Uno Artiste Uno Mundo. For those of you who are already packing your bags, be advised the room rates are $280 for the parlor with one bedroom and $420 for the entire suite. See ya there!

Who’s the Clash this month?

“We Are The Clash,” insisted Joe Strummer in the title of a new tune debuted at their recent swing through California. New axe-grinders Vince White and Nick Sheppard proved able if mung-footed onstage: reported highlight of the set was a possiblyintelligent roll of toilet paper heaved by one frantic fan that the new guys became entangled and eventually lost in. You’d understand if you ever saw English toilet paper. Another bright spot was Joe’s subtle rib at the Police: “There’s a difference between a ripoff and bringing some of our culture to another culture. You hear that, Sting?” You can tell he’s the son of a diplomat.

As that sprightly quip was hanging in the air like a pizza dream of leaden crutches, black sheep guitarist Mick Jones announced the name of the new combo he and fellow reprobate Topper Headon have formed—Mick Jones’ Clash. Mick has reportedly been ringing up concert promoters and booking agencies, cruising for gigs for his “new” band. Looks like the whole thing’s headed for Peoples Court.

Billy Idol was all set-to star in Space Vampires, the latest from director Tobe Hooper of Poltergeist and Texas Chainsaw Massacre fame, but had to pull out at the last sec due to scheduling conflicts with his Rebel Yell tour. “1 guess they’ll have to look for new blood,” quipped America’s Only Punk Of The Year. So much for our truckload of “Billy Sucks” jokes.

This month’s pigeons in heat are fun couple Mike Brzezicki, drummer of Big Country, and Abba songbird Frida LonghyphenatedScandinaviansurname Fun couple of what?

Self-proclaimed subversive surrealists, Providence, RI band Parallel 5th, had an idea at least as great as fish wrestling. Instead of taping the obligatory video for their single, “Sea Monkey Love,” the guys made a 30-second commercial featuring themselves gang-paddling a raft around in a toilet like Tidy Bowl banditos. The whole thing cost $40 -to tape—are you listening, Michael Jackson?

Animals top dawg Eric Burdon is working on his autobiography for high-powered publishing biz tycoon Pete Townshend, who’s going to then “edit” and release it. Eric is illustrating the volume as well, which is due in early ’85. Burdon also received over 15 hours of videotapes of live performances and interviews from the group’s ’83 tour, which he hopes to develop into a British TV special.

Tristar International, Ltd. is introducing a customized telephone modeled after the Rolling Stones flying tongue logo. Available in both red-and-white and white-and-red models, your “Satisfaction” is guaranteed.

Internationally acclaimed popster and spendthrift Elton John found himself so bored by his recent trip to Australia, he went and got himself hitched to a German lassie, Renate Blauel in Sydney. Next time, EJ, why don’t you just go tickle an emu?

Somebody keeps sending us these stupid items about REO’s Kevin Cronin,but no way will we run ’em!

Reagan assassinated! (see page 197) In an important development, blues legend John Lee Hooker visited the set of ABC soap All My Children.

There, he shook the actual hand of Taylor Miller, who plays Nina Cortland on the show.

Big day for both parties, we’re sure.

England’s Sex Gang Children—supposed to be the next big thing to slither out of the UK scene—have undergone a major split and are down to their original two members, vocalist Andi and guitar violator Terry. You can skip the “amicable” cliche on this one—Andi, Terry, and various ex-members have a running feud going in the Blimey music press.

That heap of tweeters known as Altered Images have finally broken up after months of denying a split was imminent. Clare Grogan

—currently squeezing it up with Gordon Sinclair on the set of her new film, Comfort And Joy—is going to remain a solo act, musically. The boys?

C’mon—who really cares?

Bio films upcoming for ’84 include Roberta Flack as Bessie Smith, A1 Green as Sam Cooke,and Richard Pryor starring in The Charlie Parker Story. Hey—why stop there? How about X’s Exene Cervanka as the late Ethel Merman? Simon Le Bon as Buddy Miles? Quiet Riot’s Kevin DuBrow in Cum On Feel The Slingz And Arrowz Of Awesome Fortune?

Goshdarn that impetuous minx Britt Ekland! Known primarily as squeeze-of-the-stars' (her latest acquisition being Stray Cat Slim Jim) ,our madcap doxy has a new book out that tells all about nothing. “Never go to bed in a rubber suit,” offers the occasional screen actress helpfully.

Plus + + 4the reason why the 41-year-old honkette hits it off so well these days with men half her age: “I’m better preserved because 1 have inherited a layer of fat under my skin which will keep it looking youthful.” Guess what layer of fat keeps her thinking youthful?

Gang Of Four have decided to disband after seven years together. Founding member Andy Gill had this explanation for trade mag Cashbox: “Over the last few months, we began to think seriously about whether it was as challenging and demanding as it had been or whether it had simply become an xissue of keeping our heads above water. We were often too clever for our own good. We stayed a cult band, and it looked like the problem had become, ‘what are we going to do to get on the radio?’ I felt it was time to get a fresh start and don King agreed.” He went on to claim that Warner Bros., the Gang’s record label, “didn’t have a very imaginative response to our Hard album. I think they’ll have to revise their marketing strategy.” Gill and King are currently working on a couple of projects, including a song for the film Karate Kid, and a three-week U.S. tour together. Although the pair lack a recording contract at present, they hope to record a live album of the tour and issue a single or two. Busy Andy, who just completed a portable demo studio for himself, also plans to produce L A. band the Red Hot Chili Peppers.

Eurythmics fans should be endlessly delighted to know that singer Annie Lennox received a clean bill of health from the voice specialist she called on in Vienna. Annie—who reportedly even considered psychotherapy for the throat condition—is now back home wondering if anyone has ever been given a dirty bill of health.

He said it: Style Council (and ex-dam) man Paul Weller: “French boys are the most beautiful in the world.”

Skinny guy David Bowie is slated to appear as a villain in the next dames Bond film, tentatively titled From A View To A Kill. This negates at least one barrelful of Octopussy jokes we’d been saving up.

Butty pup Mike Barson has up and split from English gag-team wrasslers, Madness. The usual blah about amicable differences was uttered, and if Mike’s not starting a solo career, he’s in the wrong column!

Candy Given, former singer with Zephyr (the same band that brought you the late Tommy Bolin) was discovered drowned in the hot tub of her Colorado home. Police said the death of the 37-year-old vocalist was apparently accidental.

NRBQ and their manager, Captain Lou Albano, celebrated their fourth anniversary together during the band’s recent two-night stand at NYC’s Bottom Line. The Cap, who moonlights as the manager of 13 champion tag team wrestlers, also lent his vocals to the group’s tribute to him, “Captain Lou,” before wrapping up the evening with a “respectable” rendition of Edith Piaff’s famed “La C Vie En Rose” on piano.