Lone Wolf: Peter Wolf seems to be feeling no pain after his astonishing but honorable discharge from the J. Geils band last fall. Although Wolf is said to harbor no malice towards most of the guys, I wouldn’t invite Peter and J. Geils to the same soiree— although partying is not what Wolf has on his mind (in fact he hasn’t been spotted with any of his leggy femmes for quite a while.

April 1, 1984
Jaan Uhelszki

The CREEM Archive presents the magazine as originally created. Digital text has been scanned from its original print format and may contain formatting quirks and inconsistencies.


jaan Uhelszki


Lone Wolf: Peter Wolf seems to be feeling no pain after his astonishing but honorable discharge from the J. Geils band last fall. Although Wolf is said to harbor no malice towards most of the guys, I wouldn’t invite Peter and J. Geils to the same soiree— although partying is not what Wolf has on his mind (in fact he hasn’t been spotted with any of his leggy femmes for quite a while. He even attended Ric Ocasek’s New Year’s eve party stag—so we know he’s not drowning his sorrow in female companionship). He seems to be totally immersed in his work.

What work? He’s been holed up in the Cars’ studio in Boston cutting a solo album, that most probably will be snapped up by EMI. In the booth with Wolf are co-producers Michael Jonzun (local Bean boy from Jonzun CreUr) and Ed Stacium. The tracks he’s recorded are said to be a throw-back to the early J. Geils stuff, with a heavy seasoning of R&Bj and the album will include Peter’s own interpretation of the rap song. Maybe solo success will be the best revenge, after all... December Bride: Iggy Pop made it legal arid managed to get to the church on time, all things considered—making his winsome Japanese paramour the second Mrs. James Osterberg. The nuptials were performed in Palm

Springs with David Bowie serving as the Ig’s best man. After the ceremony, the couple left on a two month honeymoon to the Orient to meet the bride’s family, and to link up with David in Bali. Although, back at the ranch, everything is coming up green for the Fop. He snared a gig writing the soundtrack for Repo Man with ex-Quick Steven Hufsteter (How should / know what Repo Man is?)...As for David, that man among men, the beneficient Bowie recently presented members of an Aboriginal dance school in Sydney with a check for an undisclosed amount, when he blew through their town on the

last leg of his monotonous moonlight whistle tour. 1 dollbt that’s the kind of poop Jerry Hopkins will be after when he starts snooping around the Bowie compound to research his latest biography, of which David will be the subject. Hopkins, if you remember is the co-author of the Jim Morrison saga No One Here Gets Out Alive, and the author of the Hit And Run bio of Jimi Hendrix. I hope Angela Bowie gave Jerry a juicy earful of her version of the truth. The former Mrs. Bowie recently resurfaced in TinselTown on the arm of Dynasty regular Helmut Berger (who plays Peter,

Fallon’s new love interest). X Marks the Spot: Speaking of former spouses of eminent rock

stars, the resplendent ex-wife of Boz Scaggs was holidaying in the Big Apple and happened to link up with the equally resplendent Bianca Jagger (who at this writing is the only Mrs. Jagger, if you know what I mean). Mrs. Ex-Boz confided that she and Bianca (“my new friend”) toured trendy TriBeCa clubs with Calvin Klein in tow. Maybe they should have invited Angela...Sting Stung: Property belonging to Sting was recently confiscated" in Frankfort, West Germany in a dispute stemming from a Hamburg concert some 3V2 years ago. What do you mean did they try calling the Police? I don’t get it...Odd Couples: Joan Jett has been asked to perform for our boys in Lebanon along with Wayne Newton (what a bill!). Although Joan is willing to do something for her country, she draws the , line at sharing cabin space with the hipster from Vegfcts. think it would de ~woy my. . lip credibility if I Hew o\ er on the same plane as Wayne 1

I’m not touching that one; * ||||| Kenny...Bitty Gibbons isn’t either. When the Blackhearts toured with ZZ Top. Gibbons offered^ Joan a *$1$; irr his gleaming Exculibur, but Joan turn* d him down, it seems she’s afraid of beards Radical Chic? In a feebk eft 'it to ape Jackson Browne, Paul and Linda McCartney oaft^ged; loisfjjitI politicians by SCTWimlaDwWtaKtiil food and an encouraging note to female protesters camped outside the new cruise missile site in England. As a possible reaction to his politics, Paul has been receiving death threats, and has spent $25,000 installing bulletproof glass in his London Office.

Olivia Newton-John has also been the recipient of some ugly threats arid has hired an armed sheriff to ride, how-you-say, shotgun in her limo. Clothes Make the Band: Phil Collen of Def Leppard, when questioned whether success has spoiled Def (Kiss & Tell figures they started out that way), artlessly tried to steer away from the question and announced: “We haven’t changed one single bit (see!). I mean look at the way we’re dressed, you’d think we hadn’t a penny to our name. We’re not into setting up an image one bit. In fact, if anything we’ve got a kind of antiimage.” No Duran Duran, these guys...Clothes Make the Band II: Rod Stewart didn’t come by the moniker “The Mod” by accident, he earned it. For example, Stewart Waltzed into the .•MfflHuia Boutique in Beverly .Hills and $p§rita few thousand ^^ASp^^^^^s'for a new I didn’t

■HfeHABPrJBBPJSlKK. sainthood, although the august rocker did recently purchase houses in the suburbs of London for his mother Elsie, and sister (Peggy who are bodi coi inner*, to wheelchairs with multiple sclerosis. There’s not a chance any relation of Rod’s will benefit from the

ARMS money tn fact his former comrades flat~out r fused Rod's offer to perfc~rm on the New York dates of the Ronnie Lane bet~ef~ts They said something about insult to injury.. Well Chilled Cash: And you wondered how Duran Duran spent their loot? Well, Kiss & Tell was just informed that Andy Taylor has opened his own wine bar in London. What do you mean, how do you get there? Just follow me!

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